The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, June 01, 1911, Image 4

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Published every Thursday by
The Herald Publishing Company.
Lloyd C. Thomas, Prea.-Treas.
". A. Plaraon, Vlca President.
John W. Thomaa, Secretary.
John W. Thomaa, Editor.
Lloyd C. Thomaa, City Editor.
Mra. I. U Hoaklna, railroad corres
pondant. Mlaa Agnea Moravak, Hamlngford
Entered nl the postofflce at Alli
ance, Nebraska, for transmission
through the malls as second-class
Subscription, $1.60 per yonr
In ad
Tha circulation of thla newspaper
la guaranteed to be the largeet In
weatern Nebraaka. Advertising ratea
will be furnlahad on application.
8ample copies free for the asking.
jS, lAVPFTWlTl F r
l I 1 111213
4 5 6 7 JS 810
18192021 222324
la a newspaper dedicated to up
building the moral and material in
terests of Allance, Box Butte coun
ty and western Nebraska. Its pol
icy Is to deal fairly with all inter
ests and men. It printa tha news
fully and aa accurately aa possible.
It means to be a household, office
and atora neceaalty and aa auch con
tlnucs to enter a rapidly growing
number of homes, offices and stores
throughout this end of the state. As
INQ MEDIUM It stands supreme In
Ita field. Tha Job department has
the largest patronage of any in west
rn Nebraaka and every man on the
force la a specialist In hla Una.
will be for I a Kollette for president
next April, when those of them who
t Ish to do so will express a choice,
hut not only the republicans but a
lare portion of Independent and
democratic citizen are with him In
the matter of the Lortnicr probe."
If they are with him In the matter
of the lxrlmer probe, The Herald
would like to ask why should they
not be with him for the presidential
nomination? Senator I .a Kollette Is
n man of (treat ability, his Integrity
Is unquestioned by any Intelligent,
h'.nest clttzcn. and If he Is not the
choice of the republicnns at Nebras
ka for president next year it will be
becntiHe thnt choice will be given to
a man who Is, In the main, opposed
to the very thing that the little
Wisconsin giant stands for; whose
support will come principally from
the men who xondone election
frauds and bribery when used to
maintain ti partisan majority; a man
who has secretcly and openly assist
ed In whitewashing a public official
who nas neen, it possible, a worse
rascal than Hill lxrlmer. For heav
en's Bake, be consistent! If yon bi
lleve In and endorse the reforms
for Which in tin ressi . i .inihli, ......
and progressive democrnta are gal
lantly fighting, nominate and dot
to office men who stand for these
reforma. rather than the men who
always stand In the way when an
erfort Is made to expose and clean
up political corruption.
I hereby announce myself as a
candidate for the office of county
treasurer of Box Butte county, sub
ject to the democratic and peoples
independent primaries to be held
August 16, IHll. ISAAC ROCKET
1 hereby announce myself as a
candidate for the office or count v
clerk of Box Butte count v Kiilii.Mi
to the democratic and peoples inde
pendent primaries to be held Aug
ust :-6, 1911.
Prom the Grant Co. Tribune, 625:
Supt. or Schools Wheeler went to
Alliance today to attend a meeting
or the educational association.
ftiiss BMUU Minor attended the
closing exercises or St. Agnes Acad
emy, Alliance, or which she was
rormerly a pupil, returning home
Norma Kliison, who is engaged In
keeping up steam in n Burlington
locomotive when he works came
down from Alliance last Saturday
and associated with llyannis friends
until noon the tallowing day.
Miss Dorthea lloag or the Hupt's.
orrice and Miss Mlnell Highland
spent Sunday near Angora with Miss
I long's sister, Mr-1 Mann. They were
accompanied by the Misses Wilson
who will spend a part or their vaca
tion on the ranch.
Mrs. W. A. Bennett and daughter.
Miss Hazel, went to Edgemont Sun
day. They lived in Kdgemont be
Tore coming to Alliance and have
many friends there.
Chief Clerk Wagner was in Kdge
mont .Monday on Company business.
Fireman F. F. Brandley came In
on 4;! Tuesday. Ho has been In Min
nesota where he went to attend the
wedding of a sister.
Fireman Burns, w ho has been work
ing the house ror some time. Is a
galn firing. He is on the night
switch engine.
Thursday of last week to accommo the A. O. C. W. delegates who
were returning home from the con
vent Ion at Dead w ood
Gen. Supt. Young and Supt. Wel
ileuhamer or Alliance with inspec
tion engine No. were on the
High line Monday.
Special Agent Donovan or Alliance
was attending to Company business
In the Black Hills last week.
Brakemen Holden and McDonald
or the high line were In Alliance
Tuesday, the guests or rireman
Trimber in the Newberry Block.
They are going to Denver for a
short vacation.
Fireman WeidenTeld came down
rrom Kdgemont .Monday morning, re
turning Tuesday morning
For making quickly and per
fectly, delicious hot biscuits,
hot breads, cake and pastry
there is no substitute for
1 wish to announce to the voters
of Box But,te county that I am a
candidate for re-election to the of
fice of sherlfr or said county, sub
ject to their nomination at the peo
ples independent and democratic pri
maries to be held August 16. 1911.
I hereby announce that I am a
candidate ror re-election to the orrice
of county Judge or Box Butte count
7. iubject to the democratic and
people's independent nominations at
the primary election to be held Aug
ust 15. 1911.
I heieby announce MJTMlf as a
candidate ror the orrice at sherirr or
Box Butte county, subject to the
demcciatic and people's independent
nomination at the primaries to be
held Aug. 15, 1911.
The Grand Island Independent,
the name of which by the way is a
misnomer as the paper is republican
with slandpat tendencies, hopes "If
Nebraaka must be represented in
the U. 8. senate the next five and
even years by democrats'' that the
other one may be W. H Thompson.
For which hope The Herald wishes
to commend the G. I. Independent
"There is little reason to believe."
says a Nebraaka republican exchange
"that the republicans of Nebraaka
Sam and John White and Philip
Sorahnn went to Alliance last Sun
day and were Initiated Into the order
of the Knights of Columbus. They
were accompanied by Peter Becker
who haB been a Knight for some
Alfred Malm went to Alliance last
Friday and that night attended a ses
sion or the Klks, or which order he Ib
a member. Kleven fawns were fully
decorated with antlers, and Alf de
clares he "never had such u time in
his lire."
Miss Zaldee (luilfoll returned home
lust Saturday from Alliance where
I n a student at St. Amies
Academy. Although not a senior she
assisted in rendering the senior class
play and Is reported as performing
her part in an admirable manner.
A telegram inrorms The Tribune
that Its new cylinder press was
shipped from Omaha Tuesday morn
ing and should reach Hyannls tomor
row, in which event It will be used
In the publication or this great ramlly
Journal next week.
Mra. J. T Wiker, agent for the
Bennett I'iauo Co.. sold an automat
Mr. William Algiers, who for sev
eral years has been employed in the
Superintendent's orrice here, has
been transferred to Sheridan. This
comes as a promotion. He takes the
place made vacant by the resignation
or Robert Holden. Mr. Holden with
his wire will go to Florida where
they may decide to locate. Mr. Al-
gler's place has been filled by Char
ley Weatheral. wh6 for a number
or years has been time keeper in the
Train Master's Orrice. Mr. Weath
eral needs no Introduction as he Is
one or the Company's most full l-.ful
and efrieient clerks. The position
or time keeper was given to Mr. W
D Kvans or the yard orrice. Mr
Kvans has already demonstrated
his ability to fill this difficult office
in a capable manner.
Mrs. B. Mewhirter and son, Lyle
are in Alliance ror Commencement.
Their home is now at I.ewellen, where
Mr. Mewhirter has charge or the
telephone work.
Conductor Fred Campbell, wife and
son were east bound passengers Sun
day noon, with Omaha, Horton. Kan
sas, and other eastern points as their
destination. They will be gone un
til Mr. Campbell's knee Is well e
nough for him to report for work.
Cards have been received from
John Leidtka who is now In New
York City. John Is the B. of R T.
delegate to Harrlsburg, Benn. He will
return to Alliance about June lL'th.
Danny Crllley arrived in Alliance
on No. 41 Saturday morning. Danny
has spent thirty days visiting places
ot interest in the east and south, go
ing as far south as Key West He
lert on No. 43 for Billings and his
duties o:i the N. P. While in Alli
ance he was at the home of his
aunt, Mrs. Moran.
W. S. I lowland or Chicago, treas.
or the lines east or the river, with
his private car, and accompanied by
C. U. Krnst of Omaha, treas. of the
lines west of the river, and J. N.
Redtern or Chicago, supt. or employ
ment were visitors to the Black Hills
rrom Monday to Thursday.
Repair track carpenters Barky and
Rays were in Hyannls three days
last week building a new cattle
Special Agent Hoag has spent the
last two weeks in Sheridan on Com
pany business.
Fred Vaughn of the west end lo
cal went to Broken Bow Saturday
night, returning on No. 41 Monday
Mrs. Betebenner, wire of passen
ger Conductor Betebenner or the
Seneca-Ravenna run, was in Alliance
last week. She was accompanied by
her two little girls. Mr. and -Mrs.
Betebenner have a son who gradual
ed from the High school here.
The main line about the center of
the big horse-shoe curve was blocked
for about five hours last Sunday ev
ening. Conductor Simonson on No.
46, with seventy-six cars, was being
pushed by one or the big Malleys. A
draw bar broke and a car of wool in
about the middle or the train was
crushed. The wrecker was sent
rrom Alliance.
Baking powder
Sixty Years tha Standard
Made from pure Grape
Cream of Tartar
No Alum-No Lime Phosphates
"I am entirely opposed to the nee of alum In
Baking Fowders'-Pro. Chandler, Columbia Univ.
Read tha Labat
"Alnm.sodlum alnm. basle aluminum alpaate,
snlphste of aluminum, all mean the same thing
namely. BURNT MAM "-Kansas Stat Board of Health
Look for Laing's unique Free ad.
The Herald is pleased to learn
that Henry Merk is well along the
road to recovery from his recent se
vere illness. Mrs. Merk and the ram-
ily request us to thank all those who
rendered assistance during Mr
Merk's sickness, and especially the
railroad boys who did all they could
Tor him.
Kverjr town has some citlxen who occupy tho attitude of indifference toward tha
com.nun It, l,,rcs They sny: - Wen. let the other, boost the pace U cln Let
ions without my he,,. " This attitude It well expressed and excoriated n a nam
phl,t recently bSutd by the Commercial club of Hannibal. Mo.. Mark Twain's tow
It may be that some of
limited means, opportuni
ty or earnings may con
aider thai their share in
the upbuilding of tbeir
Harry Betebenner made a short
visit with home rolks at Ravenna hist
week, going down on 44 Thursday
and returning on 41 Friday.
The C. B & Q. Ry. delivered to
the R. C. B. H. & W. Ry. at Mys
tic last week a new engine, No. 48,
ror use on their line between Mys
tic and Rapid City, 8. D. This en
k piano to Mrs. Frank Noble or Lake 8lne came direct from Philadelphia
side, Friday. Mrs. Wiker. who Is an
excellent musician, went to Lakeside
and operated the Instrument Friday
night ror a dance.
F. J. Was came to Alliance from
Omaha three weeks ago to take the
place In the First National Bank
made vacant by the resignation of
H. C. Nicholson. Mr. Was Is mak
Ing good in the position which he
occupies. He is a young man or
pleasant address, is ceuversant with
the banking business, and Is rast mak
Ing friends or bis new acquaintances,
especially among the patrons of the
bank, which The Herald considers
fortunate In securing his services.
He has had several years' experience
in banking, first In the bank of his
home town, Panama, Nebr., where
bis father. Dr F. J. Was, resides,
and recently in tne.jya,le4 States
National Beak of Omaha.
Look for Laing's unique Free ad.
and was built by the Baldwin Loco
motive Works.
D. H. Cary, Local Freight Agent
for, the Burlington, was a passenger
to Denver Friday.
Engineer Dunaway. who has been
running on the high line between
Kdgemont and iJeadwood, has been
transferred to the Hot Springs and
Mluekahta run.
Agent Livingston or Hill City U be
ing relieved a rew daws by Extra
Agent Humphrey or Lead.
A patrol system is being estab
lished on the High line ror the pur
pose or presenting rorest fires caused
by sparks from locomotives. Assist
ant Supt. Holtorf and Chler Dispatch
er Dailey are patrolling the rrelght
and passenger runs to gain a per
sonal knowledge of this system. They
find that by this means they can
prevent a great many forest fires.
Passenger train No. 142 out of
Dead wood carried two extra coaches
About a month ago, O. H. Moon of
Klin Creek. Nebr.. who is a carpen
ter by trade, came to Alliance with
a view to locating here. Last week
his family, consisting of wire and six
children, two boys and rour girls.
took up their residence at Slit Yel
lowstone avenue. They will be wel
comed to our city. Mr. Moon starts
his residence here rightly by calling
at The Herald orrice and ordering
his name placed on our subscription
Miss Pearl Aruot. who has been
teaching school at Scottsblurr, stop
ped orr In Alliance Monday on her
way home to Merriman, Nebr., to
spend a couple or days with Mr. and
Mrs. K. J. Reeves.
Mrs. L. C. Mason returned yester
day rrom Alliance whither she went
Sunday to visit L. C. and son, Vern.
who are engaged In business there.
Kmma perrormed the mother act at
the ranch during Mrs. Mason's ab
sence rrom home. Hyannis Tribune
home city is nil ; that
they have no responsi
bility and lack influence.
This Is not true. No man
can evade responsibility
not one. The poor man's
dollar contains one hun
dred cents. The dollar of
Ihemillionairehas neither
more nor less, nor does it
circulate to better com
munal advantage.
Th poor man who sends his doll.- out of town to buy things from the mat!
order houses In the great cities evades hi, responsibilities. Just as does The m.llTon
Sta who MadS or carries his doHar away to buy goods outside of his own town
which he might better have bought at home,
The poor man's dollar counts In bulldlrjj up ,. town, and it is to the poor man's
aterent that he spend his dollar with his neighbors, keeping It In circulation around
town for every dollar In Circulation does Its part toward keeping the poor man In
nil Job or getting him a better one or raising his wages.
1 pf
Don 't Overlook
that snbicrtptioii. If yos
are in arrears remember
that we ess tlwiyt fL.d
good um for
In answering Herald w-rt ai
please mention that you saw it in
this paper.
Wins Fight For Life
It was a long and bloody battle for
life that was waged by James B. Me
slum, of Newark, N. J., of which he
writes: "I had lost much blood from
lung hemorrhages, and was very weak
and rundown. For eight months 1
was unable to work. Death seemed
close on my heels, when I began,
three weeks ago, to use Dr. King's
New Discovery. But it has helped
me greatly. It is doing all that you
claim." For weak, sore lungs, obsti
nate coughs, stubborn colds, hoarse
ness, la grippe, asthma, hay-fever or
any throat or lung trouble it's su
preme. 50c & $1 oo Trial bottle
free. Guaranteed by F. J. Brennan.
A postal card from M. O. New,
the popular traveling salesman well
known in Alliance where he was for
merly enagegd in business, orders
his Herald sent to Orllla, Nebr.. un
til further notice.
Work Will Soon Start
alter you take Dr. King's New Lire
I'ills, and you'll quickly enjoy their
Hne results. Constipation and indi
gestion vanish and rtne uppetlte re
turns. They regulate stomach, liver,
and bowels and impart new strength
and energy to the whole system.
Try them. Only 25c at V. J. Bren-nan's.
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh
that Contain Mercury,
M mercury will auMy destroy the nnr ot jmeil
and completely derange I be whole Bytrm when
entering It through tu mucuua eurlacce. Such
aitlctas ahOMld never ba uaru mrul un prrarrlp-
will do la tea fold to the good you run poatloly d
ii, r nwui imriu nana iiiaini ( un-. man ul acl ur il
by r. J. ibauey Co.. Toledo. O.. ruatahia no mer
cury and hi taken UiiemaUf, actios ttlncily upoi
buying tiali'D OaUrrh. C ure be aure you eel Iti
amutna. rt hi takaa fettrraally. and made In Tuledi
Ohio, by r J. Cheney 4 Oo. Taatlmoalaki Int.
BOM by Urirgtata Prtre. tic per botUa.
Taaa Uli ramfly rtb) fur aaaaUnallii
Don't Send Away
Till You find out what you can
SAVE by buying your
Groceries, Flour, Sugar
Shoes and other goods
Farmers CashStore
Good Seed and
Eating Potatoes here
Oats and Bran in
any quantity desired
A nice lot of
Overalls, Shirts
and Children's Suits
at saving prices
u r
7" - J. 22Zn.n.
115 Box Butte Avenue
Half ISCa BSftB it rNBglM StUlN.
Maast dsa
Lit; 7; ' - , ,