r RANGE that LW WE HAVE IT Here are some of the companies we represent. Every one a pood, strong, established company: Liverpool, London & Globe North America Royal Hartford Springfield Columbia of Omaha NELSON FLETCHER Fire Insurance Agency JOHN SNODDY, Manager Phone 68 We are headquarters for the best Flour in the city. Try a sack and be convinced. Peerless, 4H lb sack $1.50 Up to Date, 481b lh sack 1.50 Tip Top, 4Mfl sack 1.40 B. & M., 48ib sack 1.40 Delight, 4Ktt. sack 1.25 White Syrup, per gallon 00c Black Bird Corn Syrup, per gallon. . 40c Karomel Brand, per gallon 40c A Pure SugarMaple flavor per gallon SI .00 A Pure Sorghum, per gallon 756 Canada Sap, a Pure Maple, per qt. . 40c Log Cabin, a Pure Maple, pert. . .. 45c Autumn Leaf, a Pure Maple, H gal.. 70c Beet Sugar Syrup, per qt 25c Bonnie, a Pure Cooking Molasses, ijt. 20c RICHELIEU COFFEE always tives a nice smooth taste; we have it in three grades. None quite so good. ""P"r,,,'.v oui' New Keononiy I bargain punter and tiSr you will he surprised at the bargains. We are here to serve you. Let your wants be known. PHONE 54 A.D. RODGERS Go Somewhere this Summer TO THE EAST: In due season attractive tourist rates will be announced to the ltke and St. Iwrence re?long. Atlantic Coast cities and resorts. Can we help you Ian an eustern tour? SPECIAL EXCURSION RATES TO CALIFORNIA: General basis $60.00, on certain dotes in April and May and dally from June to September; still lower general basis of $50.00 on certain dates In Jure and July. General excursion basis to PORTLAND, SEATTLE, $60.00 on certain dates in May and daily from June to September; still low-i general basis of $50 00 on cer tain dates In June and July; $16.00 higher to include Shasta Route. All kinds of excursion YELLOWSTONE PARK: Plan now a summer tour of this won(jt,.anu rates through Gardiner and Cody gateways. NEARBY MOUNTAIN RESORTS: In the BIG HORN Mountains ueiir hheridan; the wonderful hot spring resorts at THHRMOI'OLIS, OWL CRKKK MOUNTAINS, and HOT SPRINGS, S. D.. BLACK HILLg Region; COLORADO and Rocky Mountain resorts; send for KSTES l'AKK booklet. Get in touch with me, and let me end you any of our publications. "Colorado Hand Book", "Big Horn Resort:, ', "Yellowstone Park ', "l-a Ctflc (-'oast Tours," "Kastcrn Tours." J. KRIDELBAUGH, Agent Alliance L. W. WAKKLKY, G. P. A,, Omaha BROWN HOTEL Mks. Hkllk Brown, Prop. First Door South of First State Hank Heminjjford, Nebr. hirst-class rooms, clean and comfortable. Good meals. Lunch counter in connection. Short orders served at all hours. Suggestive Questions for April 23, 1911 April 23rd, 111. (toryritht. 1110. by Kr. T. 9. Lliimt, D.U Joash Repairs the Tsmple, I Kings il:21 stl.lS. Golden Text Then ths people re joiced, for that they offered willingly. 1 Chron. xxlx:9. (1.) Verse 21 To what extent may we trust the reasoning; and deductions of a bright, and good boy, seren years of ne. upon matters with which he Is familiar? (2.) What Immediately preceding events had led up to the boy Joash (Jehoasht being crowned King of Judnh? (t.) Verse I Who was Jehu? 4.) Zlblnh wns the mother of the boy King Joash. but who was his fa ther? (R.t Verses 2-1 Is the statement here made that "Jehoash did that which was right In the light of the Lo-d all his days." literally, er his torically correct? (flee I Chron xxly : 17-22.) (.1 Take two men. both previously good. In responsible positions of great temptation, both having bean relig iously trslned. one having a vile and the other a good anoeetry; one of them late In life becomes a had man on the law of averages which Is It. and why? (7.) Verses 4-6 What method or rule should we adopt In giving money to the church? (8.) Whit Is the relative obligation upon a man for keeping up his own house and the house of God? (. Verses S-8 What were the priests bidden by the king to do with the money which the people brought In. and how did they carry out their orders? (10.) Why 1? It either wise or un wise for a pastor to be the treasurer of hi chiirch? 111.) What It your opinion as to what these priests" did with the money? (12.1 Which Is the right, or better place to collect money for God's cause, and why, at th- homes of the people or in t:o church? (13.) Verse 9 If Jehoiada had got ten up a series of concerts, or lectures, or bazaars, or tes meetings, or had sst the women to making quilts snd selling them, instead of asking the people to give their money direct, would it or not have been more In keeping with God's plans for financing His church, and why? (This question must be an swered in writing by members of the club.) (H.i What modern plan for pa) lug money to the church, most nearly an swers to putting It Into a chest at the churcii door, and what Is the advant age of the plsjll (15.) Hov rainy Instances can you reoall of dishonesty in handling church funds, and how do they compare with the number you can recall of dishon esty In banking and other business in itiations? 116) Verses 11-12 Ought a church to gladly pay the regular market value, or should It expect to get work and material for less? (17.) VerseB 13-16 Should a Chris Man church spend money fcr stylt or for spectacular effect, or for any thing heyond that necessary for com fort? Lesson for Sunday, April 30th, 1911. Ood's Pity for the Hetthsn. (Foreign Missionary Lesson.) Jeaah 111:1 Ivll. THE ran Doeto r Call the doctor if you have any sick paint or varnish or walls. If you have had trouble in jretting a satisfactory job of painting give me a chance. I am a regular paint doctor with a diploma from the school of experience, and can prescribe the proper treatment to do your job on the inside or out side that is first-class and that I can guarantee. Now don't send good money after bad; let me do you a GOOD JOB. It will pay you to ask me my prices on any kind of work. E. C. WHISMAN Paper Hanger and Decorator Phone jog Don't Take It For Granted that just because you are In business, everyb. dy is aware of the fact. Your goods may be the finest in the market but they will remain on your shelves unless t people are told about them. ADVERTISE If you want to move your merchandise. Reach the buyer in their homes through the columns of I His PAPER and on every dollar expended you'll reap a handsome dividend- CHINCH BUGS SOMETHING AROl'T HANDLING 1HIS PEST. ii By I.AwatKCB Rat-sin Professor of ntornoloffv. I'nlvrmltv of Nehrsks About this time of the year the sut begins to warm up the hlbernntini chinch hugs which, the previous fail had sought refuge In am mis kinds o rubbish, dead grasses and other grouni encumbering material. By the tlrm the plum trees come Into bloom or i few days later these hibernating In sects Issue from their winter quarter and begin flying about In search o grain fields, where they establia) themselves and in a few dsys com mence their egg laying. These egg to the number of 100 or more to eacl CHINCH BUO. female, soon hatch and the young bugs attack the tender grain about the base of the plants and suck the sap. Prior to the Issuing of the bugs from their winter quarters is a good time to attack them. This can be done in several was, but Are Is one of the best and at the same time most easily applied of remedies. By watching the movements of the bugs the proper time for burning up rubbish can be readily decided upon. The necessary observation in this connection is to ascertain just when the bugs have come out of the crevices of the ground and nre moving about amone the dMd grass, weeds nnd rubbish. If the rub bish is burned at the proper time, tho bugs are ca;iht and destroyed. In localities where chinch hugs were present Inst season, as for ex ample the middle portions of south Nebraska. It might be well to clear out the hc'.ie tows, fence corners. trul lies aw! Other ravines, old pastures' and roadsides, in which localities, the bugs nave no doubt hiin mated in large numbers. I'sitfllly this should be done- during the first half of April Scours in Young Pigs. (By Dr. .1. H. Gain, Department of An Imal Pathology, I'nlversity of Ne br aska. I A common cause is a feverish con ditlon of the udder of the sow coming from a lUet of corn or moldy feed ol any kind, also damp, cold weather at farrowing time, causing pigs to be come chilled or a chilling later front getting into wet grass. The most com mon cause, however, is from being far rowed in dark, damp quarters, where the pig gets a mixed germ infection :hrough the navel and also through the mouth from the udder of the sow. The Infection through the mouth may also be a cause of sore mouth. Prevention lies in light, dry quarters where there Ib an abundance of sun light. The farrowing pen should be of a kind that can be easily cleaned and a good scrubbing with some of the coal tar dtps will go far in lessening this trouble. Rememberiug thst the L j : i a nencr. night alarm Is the hoarse, startling cough of a child, suddenly attacked by croup. Often It aroused lewta Chambltn of Manchester. O., (R. R. No. 2) for their four children were greatly sub ject to croup. "Hometlraes In severe attacks," he wrote, "we were afraid they would die, but since we proved what a certain remedy Dr. King's New Discovery Is, we have no fenr. We rely upon It for croup and for roughs, colds or any throat or lung trouble." So do thousands of others. So may you. Asthma. Hay Kever, l a Orlppe, Whooping Cough, Hemor rhages fly before It. 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle tree. Sold by K. J. Bren-nan. SKIN AFFECTIONS WHETHER ON INFANT OR GROWN PERSON CURED BY ZEMO AND ZEMO SOAP The Moisten drug store says tosvery per son, be it man, woman or child, who has an irrltsted, tender or itching skin to come to our store sod procure a bottle of ZEMO snd s csks of ZEMO soap snd if you sre not entirely satisfied with results, come bsck and get your money. So confident sre of the nfficscy of this clssn, simple treatment, thst we make you Ibis unusual offer. ZEMO is s clesr liquid for external use that has cured so msny ssss of eczema, pimples, dandruff and other forms ol skin sruption. ZEMO and ZEMO soap sre most economical as well as the cleanest and most effective treatment for affections ol the skin or scslp, whether on infant or grown person. a In Front of the Checkered Front Stable you can nearly always see a rig getting ready to start out. We will send one sny distance, for any purpose, at any time. We answer all calls promptly and will in- glad to serve you in any way in which a rig is required- H. P. COURSEY. Prop. I'HONK U4 A WELL RAISED PIO. udder or the sow may carry Infection to the fOUng pig. the udder should Ik well wastied before farrowing with a L per cent solution of a coal tar dip This should be done alter farrowiuy once a day tor three days Some breeders have entirely done sway with cankered sore mouth ant ecours caused by infection by wash ing the uddef of the sow before lur towing and once a day for a weik alt erwards. with crude petroleum out part, water three parts As cankered sore mouth has about put some breed era out o business, the little trouble that it takes to prevent pays large re turns. Another aid In prevention of sore mouth is a pair of pliers to cut off the sharp tusbeg of i lie little pigs. This keeps the pigs from injuring one another, consequently lessening the danger of infection. When scours develop the sou should be given two or three teaspoousful of tincture of opium three times a day until the trouble stops Should can "rered sore mouth develop get a pound of permanganate of potash. Put a teaspoonful 1" a quart of warm water With a brush or cloth wash the sores well with the solution and finish by rubbing in some of the pure crystals of the permanganate It is some times necessary to touch these sores whh a stifk g lmar inustic Where the fsce swells largely, known as "bull nose," open freely and deeply and syringe daily with above solution. "I was Crippled, could hardly walk and had to Crawl down stairs at times on my hands and knees. My doctor told me I had an acute attack of inflammatory rheumatism. I was in the hospital for weeks, but was scarcely able to walk when I left it. I read about Dr. Miles' Nervine bought a bottle and began to get better from the start, and for the past six months 1 have had scarcely any pain and am able to walk as well as ever." J.H. Sanders, P. O. box 5, Rockaway, N. I. Few medicines are of any benefit for rheumatism, but Mr. Sanders tells plainly what Dr. Miles' Re storative Nervine did for it. One ounce of salicylate of soda added to one bottle of Nervine makes an ex cellent remedy for rheumatism, which is now known to be a nerv ous disease and therefore subject to the influence of a medicine that acts through the nerves, as does Dr. Mile' Nervine Sufferers from rheumatism seldom fail to find relief in the use of Dr. Miles' Nervine, with salicylate of soda. Sold ungsr a guarantee that assures the return of thsertoe ot the first bottle If it fails to benefit. At ell Druggists. MILKS MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind. Miss M. Kuth I ay lor TEACHER OF PIANO 316 laramie Aue. Phone 230 BURTON fc WESTOVER Attorneys at Law LAND ATTORNEYS Office First National Bank Bids,. 'Phone 180. ALLIANCE. NEB. WILLIAM MITCHELL, ATTOHNIV AT Law. ALLIANCE. NEBRASKA H. M. BULLOCK. Attorney at Law, ALLIANCE, NEB. "?rM.nBR6ME I AN It ATTORNEY Ion eiperlenos a Receiver (1.8, Land Office Is a guarantee for prompt and efficient service. Office its-Opera House Block ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA B R UEviMMLFo L awyer and Land Attorney Practitioner In civil courts since 193 snd Kwltr t 8. Land (tfflc from 1908 to ISS7. Information by mall a specialty. orrtca in lard orrics buildiho ALLIANCB NEBRANKA. OKIE roPPERNou, Res. Phone M 9. .1. PETERSEN lies. Phone 43 Drs. Copper noli & Petersen OSTEOPATH," Rooms 7, 8 and o, Rumer Block Phone 43 GEO. J. HAND, PHYSICIAN AND S V A O R O ft Eye, Ear, Nose and hroat DR. C. H. CHURCHILL PHYSICIAN AMI SI KUKOM (SucceHHor to Or. J. K. Moure) OFFICE IN FLETCHER BLOCK Office hours It-tS am. 3-4 p.m. 7:10-9 p, m. Officel Phone 6a Res. Phone, 8s H. A. COPSEY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 360 Calls answered prupiutly day snd night offllre. Offices : Alliance National MnlldlnK over the Post Office. from Hank DR. CHAS. E. SLAQLE WITH DR. BELLWOOD Special Attention Paid to Eye Work Dr. H. R. Belville DEITTIST PHONE 167 Opera House Block Alliance, Nebr. T, J. THRELKELD, Undertaker and EmbaSmer PHONE 207 ALLIANCE. NEBRASKA THE GADSBY STORE Tuneral Director and Embalmer TINERaL SUPPLIES Ofhce Phone 408 Res. Phone 510 J. P. HAZARD Surveyor and Engineer, Al.LIATfCE, NEBKASKA Part lex out of town should write, as I am oil much of the time. I'tntrKea will not ex ceed . '' snd mpaasss i 1 day. HARRY P. COURSEY m Stock and General Auctioneer! Farm Sales a Specialty Repair Work Sewing Machines and Organs. TERMS REASONABLE Phone 64 ALLIANCE. NEBR. Have secured the services of a prac tical mechanic and can guarantee all work done by hit". Don't trust your ork to travelling repair men. This man win he here permanently. Re pairs and parts furnished for all ma chines. Phone 139. Geo. D. Darling. Turn Over a New Leaf By subscribing1 for THIS PAPER WVWVAVVWVWWVWs R1LLA McNOLTY Teacher of Violin Ssscial attsstiss Girts ts Isgisssfs. Ustsss is Claim sr Pnitl T. S. JtNCS. las ttattsf CssSrss. Bst Dr. Oliver McEuen Physician and Surgeon HCmiNGFORD, NtBR. SPECI ALTIES Diseases of Womeo and Children and Genito Urinary Organs all caNt asj.se i sr sastij tar si sight