The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, March 23, 1911, Image 8

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    Gray & Guthrie
Insurance Onlv
Companies represented have assets Of
over six hundred million dollars
Hrakeman Rlchey has quit I ho se,
vlee and will go south.
Fireman John Castle has gone to
Crawford to work on the bill.
Mrs. J. O. Berk returned Monday
from a trip east which included York
.nut Omaha.
K. W. Bell wbb attending to com
'any business on the Dead wood line
ibis week.
Mrs. Conners returned Monday
t n . mum from a trip to Omaha where
she has relatives.
Mrs. Housseau Is planning to go to
Texas soon where she will spend the
summer with her parents.
Charley Tillott, formerly a C M.
Ar Q. engineer, is now round house
foreman at Crawford, lie Is working
Hrakeman Kay lloag and wife are
now vcrv comfortably settled In
housekeeping rooms in the Times
Chaa. Mclntyre and M. L. Conklhi,
iwo men recently employed here In
the train service, has resigned und
gone farther weBt.
Owing to a shortage of crews In
Kdgemont. conductor Swift of the
t.lgh line brought a train to Alliance
Wednesda ymornlng.
Traveling engineer Edd Morrison
ml west Monday evening on Kng.
No. MM. She pulled 1711 tons to
lodgement without any trouble.
Dispatcher ltedcrman, of Deal
rood, Is esrlously ill with rheum i-i.-in.
and was taken to the H it
Springs hospital for treatment.
Firemen Trenkle and Sorensun
went to Crawford on No. 41! Wednes
day to attend the funeral of the vol
, nicer Herman killed there on Mod
t'ay. Mr and Mrs. Dixie Smith, of Dend
rood, are visiting the hitter's broth
er at Silver City, S. Dak. Mr Smith
express messenger on the Edg
wont Dead wood run.
There are numerous forest fir's
reported In the Black Hills. One at
('. B A Q, tunnel No. 2 near Mys
Llo b.'.ined over about forty acres.
uothet serious fire is reported near
Red fern. S. Dak
Mrs. ItichardBon. wife of conductor
tichardson, who has been in the
Hospital for some time, has so far
recovered that she was brought home
Monday. Her many friends will be
:lnd to know she is out of danger.
Conductor F. D. Campbell, wife
::nd son left Thursday morning for
n sixty days' lay-off in sunny Call
't.rnla. Conductor Edd Balrd has
Campbell's car and crew on the
west end local.
Mrs. Jennie Reed and Miss Ruth
Reed returned to Lincoln Monday
morning where Miss Ruth Is attend
ing business college. Miss Ruth will
Mulsh her course the 24th of this
Month. She has been n faithful pu
Till and has done remarkably well.
Or W. R. Richards has gone to Ar
iington, Washington, and orders The
'lernld sent to him at that place.
Ki Reeves has purchased the fine
r heron stallion advertised in the
lust two issues Of The Herald by J.
. Keegan
K. Landrigan. well known to many
Herald readers, orders his address
lor the paper changed back to Ra
venna from Grtind Island.
W. H Weaver, who came to Allinn
e from Shainokin, Pb.. last Decem
iier. has accepted a position as sales
Mian at l.aing's clothing store.
Gray Cfiithrle. the insurance men
l.isert a neat ad in The Herald
oiiiiiieneing With this issue. We call
tour attention to it if you are inter-
steil In insurance.
T. X. Craig, of Washington Court
House, Ohio, COlled at The Herald
office last Friday while passing t lit ti
Mllance enroute to Mitchell to join
,ls wife who has been visiting al the
iome of their son, Dr. L. R. Craig.
Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Sears went to
Alliance last Thursday, taking their
little child for medical treatment.
Mr. Sears spent a couple of days
this week at home nnd reported the
iiild as improving. Hyannls Tri
bune, March 9.
There will be Herman Lutheran ser
'co Sunday morning at Marks hall
' tnmencing at 10:80 a.m.. In which
:ne new pastor. Rev. Titus hang,
'A ill preach his first sermon. The
Herman community Is cordially In
vited to attend.
Rev. Kraemer was called to Blng
I. am Tuesday to conduct funeral ser
vices for the six year old son of Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Carpenter. Death
H caused from a shot gun wound
inflicted accidentally by a companion
while they were plnying. Hyannls
Tribune, March 16.
A. If, Sharp, of Neodeshay Kans.,
:'irived In Alliance last Sunday on n
piospecting trip through this part of
the west. He made a trip out to
Charley Tiernan's ranch the first of
list week, and In company with him
tbvored The Herald with a pleasant
all on Tuesday.
We are pleased to note that Mr.
w. E. Batton, who has boon holding
a position in the Alliance 1'. S. land
cilice, under civil service appoint
ment, for the last three ninths, has
i oldod to organize one or more
eeplng classes for instruction in
shorthand. We are of the opinion there are quite a number of
persons in this city who will he glad
to avail themselves of the opportun
ity to take this instruction without
giving up their regular work.
Costumed character sketches and
impersonations. Last number lecture
course. Do not miss this number at
Pnelan Opera House Monday even
ing, March 27, 1911. Seats can
Le reserved at Holsten's drug store
Saturday morning, March 25th.
The Alliance co-operative delivery
which is run by forest Allen, is
proving to be a great success. The
Dumber of patrons continues to in
crease, and the work has assumed
proportions larger than had been
expected In the short time the sys
em has been operated in this city.
During the first month four deliver
ies were made daily, two in the fore
noon and two In the afternoon, with
on extra afternoon delivery. Com
mencing March 1st, five deliveries
were made on the first five days of
the week, and six on Saturday.
Commencing with this week six de
liveries are made every day, as fol
lows: forenoon, X, ! and 10:30 o'
clock; afternoon, except Saturday,
2, 3:30 and 5; Saturday afternoon, 2,
! and 0.
of our city always want the b?st and
that is why we stick to
CHASE & SANBORN'S Teas and Coffees
The quality of these high grade teas and
coffees has been maintained and every
package full weight, the same as before
the radical advance in the price of these
The following sucrT-stions with the prices will
readily appeal to the economical buyer:
Sour 1'ickels in Mason Quart Jars 30c each
Monsoon Mustard in Mason Ouart Jars 25c each
Stuffed Olives in Mason Qurt Jars 50c each
Queen Olives in Mason Ouart Jars 45c each
Rex Mince Meat in Mason Quart J.trs 30c each
Black Diamond Sardines in Oil .15c each
Blue Feather Sardines in Oil i2c each
Gold Label Sardines in Oil 10c each
Black Diamond Salmon in No. and No. 1
Flat Tins is a Columbia River Fish put up
without any artificial coloring matter 15 and 25c each
R. B. C. Brand Catsup in Pint Bottles 20c each
Anchovies in Oil in ring bottles 40c each
Fake Herring (so-called White Fish) in No. 8
Pail 85c each
Holland Herring in Full White Hooped Kegs $1. 25 each
A complete line of Canned Fruits and Vegetables
of the highest grade the market affords on hand at all
times, GAIETY is the brand. Satisfaction assured.
Phone 56
last Thursday afternoon Mrs. Rob
ert Hlrney entertained about a doz
en of her lady friends. Kach one
brought her fancy work. A. very In
teresting guessing contest was -i
part of the entertainment. Mrs H.
E. Murry and Mrs. Harry Johnson
were the prize winners. A delicious
lunch was served.
An expert stenographer will take
: limited number of young men and
toni"i for Instruction In Pitman
Menography. on very reasonable
terns. An opportunity is offered to
qualify for remunerative positions .n
government service, railroad offices,
law and commercial work. There is
a great demand in government ser
vice for male stenographers and the
anility to write eighty words per
minute Is all that is required to pass
the civil service examinations. For
farther particulars write or call on
the undersigned W K I" "TON.
5-lf-649 'MS He BottO Ave.
New of the Alliance Land Office
Brought Down to Date.
:it)45 A.bert H. West, Alliance,
Nebr.. uw bw
14, favorable
I, n' Be 2-121-46. Feb.
Mrs A. ft. Nelson entertained
eight of her young lady friends it
her home on Toluca Avenue last
Thursday TOnlDg The decorations
and score curds were green. The
evening was spent playing "500."
The first prize, a beautiful hat pin,
was awarded to Miss Murry. The
second prize, also a hat piu, was
on oy Miss Winnie neieueuner
l 11:30 an elaborate five course
lunch was served In the dining room.
Ihe young ladles all feel themselves
indebted to Mrs. Nelson for a very
pleasant evening.
013046 Addl. Hd. Peter Haas, liar
rlson, Nebr., sw, bw se 1-33-55, -00
acres, Feb. 14, appl. notified.
013047 Irene Duffln, Ltsco, Nebr.,
r ne, eV nw, w V sw, sw 2-18-47,
4O0.I4 acres, March 11, new applica
Hon filed, see No. 01:1170.
013048 Arthur 0. Alfrecht. til N
Stth St., Lincoln, Nebr. Lot 4. IT,
ill of 20 -SMtw 62.! acres. Feb 14.
Oppl. notified.
031042 H B No. B318 Samuel Kara
ist, Chadron, Nebr.. eH se of 11,
s'jj nw, n"4 sw, wi ne. It -28 44 t
acres. Feb. 9, eontest No. 817.-.
013050 Fred Schwarder. K" vorih.
Nebr., lots I. 2, I and 4 of -27-41,
184 60 acres. Feb. 14. appl .1 nlfled.
013051 Marcus Homaii. itinxliam.
Nebr.. all of 24-26-41, 144) acres. Pen
1 1, appl untitled
013052 Harry It. ('air, Mridgeport.
Nebr , all of 1 20-45. KM acres. Feb
14, appl notified.
013063 Ralph Will Pierson. eV. w.
The World-Herald recently con
alned an item giving the Informa
tion that Ed. P. Meyers, the well
known cattleman and banker, who
owns cattle and ranch property In
western Nebraska, cattle in Utah,
and has hank holdings in Omaha as
well as in this part of the state, has
opened an Omaha office to make his
headquarters when in that city. It
is with the law firm of Fitzgerald &
Lynch, In their suite at 511. City
National Hank building. Mr. Meyers
is a director of the Omaha Corn Ex-v-uange
and a member of the execu
tive committee of the Nebraska
Slock Growers' Association. Jim
1'eaginB of Alliance is associated
with him in the I'tah cattle business.
.Mr F. McCoy returned yesterday
From Uretna. Nebraska, where he
has been since the burial of hi3
sister on February 22nd.
tlis sister, Mrs. Mary Lonergan,
died at St. Catherine's hospital of
,angiene which started from a sliver
In her foot. Everything that could
be done was done for her but she
succumbed to the deadly disease af
ter e'lht days of suffering.
Mrn. Lonergan was buried at Fre
mont her husband having been bur
ied tlu re five years ago. Mr. McCoy
lias been at Gretna settling up ths
eutato since that time.
Mr. Peter Coupons of Columbus,
Nebr., arrived in Alliance last Thurs
day morning for a couple weeks'
V tall with his sons, C. F. and John
Coupons, who came to this county
from Platte county within the last
few months. John Coupons moved
m 1th his family on Monday of this
week to a farm fifteen miles north
of this city, his post office address
now being Hemingford. C. F. Cou
; ons makes his headquarters at Al
liance with the fine black Percheron
stallion which he brought from
Platte county.
There are a number of breeders of
thoroughbred poultry in Box Butte
and adjoining counties. Improving
.ho hreed of tioultry is a matter of
much greater importance in the de
velopment of this country than is
generally thought. There are not
many people but what would be sur
prised to learn the value of poultry
products in Nebraska as compared
with that of hogs, cattle, etc. The
prospects are that the poultry bust
ness will become more profitable and
ne engaged in more extensively as
the years go by. The profit from
raising a good breed of fowls is muc h
larger than that from mongrels.
For the above reasons, and others
that could be mentioned, we bolieve
the time has come to encourage and
promote the poultry business in
northwestern Nebraska by organizing
a poultry association. If persons
who are interested in this matter and
wish to see a poultry association or
ganized, either for Box Butte county
or for all of this part of the state,
Including "the panhandle of Nebras
ka," will send their names to the
editor of The Herald he will con
sult with them in regard to time and
place to meet to organize, and will
issue a call for a meeting for that
purpose. If you are interested, kind
ly call at this office as soon as pos
sible or write immediately to John
W. Thomas, Alliance, Nebr., stating
that you are Interested In the organ
ization of a poultry association and
give your name and address.
Wfcl, Matthews has recently com
pleted a comfortable residence.
Paiuhmen and homesteaders in
' his of Sheridan county are pros
perous, and are making a good man
improvements on their places.
Clyde Helling has just returned
from St. Joe, where he went to b
operated on for
f iends are glad
to see It 1 in
'V! and lots 3
a acres, Feb.
4 of
r 33-50. 485.
Lenten Tea will be given at Mrs.
Benne't's Friday afternoon. Lunch
serve'. 6 to 7. Cordial Invitation ex
tended to all to attend.
U13054 Wm. II. Statia. Ardmore. S.
Itak., se ne, eVi se of 28, wty sw
of 27, wMi nw, se nw, sa ne 34-35-fo.
Mar. 5, regular letter receievd
4oo acres.
an expanse so trifling as to hardly
"count" at all, will sell any and ev
ery useful artile he owns which is
no longer useful to him. And he
will realize in cash the actual val
ues of such things.
W. R. Mellor, secretary of the
State Board of Agriculture, has sent
'he following letter, under date of
March 10, 1911, to county commis
sioners and county supervisors of Ne
1 raska, a copy of which was furnish
ed The Herald by Ceo. Houglas:
Feeling the necessity fur addition
al publicity of the merits ot sour
county as a desirable location for
1 lie thousands of homeseekers search
ing for an abiding place, we suggest
that your county hoard give every
possible aid and assistance to quali
fied qersons. to be appointed or rec
ognized by your body, in the prepar-
alien of a Collective Exhibit of I
Agricultural products from your coun
t) Jr the purpose of making an ex
hlL . of the same at the Nebraska
State Fair. Liimoln, September 4 to1
I, and the Omaha Land Show, Oct. j
I6th to 2n, or other land shows fol- j
Nebraska excels in agriculture and
this industry is the basic principle
or our future growth and prosper
ity, therefore we wish the hearty co
operation of each county in the
state, in giving material assistance
toward a supreme effort to direct at
tention to Nebraska opportunities.
Will you assist in this great wark
b exiuiding reasonable assistance to
those who can creditably represent
Believing that you will, I remain.
Yours truly, W. R. Mellor, Secretary.
Sheriff and Mrs. C. If, Cox return
ed Tuesday morning a two weeks
visit with relatives and other friends
in the Sunflower state. Mrs. Cox'
1 arents, Mr and Mrs. W. If. Town
ley ot Kirwin. being among the per-.-ons
visited. Cal says wheat is
looking good in northern Kansas, the
M anion in the north central part of
that state being three or four weeks
earlier than here.
a Ith
i sec-hope
Mrs Michaels, who resides
her ton, R. Michaels, is quite
with pneumonia, having taken :
ond hack sot. We sincerely
die v ill soon be restored to health.
Charles and David N. Matthews of
Jess are in Alliance, today getting
I rices on lumber for COSldoacof which
hey intend to build. U. N. will cota
nience work on his building at once,
hauling his lumber from Alliance,
and Charles will build some time
during the summer. They favored
The Herald office with a call this
iron ing and gave us some interest
ing news about the "Spade" country.
We are pleased to announce that
ihe Alliance band, under the instruc
tion of T. S. Jones, director, has
oeen making rapid progress, and
will give the first of their open air
.oncerts on Box Uutte avenue, Sal
-.irday evening of this week, trom
7:30 to 8:30.
Regular services Sunday morning
at 10 o'clock. Rev. Geo. G. Ware,
Recto".. A cordial Invitation extend
eu to all.
Until the rebuilding of the church,
or until further notice, the usual
services of Holy losary Catholic
. uurch will be held iu the Phelan
opera house.
In answering Herald want
please mention that you saw it
this paper.
We place on sale today one
lot of All Silk PetttooatOt full
fashioned and finely tailored, in
a larue eooorttnent of colors , at
the very low prist of
We wonder if
is a preacher.
Goode Olde Boy"
W ik will begin on the new
at Reno next week.
Charley Jamison is putting up a
ioubo and barn for Roy Scott.
We hear that Mr. Saylor will start
soon carrying the mail from Reno.
Vesial Ganong and bis sister Luda
from Ack worth, Iowa, are vlBltin
with their uncle, Edwin Owen.
We hear the report of the gun and
bonk 01 the wild geese but do not
near o' any one having any roast
r.oose to eat.
Patilck Spain arrived at Reno last
Saturday after being on the road a
week, coming 700 miles from South
Oakota. They have moved onto the
ranch bought of Isaac Shoffner.
Fr::ik Johnson and family took
I inner with James Jamison Sunday,
Albert Rohbinson and family, Mrs
antress and children at Marshal
llous. i; Itex Haworth and wife a'
I'assiiis Farley's.
We saw a fine piece of dre.-3
i-inghnm for 12 rents which cam'
from a store in Alliance. It might
) art I) to investigate further before
sending east for goods. We also be
Itova the merchants should "unsctics
. hat they preach" and buy home
rrown produce when ever possible,
thus making it pleasant and profit
able tor both parties.
$100 Reward, $100.
The HsOM thl paper ill I pl :ih1 to leora
thai I be re is al least oue dreaded diwahe Out SriSMi
haa u-.ii aMt Ui nire Hi all lt Mair.a. uid that u
Catarrh. Italia Catarrh lUrv i- Hit- i,t,a
tun- Du aiiuA 1 To tlie mnlirU Iratinilty. Catarrh
ta iiiK a atMlltatiaaal diaeua, . require a romtau
l..mal ireaim, it M ill s it .rrh ( ue- I- ink.n In
ternally, ai-ilnit iMrertly upiin ilie MiuhJ and mar . ..4
surfaces ot toe system iher by ileatrm lug I ho
fiu'idjttion of the dlaease. and 1vlr.g the patient
atri-niMh by bulldma dp the fomtltu'ion und
Inx nature In tlng lu aura The pmpririi rs nave
au much faith In Its curative powers that tie y oBrr
One Hundred I' !! r tor any case that It falls u
sure. Send fur lui f testimonials.
ddresa F J CHENEY a CO.. Tcaedo, O.
Sold be all !mptgta. 7 V.
Taia ttail a l-aiuil mils lur ox.silpatlon.
A classified advertisement will
deliver your message to the people