A V 1 Classified Advertisements The following "Want Ads" are classified under appropriate headings for the convenience of readers. CASH RATES One cent per word each insertion. No ad received for less than ten cents per Inser tion. Black face double rate. CREDIT RATES One cent per word each insertion, but no advertis ing account opened for less than twenty-five cents and no ad charged for less than fifteen cents per week. Black face double rate. In answering Herald want ads please mention that you saw it In this paper. A classified advertisement will In troduce to each other the next buy er and the next seller of property In this town. HOUSE CLEANING MADE EASY Phone 139 and we will send out n nun and vacuem cleaner cleaner to do your work without removing car pets from your floor. i5-tf 647 HO. D. DARLING. CALENDARS FOR 1912 TO RENT Houses to rent. Acheson Bros. 2ltf"15 FOR RENT FOR RENT Several sulteB of rooms on ground floor for light housekeeping. Close In Mrs. Bay er, 219 Yellowstone. Phone 629. 738-tf-22 The old Catholic parsonage Is for rent Inquire of Father W. L. Mc Namara. 23tf749 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Some bargains In city property. Acheson Bros. 21tf715 FOR SALE Two desirable east front lots In west part of town. Ad dress Box 703, Alliance. 764-41-25 ABSTRACTERS F. E. REDDISH Bonded Abstracter. I have the only set of abstract books In Box Butte county. Office In McCorkle Building. 10-tf-570 POULTRY, ETC. THOROUGHBRED BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCK EGGS. Price per setting of 15 eggs, $1.00. 100 eggs, $4.50. Phone 110 Blue. E. M. Gregg, 1007 Cheyenne Ave. 13-tf-604 EMPLOYMENT WANTED GARDEN PLOWING AND HAUL ING. For all kinds of team work, hauling and garden plowing phone 667 green. C. E. SIMPSON. 15-tf-648-2 The Herald Publishing company will handle a beautiful line of calcn dars for the year 1912. The main line will be the products of the But ler Paper company of Chicago. Im ported calendars will also be printed. On account of the fact that it will not be necessary to pay commissions to traveling salesmen the prices are much lower than ordinary. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS Farmers, ranchmen and everybody else find E. I. Gregg & Son's the Lest place to buy flour, feed, poul try food and stock salt. 49tf294 EXPERT PIANO TUNER AT THE BENNETT STORE W. H. I. miii. expert piano tuner and repairer, is at the Bennett Pi ano Company store. Leave orders there for expert tuning and repair work. Phone 352. 23tf744 BREAKING WANTED. I have a 30 h. p. gas engine, and will guaran tee satisfactory work nt reasonable price. Orders may be left at Herald office. L. A. ALLOWAY, IG-21 ; 778 Alliance, Neb. NOTICE OF FILING FINAL ACCOUNT In County Court of Box Butte Coun ty. Nebraska. In the Matter of the Estate of Char les Mayer. Deceased: To all persons Interested In the es tate of Charles Mayer, deceased: You will tnke notice that on the 1st day of June, 1911, W. C. Mounts. Administrator De Bonis Non. of the estate of Charles Vayer. filed In said court his final account as Ad ministrator De Bonis Non of said estate, and that said account will be for hearing on the 26th day of June, 1911, at 10 o'clock A. M.. at the County Court Room In the City of Alliance, In said County; and you are required to appear at the time and place above named and show cause, If any there be, why said ac count should not be allowed. It is ordered that said W. C. Mounts, Administrator De Bonis Non give notice of the time and place of said hearing, to all persons interested in said estate by causing this order to be published in the Alliance Her ald, a newspaper printed and circu lating In said county, for three con secutive weeks prior to said hearing. Dated June 7th, 1911. Seal L. A. BERRY, County Judge. LEGAL NOTICE GOOD GASOLINE STOVE for sale. Inquire at Col burn's store. 798-tf-26 LEGAL NOTICE In the District Court of the United States, For the District of Nebras ka, Norfolk Division. s Glidden has returned to Alliance and is ready to do all kinds of odd Jobs of work. Phone 266 Red. 39tf MjSCLLANEOUai Money to loan on real estate. F. L Reddish. 3tf Flour, hay, feed, stock salt, poul try food. Best goods. Prices right. '!ty deliveries made promptly. E. I. Gregg & son. Phone 155. 40tf294 McMillan, Piano Tuner at Threl keld's, Mrs. Ross's, or Darling's. 741-5t-23-tf BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY IN BAR GAIN FOR THE RIGHT PARTY WITH CASH clothing, furnishings ant hoes, lo cated in county Beat in western Ne braska. Good farming and cattle country surrounding. Fifty miles to nearest competitor. New railroad. Fast growing town. Write for par ticulars to the Alliance Herald. 9-tf-553 ESTRAY NOTICE One gray mare, about seven years old, branded bar w on right should er, at my place, on Sec. 11-26-46, eighteen miles northeast of Alliance. All charges must be paid before leaving my place. JAMES POTMES1L, Long Lake, Nebr. 26-tf-771 DESIRABLE CITY RESIDENCE In best part of Alliance, for sale, 2 lots, house and barn. Call at E. I Gregg & Son's feed store. 25tf770 TO TRADE Anybody wishing to trade a good ranch or farm for a good rooming house, or wishes to buy same, call on G. E. Younkln, known best as Fox Rooming House. 775-4t-26 In the matter of ) Tlllett & Mark and ) Charles W. Tlllett ) In Bankruptcy and Louis E. Mark, ) Bankrupts. ) To the Creditors of the above named Bankrupts: Notice 1b hereby given that on the 3rd day of June, A. D., 1911, the said Tlllett & Mark and Charles W. Tlllett and Louis E. Mark were duly adjudged Bankrupts and that the first meeting of Creditors will be held at Alliance in said District on the 19th day of June, A. D., 1911, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon at which time the said creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, examine the Bankrupts and transact such other business as may properly come before said meeting. Dated June 3rd, 1911. E. P. WEATHERBY, Referee in Bankruptcy. 774-26-2M13 SHERIFF'S SALE A Dreadful Wound from a knife, gun, tin can, rusty nail, fireworks, or of any other nature, de mands prompt treatment with Buck ten's Arnica Salve to prevent blood poison or gangrene. It's the quick est, surest healer for all such wounds as also for Burns, Bolls, Sores, Skin Eruptions, Eczema, Chapped Hands, Corns or Piles. 25c at F. J. Bren nan's. In answering Herald want ads please mention that you saw it in this paper. BY VIRTURE OF an Order of Sale directed to me from the Clerk of the District Court of Box Butte County, Nebraska, on a decree ren dered in said Court on the 21st day of December, A. D., 1910, In favor of F. M. Knight, Plaintiff, and The Al liance Building & Loan Association defendant and cross petitioner, a gainst Everett H. Miller, Almeda Daffron Miller, his wife, and W. W. Norton as Defendants, for the sum of ONE HUNDRED EIGHTY TWO and 40100 DOLLARS, decreed a second Hen in favor of said F. M Knight and THIRTEEN HUNDRED TWENTY-EIGHT and 95100 Dollars decreed a first lien In favor of the cross petitioner, The Al liance Building & Loan Associa tion, and costs taxed at $21.10 and accruing costs, and directing that the premises therein described, to wit: Lot Eight 1 81 Block One ill Town of Alliance, in Box Butte Coun ty, Nebraska, be appraised, adver tised and sold as upon execution, to satisfy said sums of ONE HUNDRED EIGHTY TWO and 40 100 Dollars and THIRTEEN HUNDRED TWEN TY EIGHT and 95100 Dollars, and costs and accruing costs, I have caused the following described land to be appraised, to wit: The Ix)t Eight (8) Block One (1) Town of Al liance in Box Butte County, Nebras ka And will offer the same to the highest bidder, for cash in hand, on the 17th day of July. A. D., 1911, In front of the west front door of the Court House in Alliance In said coun ty, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., of said day, when and where due at tendance will be given by the un dersigned. Dated June 14, 1911. C. M. COX, Sheriff of said county S00-6t-26-U8 NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF. THE NOE CATTLE COMPANY The name of this Corporation shall be the Noe Cattle Coinitaiiy. II Its principal place of business shall be nt Ellsworth, Sheridan County, Nebraska. Ill The general nature of the busi ness to be transacted shall be the buying andselling of cattle and other live stock and the production of the same for market and sale. Also to purchase, hold and sell and mortgage Real EBtate. IV The amount of Capital Stock auth orized is $50,000.00 to be divided into shares of $100.00 each and of which $10,000.00 shall be paid in at the time of commencing business. V The Corporation shall commence business on the first day of July, 1911 and shall continue for a period of twenty years unlesB sooner dis solved by a majority of three-fifths of the stock. VI The highest amount of Indebted ness for which this Corporation shall be liable at any one time shall not exceed two-thirds of the Capital Stock. VII The affairs of the Corporation shall be managed by a Board of Di rectors consisting of three persons who shall be stockholders In the Cor poration, who shall serve for a term of one year after the annual meeting of stockholders or until their succes sors in office are selected. ALBERT NOE BARTLETT RICHARDS WILL G. COMSTOCK LEGAL NOTICE BANKRUPT SALE OF FURNITURE, HARDWARE AND UNDERTAKING GOODS HEMINGFORD Chaa. Bushnell was a passenger to Morrill, Nebr. last Wednesday, on 44 A. II. Bacon moved his family out to his place Thursday and Friday. Miss Amy Partridge, who has been visiting with the Misses Ruth and Blanche Wlltsey of Crawford. Nebr., returned to her home Thursday on 44 Mrs. Mary Rlsser, who has been spending the winter with her neph ews. Messrs. Chas. and Fred llutke. returned to her home in St. Paul. Minn. The Congregatlonnl Aid met with Mrs. Anna Pierce last Thursday af ternoon, quite a number being pres ent. George Wlltsey came up from Crawford Thursday on business. James Barge came In on 47 Thurs day morning, looking after some bus iness matters. Clarence Rosenberger and George Hedgecock autoed to Alliance Thurs day afternoon, returning in the ev ening. Little Eva Brown, who has ben visiting with her sister, Mrs. Addle Donivan, returned home Thursday. Mrs. Nellie Dillon of Kansas City, Mo. came In on 43 Wednesday for an extended visit with her parents. Mr. nnd Mrs. Geo. Ioer, and her little son who has been spending the winter with his grand parents. Mrs. Jerry Wells left on the local freight Friday afternoon for Bayard. Nebr. to attend the funeral of Rev. McFarland, which was held Saturday forenoon. Miss Marie Hanson and two of the Misses Hacker came up from Alli ance Saturday on 43. Miss Alma Rosenberger, who 1b attending Junior Normal at Alliance, came In on 43 Saturday for an over Sunday visit with her folks. Luke Phillips came up from Alli ance on 43 Saturday. Walter Sanqulst received a tele gram Saturday from Cambridge, 111., of the death of his brother. Elliott Beaumont had the misfor tune of being thrown from one of his horses as he was retqrnlng from the field. He was thrown between the two horses, one of them kicking him and breaking his leg. Mrs. Anna Kenner came up from Alliance on 43 Friday. Mrs. Jessie Hillman, a niece of Barney Shepard, from Goodland, Kansas, came in on 47 Tuesday morning. Superiority In Strength, Purity, Wholesomeness Established: U. S. Government Reports, Highest Award World's Columbian Exposition. Sixty Toars the Standard. CURLY Sealed bids will be received by the undersigned at the First Nation al 1 .ink of Crawford, Nebraska, at or before 4 o'clock P. M. Monday, the 26th day of June, 1911. for the purchase of the stock-in-trade, goods, wares, merchandise and store furni ture and fixtures of Fred C. Bauman. Bankrupt, at Crawford, Nebraska, as follows: First. For the stock of hardware, stoves and shelf goods usually kept in hardware stores, at a price on the dollar of invoice price. Second. For the entire stock of furniture, carpets, and other goods usually kept In furniture stores, at a price on the dollar of Invoice price. Third. For the entire stock of un dertaking goods, caskets, boxes, fix ings. trucks and burial apparatus, and goods usually kept In stock in undertaking establishments, at a price on the dollar of invoice price. Fourth. For all the store furni ture and fixtures. Fifth. Hearse to be sold separate. The goods may be Inspected at any time by application to me at Crawford, Nebraska; an approximate estimate of the invoice value of the entire stock Is $3300.00. A list of the store fixtures and fur niture, and of the stock-in-trade may be seen by application to me. Bids may be made for one or more of the several classes of goods. The highest bids will be accepted, but 1 reserve the right to reject any and all bida. Bids must be accompanied by Mf titled cheque for $100.00 as evidence of good faith, to be returned to bid der if his bid Is rejected. CLYDE J. HORNSBY, 787-21-27-116 Trustee. sympathy of the community Is ex tended to the family in this dark hour. The funernl was held at 1 ho residence at 2:30 p. m.. June 13, Mr S. L. Wagner conducting the ser vice, assisted by the choir of Curly Sundny school. Interment was be side his grandmother on the Lash ley homestead. Miss Alice Enyeart, who has been vlBitlng with her sister, Mrs. Iva Phillips, returned to her home near Hemtngford last Monday. Mrs. Phil lips accompanied her for a few days' visit at the parental home. E. L. Hawkins came up from his work at Alliance last week for a few days' lay off on account of a disabled thumb. QUAKER VALLEY June 10, 1911. Dry, dryer, dryest. Wind, windier, windiest.; Gardens are almost ruined by the wind and drouth in this part of the country. Edwin Owen and Thomas Howe made a business trip to Alliance last Friday. Elmer McFall's house and smoke house burned to the ground last Sat urday while they were away from home. Nothing was Baved. They have the sympathy of the neighborhood. Our new store at Reno will open the 19th of June. This will meet a long felt need. Mrs. William Elmore, we are In formed, Is having poor health. The following Sunday school offi cers were elected laHt Sunday: Mri. Ethel Vantrcss, Supt.; Allen Jami son, AssiBt. Supt.; Miss Neva Howe, Sec; Elton Spain, Librarian. We have a very Interesting Sunday school. Every is invited to com nnd take part. A Charming Woman is one who la lovely In face, form, mind and temper. But It's hard for a woman to be charming without health. A weak, sickly woman will be nervous and irritable. Constipa tion and kidney poisons show in pimples, blotches, skin eruptions and a wretched complectlon. But Elec tric Bitters always prove a godsend to women who want health, beauty and friends. They regulate Stomach, Liver and Kidneys, purify the blood; give strong nerves, bright eyes, pur breath, smooth, velvety skin, lovely complect ion and perfect health. Try them. 50c at F. J. Brennan's. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that Contain Mercury, as mercury wilt surely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole aystcm wbao entering It tnnmxli the nucous sun arm. Huett articles should never be used eaccpt on prescript lions from reputiMe physician as the danuute thef win do ta ten (old to the rum! you ran .wv de rive from them. Hill's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney A Co.. Toledo, O.. contains no met eurv and la taken Internally, iietlna dlrtetlv uoon i the blood and mucous surfaces of the svstem. It buying Hail's Catarrh Cure be sure you rt th 8ulne. It Is taken Internally, and made m Toleiti bio. bv F. J. Cheney at Co. Testimonials Ire. r"oll lv Oruvdsts. Price. 7',c. per bottle. Take Hall's Family Pills for conatipatlou. June 13, 1911. Children's day was observed by the Curly Cnlon Sunday School In an appropriate manner. A large number from the Canton and Home stead Sunday schools were in at tendance. Mrs. Alice Curtis returned to Hem ingford last Thursday after spending several days visiting with her former neighbors. The state of the lady's health was not very good, which ne cessitated her departure sooner than she expected. Ray Whitaker, who is working near Harrisburg, is spending a few dysa visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Whitaker. G. O. Howard made a trip to Scottsbluff last week. We are all, or most of us, going to make the eagle Bcream at Canton on July 4th. Phillip Wagner is again employed near Scottsbluff. Miss Sadie Iashley, who Is em ployed near Marsland, is spending a few days at the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Lashley. Mrs. J. G. Hesseltion made proof on her quarter section homestead last Monday at Alliance. Harvey Barker and Jess Chandler went along as witnesses and Mr. and Mrs. Hen derson accompanied them. Thomas, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Mann, died on June 12, 1911. De ceased had been In very poor health for some time and his demise was expected at any time. Nevertheless, this brings a pang of sorrow to the hearts of his parents and family. The Keep cool in the kitchen f by using a Quick Meal i Gasoline or Oil Stove. 1 Our stock contains I many styles and I sizes. Come in any I time and look them over. i I Newberry's Hardware Co. I i I I i BSjjj 1" assilsMalsaaaalllsl saw 1 IIIMIeWJU Office at Rodger. ' Grocery, Phone 1. JOHN GARRETT Sscctssor to f nr Wiiiact Transfer Line Household goods moved promptly and transfer work solicited. Res. phone 983