Classified Advertisements The following "Want Ada" are classified under appropriate headings for the convenience of readers. CASH RATES One cent per word each insertion. No ad received for less than ten cents per inser tion. Black face double rate. CREDIT RATES One cent per word each insertion, but no advertis ing account opened for less than twenty-five cents and no ad charged for less than fifteen cents per week. Black face double rate. In answering Herald want ads please mention that you saw it in this paper. A classified advertisement will in troduce to each other the next buy er and the next seller of property In this town. GOOD THINGS TO EAT Pardey's mission in Alliance is baking. Personal attention is makinn a success, as our steady increasing patronage will testify. Now as ever to the fore with their motto, "Clean, white, light and wholesome." Your grocer handles the Pardey products. 19 tf70 2 TO RENT FOR RENT Modern rooms for rent. 809 Box Butte. Phone 355. 697-2M9 HOI SK CLEAN1NU TIME IS HERE Why not rent a ' hint ley Vacuum Cleaner and do It all in one day? The strongest cleaner made. Oper ated with electricity Charges reas onable. Satisfaction guaranteed. Phone Tfi! 19-2 Too D. C.RKENAMEYER. Buy your china nnd glassware Threlkeld. Of FOR SALE- Threlkeld sells M l lamps cheap MERCHANDISE china, glassware Buy your stoves of T. I. Threlkeld, 401 Box Butte Ave 44f FOR SALE REAL ESTATE TO TRADE 160 acres of level upland, M miles northeast of Greeley, Colo., valued 8t $2,600.00. To trade for residence In Alliance. H. C. NICHOLSON, 1st National Bank, Alliance ABSTRACTERS F. E. REDDISH Bonded Abstracter. 1 have the only set of books in Box Butte county In McCorkle Building. abstract Office 10-tf-570 ARCHITECT The C. W. Way Co., Architects, Hastings, Nebraska, will furnish you with plans and specifications for any slass of building you wish to erect. Ask them for information. 19tf AUCTIONEERS Frank H. Palmer, general auction er. Satisfaction guaranteed or no charges. Phone 687 Blue, Alliance Nehr. Can leave orders at Herald office. 53-tf-380 HELP WANTED WANTED -An experienced wait ress. Address S, Herald of rice. YOUNG MEN WANTED Govenment Pays Railway Mall Clerks $800 to $1,400 a Year FOR SALE CITY PROPERTY RESIDENCE AND SW1MMINO POOL POR SALE .lodge L. A. Berry offers to sell his residence, ( orner Mississippi Ave. and Firth 8t. Oood 6-room house, three lots, two thicken yards, two chicken houses; swimming pond on one lot. two dress ing rooms; private water works, In cluding windmill and gasoline engine nnd big heater for tank. Swimming pool is a money muklim proposition, he Income from It running ns high ,ts $18.00 per day during the season, lieason for selling, other work pre vents handling It. Nearly one and (I half lots in garden, for which the irrigation system supplies water. Por price and terms inquire at Her ald office or apply to Judge L. A. Berry. 13-tf-608 PERIODICALS SUBSCRIPTIONS TAKEN TO CHRISTIAN Free Scholarships Are Offered. Untie Sam holdB examinations for railway mall clerk, postofflce clerk or carrier, custom house and depart mental clerks. Prepare at once for the coming examinations. Thousands of appointments are to be made. Common school education Is all you need; city and country people have equal chance. Start to prepare now free information. Free scholarships this month. Write im mediately to Central Schools, Dept. B-024. Rochester, N. Y. 5-20t-463 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY IN BAR GAIN FOR THE RIGHT PARTY WITH CASH Subscriptions to the Christian Her aid are received by W. A. Dunlnp. riie price Is $1.50 per year Persons who wish to leave their subscriptions at The Herald office may do so. without extra expense to either the subscribers or Mr. Dunlnp. lL' tf-590 NOTICE TO CREDITORS clothing, furnishings and shoes, lo cated in county seat in western Ne braska. Good farming and cattle country surrounding. Fifty miles to nearest competitor. New railroad. Fast growing town. Write for par ticulars to the Alliance Herald. 9-tf-553 NOTICES HOUSE CLEANING MADE EASY Phone 139 and we will send out a man and vacuem cleaner cleaner to do your work without removing car pets from your floor. 5-tf-647 GEO. D CALENDARS FOR DARLING 1912 POULTRY, ETC. THOROUGHBRED PLYMOUTH ROCK per setting of 15 eggs, $1.00. 100 wggs, $4.50. Phone 110 Blue. E. M. Gregg, 1007 Cheyenne Ave. Ll-tf-tiOi The Herald Publishing company will handle a beautiful line of calen dars for the year 1912. The main line will be the products of the But ler Paper company of Chicago. Itn ported calendars will also be printed. BARRED un account or tne ract tnat it win EGGS. !,(, ,. not be necessary to pay commissions to traveling salesmen the prices are much lower than ordinary. REPAIRING The best equipped shoe shop in northwestern Nebraska is run by M. O. Nichols in the rear of the Alliance CaBh Shoe Store. First class work dulckly done, at reasonable prices. 0tf EMPLOYMENT WANTED GARDEN PLOWING AND HAUL JNG. For all kinds of team work, hauling and garden plowing phone 6o7 green. C. E. SIMPSON. 15-tf-ii8 2 Wanted If you are not satisfied with your present salary and con ditions, take out a course of instruct ion in I he I. C. S. and prepare for better positions. Hundreds of pos itions open in Civil Service. Trained Electricians, Mechanics, Bookkeepers, Engineers wanted everywhere . Ad dress International Correspondence School. Scranton. Pa. or W. A. Bart- lett Sheridan. Wyo. 16-tit-668 fi. Gliddeu has returned to Alliance and is ready to do all kinds of odd Jobs of work. Phone 266 Red. 39tf SPjECJAL8iLES Furniture and nousefurnlshtngs the right place at Threlkeld's. at Have your Threlkeld'a. MISCELLANEOUS pictures framed Money to loan on real estate. E Reddish. at F. 3tf Flour, hay, feed, stock salt, poul try food. Best goods. Prices right, ."'ty deliveries made promptly. E. I. Gregg ft son. Phone 155. 40tf294 I SELL GOOD COAL Your orders will be delivered promptly. Monarch and Colorado coal. Office Gregg's Feed Store. Phone 666. M. Vaughn. 3-tf-442 FOR SALE My residence proper ty on fine corner close in, two lots, hous with nine rooms, hotwater heat, balh and toilet, electric lighted aud all modern. Good barn and gar age and other out buildings, fine tree, and lawn. A very desirable plac for a ranchman who wants a gooo town resident e. Will sell for cash or onehalf cash and bal:ne on easy terms. Might take quarter met ton Box Butte Co. land as part payment If not too far out. Enquire at residence for price and look at property if interested. Dr. L W Bowman. 324 Laramie Ave. i7tM77 LOST LOST--Gold locket and chain Locket is an old-fashioned one and chiefly valuable as a keepsake. Con tain? two tintype pictures. Finder please leave at the Herald office 17179 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS SWEET CORN SEED I have sev eral hundred pounds of early sweet corn seed for sale at five cents per pound. Orders may be left at the Herald office. GEO. E. DOUGLAS IttMtf Motor Cycle at a Bargain Red machine, In use every day on streets of Alliance. Fine working order. May be Inspected at General Re pair shop. 511 Box Butte Avenue F. P. BEMIS. 18tf83 HOUSEKEEPERS READ THIS No Soot If you want a quick, hot fire in our range or cook stove use the elebrated Emerald Colorado or Mon arch Wyoming nut coals sold by Vaughn.. Phone 666. 15tf646 WHO will win, Reds or Greens? Ask the Yeomfen. 20 2 706 FOR at ALB. 1 'wenty-fiu. head of high grade short horn yearlings Mostly steers. J. A. Keegan. phone 2 on 27. 690-2MH. I sell furniture and house furnish ings cheaper than anybody. -T. J ri.relkeld. tStf HERALD State of Nebraska, ) ) as. Box Butte County. ) IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF DANIEL K. SPACHT, DECEASED. i, L a Berry, County Judge of Box Butte county, Nebraska, hereby notify all persons having claims and lemantls against the estate of Daniel K. Spacht, that 1 have set and ap pointed the 17th day of October, 191 ;it to o'clock la the forenoon, ;it the County Court room In Alliance, for the examination of all claims against the estate of said decedent with a view to their allowance and payment. All persons Interested as creditors ol' the saitl estate will present their claims to me at said time, or show cause for not so doing, and in case any claims are not so presented by said time they shall be forever barred. This notice shall be served by publication thereof for four consec utive weeks in the Alliance Herald, a newspaper published in Alliance, prior to the day of hearing. Given under my hand and the seal of tald court this 11th day of April, 1911. (Seal) L. A. BERRY, 107-18-4-693 County Judge. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF BOX BPTTE COUNTY. NEBRASKA. In the Matter of the Guardianship of W. Marie Ball. Edith G. Ball, and Helen C. Ball, MINOR HEIRS. The cause coming on for hearing at chambers In city of Alliance, said county, upon the petition of B. F. Gilman. gunrdian of the estate of VV. Marie Ball, Edith G. Ball. Helen C. Bali, minor heirs of William Ball, de ceased, praying for a license to sell the interest of said minors in the Northwest Quarter (NWU) of sec tion Thirteen (131 in Township Twen ty Five (25) north of Range Forty Nine (49) west of the Sixth Princi pal Meridian in Box Butte County, Nebraska, on the ground that it would be for the benefit of said wards that said real estate be sold and the proceeds thereof put out at interest. It Is therefore ordered that all persons Interested in saitl estate appear before me at Chambers in Rushvllle in the County of Sheridan and state of Nebraska on the 15th ay of May. 1911. at 9 o'clock A M to show cause why license should not be granted to said guardian to sell the above described real estate Dated this Pith day of April. 1911. W. H. WKSTOVER Judge of the District Court 108-18-4-694 NOTICE TO CREDITORS "BACK TO THE FARM XI. Rural Education The Agricultural College. Farmers, ranchmen and everybody 'Ve find E. I. Gregg & Son's the Lest place to buy flour, feed, poul try food and stock salt. fttfJM TO RENT Dining room, office and kitchen, all furnished Will take half of ratal in board. For particu lars call at Herald office. LiUtit State of Nebraska ) ) as. Box Butte County ) In the Matter of the Estate of Mary E. Zoll nee Mary E. Maycock Deceased. I, L A. Berry, County Judge of Box Butte county, Nebraska, hereby notify all persons having claims and I. -Lands against the estate of Mary E. Zoll nee Mary E. Maycock that I haw- set and appointed the 11th day of November, 1911 at 10 o'clock In the forenoon, at the County Court room in Alliance, for the examina tion of all claims against the estate of said decedent with a view to their allowance und payment. All persons Interested as creditors of the said estate will presto t their claims to me at said time, or show cause for not so dolug, and in case any claims are not so presented by said time they shall be forever bar red. This notice shall be served by pub icatlon thereof for four consecutfve weeks in the Alliance Herald, a news paper published in Alliance, prior to the day of hearing. Given under my hand ami the seal of said court this 1Mb day of April. mi I Seal J I.. A. BERRY, lo'i .9-4-698 Counl) Judge C. V. CDUfrGOIRY. (Copyright. 1910. by American Pr Asnu elation IN ISIS'.' congress passed a law tip proprmilug money for the estab llshmcnt of colleges of ngiicnl tare ami mechanic arts Toil a. (here are sixty -seven such Institutions lu the ('nihil State The establish Bent of the agricultural colleges open ctl up an entirely new Held of etliii a tlon. The study of science and the up plication of (hut science to the prop Ictus of everyday life begun to take tin piece of the study of classics. Etlu eating n man merely (o have him etlu catcd began to go out of style, and tin truer education that tetter tits a mm to inckle the problems of life took If place. Th" growih of the agricultural col legos was slow at tlrst. nml not until wlthlu the hist fifteen years have the) aa?Br -v Superiority In Strength, Purity. Wholesomeness Established: V. S. Government Reports, Highest Award World's Columbian Exposition. Sixty Years the Standard. FOR SALE At a bargain. If tak en soon, a modern six room bunga low, in fine locution. Inquire at Ml Boa Butte Ave. 79-tf-20 !?t me frame your piuute. TpmUmM. -T. J. 4ut, STUDY l.NU FA HM M i II INKI;V AT AN AOHI C'ULTUUAti oi.i.h.k. really come to nil the place for which they were designed. At first the Idea of educating a farmer was laughable to many people who rejoiced In a lit tie learning Even the farmer him self did not realise the advantage of u college education to a mini who must mnke a living from the still. It took a good many years to bring people to re alize that college educatiou Is as val uable for a farmer as for a doctor or a lawyer. The main difference Is Hint the law compels a man to get a col lege diploma before be starts to prac tice medicine, while be may start farming with nothing but a team aud o plow Even ,-.t the present time there art many men both on the farm and In the cities who doubt the value of n college educutloo for the farmer Many a farm boy Is squarely con fronted with the problem of choosing between four years In college or start lug to farm at ouce. Four years is a long time to a young num. fifteen hundred to '. hio Is a large buiii of mouey to him. To spend both for a college education requires n great deal of courage anil faith lu the future. The amount of mouey necessary tc pay four years' exeiises in college will enable the young man to start farming on a rented farm. The foui years will. If he Is Industrious, euuhlt' him to earn enough to make a good sized payment on a farm of his own If he goes to college he will have nothing at the euil of the four year hut the experience nud knowledge he tins gained there. Is It worth It V I hare put this questiou squarely t', dozens of men In their hist year al an agricultural otllege. Without ex reptlun they say that It Is worth the outlay. Nut one regretted the time r the money which he had bartered for his educatiou. Few of them placed It on a mouey basis alone, but even from that standpoint they considered that the chances were lu favor of th, college man. The hoy who starts farming for him self without any education will run up against a food many suags which tin college MMi will miss He will lenrn by experience many of the thing which the college man learns lu school. Id doing so he will pay much dearer for his knowledge. The old prejudice Hgnlust "hook farming" is la i disappearing. People are coining to realize that hook farming Is merely the fused experience of successful farmers everywhere, explained and Illumined by the light of science. Frob ably lu no oue respect Is the ntlvnn toge of the college man more clearl. apparent than In the case of soil fee tlllty Long after the untrained mat. lias beguu to notice aud wonder tit the decline of his crop yields the in.u who litis studied the science of sol! fertility will be rulslug undiminished crops. The art of keepln: up tin soil fertility cannot be learned fron the neighbors, for they have it I ticcti IL It taiiuot lie learned fron. father or grandfather, for In theii day the fertility of the soli was ceo sidered Inexhaustible The success of the agricultural tajj lei e graduate cannot be measured It in-mcy aloue. The agricultural com muultles just uow need leaders muea more than they need men w ho MM alinply make mouey on their own farms It Is necessary for the agri cultural college graduate to succeed ou bis own furm. of course, ills every move Is closely watched by critical neighbors. Eveu the shadow of a failure starts a chorus of "I told you so." Success on bis own furm Is the first essential to the young man who woutd be a leatler. tilven that for backing, be cuu do nluiost uiiytblng be wants to with his community. Farmers have a vast deal of respect for the man who can do things. Their prejudice agalust college farming la lost In ad miration for the results achieved by the college farmer. If he advises or ganlztng a club they are willing to Join In and help. If be tells them the school needs reorganizing they are willing to be convinced. They may even consent to biiuglng two or three schools together aud using the money saved to hire better teachers. The In aplration of one man's success und the energy Imparted by htm Is sufficient to start a whole community to thinking Ouce you get a man to thinking, there Is no need to worry further about him He will take care of himself. If an energetic young farmer with an agricultural education could be placed In each township throughout the funning sections the results would be uu enlightened agriculture that would be the envy of the whole world. A leading educator recently made the statement that three live agricultural college graduates com id In ten years increase the value of th land lu any agricultural county $20 per acre. That sounds Incredible, but it Is literally true The community would become so progressive that it would be worth $'Jt uu ucre more to live there The charge has been made that ag ricultural college grndUHtes do not go back to the fitrni. The facta xlo not bear out this assertion. While the percentage varies. It la safe to say that fully B0 per cent of the graduates go directly to the farm. The others go luto some work closely related to farming. lu my acquaintance with young men Just finishing college I have known of very few who were not anxious to go it) tarmtug. A good many of them do not do so because of lack of capital. They have spent all their mouey in college, and It looks In them like uphill business to start farming without a cent. They are overwhelmed with offers of salaried positions at salaries of from SI .000 to f j.000 a year to start with. Experi ment statlous. agricultural colleges, agricultural papers and manufacturers of agricultural products are all looking for agricultural college graduates. Many of the men go Into some work of this kind until they can save money enough to start farming. Of the college graduates who do take up fanning as a business the greater number rent the home furm or go luto partnership with their re spective fathers. This Is the Ideal way for a young mini to get a start Under such favorable circumstances be cannot help but succeed. Often, however, there are enough brothers at home to iMi-upy all the laud. The young college farmer must look else where for a Job Every year the agri cultural colleges are receiving a larger n umber of calls for farm managers. Many of these offers are exceedingly liberal. They tome for the most part from farmers who wish to retire from active work and at the same time do uot wish to sell or reut their farms. They are often willing to take the right sort of a young uiiiu lu ou a partnership basis or give him a per- i ( A $3SU,0IK, III'ILDINO HKVOTED TO TH TEACH INO OK AtllllC'l'LTUKK. ietltfre of the net profits A ismltlo of this kind Is the next best thing to owning a farm. Although au agricultural college ed ucation is of great .value. It must not be taken from what 1 have said that cue. im without such uu education I Impossible Many farmer boys are uot lined for an education of this kind either by temperament or ability. Many others are so situated that they cannot lie away from borne for foot years. Still others do not hare the money. For these boys au aurl -iilfural college education Is au Imposslbd'f jr. To teach them something about iluif bu ',:,. some other form of educa tion :s necessary This Is being SUV lied by the secondary schools. The e-ork of these schools will be described e the next article NOTICE TO CREDITORS State of Nibraska ) ) sa. Box Bum c. County In the '-- -r of the Eitata of John Ha itfcaoTey. Deceased. I, L. A. Berry. County Judge ot Box Butte county, Nebraska . hereby notify all parsons having clalme aud demands the estate or John II. Malley that 1 have s e t and appointed the 2trth day of November 1911 at 10 o' clock In the forenoon, at the County Court room in Alliance, for the ex amination xf all claims against tne estate of said decedent with a v'ew to their allow ane and payment. All persons Interested as credit ore of said estate will present their claims to me at said time, or show cause for not so doiuu;, and In case any claims are not so presented by said time they shall be forever barred. This notice shall be served by publication thereof for four consec utive weeks in the Alliance Herald, a newspaper published in Alliance, prior to the day of hearing. (liven under my band aud the seal of said court this 4tk day of April WW. I Seal U A. BERRY, 1 U 1:0-4-707 County Judge. The Yeomen "win or treat" cou test is on, Keds vs. (Jroous. Who will win? I6-3MM The Advertised Article 1 it etc in wn..- i us '--.a. h.iOitU hu imoLcit faith - eiss as wouid nut advrti: it. You ars ui: ia , atroniting th me.ciints whos ads appear in t'aiJ p&per because their gCCO ktS LJ.-10-dA.Ltf Aitd OvVr . shopworn.