I W. V. BEAL & SONS CEMENT WORKS SUCCESSORS TO JOHN PEDERSON A 11 work guaranteed. We use the best river sand on all jobs. Estimates cheerfully furnished on any and all kinds of cement work. Mr. Pederson will continue to do the finishing, which in itself is a sufficient guarantee as to the quality. We will keep a large line of blocks and cement building materials on hand at the plant, just north of the Rowan elevator. PHONE 335 OH, YES! MONEY TO LOAN Money to loan at 5. Ten years' time, with the option of paying at any time the borrower wishes to pay on the principal Also have some good stocks of merchandise will exchange for good deeded lands, and good relinquish ments to exchange for city property. And will exchange good lands for stock, merchandise and , automobiles. Houses and Farm Property for Rent Insurance written on city and farm property Locating People on Homesteads a specialty. Will locate parties on homesteads and survey their lands so they will know just where their corners are at a very reasonable rate. Any one wish ing a good home will do well to call on or phone BABBITT, DEUEL Sc CO. ROOM 1 1, RUMER BLOCK Office Phone, 286 Res. Phone, 359 Blue ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA I GARDEN HOSE 8, 11, 13, 18 cents per foot. Lawn Sprinklers 25 cents up. i I Kentucky Blue Grass J and White Clover Seed. Newberrv's Hardware On i ' i DO GHOSTS HAUNT SWAMPS? No. Never It's foolish to fear a Jjuiilfed evil, when there are real and deadly perils to guard against in swanips and marshes, bayous, and lowlands. These are the malaria genus that cause ague, dulls and fever, weakness, aches in the bones Od muscles and may induce deadly typhoid. But Electric Bitters de stroys and casts out these vicious germs from the blood. "Three bot ties drove all the malaria from my system," wrote Win. Fret well. of Lucerne., N. C, "and I've had fine health ever since." Use this safe, sure remedy only. 50c at K. J. Hrec nan's. LEGAL NOTICE In I he County Court of Box Butte County, Nebraska, Order for hearing on final account. In the matter of the estate of Sam uel A. Smith, deceased. Now on this 5th day of May, 1911, came Adelbert S. Reed, executor of said estate, and prays tor leave to render account as such executor. It is inerefore ordered that the 2Hih day of May, 1911, at ten o'clock a. m.. at my office in Alliance, in said county be fixed as the time and plate for examining and allowing such account. And the heirs of said deceased, and all persons inter ested in said estate, aro required to appear at the time and place so des ignnted and show cause, if such ex 1st, why said account should not he allowed. It is further ordered that said A di Ibert S. Reed, executor, give no tice to all persons interested in said estate by causing a copy of this or der to be published in the Alliance Herald, a newspaper published and in general circulation in said County, three successive weeks, prior to the day set for said hearing Dated May 5. 1911. L. A. BKRRY ISealJ County Judge 734-3-22 111' O STARTLED THE WORLD when the astounding . laims were first made for Bu klen's Arnica SaUe, but forty years of wonderful cures have proved them true, and everywhere It is now known as the best salve on earth for Burns, Cuts, Scalds, Sores, Bruises, Bolls, Swell ings. Sprains, Eczema, Chapped hands. Fever Sores and Biles. Only 25c at F. J. Brennan's. COLONEL GARIBALDI. leader of American Legion, Which Shows Rebels How to Fight 1911, by American Press Association. MORE POSTAL SAVINGS BANKS Hervftcr Postmaster General Will Designate Hundreds Each Month. Washington. May 16. Postmaster General Hitchcock will designate fifty postal savings banks this week, mak Ing a total of 179 In existence. Here after between 150 and 200 depositories will be designated every month. Mr. Hitchcock hopes to have more than 50,000 running in the next two years. He intends to start one at every money order office In the coun try If congiesr. will appropriate funds necessary next year. According to figures compiled at the postul depaitment the annual business of the 50,000 banks would amount to more than $200,000,000. These figures are based on the ratio of the banks in existence to the population of the towns in which they are located. CONVICTED MAN IS INSANE More Unusual Purchases Consigned to J. H. Klngham of Cheyenne. Cheyenne, Wlo., May 16. Three more motorcycles, consigned to ex Assisttnt Postmaster Joseph H. Klng liam, who Is serving an eight-year sentence for embezzlement, arrived here and were taken in charge by Postmaster Hoyt, who is compelled to .tand Kingham's shortage of $23,336. The fact has been brought out that Klngham recently purchased one ton of California prunes for his family'1 pirvate use. There is now no longer any doubt that the convicted man is insane and tbe efforts to have bin committed to an asylum will be renewed Bulldog Determination Builds Prosperity Any tcvtm or oornrniiTiity that pots a Imlldog prip on prosprrltv is fortunate. But tlie bulldog grip w ill not bold if some citizens pull one way and some anotber. All must pull or push in tlie same direction. For instance, if balf tbe people want Main street macadamized and tbe otber half insist tbat Central avenue should huve the macadam and eacb balf hold there isn't going amization in that Once there a creek running living on one side built at a certain the other side bridge at anotber sections fought so the issue that no One side of the from the other there are two there used to be ' out for its side to bo any nincad town. was a town with through it. Folks wanted a bridge point. Folks on wanted the point. The two doggedly over bridgo was built, creek seceded side, and now half towns where a whole one. Another way to make a half town out of a whole one is for half the people to buy their goods through the Mail Order Houses in the big cities while the other half buys from the local stores and factories. If your place has the bulldog grip on prosperity don't pry it loose by pulling against your cwn local interests. m Telephone Talks No. 2 Farmers Pretest Against Reciprocity. Washington, May 12. Country nnd city were arrayed against each other at the Canadian reciprocity hearing before the .-senate finance committee. Farmers from Minnesota and North Dakota denounced the agreement as iniquitous, while members of the hoards of trad" from -ities along the international boundary indorsed it un qualifiedly Would Clean Up Legislature. Chicago, May 15 A demand for the cleaning up Of the Illinois legislature was made by State Senator Walker Clyde Jones before a meeting of 700 Republicans, comprising the Progres slve Republican league, here. THE MARKETS Chicago, May 15 Closing prices Wheat - May. HVfcc; July, N40Me. Corn-May. 53c; July, 52S.C. Oats May. 33'.. c; July, 33'. . ForkJuly, $15.05; Sept . $14.50 lrd May. 10.17(6; J"''. $8 20 Telephone Courtesy In telephone affairs, as in every other business, the personal element must be considered. Vou are human, and the person with whom you talk as well as the operator who connects you are human. The hastily spoken word and its inflection, no matter what Its provocation, conveys an undesirable impression. Courteous talk over the telephone is like oil on machinery it prevents friction and pays big returns. Our operators are required to be brief but polite under all circumstances. They are Instructed not to answer complaints or carry on any conversation. Their whole time is taken up in ex ecuting orders for connections. In dealing with you we try to be forbearing, considerate and courteous, realizing that the wire between us takes none of the sting out of unkind words. Our operators try to treat you as they would fac to fate; won't you afford them and the persons with whom you talk the same consideration? NEBRASKA TELEPHONE CO. T. H. BEESOIS, Alliance Manager Ribs - July, $7 97 Sept . $7 97'.. CWi igo Cash Prices - No 2 hard 4gheat. pT-XtOMe; No I corn, 53:;,i 9t; No oats, 33' :,fa :!3'-..c. Chicago Live Stock. Chicago. May 15 Cattle Receipts. 28 000; 1 0c lower; beeves. $4 90J6 40; western Steers, $4 8005.60; Blockers and feeders. $3 90 5 70; cows and heifers. It 4605 CO; calves, $4 50 6 75. lings- Receipts. 40,000; steady light, $K.u5-6.40; mixed, $6.0066 35; heavy. :. 85n; '.; rough, $5.854?CO0; pigs. $5 900635; bulk. $0. loft 6.30 Sheep Receipts. 20.000; steady; na lives. $'! unfa SO: westerns. $3 5.10 4.60; yearlings. $4 6045 60; lambs. 44.50041 75 John Snoddy, Pres., F. S. Showers, V. Pres. May Snoddy, Sec. and Treas. NELSON FLETCHER Fire Insurance Agency Hail Insurance And All Other Kinds of Insurance Stock, Accident and Death from Any Cause Also Represent the Nebraska State Building and Loan Association South Omiha Live Stock. South Omaha. May 15 Cuttle Re ceipts. 5. On; lec lower; beef steers, $5 10fi5 95; cows and heifers, $3,854 5.65; Mockers and feeders, $4. (Mifi 5.35 ; hulls. I3.40fi5.25: calves, $4.80jj7.00. Hoks Receipts. 5,700; 6c lower; long strings ranged around $5.904? 5.95: ex tra heavies, $5.75(55.85. Sheep- Re ceipts, 5,500; 10c higher; wethers, $390414 35; ewes, $3.654.25; lambs, $4 5045 C. 60. Central Lumber Co. Building material, Piles, Posts h eh ing ford, and Coal Nebraska