I MS MdE ,7 PERPETRATED BY VALT Ac DOUG ALL NORTH POLE GOSSIP. ESKIMO CENTER . SOCIAL CIRCLES ARE SPLIT OVER THE PEAKYCOOK DISPUTE AMD THIS SELECT RESORT IS ON THE FRITZ ARRIVALS HAVING KEN REGISTEREDAT pHE WALRUS-ALBATR055 ANNUAL OOG SHOWWASAPROST. THE BLUBBERFEST ATTHE ST FRIGIS HOTEL ENDEDIN A FIGHT BETWEEN TAKACHEWfirAPLEPIEEACHClAIW IMG50CIAL LEADERSHIP. PREST. GITUGOTE OF THE WHALEBONE TRUST DONATE D A U8RA FtTDTHE RESORT ON CONDITION THAT CRAP Shooting be prohibited at the casino, nmekaylak club elected mr gitugote KJ0MM0O0RE FOR THE 9?TIME THEODORE R GITUOOTE KILLED II BEARS.8FOXES AND WHITE LIES. THE ONES WE HAVE TO TELL. TMtSt prunes ARE. CERTAINLY DEUCIOUS L 31 7MUSK0X THIS WINTER FOR THE BOREALIS THEATER . FROST IS FORBE.S ROB MUSEUM . MISS GITUGOTE WORE THE WIRELESS WERSE. MARGARET WENTTQCOLLEGE WHILE MAUDIE 5TAYE0 RIGHT HERE ". MARGARET GOT FULL OF KNOWLEDGE WHILE MAUD GOT FULL Of BEER; MARGARETS BUG WAS LOOKING THROUGH A SPYGLASS AT THE STARS WHILE MAUDIE PRACTICED COOKING FOR SOME OUYS WITH MOTOR CARo. MARGARET WRESTLED ALL THE WHILE TO REACH HER LOFTY GOAL WHIIEMAUO DOPED 0UTABRAMDIW5JYLE OF COOKING TR Pt EN CASSEROLE. NAMES AS SUCH. IWHEN MARGARET TO TOWN RETURNED THERE IS A DOCTOR ILL IN NEWARK W J SHF .SPflkT FfM 1R TDNRI IF S WITH F A.V S HUSCHISJ USHER MQllCAGOt ILUwHILE SIMPLE MAUO HAD OflLY LEARWED FAMOUS COPPER-RIVET NECKLACE AT COPP IS ANEWYORK POLICEMAN. HER COMING-OUT PARTY LAST DECEMBER . WAITE AND MEETER ARE HAWARDEN THE NEW GOLF LINKS ARE THAWING OUT RAPIDLY AND ICE RALLS LOSING IN QUALITY. HIGHBALLS 01JT0FSIGHT THE GITUGOTESWILL SUMMER AT ITCH IN HAMPTON. IA. AS IS MR GREENHOUSE ABIT VILLA DROPPED FIFTY FEET WITHOUT SUSTAINING ANY INJURY. 6 0CLOCK EXTRA IT IS REPORTED THAT YESTERDAY IN NEWYORK A DELICATESSEN MAN K.FUXSPUBLICATIONS".AN0TI1ERTIME THAT THEY WERE PIGS FEET. WE HAVE SENT FOR THE AMBULANCE ERTSON'S BUSINESS MANAGER. J IA. OUTFITTERS. WM.SHADOWER ISA BROOKLYN DETECTIVE. SO IS ONE A. DODGE IN PHILA.RLPALMI5AFL0RI5T IN NEWYORK ENOUGH SAID WHEN I ASKED ATA BOOKSTORE FOR FOX'S BOOK OF MARTYRS I WASTOLD THATIT ISW ONTHE USTCf RICHARD MANS APPETITE TO PLEASE NOW MARGARETS BACK HERE WITH THE LOSS Or HALF HER LOOKS AND HAIR WHILE MAUDIE IS THE HAPPY BOSS OFAMULTI MILLIONAIRE. OOTTY LEMON. SILLY BILL'S PHILOSOPHY. I ORDERFITOUR GARDEN PLANTS AND THEY 5ENTAC0PY OF BURIED ALIVE LATER". IT HAS JUST BEEN LEARNED CAM YOU BEATIT?STARS VISIBLE TONWHTJ THE TOAST USED TO BE) 'THE '."OMEN.GOD" BLESS 'EM "i BUT NOWADAYS ITS THE ME"N,GOD - HELP EM r WIOEBARANPROCYON.BETELGUESE.RFGULUS. SIRIUS.CAPELLA AND MAUDE ADAMS. 7 HEALTH AND BEAUTY HINTS. NCAOATH.DO NOT WASH YDOR HAiPt IN THt SPRING- IT (MAY NOT HURT YOUR. HAIR BoTOTHtRS WANT TOUSC THt SPRWftJ NG THESE DAYS AT ESKIMO CENTEft I ITT PLUM W FARMER ACCIDENTALLY SHOT John vpf of Auburn Drops Gun and Both Charges Strike Him In Back. Auburn, Neb, Mny Ifi John Wefts, I farmer residing twelve nille south west nf here, accidentally she' and killed himself Til sprinkle of i :iin eauscd rats in the rorn ( i ll) Id flock nut to g?t water Mr WNfl gut Ml shotgun nnd started to the crib with n view of shooting rnla. It Is supposed (hut the gate swung to nnd struck the sun and knocked 11 out of till hands As th gun Ml II struck In Mel a way if to discharge both barrels, the 'oads of shot striking him In the small of the buck, killing him Instantly Mr VVeers was about thirty eight years old nnd leaves a widow and MVtll children Old Circuit Rider la Dead. Auburn, Neli., May t,- Rev Delink' Brookl Lake, an old time circuit rider ot the Metlndist church died at hla home here, aged sixty seven years He has preached In almost every school house In this and surrounding roomies during the lust thirty-five years. BOY HAS FINGERS TORN OFF Auburn Lad la Playing With Dynamite Cartridge When It Explode. Auburn, Neb., May 13. Dude Mo Kee whr playing with a dynamite cur trldge at the school house when It ex ploded and tore off his thumb, one fin. ger and part of of another, and severe ly injured hi.--, hands. The boy, with other boys, found the dynamite car tridges along the public road, and some of the boys bad their pockets full of them. Investigation showed that the Humer Construction com pany, engaged in dredging the Ne maha river, unloaded a box containing the cartridges and tools along the road Agents of the company soy It was locked and that some one broke It open and scattered the cartridges on the ground, where the boys found them. Veteran Die in Cemetery. Minden. Neb.. May 13 J. W. Down ing died while at work In the Swedish Luthirftn Bethany congregation's cem etery, on a monument which he was lettering Mr. Dowing was an old sol-flier. The St. Agnes Academy of Alliance has added THREE more "Kurtzman" Pianos to the NINE already purchased; thus giving to this famous seat of Musical Knowledge an even DOZEN pianos of admitted excellence and fame gj JMsSsBsjlWWWsjfiiisiss iJb GIVE the instructors of St. Agile Academy credit for knowing just what should be demanded from a piano. Their exacting in struction course invites the use of only correctly scaled, correctly toned, scientifically built instru ments. The faculty of St. Ajjnes went over the ground thoroughly before they placed an order for twelve "Kurtzmans". They had access to every American make of note. It was not a question of inducement, but a decision as to which make would serve their purpose best. We are very proud to have secured their order and the prestige that must result from so large a transaction. And this is an opportune time for you to buy a "Kurtman" Piano also. A solid car load has just arrived for a special selling at Alliance. We know this car load will go quickly at the prices (j noted, for we disposed of another car load here some months ago in an exceedingly short space of time. Come in. Examine the instruments. Make comment upon their exquisite, absolutely cor rect tonal powers. Admire the grace and line and extreme finish of the cases. Bring along your "posted" friends; make an earnest examination; buy only if you think the make is better than any other von know of, at the same prices. REMEHBER! A solid Car Load of Famous "Kurtzmans" has just arrived. Every instrument goes at a phenomenally low price Bennett Piano Company ALLIANCE. NEB. OPPOSITE POSTOFFICE ALLIANCE, NEB. I Remember ft 'that it try fctJded tub- $ 1 kcriber heip ; e oak: this m better fer everybody J Are Ygj in Arrears on jour tubtc.lpUoa 1 You know WE NED THE MOMEY DO IT NOW afefcacrtba for THIS PAPER 1 III an Again We Say Subscribe for THIS PAPKRj MADEROTO REBELS! OIL KNOCKED OUT Puts Down Rebellion Among In surrecto Force at Juarez. Supreme Court Holds Standard Is a Conspiracy. NAVARRO FLEES TO EL PASO. ITS 0ISSOLUTION IS ORDERED. In answering Herald want ads please mention that you saw it in this paper. Threats Agintt His Life Made Fed sral General Hasten to American Soil In a Motor Car Madero As sists the Prisoner to Escape. Junior., Mcx., Mny 15. Peace nego tiations, unofficial, hut auspicious, have been resumed between the lod mil hom'i niiu'iit anil tho iMIIHWf If nnd IIih prottpoclN arp Unit a definite unprstandln wnuid be rMchttl with lu twenty four hours. Ittart't, Mpx . May II. Th supreme fpst, the CMin betwepn I In inllll.in and political authorities, was experi encpd by the provisional government of Mexio nnd FrnnelHco I Madero. Jr.. the pTOVlltOMl president. Is com plpte tnastpr of the situation After a spiles of thrilling incidents, during; whieh the lives of Madero and his thief weie in danger. General Paacnal DrotM In a moment of pns sion ordered the arrest of the little rebel leader nnd demanded the reals, nation of the provisional eahlnel. the capital of the provisional government Is quiet r.enernl Navarro, the do feated federal rommander. whose life wns threatened by angry mobs' of In surrertos, was spirited away by Ma dero, himself, to the American side of the Rio Grande and today Is nt the home ot friends In El Pnso A Plot to Foster Anarchy. A plot, quiet, deeply lnld, Is sus pected by the rebel leaders as the cause of the near riot In frotit of the Madero headquarters and some of the Maderoists believe It was a scheme on the part of those who are trying to break up the organization of the POTO lntion to foster the opinion throughout Mexico that the movement Is one of nnnrehv. Madero In a statement charged that General Oroseo's actions were Incited "by persons Interested In bringing about disunion among ua." General Orozco called on Provisional President Madero and the two men talked nlone for some time. Suddenly their void's were raised and the other political chiefs rushed Into the room only to find themselves held back by some of Oroeo's men. A throng of SOldlera find gathered outside the building and Fenor Madero determined to appeal to them. Revolvers had been drawn nnd rifles were seized, but Madero stood bravely before the Crowd and slapping his breast, shout ed. "Shoot me, shoot me, if yon dare " Madero Won Them Over. Gepernl Orozco was at his side His men Ostensibly had been summoned to take part in the roup d'etal. hut as Matjerc stepped foith among them and talked in his calm, reassuring Way, the arfeetion which lias been np r.ltiK among his men since the ievo lntion eryi-ta'il'ed in a mighty shout "Viva Madero.' There are ail sorts of storlea In re gard to the tlaaUi hut at the bottom It was apparent that dissension among tbS military chiefs was the basic rsnaa of the disturbance. Colonel VIlWl was said to have insisted on den era 1 Navarro's Mfa, while General Orozo also was said to have been displeased with the naming Of a civil tun as minister ot war. Today all is aarmony, Madero lias Impressed upon Oroaeo that the choosing of u cabinet and th'' management of u government Is quite outside the function of the Military. Apprehi nsion for the safety oi (on erul Navarro stirred the sympathy of General Madero after the incident at the munii ir.al building and he was dc teiiniind at the risk of his Own life, M sae the federal commander lie POtfe quickly in a motor cat to Sfhers General Navarro has ln-en claying since he wa? captured and after a brief explanation conveyed Genera) Navarro to the river front, arbare Na vnrro wc.ded the river nnd soon v .. safe on the American territory Amer lean troops v i ie ready to proteM bi n if necessary, ant the bnsurrectne were completely ignorani or Madero's move tin it sraa aecompUsbod TIME GIVEN TO FILEBRIEFS Hearing cn Charges cf Alpha Portland Cement Company Concluded. New York. May II The hearing by the lateratata coninMrca com aa last on n the charges ol the Alpha Portland Cement company that Inliuence of the United States Steel corporation pave lavorable freight rate to a aitbs.dlar nenjtanl plant of the steel corporation was 'om lud d and permission was given lor the plaintiff to file hrlefii within Ihlitv days at Washington The defense will he given fifteen days additional to file answering briefs Appeal in Stracey Coal Case. Waahiagtos), May 12 The fight avor probably the richest coal iHnds in the world was transferred to the supreme, court of the I'uited States when the government docketed an ap peal from the order of the federal 'ourt 01 Washington, qu:ishlng the so called Stracey group' indictment Kidnaper May P -ad Guilty. Las Vega.-!, N M . May 15 That WW Rogers and Jo. Wiggins will plead guilty to the kidi aping of little Waldo Rogers at Las V-gas when the May term of the district court ion venes today Is the current report here Time l Extended From One Month to Six Months Opinion Is Read by Chief Justice Whits Two Points In Decision. Washington, May 16. The govern nettl won Its case in the supreme court of the I'nitcd States against tha Standard oil company of New Jersey, in that II is a conspiracy and monop oly In restraint of trade. The decree of the lower court was affirmed, lelng modified In particulars which Chief Justice White said were slight. Justice Harlan announced a dissent ing opinion. Tho decree of the lower court was modified so that there need not be "an absolute cessation of Interstate commerce In petroleum and Ita prod ucts by such vast agencies as are em braced in the combination, a result which might arise from that portion ot the decree which enjoined carrying on of Interstate commerce not only by the New Jersey corporation, but by. all of the subsidiary companies until the dissolution of the combination of Stocks In accordance with the decree ' The court also extended the tlm- from one to six months In which the dissolution must take place. Whits Reads Decision. The decision, which contains about 25,000 words, was read by Chief Jus tice White. It was Chief Justice White who had lent his voice to the refusal of the court to dissolve the so called sugar trust when the famoua Knight case was before the court. Ho also delivered a dissenting opinion when the Northern Securities com pany was dissolved by the court as be ing in violation of the Sherman anti trust law. On the Knight case the Standard Oil depended largely for support; on the majority opinion In the Northern Se curities case the government had founded much of Its hope. It was evi dent that Attorney General Wicker sham, who had directed the govern ment's battle during Its latter stages, was not delighted when the chief Jus tice began, but he maintained some hope of success. Chief Justice White first went Into an extensive recital of the facts In the case nnd then held that the court had jurisdiction over the suit, which had been questioned by the Standard Oil. Jungle of Law and Testimony. Chief Justice White said that the contentions were as divergent as the ends of the earth, t-ie xpke of a "Jungle'' of testimony and f law. The only point In which the two sides were in accord was that the first and second sections of tho Sherman ami trust law controlled the case. Tho lilef justice said the court seized on this point us p basis on which to woik out a decision. Taking up the two sections, the chief Justice began consideration of the law, promising to come later to its application to the present ease. Hc first took up the common law, which deall with 'he problems raised by the Sherman nnti trust law. ity the reorganisation f the stand ard till of New Jersey, the chief jus tiro said that there was prima facie evidence that there was an endeavor to control and monopolise; that fur ther investigation made this conclu rive presnmptlon of an intent to re strain trade. He said only the ques tion of r medy remained for consider r.tlon. t1T Law and Reason Probably the most important de Ctaiott of law laid down In the opinion was that ti e words In the statute "every restraint of trade" are not to b literally construed, hut are to be Construed In the light of reason On this point the court held that the position of 'he government that the supreme cCurt had decided that anv goaltflcatlcu of this phrase was pie eluded by previous decisions of the st'rreme court was erroneous. Decision cf Lower Court Affirmed. Chief Justii e White said the court found no oanco to doubt the conclusion of the court below, namely "Thi.t the nets atid dealings estab lished by the proof operated to de stroy I be 'potentiality of competition,' Which otherwise would have existed." Wife of President III. New York, May 15. Mrs. William 11 Taft. wile of the president, was seized with a recurrence of the ner vous trouble from which she suffered two years ago and was unable to ac company the president on his Harris burg trip. The president returned here last night. Eight Killed by Lightning. Berlin. May 2 During thunder Btorins that occurred throughout Ger many lightning killed eight persons gnd near Hamburg started a natural gas well, which bad been recently capped with the greatest difficulty. Bay State Mountain on Fire. Basthamptou, Mass., May 13 Mount Tom, the state reservation was ablaze its forests afire clear ta the summit, xtving large gangs of flre fight is a bard battle before th flames were brought under control.