Classified Advertisements The following "Want Ads" arc classified under appropriate headings for the convenience of readers. CASH RATES One cent per word each insertion. No ad received for less than ten cents per Inser tion. Black face double rate. CREDIT RATES One cent per word each insertion, but no advertis ing account opened for less than twenty-five cents and no ad charged for less than fifteen cents per week. Black face double rate. In answering Herald want ads please mention that you saw it in this paper. A classified advertisement will in troduce to each other the next buy er and the next seller of property In this town. NOTICES HOUSE CLEANING MADE EASV Phone 139 and we will Bond-out a ninn and vacuem cleaner cleaner to do your work without removing car pets from your floor. ,.Ytf-647 (iKO 1 DARLING. CALENDARS FOR 1912 Houses to 2M715 TO RENT rent. Arheson Bros. FOR RENT FOR RENT Several rooms on ground floor housekeeping. Close In suites of for light Mrs. Bay er, 219 Yellowstone. 738-tf-22 Phone 529. The old Catholic parsonage Is for rent Inquire of Father W. L. Mc Namara. 23tf749 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Some bargains Acheson Bros. In city property. 21tf"15 The Herald Publishing company will handle n benutlful line of calen dars for the year 1!12. The main line will be the products of the But ler Paper company of Chicago. Im ported calendars will also be printed. On account of the fact that it will not be necessary to pay commissions to traveling salesmen the prices are much lower than ordinary. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS Fanners, ranchmen and everybody else find B. 1. Gregg & Son's the Lest place to buy flour, feed, poul try food and stock salt. 4!MI-.M EXPERT PIANO TUNER AT THE BENNETT STORE Wi H. Lunn, expert piano tuner and repairer, is at the Bennett Pi ano Company store. L?ave orders there for expert tunin.-, . I repair work. Phone 352. 23tf744 LOCAL PARAGRAPHS 3 NEBRASKA NEWS Delegation ot Surds Business Men Visits Lincoln. EPPERSON FILES FOR JUDGE. W. J. Ttly, stente manager of the Yeomen, was In the city Inst Friday night nsslstlng C. K. Matteson In In itiating twenty new members. The Yeomen have 103 members and are steadily growing o District Manager C. A. Hamrlck has gone to Lakeside to organize a Yeomen Homestead at that place o .1 Roy Spnclit. James K ttOWett and Perley 1. Heaeh returned home from Lincoln Tuesday noon where they have been attending the School of F.iigitiecring at the State Un n r slty. This Is their third year of school. Mrs. Ed KldredT Willie Eldred, and Misses Eva Duncan. Ilattle Kenwold and Eunice Eldred spent a few da s with friends In Lakeside last week. Miss Renzwold returned to Alliance Saturday noon, the others remaining in Lakeside till Monday ot this week o Win Hill went to IDalinis on bus iness last Saturday, returning Mon day. While there some friends In vited him to go out to Stump lake, and as a result BO.CBfBS home with a mighty run- stung or black Mass. le. wl1u Secretary of Stale Walt re o questing that his name be placed on Oe-J. Oaddls and L. H. Highland J tl. Republican primary ballot as a made a fishing trip Tuesday, return- j candidate for the nomination for Sixth Republican Candidate for Place on Supreme Bench Omaha Man Given Two Years for Sending Ob scene Matter Through Mails. Lincoln, June 6. A delegation of Curtis business men, headed by It. A. Butler, secretary of the ( 'iiinmerclal club of that city, visited the board of public lands ami buildings to invite that body to make an early investiga tion of two Of throe sites which they wish to submit for the location of the new am if nltiii al school which that city recently won. The board will go to Kearney on Monday, and intends to irate from there to the Frontier county town the following day. A. C Epperson Flies. Ambrose C. Epperson of Clay Cen ter, a iiiomiiient ceiitial Nebraska barrister, and for four years a buj preme court commissioner, Hied pa FOR SALE Two desirable east front lots In west part of town. Ad dress Box 703, Alliance. 764 -4 1-2.". ABSTRACTERS F. E. REDDISH Bonded Abstracter. I have the only set of abstract books in Box Butte county. Office In McCorkle Building. 10-tf-570 POULTRY, ETC. THOROUGHBRED BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCK EGGS Price per setting of 15 eggs, $1.00. 100 eggs, $4.50. Phone 110 Blue. E. M. Gregg, 1007 Cheyenne Ave. 13-tf-604 EMPLOYMENT WANTED GARDEN PLOWING AND HAUL ING. For all kinds of team work, hauling and garden plowing phone 667 green. C. E. SIMPSON. 15-tf-648-2 BREAKING WANTED I have a 30 h. p. gas engine, and will guaran tee satisfactory work at reasonable price Orders may BO left at Herald office. L. A. ALLO WAY, 2SSt 772 Allianc e. Neb. S Glidden has returned to Alliance find Is ready to do all kinds of odd Jobs of work. Phone 266 Red. 39tf MISCELLANEOUS Money to loan on real estate. C. Reddish. TO TRADE Anybody wishing to trade a good ranch or (arm for a good rooming house, or wishes to buy same, call on G. E. Younkin, known best as Fox Rooming House. 775-4t-26 Work Will Soon Start after you take Dr. King's New Life Pills, and you'll quickly enjoy their fine results. Constipation and indi gestion vanish and fine appetite re turns. They regulate stomach, liver, and bowels and impart new strength and energy to the whole system. Try them. Only 25c at F. J. Bren-nan's. F. 3tf Flour, hay, feed, stock salt, poul tiy food. Best goods. Prices right, .".'ty deliveries made promptly. -E. I. Gregg & son. Phone 155. 40tf294 WANTED Work by the day or wash lng at home. Mrs. Amy Buckland, Phone 248 Red. 739-23-4t McMillan, Piano Tuner at Threl keld's, Mrs. Ross's, or Darling's. 741 5t-2.".tf Restaurant swill to give away for hauling it and rubbish. Nohe's Res taurant. 7u.i-2t-24 TWO RELINQUISHMENTS FOR SALE. One contains section and other three quarters Good land. For particulars writ to A B. C. in care of The Herald, Alliance, Nebr. 766-3C-24 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY IN BAR GAIN FOR THE RIGHT PARTY WITH CASH clothing, furnishings and shoes, lo cated in county seat in western Ne braska. Good farming and cattle country surrounding. Fifty miles to nearest competitor. New railroad Fast growing town. Write for par ttculars to the Alliance Herald. -tf 563 FOR RENT Farm consisting of 320 acres of pasture, 100 acres of plowed ground, irrigated garden, wind mill, tank, barn, granary and frame house. Three miles from Can ton. Will rent till March 1, 1912 for $250. J. B. Hulburt, Canton, Nebr. 763-2t-25 CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS Alliance city council convened in regular session et the city hall, Tues day evening. June 6, 1911, Mayor F. W. Harris presiding. All councilmen were present, viz.: C. A. Newberry, John Snyder, E. M. Martin and J. H. Vaughn. Minutes of previous meeting were read and approved. The committee appointed to view and re ommend suitable sites for a city park reported, recommending blocks J and K, Nebraska Addition; and further that the owner of said blocks, F. M. Knight, priced them at $4,000. and further priced the east half of Block K and the west half of Block J at $1,700. The sec ond choice of the commltee is tthe land lying immediately north of Blocks J and K. Sidewalk petitioned for by owners of lots In Block L was ordered. ADDlication of E. W. Ray for plumber's license granted. Petition of property owners ad Joining Platte avenue for extension of water service declined on account of Insufficient number of customers in sight Action on bids for the construct ion of cement crossings for the year 1912 waa deferred. Reports from city officers were re ceived and claims acted upon. On motion council adjourned to June 22. 1911. J. D. KM h'Ktt'K City Clerk OFFICES IN THE CITY HALL ESTRAY NOTICE One gray mare, about seven years old, branded bar w on right should er, at my place, on Sec. 11-26-46, eighteen miles northeast of Alliance. All charges must be paid before leaving my place. JAMES POTMES1L. I. ..lit. I.ak.- Nebr. 26-tf 771 DESIRABLE CITY RESIDENCE, in best part of Alliance, for sale, 2 lots, house and barn. Cull at E. I. Gregg Sou's feed store. 25tf770 A Movement that adds to the Con venience of City Employes and Patrons The Herald is pleased to note and commend the arrangements that have been made for the accommodation of the city offices at the city hall. The northeast room on the ground floor heretofore used as council chamber and police judge's office, will be oc cupled by the electric light and wat er departments. Supt. N. A. Kem mish and his office force are mov ing today. The police judge and the jail go to the basement. The hall on sec ond floor has been divided by parti lions The east side will be used as council chamber, and the west side by the fire boys, ample provision having been made for their accom hodation, a shower bath and other conveniences having been put in. In answering Herald want ads please mention that you saw it this paper. in ng with about the usual number el the finney tribe. o Toinpi.cit -Hentz Co., publishers of the Oshkosh Herald, are also branch ing out in the printing business. Last Saturday they issued the first umber of the LflWOUt D (iaetle. n eight-page, n ally printed and ewsy paper, four pages of which re "rendypiint ". The Herald wish es the Gazette long life and prosperity. o The Union Pacific Railroad Co. is encouraging exhibits from Nebraska at the Omaha and Chicago land shows by offering to transport the same free from towns and counties along their lines. F. D. McCormick and W. A. Wal- dun are taking care of the business of "The Right", giving customers the courteous treatment which they are accustomed to receiving, during the absence of the proprietor on his eastern trip. At the Methodist church there will be a short service for the children next Sunday morning.- The paetor requests parents to have their child ren who attend Sunday school to re main to this special service, and in vites all others who can to attend. The Herald Is pleased to note that Drake & Barb, who erected a new building and opened the "Resident Meat Market" on Sweetwater ave nue a few months since, are doing a good business. Judging from the number of sales books which they use, they are selling a large amount of meat. o Dr. Boland has recovered from his recent illness which confined him to the hospital for a few days. The Herald is pleased to publish this week his announsement as a candi date for the democratic and peoples Independent nomination for county coroner. Dr. L. W. Bowman, who disposed of his business here a few months ago and went to Stanton, Nebr., is In Alliance this week. We under stand that he has decided to leave Stanton, but have not learned wheth er he will locate in this city again. He and bis family win receive a cordial welcome If he decides to make Alliance his home again. Sixty Year the Standard DrPRICE'S AM Baking Powder A straight, honest. Cream ol Tartar Baking Powder. Made from Grapes. Makes better, more healthful food. Sold without deception. NO ALUM-NO LIME PH08PHATE M Alum la lood mast therefore act as poison." Pmf. Johnmn. Yalt Unhmity, Read the label. Buy no baking powder unteee the label shows It to bo mode from Cream of Tartar. Miss Grace Wells of Masalllon. Ohio, arrived I uesclay noon for a two weeks' visit with friends, and will be the guest of Mrs. W. D. Zed- iker while in the city. Her parents and their family formerly resided here, her father being master me chanic for the C. B. & Q. at one time, and removed to the Buckeye state a few years ago. Since remov ing from Alliance, Miss Wells com pleted a four years' course at Ann Arbor, and has been teaching the past -ear. On her retun she will go via Denver, and is planning to reach Ann Arbor in time to see her broth er, Stanfield, graduate on the 27th Inst. Miss Wells' many Alliance friends are delighted for the oppor tunity of meeting her again, and The Herald is pleased to learn that she is enjoying her visit immensely. judge of the s'iprein" court. Epper sons filing makes the sixth, all being Republicans. Cadets Leave for Camp. Nearly 100 hundred members of the cadet regiment of the tkite university left here, bound for Heat rice, where they will go into camp for a week. The ri turn will he made net Monday, tiii- year's encampment being two days longer than any previous ono held Colonel C. J. Kremer Is In com mand of the amp Young Aldrich at Work. George Aldrlchi son of the govern or, lias commenced work in his fath er's office in the place or A A. Husted, recording clerk, who has been 111 for some time pant. Young Aldrich will hold the position until Mr. Husted Is able to return to his duties or until lali. when he will enter the state uni versity. English Saya Work's Done. Governor Aldrich's edict against disorderly hcuBes in Omaha is to be enforced to the letter and spirit of the law, ac.onilng to County Attorney English. The Douglas county attorney called up Attorney General Grant Mar tin and told him that he had about "cleared out the reservation." Two Yeara for MorHson. Frank Morrison of Omaha, who waa dieted by a grand jury on the charge of sending obscene matter through the malls, was brought before the federal court here and, after pleading guilty, was sentenced to two years at hard labor In the federal prison at Leavenworth. FRIENDS CONCLUDE WORK Bible Training Department to Be Added to Nebraska Central College. Central City, Neb., June 6 All the Important business of the fourth an nual session of the Nebraska Yearly Meeting of Friends has been conclud ed. The Friends are commonly known ss the Quakers. Nebraska Yearly meeting owns and controls Nebraska Central college and much of the most important business of this year's session was In regard to the college. It was determined to add to the college a department to be known as the "Bible Institute and Training Department" for Christian workers. The plan contemplated is to eventually develop a strong theolog ical school in the college and eventu ally to provide a separate building for this department. Ask far New Drainage Bitch. Fremont, Neb.. June 6. Petitions bave been filed with the county clerka of Dodge and Colfax countiee asking for the construction of a ditch that will drain several thousand ecrea of land. The Dodge county board will act on the petition at the meeting this 'week. "The ditch. If constructed ac cording to the plans of the petitioners. will' drain several sections of 'land in the southeastern part of Colfax' county end in the southwestern part of Dodge county. A car load of buffalo passed thru Tuesday, going east. o Freight Brukenian Tragaiser made a trip on a passenger this week. Fireman R. E. Spencer has been transferred to the Seneca-Ravenna run. Fireman S. R. Hughs has resigned from the service. He has moved with his family to Oregon. Firemen Trlmber and Raymond have taken a thirty days lay-off and have gone to the Black Hills. o Conductor O'Conners has. Zolllng No. 43 Wednesday where she will visit with her parents until June 16. Mrs. A. J. Cole and children spent Sunday in Marsland where Mr. Colo lias one of the helper engines. Mrs. Cole Is planning on n visit to her parents in the southern part of the state In the near future. o On June third at Hazzard occurred an accident that cost brakeman D. C. Lystnger his right arm and right leg. Conductor Halveratadt on No. 46 was going through Hazzard with out stopping. The agent handed the engineer the orders on a hoop. The engineer missed them. Lysinger was about eight cars back. He climbed er's run. Mr. Zollinger has gone down the side of a cer, lost his foot east for a "visit with tils children. lng, and fell under the wheels, crush - o lQK right arm below the elbow and Brakeman Judson traded with Hoff- ,he rht b,ow tne knee 8uDt I u-. .....!, ......... ..ill. I,,.. n.r man for a west end run so that he ',,,,, could take his mother to Deadwood. Conductor Ryder took M. K. John Bon's passenger run out Tuesday. Conductor Art. Picket has Ryder's car and crew. Switchman Carr has been sent to Seneca where he has been appointed Yard Master. His wife will move as soon as they can secure a house. Mrs. Richardson, wife of Conduct or Richardson, went to Marsland on and inspection engine No. 366, met No. 46 at Hazzard. Mr. Weldenham er had Lyalnger put In his private car, a doctor called, and did every thing he could to make the young man comfortable. When No. 40 came through the private car wa tied on and taken to Grand Island, accompanied by Supt. Weldenhamer, Conductor Eph Stuart and the doc to. The prompt care that brakeman Lysinger received was no doubt the means of saving his life. He is now in the hospital at Urand Island rest ing us easily aa could be expected. YEOMEN MEMORIAL On Sunday morning, June ISth, at eleven o'clock, at the Methodist church, the Yeomen will hold their annual memorial aervicea. Dr. J. L. B. Jones will deliver the memorial address and appropriate music Is now I being prepared for the occasion, full announcement of which will be made next week. All of the 103 members are requested to meet at the Odd Fellows Hall at 10 o'clock and march to the church In a body for the service. ANOTHER POWER PLOW L. A. Allow ay came from South Dakota lu the spriug with a tower plow outfit, having a thirty horse power engine, and has been turning over Box Butte county sod at a rap Id rate. Lum week he finished breaking 65 acres west of Alliance. Mr. Alio way subscribes for The Her ald and orders au ad in the paper Nebraska Editor, in Seesion. Omaha, June 6. Editora of Nebraa ka to the number of about 200 began their thirty-ninth annual convention in Maaonlc temple. The business of the opening session was confined to the annual address of the president. A. It Wood of the Gering Courier, to the report of C. C. Johns, secretary treasurer of the organization, and to the appointment of committees. Piper Reports on Insane Hospitals. Lincoln, June 5. Joel A. Piper, sec retary of the state board of charity and corrertlona, lu a report to the gov crnor aavs that tbe insane hospitals if tbe state are crowded, one sixth of l per cent of tho total of Nebraska's population being confined therein, a rotable increase during the last ten years. Nicholson Appointed Bank Examiner. Lincoln. June 6 H. C. Nicholson, formerly of South Omaba. was ap pointed a hank examiner by Governor Aldrich. He is to succeed C. W. Br win of Omaha, who resigned to accept the cashiciship of the Corn Exc hange National bank in that city. STOCKING UP IN CHICAGO Roy Beckwith, who left a week ago last Sunday for a visit with rel atives in towns along tbe line of the Northwestern, Is In Chicago this week ordering goods for "The Right." He is making a somewhat extended stay east, but will be back to Alli ance before the big celebration and stockmen's convention. He waa ac companied to Crawford, Gordon and Neligh by his son. Blaine, who Is now at the last named place. WELL EQUIPPED FOR BU8INE88 Next Thursday Robert O. Reddish will graduate from the law depart meat of tbe Nebraska State Univer sity, when he will be well equipped for business and the practice of hiB chosen profession. Four years ago he graduated from the Alliance High school. The next year he completed a course at business college, and for the last three years has been attend ing the law department of tbe State University. He has always stood high in his classes, a well as In the estimation of bis teachers aud fel low students, and The Herald con gratulates him on the successful ter mination of his school work. CHILDREN'S DAY AT FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Special exercises have been pre pared by tbe Sabbath school for next Sunday morning. Tbe Sabbath school and morning service will be combined and the aervice wilt be at 10:30 a. m., promptly, instead of 11 o'clock ea uaual. The following pro gram has been prepared. t, Organ Voluntary 2. Doxology 3. Prayer, followed by Lord s Pref er. 4. Scripture Reading Pa. 34:14 5 Kxercises by Beginners' Depart ment C. Song by the School- 'God la love." 7. Scripture Reading I John 4: 7-12 and 1S-1S. 8. Song by School Children's Day." 9. Class Exercise 10. Exercise by School 11. Special Exercises 12. Solo 13. Address A Children's Sermon, by the Pastor. 14. Offering for Sunday School Ex tension. 15. Anthem 16. Hymn 17. Benediction All are most cordially invited to attend these exercises the hour 10:30 a. m. Kemember A Dreadful Wound from a knife, gun, tin can, rusty noil, fireworks, or of any other nature, de mauds prompt treatment with Buck ten's Arnica Salve to prevent blood poison or gangrene. It's the quick est, surest healer for all such wounds as also for Burns, Bolls, Sores, Skin Eruptions, Eczema, Chapped Hands, Corns or Plies. 26c at V. i. nan's.