The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, June 08, 1911, Image 8

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    -. j . .r -
Large Grist of Niwi In Last Week's
Herald Not Quite Complete
The Herald gave an extended ac
count last week of the Decoration
Day exercises, hut still a few things
which we wished to mention were
omitted for the simple reason that
one pane of the copy was dropped
out, on which we mentioned:
"Hon. L F. Tash wns chairman of
the day. and filled the position with
hi usual dignity and ability The
Alliance hand discoursed music that
pleased the large crowd which filled
the opera house to overflowing. A
tf 'it of good will marked the occas
ion It wns a union service In the
fullest sense. There are times when
Id the stress of striving for the
things which we wish to accomplish
to gratify our own desires and am
bitions, or even In battling for the
things that we believe to be right,
that bitter feelings are harbored to
wards those who oppose: but In
times like this when the populace as
sembles to pay respect to the mem
ory of brave men who offered their
llTet as a sacrifice for the common
good, the spirit of patriotism which
nerved the heroes whose bravery we
commemorate, prompts us to empty
our hearts of every discordant ele
ment and grasp the hands in broth
rly kindness of those who differ, a.r
well as those who agree, with us.
Participating In the exercises were
members of the Catholic church and
Of the various Protestant denomina
tions, and some non-church mem
bers, all vying with each other to
show their appreciation of the part
the others took In the celebration of
tha day."
lent official, looking at the matter
from the view point of the Interest
of the schools, she ought to be con
tinued In her present position, and
her faithful and efficient service en
titles her to the splendid compliment
of a unanimous reelection. The
Herald moves that we make It unanimous.
That is the name that we are com
ing to he known by, and that is the
wsy we want you to feel about the
Haptlst church It is your church
and you will be made to feel at
home when you come. Will you not
try to come next Sunday? Morning
subject, "is Christ Coming Soon?"
In the evening, "The Oospel in
Song". This will be entirely a mus
ical service and something new In
this line, too, that will please and
help you. When we held a similar
service three yearB ago In Atlantic
City the church couldn't hold the
people. A cordial invitation is ex
tended to Normal students and fac
ulty to worship with us. Mrs. F. L
Parsons, choir director. FRANKLIN
McNEILL, Pastor.
"A thing of beauty Is a Joy for
ever." Whether so long as that or
not, the Burlington park, east of the
station. Is a Joy while you are look
ing at It. It's a beauty spot, Buch as
we wish there were many more in
Among the announements of can
didates which we are pleased to pub
lish In the Herald is that of Miss
Delia M. Reed, county superintend
ent, who Is a candidate for re-election.
We suppose there will be at
least two candidates for each of the
Other Box Butte county offices to
be filled by election this year, but
we wish to recommend that there be
no other candidate for the office of
county superintendent ; and we sup
pose there will be no other, unless
some teacher permits htmselt, ur
herself, to be pushed Into the cam
paign by designing politicians. It Ib
no flattery or fulsome praise to say
that Miss Reed has made an excel-
There will be services at 10:30 a.
m. and at 8 p. m.
The subject at the morning ser
vice will be an address on the first
half of the Church Catechism. The
Superintendent and teachers of the
Sunday school are requested to see
that the pupils of the Sunday school
attend this service. The Offertory
at the evening service will be sung
by Miss Krldlebaugh and Miss Dor
othy Hoag. The address by Mr.
Ware will be "The Traditionalist
and the Evangelist in History."
A dance will be given at Phelan
opera house, Tuesday evening, June
13th, by the boys of Hose Co. No. ,
Alliance Fire Department. Mrs. VVlk
er will be at the piano. Everybody
welcome. Admission 60 cents.
Thomas Mr-Candles, who has been
taking treatment at the Mercy hos
pital In Alllanec, returned home on
43 Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Accord are the
proud parents of a bouncing baby,
born Wednesday. May 31. All con
cerned are doing nicely.
. o
Mrs. Fred Hucke has been under
the dot-tor's care for the past week,
but Is some better at this writing.
lohn Anderson returned to his
home In New Castle, Wyoming the
latter part of the week.
Mrs. Benjamin Kuhler and child
ren came down from Cordon on 44
Thursday for a short visit with her
brother. Dr. Oliver McEuen.
A Surprise farewell party was giv
en for Miss Nettie Uhrlg at her
home Thursday evening. All report
a good time. Miss Nettle and her
aunt left for some point In Qermany
Friday on 44.
o i
Mr. L. Canfleld returned to his
home in Bennett, Nebr. Thursday,
after a visit with his children here.
Mr. Walker, the horse buyer, and
his wife returned to their home in
Grand Island, Nebr. Monday evening.
Mrs. L. Canfleld came in on 43
Saturday from Bennett, Nebr. for an
extended visit.
Miss Ruey Wright, who underwent
an operation for appendecitus some
few weeks ago, returned home from
Omaha on 43 Tuesday.
Miss Estella Hucke Is able to be
up around the house again.
Mrs. Curtis came up from her
homestead In Sioux county Tuesday
with Robert Ball, in the auto.
Grandpa and Grandma Curry are
spending a few days with their son.
Will Curry.
Mr. John Armstrong went to Oma
ha on 44 Monduy. He has been un
der the weather for the past few
ber from Sottsbluff last week.
Whistle Creek and Curly played
ball on the Curly diamond Sunday.
A. E. Hann went down near Scotts
hluff Monday to do some Irrigating.
Father Becker held Tathollc ser
vices at the school house last Mon
day. It is getting dry around here but
we confidently look for a good rain
Rev. E. O. Hover preached a me
morial sermon In the Canton church
last Sunday.
W. E. Clark returned from Lincoln
last week where he has ben work
ing at his trade, that of painter and
paper hanger.
Mrs. Beatrice Coffman of Mason
City is visiting with her son and,
daughter, H. H. Coffman and Mrs.
J. M. Kelly, and sister, Mrs. M. L.
Curly delivered 34 cans of cream
to the railroad last week for the Al
liance creamery. How is that for
business 30 miles from a railroad
The members of the Curly Tele
phone Company held a meeting last
Friday and decided to build five and
one-half miles of high line, begin
ning at Canton.
We understand that there has
been a petition presented to our
county commissioners, asking that
body to place the proposition before
the voters at the fall election, for
setting off a -strip of territory the
entire width of this county and six
miles wide. If we ever hope to div
ide Sioux county into two counties,
which is quite probable, we need
this territory and cannot see our
Wgf clear to let go of this valuable
Don't Dilly-Dally
with life insurance. The results of procrastina
tion are too often disastrous not especially to
the procrastinator, but to his family. If you
need life insurance, stop "sparring for wind"
and get a policy at once in some good com
pany. You owe it to your family. Here's our
Equitable Life
-A-esTj-xa-nce Society cf U. "2
Alliance, Nebraska
Rev. George C. Cromer of Louis
vllle, Ky. win give a stereoptican
lecture on Pilgrim's Progress at the
Baptist church next Monday night,
June 12. Admission free. All welcome.
Miss Jessie Elliott of Abingdon, Il
linois, spent Saturday and Sunday
with Dr. and Mrs. Slagle. She was
on her way to Chadron, where she
will be employed as vocal instructor
in the Chadron State Normal.
June 6, 191 1.
J. H. Patterson Is building an Ad
dition to his house.
Chas. Ward hauled a load of lum-
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Carrell of Hem
ingford were two of the north siders
who came down to the county seat
Elsewhere in this issue of The
Herald is a mention of the visit to
this city of Miss Jessie Elliott of Ab
ingdon. Illinois, who spent Saturday
and Sunday with Dr. and Mrs. Chas.
E. Slagle on her way to Chadron. We
should mention, also, that Miss El
liott is one of the finest singers in
the middle west, and those who
heard her while here certainly en
joyed it. We congratulate the Chad
ron State Normal school on securing
her service.
A Charming Woman
Is one who Is lovely In face, form,
mind and temper. But it's hard for
a woman to be charming without
health. A weak, sickly woman will
be nervous and irritable. Constipa
tion and kidney poisons show in
pimples, blotches, skin eruptions and
a wretched complectlon. But Elec
tric Bitters always prove a godsend
to women who want health, beauty
and friends. They regulate Stomach,
Liver and Kidneys, purify the blood;
give strong nerves, bright eyes, pure
breath, smooth, velvety skin, lovely
complectlon and perfect health. Try
them. 50c at F. J. Brennan's.
The word bull has a variety of
meanings, ranging from very good
to very bad, and is often used in a
figurative sense. Our readers are
familiar with the expressions, "bull
pen", "a bull In a china shop", etc.,
but perhaps not many of them have
before heard of the "bull in the
makeup", an expression used by
printers meaning the getting of lines
or paragraphs of type in the wrong
places in arranging the type forms
for printing the paper. Last week
The Herald had items about Mrs. L.
C. Thomas visiting In Omaha and
Wrayne, the anniversary service of
the L O. O. F. and the Rebeccas,
Marshal Hunsacker's new uniform,
Mrs. Julia Hale going to Gordon,
Charley Ixtspeich's family going to
the ranch for the summer, and Dr.
Slagle going to Omaha and returning
with Burton Warrick. These items
all belonged In the Alliance local
news, but by a "bull in the makeup"
they got into the country correspond
ence department, being placed under
the Quaker Valley items.
Alliance Herald, $150 per year.
Great Fourth of July Celebration
BIO RACBMBETINGF 3 -great big events combined!
JULY 4-5-6, 1911
$4,000 Blown in for Your Amusement
Broncho Busting:. Roping Contests. Cowboy Races. Relay Races.
Automobile Races. Motorcycle Races. Balloon Ascensions. 1,000
School Children in Calithumpian Parade. Fine flusic all the time.
Splendid Speed Program on fastest track in the state. "The Kid,"
with record of 2:04, will go against his own record, running against
an automobile. See bills for more detailed information of events.
Nebraska's Governor, Hon. C. H. Aldrich, will speak July 5th
For Details, Concessions, Rates, etc., write W. S. Ridgell, Secretary