Historic1 Society 1 Largest Circulation of any Newspaper in Western Nebraska. The Alliance Herald. Gives all the news of Box Butte County and City of Alliance VOLUME XVIII ALLIANCE. BOX BUTTE COUNTY, NE BASK A I THURSDAY APRIL 20, 1911 NUMBER 19 STATE ALLIANCE JUNIOR COMMENCING JUNE 5, 1911 NORMAL 1 TANKS STORM SASHES COUNTERS AND SHELVING A SPECIALTY A. P. LEE, Hgr. POPULAR GOVERNMENT ;"H"H"I"H "MHHI 1 I I I Ml KENNEDY BROTHERS? DENTISTS. Office in Alliance National Bank Blk X over rostomce. 'Phone 391, What are the measures that insure popular rule? Without ever at tempting to enumerate all, the fol lowing may be put down as measures on which practically all the propa gandists are agreed: The iniatlve and referendum. The recall. The short ballot. Direct nomination for all offices. Popular election of United States Senators. Publicity of campaign contributions, and expenses before and after pri mal ies and elections. Effective corrupt practices ucts. Commission government of cities. Popular designation of delegates to national political conventions, with opportunity for the voter to indicate his choice for president. Perfection of the Australian ballot laws. Klimination of all machine manage ment in House of Representatives, and in the United States Senate. There Is nothing here about the tariff, or hte trusts, or the railroads, tariff, of the trusts, or the railroads, or any pressing economic question. The peoples government advocates insist that they want first to give the tools of democracy back Into the hands of the people, in order that the people may use them to carve out their own solution of these questions. Munsey's. The meeting of the Commercial Club that was to have been held to night has been postponed till next week. Desk room ofr rent at Herald office. DR. A. GAISER. DENTIST Office, Room 10, Rumer Block, Phone 525, Alliance, Nebr 42-tt 8TATE JUNIOR NORMAL CONTINUED AT ALLIANCE One of the good things done by the state legislature, recently adjourned, was to provide for the State Junior Normal at Alliance for another two years It had been thought by some that it would be discontinued on ac count of the State Normal school be ing located at Chadron, but the de mand from western Nebraska for the Alliance State Junior Normal to be continued was so overwhelming, and the success of past years so pro nounced, that the legislature saw the wisdom of continuing it. The Herald is more than pleased, we are simply delighted, to make this announcement, not merely for what it means to Alliance, but also what it means to the cause of edu cation to this part of the state. Supt. W. R. Pate, who has earned a state wide reputation as a successful -lu cator, will be at the head of the Al liance State Junior Normal. He would have had his choice of a po sition for the summer on the faculty of either the Peru State Normal or the Qhadron State Normal, had the Allaince Junior Normal been discon tinued, but his loyalty to Alliance and the cause of education here makes it a pleasure to him to take up again the summer work with which he has been connected in this city for a number of years past, and help to push it forward to still ter success, lie will be ably as-1 slsted by County Suimm intendent Del- la M. Heed and others whose names will be announced In the Herald lat er. June 5th Is the opening date, the Normal to continue eight weeks, and the County Institute to be held dur ing the first week. There a host of people in this city who are Interest ed in the cause of education in gen eral, and in the Alliance State Jun ior Normal in particular, and they will give those who attend the most cordial welcome ever. Charges for rooms and hoard will be reasonable. It will be the endeavor of those who help to entertain teachers and stu dents to give the maximum of ECoom mo. tat im at the minimum of expense. -tcKi fit HIGHS'"1 W Sn cAtvfj me coYores Ktt.ut MEN SfoWl" HVHt W1 TlkU t,oKT. AMD VTH THEIR GAMP, fta-T AtrTfe. .-ffe apfliwATinr i rue sarohiuw. Hf-N TAl-AHD DRAKES THE I Dock vvtves TAkE, HSN HUNTB'S TdT WONC, SHOTS TO t,e IIWOTIME 1 J publication will please have copy for Same at this office HKKORK EIGHT O'CLOCK THURSDAY MORNING. ON TIME On time! Hurrah! This issue of The Herald Is printed Thursday morning and, barring accidents, will hereafter be printed at that time. This will please the many friends of the paper, but not more than It pleases us. We have so overtaxed with work since commencing to move that In order to catch up and get out on time this week it has been neces sary to leave out a good many Inter esting news items, but we have thot this would be better than to be late again. Hereafter the Herald will have an amount of news second to no other paper in the west half of Nebraska and WILL BE PRINTED ON TIME, Thursday morning. All persons hav ing news items or advertisements for SHERIFF'S SALE BY VIRTURE OP an Order of Sale directed to me from the Clerk of the District Cour of Hox Huttte County, Nebraska, on a decree rendered in said Court on the 21st day of D cember A. !., 1910, in favor of F. M. Knight, Plaintiff, and The Alliance !.: liidint! V Loan A: .... lal ion ilcf'vli .lant and cross petitioner, against l-.v- . rrett H. Miller, Almeda Daffron Mil ler his wife and W. W. Norton as Defendants, for the sum of ONE HUNDRED EIGHTY TWO and 40100 DOLLARS, decreed a second lien in favor of said K. M. Knight and THIRTEEN HUNDRED TWKNTY BUGHT & 15100 Dollars decreed a first lien in favor of The cross pe titioner The Alliance Uullding & Loan Association, and costs taxed at $21.10 and accruing costs, and direct ing that the premises therein de scribed, to wit: Lot Eight )8) Block One 1( Town of Alliance, In Box Butte County, Nebraska, be appraised, advertised and sold as upon execu tion, to satisfy said sums of ONE HUNDRED EIGHTY TWO & 40100 Dollars and THIRTEEN HUNDRED TWENTY EIGHT & 95100 Dollars, and costs and accruing costs, I have caused the following described land to be appraised, to wit: The Lot Eight (8) Block One 11) Town of Alliance in Box Butte County, Neb raska. And will offer the same to the highest bidder, for cash in hand, on the 22 day of May, A. D, I nil, In front of the west front door of the Court House in Alliance In said county, at the hour of in o'clock A. M . of said day, when and where due attendance will be given by the un dersigned. Dated April It, 1911. C. M. COX Sheriff of said county. 19-4t Meat Market For tke Lester Season we have thefollowine: Pickerel Trout Pike Pike Cat Fish Salmon Halibut Seal-Shipped Oysters We always carry a full line of Fresh and Cured Meats STOP THAT -. -,i Yc.i c-n't obrays prevent if. Modr rn sccicl d'-'.:cz cjc too ex acting. Eli yen cm slop ihzl irritatir.c. ric'xr.ir.c. throbbing c.c!.:r-i; Cjjf Headac&o Wafers They pt? perfectly suited to vomcn. Vc Lncw the formula and know they ;tcp pair, instantly. Keep a package cr two on hand. Then you wc n't have lo dread the reuJt cf theatre parties, dances and c'htr social enjoy ments. Two fcizc packages containing: Four Wafers, 10c; Twelve Wafers. 25c asAHstGtt "'T,n?X fa a mciotHi.. HOLSTEN'S GOOD CLOTHES For Men Who Want Them Good Our Clothing Men are all "stirred up" about the character and quality of the clothes we ve brought here for you this spring. And, believe us, it talces something to "stir up" clothing men as mature and experienced as ours. They're delighted with the new clothes with the perfect fitting qualities with the handsome fabrics, the soft rich colorings with the general "tone" of these handsome suits. These clothes are from Brandegee, Kincaid & Co. the celebrated makes that you Know so well and they're MGood Clothes" every suit--whether you want to pay $15, $20, $25 or w ill go as high as $35. Our windows tell something of the story, but only a little. Come in and examine the goods let our obliging salesmen help you. No r t o n " s Saxton & Roach PHONE 640 Northwest Corner Box Butte Ave. and Fourth St. MIMIMIIII Ill H Buy Your Coal from JOE Successor to BILLIE J. H. VAUGHN & SON Telephone No. 5 IIIIIMMIIIMIIMHIIHM IIMIHMIIIIHIIIIMMII FOR SALE THE WHITE RANCH 3 Miles From a Good Town 36 Miles From Denver rft I oCer tha 800 acre of improved land from this famous stock (i raacb at a sacrifice because of the rapid settling of the ur- rounding country. There is plenty of water, bottom bay laads and timber. Practically modern house, immense stables aad sheds, all other outbuildings, living water piped to bouse, barns and corrals. An ideal cattle or hog ranch, close to shipping point and stock market. Most sell st oace. 30.00 AN AC UK. ON EASY PAYMENTS McCagae Hulid.og W F. SMI. 1.1 ON OMAHA, NEBRASKA