1 I A A A A A A A t GARDEN HOSE I 8, 11, 13, 18 cents per foot. Lawn Sprinklers 25 cents up. i I i icuiuuvy diuc viiadd and White Clover Seed. i I Newberry's Hardware Co. I I John Snoddy, Pres., P. S. Showers, V. Pres. May Snoddy, Sec. and Treas. NELSON FLETCHER Fire Insurance Agency MT Hail Insurance And All Other Kinds of Insurance Stock, Accident and Death from Any Cause Also Represent the Nebraska State Building and Loan Association REPORTING Of TUBERCULOSIS Required In twenty five State, no Provision In twenty-elflht Value of Registration wive are Invited to attend alao, we only reserving that all Rive due not ice of your coming. All come to have a Rood time iind to Rive help In dla rueslons and good cheer by your 1'reaence. CHA8. H. BURLKIGH. Pastor Hemlngford Charge. Telephone Talks No. 5 The Slow Answer Your telephone bell rings it rings again. You are busy and do not answer. The operator finally report! to the party calling you. "They do not answer." (Note she never says, "They are not there".) Then she disconnects you. Five seconds later just six seconds too late you answer. You get no reply. You angerly exclaim, ' My bell rang." Your delay caused either the loss of a customer or in convenience to a friend. You cannot afford either. At certain hours in the day everybody wants to talk at the same time, and telephone calls come quick and fast. At such times all we ask is for you to be considerate, remem bering that "Central" on yourline will answer you as quickly as possible, and will do all any operator can do to give you quick and accurate service, NEBRASKA TELEPHONE CO. r. H. BEESON, Alliance Manager HOTEL ALLIANCE EUROPEAN FULLY MODERN Equipment and service first-class in every department Cafe in Connection -Open Day and Night On the left and across the street from the Burlington station Reporting of living case of tuner culoala la now required by law or health regulation In 25 Htatea, while In 28 atatea and territorlea, no pro vlalon whatever la made for keeping record of cnaea of thla infectious dlaeaae, according to. a atatement published today by the National Aa aociatlon for the Study and Previn tlon of Tuberculoma In Its official or gan. the Journal of the Outdoor Life for June. Connecticut. Dlatrlct of Columbia. KnnKaa, Maine. Maryland. Michigan, Mississippi, New Jeraey, New York, Rhode Island and Vermont, are placed In the honor class aa having laws which provide specifically for the reporting of tuberculosis and which make provision for the proper registration of living casea of this disease. In fourteen other states, laws or regulations of the state boards of health require that tuber culosis be reported almply as one of a list of infectious diseahes. These atatea are, Alabama, California, In diana, Iowa, Massachusetts, Minneso ta. Nebraska, North Dakota, Oregon, Pennsylvania Tennessee, Utah, Washington and Wisconsin. The following 28 states and terri tories have no provision whatever for reporting or registration of tub erculosis cases: Arizona, Alaska, Arkansas, Colorado. Delaware, Flori da, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Kentucky, Louisiana, Missouri, Mon tana. Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico. North Carolina, Ohio, Okla homa. Philippine Islands, Porto Rico, South Carolina, South Dakota. Texas. Virginia, West Virginia, and Wyoming. Several cities in non-registration Mates, as for Instance, Chtcngo, Cleveland, St. Ixuis, and New Or leans, have local ordinances requir ing that tuberculosis be reported. In all, there are about 100 cities In the I'nlted States which have ordinances of this nature. The National Association insists that the flrBt requisite for a compre hensive campaign for the elimination of tuberculosis in a state or city is a well-enforced law requiring that every living case of tuberculosis be reported to the health authoities. THE PROPER COURSE Information of Priceleaa Value to Every Alliance Citizen How to act In an emergency la knowledge of inestimable worth, and thla Is particularly true of the dis eases and Ilia of the human body. If you suffer with backache, urinary disorders, or any form of kidney trouble, the advise contained In the following atatement will add a val liable asset to your store of knowl edge. What could be more convinc ing proof of the efficiency of Donn's Kidney Pills than the statement of Alliance citizens who have been per manently cured? Mrs. .1. K. Whnley, 422 B, Oregon St . Alliance, Nebr., says: "I have had no reason to change my high opinion of Doan's Kidney Pills since I publicly recommended them in May, 1907. Over three years ago my kidneys became disordered and the kidney secretions were unnatur- Whenever I stooped, sharp pains darved through my loins and it was difficult for me to straighten. I tried many remedies but all failed to help me until I procured Doan's Kidney Pills at Fred B. Moistens Drug Store They brought me relief In a short time and I continued their use until I was free from kidney complaint.'' For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. FoBter-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the Unit ed States. Remember the name Doan's-and take no other. DISTRICT MINISTERIAL ASS'N Summer Meeting of the Chadron Oiatrict Miniaterial Aaaocla tion of M. E. Church LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF THE NOE CATTLE COMPANY The early .summer meeting of the Chadron Diertlct Ministerial associ ation of the M. E. church will be held at Hemlngford, Tuesday, Wed nesday and Thursday, June lo to 15 1911. Following is the program: TCRSDAY 2:30 p. m. Devotional Services, con ducted by A. M. Washburn. 3:00 p. DEL Organization and Ap pointmeut of ('ommlttees. 3:30 p. m. Review of "System of Christian Doctrine," 1st year, Vic tor R. Bell. Discussion, led by Benj. Kuhler. 4:00 p. in The Methodist Brother hood, by R. H. Gammon. Discus sion led by A. R. York. 7:15 p. in. Song Service, Earl M. Kendall. 7:30 p. m. Sermon, A. R. Haislup. WEDNESDAY 8:30 a. m. Devotional Services, con ducted by S. P. Cares 9:00 a. m.- Methods of Conserving the Revival, by J. I B. Jones. Discussion, led by Frank Sutton. 10:00 a. m. Home and Foreign Mis slons, by A. T. Carpenter. Discus sion, led by J. W. Thomas. 11:00 a. in Why the Epworth League? by D. J. Clark. Discus sion, led by Ira E. Nolte. 2:30 p. m. Prayer Service, led by Buzel Hunt. 3:00 p. in. The Pastor und His Mes sage, by Vincent R. Beebe. Dis cussion, led by W D. Smith. 4:00 p. m. - Graded work in the Sun day School, by Mrs. Geo. Bllnco. Discussion, led by S. K. Warrick. 7: 15 p. in. - Song Service, Karl M Kendall. 7:30 p. m. Sermon, J. L. B. Jones. DD. THURSDAY 8:30 a. in. Soug and Prayer Ser vice. 9:00 a. m - The Pastor's Helpful As sistant, by C. B. Spencer, D D. 10:00 a. tn.--Pertiuent Needs on Chadron District, by A. R. Julian, D.D. Discussion, General. 11:00 a. m. Report of Committees and Adjournment. Opening Papers or Addresses lim Red to 15 minutes. The pastors' I The name of this Corporation shall be the Noe Cattle Company. II Its principal place of business shall be at Ellsworth, Sheridan County, Nebraska. Ill The general nature of the busi ness to be transacted shall be the buying andselllng of cattle and other live stock and the production of the same for market and sale. Also to purchase, hold and sell and mortgage Real Estate. IV The amount of Capital Stock auth orized is $50,000.00 to be divided Into shares of $100.00 each and of which $10,000.00 shall be paid in at the time of commencing business. V The Corporation shall commence business on the first day of July, 1911 and shall continue for a period of twenty years unless sooner dis solved by a majority of three-fifths of the stock. VI The highest amount of indebted ness for which this Corporation shall be liable at any one time shall not exceed two-thirds of the Capita) Stock. VII The affairs of the Corporation shall be managed by a Board of Di rectors consisting of three persons who shall be stockholders In the Cor poration, who shall serve for a term of one year after the annual meeting of stockholders or until their succes sors In office are selected. ALBERT NOE BARTLETT RICHARDS WILL G. COMSTOCK NOTICE OF FILING FINAL ACCOUNT In County Court of Box Butte Coun ty, Nebraska. In the Matter of the Estate of Chur- les Mayer, Deceased: To all persons Interested in the es tate of Charles Mayer, deceased: You will take notice that on the 1st day of June, 1911, W. C. Mounts, Administrator De Bonis Ncn. of the estate of Charles Mayer, file-' la said court his final account as Ad ministrator De Bonis Non of said estate, and that said account will ! for hearing on the 26th day of Jane, 1911, at 10 o'clock A. M , at the County Court Room in the (".'; of Alliance, in said County; and ycu are required to appear at the time anil place above named and show cause, If any there be, why said ac count should not be allowed. It la ordered that said W. C. Mounts. Administrator De Bonis Non give notice of the time and place of said hearing, to all persons interested in said estate by causing this order to be published in the Alliance Her ald, a newspaper printed and circu lating In said count), for three con secutive weeks prior to said hearing. Dated June 7th, 1911. Seal U A. BKUKY. Couuty Judge. 781-26 3t-l 16 MICHELIN Inner Tubes IbrMiclielin and all other Envelopes The majority of motor ists throughout the world are satisfied users of Michelin Inner Tubes. They are the best judges. Ash them. a. IN STOCK BY Wtieaton Ellis Auto Company Alliance, Nebraska OH. YES! We have some good choice Deeded Land to ex change for some good desirable city or town properties. We will also exchange good lands for Horses and Cattle. We also have $4,000 worth of good, clean, new Groceries, Glass and Queensware, etc. These goods are furnished direct from a wholesale house. If you want a good bargain on such a stock call at our office and look at the invoice of the same. We want to list 20 good Dwelling Houses to rent. Or, will furnish a buyer in short order for 15 or more good dwellings and business houses. We represent the Empire City Fire Insurance Co., N. Y. We write city, farm and mercantile insurance. Call at our office when in need of in surance and we will issue your policy at once. We have some good bargains in Sec. Relinquish ments that we can deal for good farm stock if called for soon- Our Office is Room 11, Rumer Block, Alliance, Nebr. Truly yours, BABBITT, DEUEL & CO. i ALLIANCE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY AND MESSENGER SERVICE T. S. JONES. Prop. 1171-2 BOX BUTTE AVENUE i Furnishes employment of all kinds, clerical. skilled and common labor. Charges reasonable. Persons wanting help of any kind will find this X agency a convenient means of securing the same. Hessenger Service furnished promptly on telephone calls PHONE 747 JOHN GARRETT Suecissof ta Fraak Wallace Transfer Line 1 1 i t j i moved promptly r and transfer work solicited. Office at Rodgers' Grocery, Phone 1. Res. phone 583