The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, April 27, 1911, Image 1

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    Historical Society 1
Largest Circulation
of any Newspaper in
Western Nebraska.
The Alliance Herald
Gives all the news
of Box Butte County
and City of Alliance
M i nsrm m p-i
Buy Your Coal from
SLiccessor to
Telephone No. 5
i M M 4 14 I M.1.W.f .
Hen Uurkle is a new employe in
tlio machine shops.
Chief Clerk I). 11. Wanner andfl
wife spent Sunday in Omaha.
Miss Mable Thurlow left Saturday
for n short vacation In Brush. Colo.
A new engine. No. 4108, passed
through here Sunday on Its way to
Mrs. Bert Richardson went to Sen
eca last Friday for an oevr Sunday
visit with friends.
P H. Barkey, lately of Denver,
has gone to work on the repair track
as a carpenter.
A. P. LEE, Hgr.
ft5 Can't Got
Can't Get
JtScuic&BO Tco Gccd
C 2 t-.c ".iclr.cs rrs r-.rrs
mrfrr-.t 1,-1 rood -0(1.
Yfhcn yc;Aa i '.ror.j ar.d vrdl
i . ' won t ti-ve
L 1 eCecta but
a lit: 2 ( i.v.-
OoctS i. -only
t! I vi.l '.
the rvrcrt ; 1
O r r
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c2 t!:a
Wc put
I -criptior.o.
2 I- : ., tOf,
As will he seen hy reference to
the W. C. T. U. department In this
issue of the Herald, the ladies will
puhlish the names appearing upon
the petitions for saloon licenses in
Alliance this year. We suppose that
most of those who signed the peti
tions will not object to having their
names thus published, but it is prob
able that there are some who would
prefer that it would not be done.
While this Is no affair of ours, we
call attention to the fact that these
petitions, when filed with the city
clerk, become public documents, and
it is in perfect accord with the spirit
of the law, requiring the petitions
as a condition to the granting of sa
loon licenses, that they be published.
As we understand, the intention of
the ladies is to publish only those
names that are on the petitions . at
the time they are acted upon by the
council. If we may be permitted a
suggestion in the interest of harmony
and good will, it Is that those pe
titioners who do not wish to have
their names thus published. If there
are any such, have their names re
moved from the petitions before they
are acted upon. They haev a right
to do this, and there will no doubt
still be enough names remaining on
the petitions to secure the licenses
B. H. Ferry was elected delegate
from Sterling to the national conven
tion of the O. R. C, to be held at
Jacksonville, Florida. Next Mondav
he and Mrs. Ferry will start for the
southland, going via Chicago and
Washington, D. C. Before returning
home they will visit Texas and Cal
ifornla points, thence to Carlin, Nev.,
for a visit with their son, Lee. From
Carlin they will go to Boise, Idaho,
to see Mrs. Ferry's brother, whom
she has not seen since she was
eight years old. They certainly have
a most delightful trip mapped out,
and The Herald wfshes them all the
pleasure they anticipate.
Dwight Bennett, the popular day
call boy for the engine men, spent
Sunday in Crawford.
The work train that hns been lay
ing steel at the new sldtng between
here and Berea called Yale, came in
Friday evening.
Fireman Dick Dodd went to Hyan
nis last Saturday, where he will herd
the work train engine. He bumped
fireman Raymond.
Fireman Weldenfeldt who has been
In Dead wood on a vacat ion, ret urned
to Alliance last Saturday. lie re
ported for duty at once.
Mrs. J. Q. Beck and Miss Inez
Beck spent three days In Denver
last week. They went over Thurs
day and returned Sunday.
Conductor R. J. Burke went to
Lincoln Saturday, where he will visit
home folks and look after his farm
Just six miles north of Lincoln.
Carl Chrlstenson, who for some
time hai 'been employed here as
fireman, has resigned and will go on
the road as a traveling salesman.
Conductor Campbell's wife and son,
who have been in Omaha for some
time, returned home Thursday morn
ing. Master Robert, who was taken
there to have his eye treat el. III
with scarlet, fever and was quite sick
for some time. In spite of the best
rneili" al attention, tho eye ball had
to lie removed.
Mrs Ray Detellne of Crawford Is
In Alliance at the home of her par-
ents Mr. and Mrs. Win. Morris. Mrs.
Di li line hns has been very sick. She
.1$ slowly recovering.
Last Sunday morning Mr. and Mrs.
Charley Weatheral and Mrs. Fled
Koah went to Denver. Charlie re
turned Monday morning but the lad
les remained until Wednesday.
engineer Lew Mark left Sunday
morning for Harvard, Nebr. He re
turned Wednesday morning necomp
anied by his wife and son. They will
go to housekeeping on Toluca Ave.
L Mrs. Frank Chambers and little
daughter, who ave been visiting at
the Kubanks h ,ie, returned to 011
lett Tuesday. Conductor Chambers
is now working between Olllett nnd
Things were pretty exciting at the
Lrxiund house Monday afternoon when
fire was discovered In the roof of
the general foreman's office. The
roof was not badly damaged but a
lot of Important papers and records
Were destroyed by water.
i -o-
i After trying for a short time to
t along without them, the Company
t the helpers on the west end a
In. The one at Edgemont Is In
arge of engineer Fred White and
reman Trlmber. Kngineer Bishop
and fireman Harry Hull are at Ard
ijiore, and engineer Carl Wlthnm and
fireman Sternberg at Marsland.
There was another mix up at Craw
ford last Sunday morning that smash
ed up one engine, three or four box
cars and blocked the main line sev
eral hours. The conductor on an ex
tra east set his train on a south pas
Mlfeg track, cut off and went after
oqsI. and water. Conductor . w.
Johnson and engineer W. A. Bennett
on an extra west had orders to take
riding and headed In on the train.
It Is a heavy down grade and they
struck with terriffic force. Knglne
::ilG left the track. The only one
hurt was Johnson's head brakeinan
Dock Criswell, who was on top of the
train. He fell in between two cars
and hurt one foot. He was able to
be on the street Tuesday. Conduc
tor Slmouson took the wrecker to
Mrs. Helen Short nnd son Knnls
arrived In Alliance last Friday morn
ing. They will make a ten days' vis
it with her relatives and many friends
here. Mr. Howard Short will be re
membered as one of our popular
brakeinen here a few years ago. Last
fall he met with an accident on the
Chicago and Alton which ended his
rnllrondlng. His left shoulder was
so badly hurt that It resulted In to
tal disability. He hns not yet set
tled with the Company but there In
little doubt but that he will get a
good sum for dnmages. He Is now
holding a fine posit Inn as bookkeep
er for a grocery company In Slater,
A college play is always entertain
ing, especially so when the plot do
tails the pranks of lively college
students, more especially so when
the dignity and authority Of the col
lege authorities Is compromised.
Such is the nature of the college
farce to be given by the Alliance
High School Orchestra. Friday, May
ll'th. The farce Is entitled "A Case
of Suspension." It Is brim full of
humor and ridiculous situations. It
has been played on the professional
stage with marked success.
The program to bo rendered by
the orchestra will consist of three
parts. Two of which will be of inus
ical nature, the third, tho aforemen
tioned farce.
The music to be rendered is from
the best composers. The musical
portion of the program will consist of
solos, duets, and full orchestra. The
High School Orchestra will endeavor
to make this program worthy In ev
ery respect of your patronage.
Last Friday afternoon Mrs. Robert
Bimey entertained the Women's Club
at her home In the Norton Block.
The ladles had prepared for a musi
cal but the business of the club oc
cupied the whole afternoon. At flvc
thlrty a delicious four-courBe lunch
was served, that Is It was supposed
to be a lunch but the ladles pro
nounced It to be a regular banquet.
Mrs. Blrney has the well deserved
reputation of being one of the best
entertainers in the club.
Last week J. .1. Keenen bought out
K. Kssay's Interest In the store of
Essay & Keenen, and Is now sole
proprietor His brother-in-law. Grant
Gilfrey, of Lincoln, 111 , arrived In Al
liance last Thursday, and Is assisting
.11 the store. As will be seen by Mr.
n's ad In this issue of The Her
aid, he is going after the business
and without doubt will receive a
good share of It.
We t::3 ; i ccci!c-.t dys-
M-yfcl c - ii ft 3 r,uf-fcr:.-!
; i ; ir. r,t this
comron i. . RQXALL
assist ths gostrls JcJsWi act
an a ncr.tle tor.l;. c - .';!.: the
boJy to derive t!l the nutri
ment from food fi"d euro
dyspepsia cr d indigestion
pcrrr.anen'.r;'. Coll with tho
Mr. and Mrs. Roll in Alcott of Kel
ly, Nebr., have been visitlns for a
few days with Rev. and Mrs. Mc
Neill. They were classmates in col
lege with Mrs. McNeill. Mr. Alcott
is the son of (J. E. Alcott, who up
to two years ago had a large sheep
ram h west of Alliance, and who Is
now located near Gillette, Wyoming.
Rollin expects to upend the next
three months helping his father herd
and shear sheep.
Office in Alliance National Bank Hlk J.
Over Postoffice. 5
'Phone 391. 1
Desk room ofr rent at Herald office.
Office, Kooin 10, Kumer Block,
Phone 525, Alliauce, Nebr- 42-tf
Correct Clothes for Gentlemen
T HERE are four points to be considered in
buying clpthing right style, accurate fit,
reliable quality and fair price. You want
them all for they all count. You want to
be well dressed; you want to get the most
value for your money. We can help you in
both respects, and that is why we w ant to
tell you about NORTON'S clothes. It is
needless for us to say much about them; all
we want is for you to sec and judge for
yourself. But we say this: that our new
Spring and Summer Suits are certainly the
most attractive ever shown in Alliance.
They are doubly guaranteed to you.
We most cordially invite you
to see them without delay.
$20 and $25
Ask to see our special line at $15 and $18
I m.ClOTllU
The board of directors of the
North Platte Canal and Colonisation
Company and the Wyoming and Ne
braska Land and Cattle Company,
two allied corporations with n paid up
capital or $800,000, having tendered
to Lloyd C. Thomas the position of
secretary 'treasurer and general man
ager Rt a salary and Interest In tho
company which will give him an In
come of $5,000 tier year from that
source, he has decided to accept the
same, and he and Mrs. Thomas will
In the near future leave Alliance to
take up their residence in the new
town of Ltngle. Wyoming, on the
GuerenBey branch of the Burlington.
The stock of these companies Is held
largely by eastern capitalists, and
their holdings are principally In and
near the Goshen Park country (form
erly called the Goshen Hole country).
They have large tracts of land which
are now, under the government ditch
es. Their Intention Is to develope
this land and sell It to settlers,
which will mean a large Immigration
Into that country within the next few
years. They wanted a resident man
ager to have charge of developing
and selling the land and offered the
position to Mewl at a salary which
he could not afford to turn down to
remain in the newspaper business at
I. ingle Is a new town but has good
prospects of becoming one of the
best towns In the North Platte val
ley. It has more Irrigable laud trib
utary to It than any other town on
the North Platte, which when It has
all been put under cultivation will
mean a dense population of prosper
ous people. Already there Is talk of
a sugar factory and other enterprises
that will boom the town.
Moyd will still retain the control
ling Interest In The Herald Publish
ing Company, and will make frequent
trips to Alliance to look arter his In
terests here.
Our sympathy goes out to Mr. and
Mrs. C. C, Rodgers, whose six weeks
old baby boy, Ronald Douglas Rod
gers, departed for the bright world
beyond, March 31st, after a short
Illness, during which the little Idol
of Its pnrents and other relative
was given all the attention that par
ental love and professional skill
could devise. The funeral was con
ducted Sunday afternoon by Rev.
Franklin McNeill at the Baptist
church. The Rebecca lodge attended
In a body.
Tenderly lay our daiiijir. to re-t,
Never a sorrow w'lll cloud lis brow,
Lovingly on the Saviour's breast
Is the precious gem reposing now.
Than tenderly lay the darling to rest
Where flowers bloom and birds will
8weetly it sleeps on the Saviour's
In a land of love, of eternal spring.
We wUh to thank our friends and
neighdors for their kindly assistance
in our bereavement.
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Rodgers.
The 500 Club held their regular
meeting last Thursday evening at the
home of Mrs. Jerry Rowan. The
full membership, two tables, were
inc . m Mrs. Ltndley won the moet
games and was given a china plate.
A dainty lunch wad served by the
Mrs. R. J. Murry who has been
very dangerously sick for some time
Is now slowly recovering
G. H. Stanton of the Newberry
Hardware Company went to Omaha
Monday on business for the firm.
Mr. Pettingill. who has been em
ployed lor some time in the Thetle
drug store, left Tuesday for Hot
Springs where he has secured a ikjs
Itiou. F. n. Dismor has moved his cafe
and restaurant one door south, from
113 to 111 Box Butte avenue. Into
the building formerly occupied by
"The Ulght" clothing store.
A D. Rodders wr.s laid up for a
few days with a severe bilious at
tack, which came on last Friday, but
we ure pleaMd to note that he la
again able to be at his place In the
St Oi l .
The I It-raid Is pleased to note that
H rs. N. W. lefrers and H. D. Bak
er, railway postal clerks on the
Guernsey line, now make their
homes In this city, the route now
being from Alliance, instead of
Bridgeport, to Guernsey.
There will be a ball game neM Sun
day the :50th between a team from
Craw for and a local Colored Ball
Club. So far neither team has been
defeated and a good game is expect
ed. Admission will be charged.
Don't forget the date, April 30.
state or Ohio, oty or Toledo.
L iu Cmmi.
Frank J ibimi imkis uuth tlul he I arcilor
piriurr of tin- mm ul V. J. I'uoEi A Co., tkiUm
DusiucMt lit tin. 1'ily uf Tutrdo. County and State
alortnkl. attd tlul amkl Urui ill uy the turn of
osi Ml Milcl.H D.U.I. wes (or . uti ud every
nmr of Catahhh tfeal eoaot be t-urvu ay tua uar o(
HlU H t'ATAI,. il I I I.L
I '. k m J. CHENEY.
Sworn to before we and ubM-riU d lu my umence,
Ul (tb day uf Ixtx-motr. A l .
N' l AH) I'l MLM-.
1UU CxUrrh Cure Is taken Internally and aeu
treeUy utaiei tue u.ihmI auu uiur.u aurlawa of ihm
yau iu. Seud for u Uruotiial. tn
f. 1 ( III Nl CO.. Toledo. O.
Sold bv all DnuwMM. 75c
1j 1111 l uwUy rtlla for conattoallou