Brakeman Mork Is very danger ously sick with typhoid fever. Conductor W. V. Johnson Is off with a very badly mashed f inner. Blacksmith Ault spent last week at the home of his parents in Lin coln. lirakeman Clyde Lain is enter taining his friend, Mr. Gilbert Kays of Litchfield. Mr. Carl Rockcy went to Broken Bow last Friday evening, returning Sunday morning Mr. and Mrs. Harry Johnson and Miss Virginia returned Wednesday from a trip to Iowa points. Mrs. U. N. Hoskins was a passen ger to Grand Island Friday evening She returned Sunday morning. Mrs. R. E. Spencer and daughter went to Denver last Friday. They spent the day shopping and Big'.it Beelng. Conductor U. N. Hoskins is Off this week on account of sickness. Conductor Tom Grlffeth has his cnr and crew. Miss Ethel Miller, daughter of En gineer Wm. Miller, has accepted the position of bookkeeper in the co-operative store. Brakeman John Leidtka has gone to Harrishurg, I'enn. He goes as a delegate of the Brotherhood of Rail way Trainmen. Mr. Ray Detellne took No. I- Mon day morning for Crawford. Mrs. Detellne is at the home of her fath er, Wm. Morris, and Is quite sick with heart trouble. Fireman T. F. Branley has taken a two weeks' layoff and has gone to Litchfield, Minn, to be present at the wedding of a sister. Mr Toliser, brother ot Hrakcmau Jesse Toliser. came down from Sher idan Monday evening. He expects to enter the train service. Mrs. Helen Short and son, who have been h re for some time visit ing relatives and friends, left Wed nesday for her home in Slater, Mo. Dispatcher Mosher and wife left on 42 last Saturday morning for Ohio. Mr. Mosher received a tele grant that his aged mother is dan gerously sick. On the night of May 3rd fireman ''arter had a very narrow escape from death. He wm on engine 201S, Engineer llaggaman doublcheading No. 40, running about thirty miles per hour. Near Reno ho fell from the gangway striking on top of his head. He was picked up and brought back to the hospital. He is now out of danger. One of our conductors had an ex citing experience with a hobo that he put off out at tho west switch. The fellow was In with a car of hor ses and was using his wooden leg to keep them back. After he had b en unloaded he swore a.t the conductor and told him he wns coming back to town, find out where the conductor lived and burn him out. Hanging Is what such a man needs. City, has opened an office In the McForkle block In Alliance, with L C. Wakeman In charge as manager and H. C. Hurt as assistant. A large line of agents' supplies will be handled and also an advertising a gencv business will be conducted. Alliance Is central to a large scope of country that will make a good field for their business and they ought to Bticceed well, which The Herald hopes they will. ST. AGNES ACADEMY CLASS PLAY TO BE GIVEN MAY 19 The Seniors of St. Agnes Academy will present their Class Flay, "Cae-. cilia ". OA Friday, May 1! at the Fhe lan Opera House. Tickets will be sold at Holsten's, admission 5o cents The following Is the outline of the I drama: Caecilia, a wenlthy Roman Lady,: prefers the unmarried state of life but yielding to Qulntiliin, her fath er's persuasions, she heroines the bride of Vnlecian, a Raman N'oMe man Septimus, a gambler, has long been watching Caeciltn. hoping to win her for his bride and when thru bribery he learns from Niger, Caecilia's slave, that Valeclan has become a Christian and has wedded Caecilia, he resolves to put- a barri between the newly wedded, think ing he might still persuade Caecilia to become his bride. l;i.cria, a wealthy Roman Lady, has had her heart set on Valerian, and when Septimus becomes aware of this, he tries to persuade her to make Caecilia unhappy by telling her that Valecian was hers. Septimus wins the weak Egeria over to his cause; she attempts to sow discord but falls. Septimus accuses Valer ian of being a Christian before the Roman tribunal and receives perinis sloii to seize Valerian anil cast him Into prifcion. He does this and the very slave who betrayed the secret UUU His master was a Christian he came aware of this and with mighty effort he trees liim from prision. On their way home they meet Cae cilia, who happily remembers that in die garden where they meet there is a secret subterranean passage by which they can reach the catacombs. Septimus is enraged whoa he finds that his prey has escaped and he finds another clue. He has a friend in villany. Declus. who has been ex communicated from the Church by Pope I'rban. Declus reveals to Septimus a like passage to the cat acombs and a horrible massacre of Christians takes place. Valerian falls a rlrtntfl but Caecilia is spared. On leaving her dark asylum she bears a cry of agony and perceives that Septimus lias been mortally wounded by Niger. Upon hearing bis cry for water, Caecelia forgets all his well known dark schemes a gainst her and she assists him and holps him to die repenting. PlM '! CM ft tilt Is brought before t ie Roman Governor Alamacliuria on the Large of being a Christian and she Is condemned to death. Egeria enter:; just as the sentence in pass ed and she asks Caecilia's forgive ness. The prayers of Caecilia have been answered; she has won her two greatest enemies Septimus and Ena -for the Christian faith.Egerla aid Caecliia are consigned to the ex u! loners. J utt as the executioner raises the ax Caecilia's heart gives away and Bhe breathes forth her pure soul. Alexander, emperor of Rome, arrlveb Just at that moment too late to lave Caecilia but not to punish the wick ed Governor for his misrule. Agnes, Caecilia's foster sister, is adopted by the Emperor and Caecilia's Obsequies are held with all the Rplendor of the Roman court. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS o S. L. Campbell and C. P. Campbell to On-ce Coppernoll SE4 Sec 18 Twp 2ti R. 47 and N WVi Sec 18 2(5 R. 47 $6400.00 Nettle F. Westley to David N. Draw er Lots 1 and 2 Tract 22, Duncan's First- Addition to Duncan's North Side Residence Tracts 500.()o T. C. Cannon to Harold R. Olds NEti Sec 25 Twp 27 R. 50 $1.00 John Pederson to Warren V. Beal Lots .'5 & 4 & NM Lot 5, Block Y, Sheridan Add and Lots 1 & 2, Hlock 7, Wyoming Addition to Al liance. $3750.00 Haiold R. Olds to Keith L. Pierce NEti Sec 25 Twp 27 R. 50 $4MHI .10 ALLIANCE HAS CONTESTANT FOR WORLD-HERALD PRIZE Miss Blanche Macdonald has reg istered as a candidate in the Omaha World-Herald's great voting contest, the prize being a trip to Europe with all expenses paid. The patron izing territory of the World Herald Is divided into districts, n prize trip being given to the contestant having the largest number of voteB In each district. This district com prizes north WMl Nebraska, the Black Hills in South Dakota, and Wyoming, or a part of Wyoming. The World-Herald is a popular paper In this pnrt of this district, and If Miss Macdon ald' friends will get busy and help her along, as they can very easily, she will very probably win the trip. Every copy of the World-Herald contains a coupon which counts aa one vote. Readers of the paper who save these coupons can help some In the contest, but subscriptions count the most. A new subscription for one year counts 8,000 votes nnd for two years 7,000. Renewals for one year count 1.500 votes each. Sub scriptions for leBS than one year count less In proportion to time i ban those for a year or more. In subscribing for the World-Herald give your subscription, either new or renewal, to Miss Macdonald, or if you send it in yourself mention that you want her credited with the votes. She is stenographer and bookkeeper for Attorney B. F. Oilman, whose of fice is over the Alliance National bank. Further Information about the trip will be given in these columns with in the next few weeks. The contest closes July 1st. The Herald hopes to see Miss Macdonald win the prize allotted to this district. NEW STORE GET TING GOOD TRADE MEETING OF COMMITTEE The committee appointed to in vestigate the proposition to change the present ground circuit telephone system at Alliance to a metallic cir cuit and make a report for publica tion, will meet at eight o'clock, Fri day evening. May 12th. The follow ing are the members of the commit ter H. J. Ellis, chairman; John W. Thomas, secretary; E. T. Kibble, T. .1. Meal, J. A. Mallery, , K. War rick. B. F. Oilman. They will be notified of the place of meeting when that has been decided upon. Persons who have any suggestions which they wish to make to the committee or any information which they think would lie helpful in making up the report, should communicate the same to some member of the above named committee. The Railroad Men's Cooperative store at 304 Box Butte avenue, first door norih of the First National bank, has been running only a few weeks, but The Herald is pleased to not' that they already have a good business and we are Informed that theli trade is constantly Increasing. J. C. Berry, the manager, is popu lar among his acquaintances, espec ially among the railroad men, ami with an entirely new stock of goods it is not surprising that he Is selling a large share of the groceries that go to the homes of Alliance and sur rounding country. Jack Is ably assisted by Lee Moore as salesman, and Miss Ethel Miller, who as bookkeeper and sten ographer does the clerical work and assists in receiving telephone or der;' Others will be employed to assist as the business grows. They use the co-operati"e delivery system, Which means that their custom ers have the benefit of prompt de liveries, as well as the best good on the market. Since writing the above a Herald representative has had a talk with the manager and we are really sur prised at the volume of business which they already have Alreadv it compares favorably with that of many stores that have been estab lished for years. We call attention to the advertise nient of the Co-Operative store in this issue of the Herald. CORRESPONDENCE Mrs Pettingill left Tuesday niorn nig for Hot Springs, where her bus band has charge ol a fine soft-drink MrlOf for the summer. m birthday surprise party About thirty ladies gathered at the home of Mrs. Willis last Thurs day evening, the occasion hotel a surprise birthday party for Mrs. Cora Lewis. The evening was spent playiug "f.oti." Mrs. Jas. Keeler, Mrs C N. Hoskins and Mrs. Dick Waters cut for first prize. .Mrs. Wat ers cut an ace. Mrs. Cora Lewis won second prize lioth prizes were dainty little shirt waist sets. At 11.30 -Mrs. Wills, assisted by Mrs. Robert lllrney. served an appetizing lunch. As a token of their friend ship and esteem, the ladles present ed Mrs Lewis with a set of silver knives and forks. That Mrs. Lewis may have many happy returns of the day is the wish of all those present. ANOTHER NEW BUSI NESS IN ALLIANCE The Hauey Supply Co., a branch of the Central Supply Co of Kansas W. V. BEAL & SONS CEMENT WORKS SUCCESSORS TO JOHN PEDERSON) 11 work guaranteed. We use the best river sand on all jobs. Estimates cheerfully furnished on any and all kinds of cement work. Mr. Pederson will continue to do the finishing, which in itself is a sufficient guarantee as to the quality. We will keep a large line of blocks and cement building materials on hand at the plant, just north of the Rowan elevator. PHONE 335 OH, YES! MONEY TO LOAN 0 Money to loan at 5. Ten years' time, with the option of paying at any time the borrower wishes to pay on the principal QUAKER VALLEY Elton Spain is working for Prank Johnson. Edwin Owen lost a valuable horse one day last week. Mrs. Joseph Parley has been on the sick list but is better at this writing. A. HJordanlil was at Alliance Fri day on business. The mall is carried twice a week from Reno to Hewitt by Mr. Esslg. lie also carries passengers. MALINDA SQUIBBS Kilpatri'k's men having finished Hie Dig Dam pulled stakes and mov ed to Kimball. 000, Severson and Kd Deuker went to Angora Wod. John Hums made a business trip to Alliance Tues. Henry Derr puloused his mare to Minatare Wed. Cal Derr went to Minatare Sat. and being caught In Ho- storm did not returo till Mon a in. Also have some good stocks of merchandise will exchange for good deeded lands, and good relinquish ments to exchange for city property. And will exchange good lands for stock, merchandise and automobiles. Houses and Farm Property for Rent Insurance written on city and farm property Locating People on Homesteads a specialty. Will locate parties on homesteads and survey their lands so they will know just where their corners are at a very reasonable rate. Any one wish ing a good home will do well to call on or phone BABBITT, DEUEL Sc CO. ROOM 1 1, RUMER BLOCK Office Phone, 286 Res. Phone, 359 Blue ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA Dan Mc Lean Is still down on Hie tlov. Ditch. This heavy fall of snow will put the ground in excellent condition and stop the dry weather croakers A BUSY PLACE Did you ever visit a central tel ephone office and watch the ladles who are called "operators' or "iee phoae girls" at their work? It's a busy place, especially at times when half of the people In the city want to taik to the other half. If anybody deserves courteous treatment, O0f talnly the telephone operators do but they don't always receive it; and if there is a more accommodat ing telephone force any where than there is at Alliance, The Herald hasn't learned where. The Alliance telephone exchange' i-; a very busy place and few people Inve any Idea of the number of ; phone calls handled every tweniv four hours. Recently 6,07:.' calls were handh during a continuous period of twenty four hours. tl.Tuil ot these were dur ing a continuous period of fifteen hours, or an average of 448 calls per hour or 7 calls per minute. In spite of the great amount of work everything moves along aa smooth and cjuitely as clockwork un der the direction of Mrs. Chaffey, head operator. John Bnoddy, Pros., V. s. Shower, V Pres. May Snotldy, Sec. and Tn-as. NELSON FLETCHER Fire Insurance Agency L Hail Insurance And All Other Kinds of Insurance Stock, Accident and Death from Any Cause Also Represent the Nebraska State Building and Loan Association Are You in Arrears on your subx. Option T You Uaow WE NEED THE MONEY 7 Central Lumber Co. Building material, Piles, Posts HtniNOFOKD, and Coal Nebraska