The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, June 08, 1911, Image 6

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Circulation and
We solicit your business. Practically every home
in the county is reached by this paper and adver
tisers will find that it brings results. Printed in
the finest printing office in this section of the
country, its appearance and make-up are not to
be ashamed of, while its readers say that it
always has the news. j v
of all kinds at moderate prices. Quick work is
guaranteed. Experienced and expert workmen
only are employed in our plant. j j j
. 4
Alliance, Nebr.
Proof of Power.
The man who Is worthy of being
lewder of men will never complain of
the stupidity of his helpers, of the
Ingratitude of mankind nor of the In
appreciation of the puhllc. These
things are all a part nf the great game
of life and to meet them and not go
down before them In discouragement
and defeat Is the final proof of power.
Elbert Hubbard.
Danger In Elixir.
Few physicians realize that -dmplc
elixir used as a vehicle In prescrip
tions Intended for children contains a
considerable proportion of nlcohol.
This means that In a tenspoonful a
child, often less than a year old,
gets a quarter of a teaspoonful of al
cohol at a dose. To avoid this dan
ger an aromatic water or simple sirup
should be used. Medical ll cord.
Rocket Mail Carriers.
The most unique method of deliver
ing mall doubtless is that employed
by steamers passing the Islands of the
Tonga group in the Pacific. On ac
count of many reefs landing Is ex
tremely dangerous, and the few let
ters to be delivered are attached to
large skyrockets which are fired and
reach the shore in safety.
Woman and Her Tips.
When a woman comes to the point
Of tipping mechanically on the lines
laid down by man It Is usually her
lack of experience which finds her at
fault. Very few members of the sex
have entered into the necessary con
siderations which adjust tips. It is
a complicated matter which must be
studied under male tuition.
Bugle Takes Drum's Place.
The drum seems to be falling Into
disrepute In our army. There was a
time when the Infantry used the drum
and fife to sound the "calls" tattoo,
reveille taps, etc. but of late years
the bugle has been substituted, and is
now used In all brimches of the service.
Napoleon's Boyhood Memory.
Bourrlenne relates of the first Na
poleon that one time walking with him
In an avenue at Malmalson they heard
the village bell. Napoleon stopped, lis
tened Intently, and then, in a voice
trembling with emotion, said: "That
recalls to me the first years I passed
at Brienne." Sunday Magazine.
Horn of Long Ago.
The name of Simon Cumminas. No
vember 12, 1749, Is carefully carved on
an old horn in Great Barrlngton. Mass.
It was apparently owned by an Eng
lish soldier of the Royal Highlanders
and was probably used in the early
colonial days.
Stradivarlus Violin Sold.
The Stradivarlus violin, known as
the Soags violin among violinists and
considered one of the finest violins by
Stradivarlus In existence, was sold at
auction In London the other day for
$2,500. It 1b rather shorter than the
usual violins of that make.
High Prices for Relics.
For a small silver cup of the com
monwealth period, weighing three
ounces, $150 an ounce was paid in
London recently, while a Charles II
tumbler, with the York hall mark of
1682, brought $100 an ounce.
Peddlers of New York.
There is a large army of Push-cart
peddlers who do business In New
York city. One day recently 4,720 of
them were counted on Manhattan is
land between the city hall and Four
teenth street, east of Mulberry street.
Lawyers' Speeches Limited.
In the Neuchatel courts the speeches
Of lawyers will in future be limited to
ten mlnuteB, five minutes being al
lowed for cross-examinations. An of
ficial timekeeper will see that the reg
ulation Is observed.
"To rob, to ravage, to murder, in
their imposing language, are the acts
of civil policy. When they have made
the world a solitude they call it
peace." Tacitus.
Stars and Stripes Scarce.
The records for six years past dis
close the astonishing fact that, while
1,130 loaded ships sailed from Glasgow
to the United States, every one of
them carried a foreign flag.
Thirsty New Yorkers.
Adult male residents of New York
city each consume on an average 380
diinks of spirituous and malt liquors
In a year.
After a man has been mentioned
for the uretiidencv It is nttver r, -
sary for his friends to worry lest he
may ran 10 lane nuuseit seriously.
Superior to Modern Conveniences.
The Rank of England's essential
greatness, declares the Saturday
Evening Post, consists In this: It
no telephones.
Secret Remedies Prohibited.
Two of the cantons of Switzerland
the Valals and Jessin entirely pro
hibit the advertising and sale of secret
Folly of Rashness.
Chinese proverb: A rash man pru
rokes trouble, but when the trouble
ouits is no watch for U.
Problem of the Sea.
fftartlng with the axiom that a giv
en area of the sea can nourish only a
limited amount of fish, a Rrltlsh ex
pert points out that If the methods of
capture tell more heavily on one kind
than on another, It Is quite probable
that valuable Bpecle may be largely
displayed by Inferior ones. This seems
to be the condition of affairs in the
North sea, where the worthless dab
Is Increasing at the expense of the
Enigmatical Sir Edward.
ir Edward Elgar, who during his
nt visit, led his "Apostles" and
"The Kingdom" In New York, and In
Pittsburg, conducted two perform
ances of his "Variations" was asked
before leaving about the report that
he had criticised adversely the works
of American composers. He replied,
enigmatically: "I have too many
goorl friends among American com
posers to care to discuss their work."
Music from Kettle Drums.
The musicians of Hlndostan play
very dexterously on a very small pair
of kettle drums, called toublabs,
which are fastened before them by
lengths of cloth wound several times
around the body. They are beaten
with the fingers. Single drums, beaten
with two sticks of hard wood, are
sometimes used to frighten away
Concrete for Water Pipes.
Pipes made of reinforced concrete
for transmitting water under pressure
have been constructed. These pipes
arc really one continuous tube, each
several hundred feet long. In diameter
they are from two feet to three feet,
the longest single section being 600
feet. The Inside is made smooth,
planed lumber being used in the
Dinner Talk.
Nowadays a dinner party never
passes without allusions to clutches
sparking plugs, and the merits of four
or six cylinders. Indeed, to he a good
conversationalist to-day one wants to
be as au fait with motoring as one
has to about golf or bridge. London
"Belts of Shandon."
In one of the dormitories of the
Irish college at Rome there is a space
on the wall left unpapered and un
palnted, whatever repairs the rest of
the room may undergo, for there, care
lessly scrawled. Is the first rough draft
of Father Proufs "Bells of Shandon."
Sunday Magazine.
Antiquity of Playing Cards.
The origin of playing cards Is lost In
antiquity, though some historians have
attempted to fix approximate dates.
In the year 1377 a German monk liv
ing in Switzerland mentions the fact
that card games had been introduced
into that country.
After Enemy of Man.
Two youngsters out In the yard
were busily engaged In digging a hole.
A passer by heard a little girl remark:
"Now, .lack, you keep wight on dig
ging, and when ze old devil comes out
1 11 'tep on im!"
Size of the Appendix.
The size of the appendix varies ac
cording to age and to persons. Its
length averages from three to three
and a half inches. The appendix of
the man is slightly larger than that
of the woman.
Never So Nervous as That.
There are nervous women; there are
hyper-nervous women. But women so
nervous that the continual rustle of a
silk skirt makes them nervous no,
there are no women so nervous as
that Fliegende Blaetter.
Drums Used for Centuries.
The Ancient Romans used hand
drums in their religious dances, and
more than a thousand years ago other
nations used them to give signals in
Catholic Church in Australia.
The Roman Catholic church is grow
ing with great rapidity In Australia,
vet there are those who can remem
ber the time when there was not a
priest on the entire continent
Treatment Marvelously Quick for a
This and All Foot Troubles
"Dissolve two tables poonfuls of Calo
cide compound in a basin of hot water:
soak the feet In this for full fifteen
minutes, gently massaging the spre
parts. (Less time will not give desired
resultB ) Repeat this each night until
cure Is permanent." AU
pain and inflammation is
drawn out instantly and
the bunion soon is reduced
to normal size Corns ami
callouses can be peelpd
right off and will stay off
Sore, tender feet and
smelly, sweaty feet need
but a few treaatments A
twenty-five cent package of Calocide
Is usually sufficient to put the worst
feet in fine condition. Calocide is no
longer confined to only the doctors'
use. Any druggist has it in stock or
will quickly get it from his whole
sale house. This will prove a wel
come item to persons who have been
vainly trying to cure their foot
troubles with ineffective tablets and
foot powders
j 1 a SnJ
Alliance, Nebr.
In Front of the Checkered Front Stable
you can nearly always see a rig getting
ready to start out. We will send one any
distance, for any purpose, at any time.
We answer all calls prctnptly
and will be glad to serve you in any way
in which a rig is required.
H. P. COURSEY. Prop.
Dr. Oliver McEuen
Physician and Surgeon
SPECIALTIES: Diseases of Women and
Children and Genito Urinary Organs
All calls answered promptly day or tJM
"I Suffered Years
With My Back."
Backache resulting from weak
kidneys, a bad cold or other cause,
usually renders the sufferer unfit
for work and often results in per
manent disability.
"I suffered for years with my
back, or kidney trouble, and have
tried a number of remedies from
different physicians. More than a
year ago, one of our local druggists
induced me to try
Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills
and after using them some three
months I found a decided improve
ment in my kidneys, and I am glad
to say that I hope soon to be fully
restored to health." J. P. Allbn,
Ex-Judge City Court, Glasgow, Ky.
As long as pain is present in any
part of the body rest is impossible
and the system becoming weakened
fc exposed to any form of disease to
which the sufferer may be inclined.
Dr. Mites' Anti-Pain Pills
by steadying the irritated nerve
centers, make refreshing sleep pos
sible, thereby enabling the body to
recover lost strength. As a remedy
for pain of any description Dr.
Miles' Anti-Pain Pills are unsur
passed. Sold by all druggists under a guar
antes assuring the return of the price
ef the flret box If no benefit results.
MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind.
of well-printed
neat -appearing
stationery as a
means of getting and
holding desirable busi
ness has been amply
demonstrated. Consult
us before going