The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, March 30, 1911, Image 2

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The Brakeman Telephones
"Y's, I'm all light. It was u had wreck. 1nt
DO out- was hort.
"I don't know hp may haVl to work long after
midnight food bye."
Railroading is a hasardou occupation and when
(ha wife of trainman hears then has been I COl
lision, sli' fcais the worst.
A liell Telephone In the borne saves many
anxious moments. When the wife of a railroader
hears his ehei r.v voiee, though it may he hundreds
of miles ft way, she dors not worry she knows he is
all right.
T.M. BEESOIS, Alliance Manager
Old Trusty Incubator
1 and Brooder I
1 I
Made of Galvanized Iron, Asbestos
4 and California Redwood. Every- j
thing so simple that a child can
4 ma e big hatches.
fcl TO'
newoerry s Hardware uo.
Are Always in Demand.
Careful attention is given to
the welfare of each pupil in
Ti'i mmv mm
CaM if Writs fat latariaattaa
Oltvar jad L. C Sstits Tfttwritars Osad
142 d:e in fire
Many Leap to Death In Ten Story
New You Factory.
Girl and Man Hurtle Blaiing From
Top Floor of Building and Othcra
Burn to Criap In Holocaust Starting
on Seventh Floor.
New York. Marsh It. -Kighty six
of tli" I t.: victims of the Ire m the
ti n stor building on Wh ingt u
Place havp been Identified Sixteen ol
the bodies were men ThOrS an
twelve Injureil in the hospUals.
Nearly all the dead were emilo tel.
Of the TriutiKle Waist rompaiiy on the
geventh, eighth, ninth and tenth floois
ol Hie tm i I 1 1 1 1 k
it Ih new definitely known that im
fire stinted on the eighth lot of tin
building, until r h cutting table in h
temp heap and if thought to govt
bi'i'ti started hy a cigarette
Crazed by terror, the men and wont
en operators alHndou,il all effoits to
fight their way through the smoke
filled hallways to tin- stails or file es
capes, and li'ipi'd madly trom the win
Within ten minutes after the b'azc
was illsiovi hm thirty five crushed
ami mangled iiodles were lying below
on thi' pavement! To add to the hot
rot oi tii" scene the police found th 'in
elves unable to control the gigantic
crowd which speedily gathered. Tin'
men and women In this t rowd, crazed
hy the sight of the blazing bodies!
hunting dOWfl from the top doors ot
the burning building, fought their way
through the fire lines and hampered
thf work of the Bremen and surgeon
Th" building, which is at the cornei
of Washington place ami Green street
Is one of the biggest in the clothing
manufacturing district. There were i
1,800 men and women employed in it j
when the Are started, but virtually all
Of thOM In-low the seventh floor man !
gged t est ape
Those on the upper Hoots, however.
had no time in which to reach placi
Of safety The first burst of flame I
rent a hundred shrieking women ool
the seventh door to the stairways
Which were speedily choked by Un-
terror maddened women
Fighting and shrieking for help, th
flrat twenty ol them plunged down the
Stairs, landing in a tangled heap at!
the loot The others who attempted
to follow them were blocked ami the! I
Bhrleka added to the general pamle j
Meanwhile the men and women on
the eighth, ninth and tenth floors, ter
ridetl by the shrieks of thoae belOW I
and the clouds of smoke that rolled
tip the stairs and elevator shafts,
lathed madly around the stairs ami !
Those who fled to the fire escapes
found their escape blocked by groups:
Of shrieking women, who feared tc
tisk the il si ml through the flames j
t' -' r ' 'ng out front the win
dows oi i. n Upper floors.
In all there were seven exits the;
single fire escape, two freight elevat
ors at the rear, two passenger ele-
valors In trout and two stairways. All
of them proved useless and practically
nil who escaped either climbed to the
roof and scrambled thence to the root
of the building occupied by the Amer
lean Hook company adjoining, or fled
In the first rush for safety before the
crush and smoke grew thit k.
The building stands today With shell
Intat t ant' barelv scarred, rather only
smudged. The partitions of archi
tectural liling between floor and flout
ate sound, and it is impossible for one
who did not see it to imagine how the
flames in so short a space could have
wrought such havoc.
The employees sat in rows at their
whirring machines, the tables before
them piled high with flimsy cloth, the
floor littered with lint, the air itself
full of flyint. Inflammable dust. The
first rush of flamea was almost an ex-
Equipment and service first-class in every department
Cafe in Connection -Open Day and Night
On the left and across the street from the
Burlington station
4 r 2
44 t4M 4
The Kirst National hanl; of Oneenta,
N. Y , has suspended husUn -
The business section of l ayette,
Ala , was destroy ed by fire .oi. 2'i.
Klre d strovd tne plant of the Tr
mont Lumber (ompany. Krnst, 1 .
liOas, $5 o.'i'i"
The Russian ministerial situation
'lis taken a turn In favor of M. Stoly
pln remaining premici.
All train dispatchers on the Illinois
Central have oeen granted an increase
of 10 per cent a me 'th
More than cigb,, state banks in
t)klahoma hBvg ssketl to be taken into
the national hank system
Arthur Hughes. In Jail at Belleville,
Kan . for burglary, escaped after
locking the Jailer in his cell.
Annual report shows the gross rev
enue collected by the Bell Telephone
system In 19H was IIH.'
The Chinese govern maml has official
ly thank"d the American He. Cross
for Its aid to famine sufferers.
All train dispatchers on the Illinois
('"titral road have been granted an In
crease In pa 1 amo.inting to 10 per cent.
Captain Worth Q, Ross, command
revenue cutter serv ice, wi'l
May I, for physical dlsabll
ant of the
te retired
Tillman of South Carolina.
in response to an inquiry about his
health, savs he is feeling "entirely
j fit'
Qeorge Wanamaker, appraiser of the
port of New York, resigned his office
to devote bis time to his private af
i The otliclal census shows Hungary
to htnc a population of 10(150,700.
This is an increase in ten years of 1.-
United states offlcials arrested
! Celao Cere, and w it in Bl Paso, Tex.,
and confiscated their counterfeit mon
ey outfit.
Hre in Colon, I'anf'na. destroyed
thirty houses. Dynamite had to be
used to prevent destruction of canal
one buildings.
Seven hundred and fifty engineers
ion the Denver and Rio Grande rail"
! road have been granted a ft per cent
i Increase in wages.
Governor Dix has sent a special mes
sage to th New York legislature
Urging the repeal of the progressive
inheritance tax law.
Governor Bhafroth has approved
the resolution passed by the Colorado!
legislature ratifying the proposed in
come tax amendment.
National Tariff Commission aaaocla
tlon has leclded to continue at the
extra session of congress the fight for
a permanent tariff hoard.
Miss Cornelia Meserole of New York
threw herself front the balcony of the
Grand hotel at Naples and died of her
Injuries a few hours later.
The woman suffrage bill, with the
referendum amendment, was passed
In the Illinois senate, without com
ment. by a vote of SI to 10.
The steamer Sechelt turned turtle
off Beecher bay, in the Strait of Put a,
and sank with all on board, thirty five
passengers and four of the crew
Antonio C. Puro, said to lie an Ital
ian Journalist, was shot and kilied on
a crowded street in Denver. Philippe
Dropoiia is under anest, charged
With the murder. ,
Torrential rains in progress more
than three days have flooded the
streets of Ri de Janeiro, blocking
traffic and demoralizing lighting and
telephone systi Ills
Selection of a pres dent of the Mis
sourl Pacific to succeed (Seorge j.
Gould will not be made for several
weeks, according to the committee
Having the matter in hand.
Five expert cavalrymen, to com
pete with the military riders or the
world at the London international
allow, to he held in Juas lu connection
with the coronation ceremonies, have
been selected by the war department.
Resident Meat Market
DRAKE & BARB, rm,,s.
5 1 7 Sweetwater Ave.
Fresh and Cured Meats
of all kinds
Beef, Pork, Mutton, Poultry and Fish. Also,
Creamery and Country Butter, Lard, Sauer
kr ct, Pickles, etc.
A Reminder
We wish to remind you that when we opened
our Market we furnished better meat than you had
been getting and at lower prices than you had been
paying. We believe we art entitled to a liberal share
of your trade, and respectfully solicit the same.
Prompt Delivery
Telephone orders delivered promptly to any part X
r . . wit
ot tne city, pnone ru.
Kiaht nersoiikt were killed and more
plosion Operators died in their .hairs., tkB Ao..en in1llrd whfn tht .r),i
' PlyagP," on the Atlantic Coast line.
their lungs seared by inhaling flame
Others were crowded into the elevator
shafts after the cars had made their i
Inst trip Still others were pushed off'
the Inadequate interior fire escape
lii such a hot r Male stream did the
bod IstS overflow from the windows
thai the fire nets, stretched by the,
first company to arrive, were soon
gorged beyond capacity, Twelve bod
leg weighted one net to the bursting'
point, but the bodies kept on tumbling'
to tlie pavement through meshes that
could no longer support them
HI i H I I H
-ftjH Boards
Pv3R?5j f descriptions
"HgfC -or any Part a
y house or barn.
spJ$ Dierks Lumber 4 Coal k
Phone 22 0. Haters. Mqr .
Baggagemaater of Dixie Flyer
cumbi to Mis Injuriea.
Tifton, Qa . Maria II. J. B I'owt 11,
haggajieinaster of t.a'n No Si. ki WB
aa the Dixie flyer on. the Atlantic'
t'o.iM line, which went through a tres-!
tie over 'he A'apaha river, died afier !
'each hag the hospital at Waycroaa. I
This niings the death list up to nine.;
None of the others injureil, it is said,
Is in danger The hody of John T. !
Watson o Ijtnder. Wyo , was the last
one recovered His fiancee. aitaaKltas
hlppej of Ta-adena. Cal., who staed
gl the wreck and watched the rescuer'
until his body was found, accompanied 1
i'- in Wav cross.
Kansas Arbor Day April 7.
Topeka March 2V Uoveinor Srubba
has set April 7 ss Aiboi day for Kan-1
aas Me Iggued the annual prociama '
tlou and in it urged that every ( ItlBta
pUiit at least one tree.
-nil n . ii k between Chicago and Jack
sonvtlle, l-'la , went through the t rest is
over the Alapaha rivet near Tifton. Da.
Governor Oddie of Nevada signed
what is known as the "Use clock''
divorce law defining six months ton
tlaual physical presence of the piantiff
in the country as the sole requisite
upon which to base jurisdiction in di
vorce proceedings
Harry P, JndaOn, president of the
Ualvoraity of Chicago, was elet ted
peeeldenl of the North central gaao
i iation of Colleges and Secondary
kTchoola Homer H Beerley ol ibe
Iowa State Teachers' roltags wm
nameil as vice president.
Judge Ketiesaw M ltntlis of the
t'nited Slates district court, Chicago,
received a Itlack Hand letter, threat
iiing Ins life because he refused 10
discharge Gianni Aiongi, chargeii
with willing similar letter tt Carolina
In a decision handed down by the
late ratals commerce commission, in
vol V lag the shipment of mal, it wa
held that rates restricted to the use
of certain shippers and not open to
all are ualewfjl within the meaning
if the interstate commerce act.
Announcement was made that Rev
Charles Reynolls Hrown of Oakland,
Ca':.. tor the last year pastot of the
Old South t hurch Boston, has at cept
id tie poeUiM of tlirector of the Yale
divinity schawl, to which he was elect
etl tt a recent meeting of the Va.'e
Farm Machinery
car loads just in
for coming season. Wagons, Buggies,
Mows, Discs, Monitor Drills. A complete line.
Call and see them on our floors.
Central Lumber Co.
Building: Haterial, Piles, Posts
Transfer Line
Jtfi Household joods
,r moved promptly
I and transfer work
Frank Wallace, Prop'r.
1 1 1 1 """'H' ttt I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Butte Art Studio
We do Enlarging and Commercial Work
Kodak Finishing