The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, March 23, 1911, Image 7

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Five Ccod Roads Bills Up for
Discussion in House.
Number of Members Declare Plan to
Appropriate General Funds for Any
County is Not Wise Move Want
State Highway Head.
Lincoln. March
legislation which
01 the legislature
'. Th- good rands
lh' in -f Mit sesstou
has been preparing
to enact tor MTCnl weeks will prob
Hiiiy in' disposed of this afterttoon
TbS five bills dtawn up b the special
jiiim com in it tee on roads and bridges
which was made up Ol both Senators
and representatives, have been made
a special order and will be liken up 1
in committee ol the whole.
The Mill, H. H. 689, ii7i, 071, t72 and
07:1, embody several different system-'
Oi road ovei seeing and it is not pi oh
abb' that all of them will be passed
The provisions of ail the others de
;i nil to some extent upon the enact
uient ol 11. It. fitly, whh h establishes a:
state highway COtamsloil, This coin
mission Is to have the engineer of t he
state board of Irrigation as Its engl- 1
ueer and the members shall be the
gOvernor( the attorney general and th(
Commissioner of public lands and
buildings. Three deputy highway
Commissioner! are io do the executive
work of the commission.
What Bills Provide.
Th- Other I .lis include a state aid
measure, a bill to provide for the col
lection of a county road fund, one tc
ai ow the commutation of the road:
labor tu at 3 a day and one to pio
vide for county road commissioner and
The state Bid bill is the one upon
which a fight will probably be maoe
The expense ol giving help out ol the
state treasury to different counties I
which may need extra funds to (level
oji their roads would amount to about
1100,000 a year. The bill, as drawn
gives the county board Of each coun'y ,
the power to Bend resolutions to the.
state highway commission asking tot
the Improvement of any Mellon ol
road In Its county outside oi an Igcor
punted village or city, ii the smti
board approve, the county county
hoard sends In a survey of the road
ami plans and specifications of the ini
provetuents. The road improvement
dlstricl is made up then by the county
board ami all lands abutting upon 01 1
adjacent to the new road are em
braced in the district. The owners ol 1
these lands are charged with 16 i'
conl of the cost of the improvement
A protest from r,o per cent of tbesf
pro pert) owners will hold up the im
provemenl indefinitely.
After the improvement is made thf
State pays one half of the bill. Th i
Other half is paid by the county, which
may issue bonds, assess benefits and ,
make a special assessment of 15 pet
Cent upon properly owners within the I
Improvement district.
The joint committee submitted this-
bi'l with the hope that It would pass
bul several members of the committee
are in doubt as to its feasibility and it
is expected to develop a fight at least
ok After Household Duties, but
Wiii Not Work in Fic!dc.
Qatidy, Neb, March W. ESOOnrSged
by the re, ent decision o; Judge OttO
of Itrule. who defined the lights of
husband and wife relative to work on
t'.ie lurm, Nebraska women are declar
ing themselves In no uncertain man
ner. All through this section of the
state the women have organized r.lahe
and delerinined that henceforth farm
work --hall he done by the men, else
It will, go undone
Not that in the past Nebraska wom
en have tOM more outside work than
t'ne women of other states, hut since
ISO OttO decision they say that they
are Olg to look after the household
duties, and if the husbands cannot do
the faun WOTS alone, they will have
to hire men
Within sixteen nvles of this town
, the women, through an organizer, have
ten societies, with an aggregate mem
hershlp of 2S0. The women sign but
one pledge, and that is they will not
mtlk cows, feed cat lie, work In the
hay and corn fields They lay the law
; down to their husbands, quoting from
the decision of Judge Otto.
Drag Deserter Across Interna
tional Line at Douglas, Ariz.
Says House Will Indorse Reciprocity
and Revise Tariff.
Lincoln, March 21. In an address
before the students of the state unl
remit) Champ Ctarh declared that the
reciprocity bill will he indorsed by
the Democrats at the special session
and thai thereafter revision would re
COire attention.
Mr. Clark attended the Bryafl birth
day banquet last night. Senator Owen,
Senator Hitchcock. Norman Mack and
Governor Bhufroth also Attended.
"Reciprocity will undoubtedly lie in
dorsed at the next MSSlon, said Mr.
Clark. TarM revision will also re
coive attention."
Then he discussed education and its
.'ii. ct nil political life
My on,- prayer," he continued, "is
that every citizen of this nation may
he sufficiently educated to read tin'
ballot Intelligently and that he be
courageous enough to ( ast it as he
plea s. despite all the bosses, who)
crack. rs tun! flic leaders in the country."
Omaha, March
iHony covering
Thomas-Til lot son
in the hands of
Moss and Lindland Complete Evidence
Agamst Postmaster.
Jl. Complete lesti
every phase of tht
(ontroveisy is now
Secretary Moss auc
Inspector Lindland, and the next stei
Till be in a joint consideration of tht
case by the civil service commission
and the posioflice department.
The Inquisitors finished their work
here, alter nine days of diligent pur
suit of evidence designed to prove
that Postmaster Thomas used his off!
ciul position to shake down" subordi
Mites. As soon as the ev idence can bt
transcribed one copy will be sent tc
the postoffice department by Inspects!
Lindland and another copy will be
laid tu fore the civil service commis
sion by Secretary Moss
Postmaster Thomas was recalled
and to the last resisted the charges
preferred against him
Former Instructor at Nebraska Uni
versity Takes Taylors Place.
Lincoln. March 21 - The position va
cated h the resignation of Protestor
W Q. 1. Taylor, head of the depart
ment of economics in the state univei
sity, will probably be filled by Pro
feasor .lanes Bdwsrd Kossigooi, now
head of a similar department in the
University of Denver, He was teach
ing economics la the University of
Nebraska In the years ISMifc and lu3
Negotiations have been pending witii
Professor Rossignol and hi appoint
ment is likely to be confirmed at the
next meilnt; of the board of regents
Superintendent of Industrial Schoc
W-ints Charges Investigated.
Kearnev Neb., March is Bnperln
tendenl c. B. Manuel of the state In
dustrial school here, upon reading the
report of the public lands and build
ings committee to the legislature. In
Which they asked for the abolishment
of the school if it could not he placed
in proper condition for the training oi
the young men placed there by the
state, said he would be pleased to
have an Investigation of his methods
made and locate the cause for "the
waste of the people's money." He
considered the charges made by the
omm'ttce uniust and groundless, but
refused to make a detailed reply at
this time.
Omaha Grocer reelvcs a Written De
rr. nd for $2,0C0.
. . March II. Threatening him
and ins family with a terrible death;
am' also promising the speedy burning
of his building in case he refused, j
Black Hand letter was received by i
Tony Powell, a wealthy Italian grocei
bt TDK North Sixteenth street, demand i
lag $2. win. The letter was immedi
ately turned over lo the police, WhC
are devoting much attention to the
case, which Is a new entry In the an
uals of crime in Omaha. The postal
authorities have also been notified
and tin- federal officers will attempt tc
run down the extortionist.
The letter, no Italians say, was evi
dent! i by a Sicilian
American Authorities Imprison Cap
tain of Rurales Much Excitement
Caused on Both Sides of Border
by the Incident.
Doaglaa, Art., March 21. A de
Mrter from the Mcxhnn aimy at Agua
Prlcta was caught in DOttglUS by two
Mexican office. i and dragged ai ross
tin- line io Agua Prieta. Americans
and Mexicans in Douglas beoamt
greatly excti d during the incident
and a large crowd congregated
Ten ffilnutl s later the captain of the
Mexican rural d was captured aimed,
on a Street on this side of lie Inter
national line ami taken to the Douglas
laii. The complications maj be tori'
Washington. March Jl Peace is SB
Cured in Mexico within the present
week if cettalfl influences now at work
tewaul that end prove effective. With
the arrival In Mcxho City Of Minister
Llmantour Proaideal Diei began a
conference which it is expected win
result in th" tnnouncemeni within a
fen days of a reorganized cabinet
Minister Llmantonr win present an
explanation of the demands of the
revolutionists ami ths changes in the
official family oi Prealdenl Dlaa, as
well as the institution of reforms ex
pected to gppaaae the Insurgents,
in the meantime President Tail,;
Who ai lived here from Augusta, t!a.,
this morning, will confer witii Ambas
sailor de la liarra and there s good
ground for the assumption that the
troops now concentrated in Texas Im
mediately will begin a series of ma
neuvers and return shortly to their
posts The coming of peace in Mexico
also is strengthened by the manner in
Which the revolutionists have com
nn Bted on the magazine article of Am-
( bassador de la Buns ami the slgnlfi-
ci'nt spirit of expectant) with which
i the results of Benor Llman tour's con
! ferences in Mexico cltv this week nre
awaited by organs of the insurgents.
Secretary of State Wait Collecting
Names of Soldiers.
Lincoln, March 20 The loster ol
soldiers who have seen Service and
are now living in Nebraska, whuh i
being prepared by Secretary of Slate
Wait, who is to he aided by state and
county officers, will be made very coin
plete. Such a roster should be made
every two years, but it has not been
The last one made was don.- in
Soldiers at Fort Crockett Spend Wet
Ninht in Dog Tents.
Galveston, March 10. Rain fell in
torrents at Fort Crockett and almost
drowned out the 1,600 soldiers who
arrived from the north on transports
and spool the night under the inade
quate shelter of their dog tents It
was the first time it had rained hero
in weeks and the downpour occurred
at the worst possible time for the new
ly arrived troops before they could
get their big tents up.
Several large tents were blown
(low n and the smaller ones that stood
were rendered practically uninhabi
table. Though most of the soldiers
were soaked to the skin, they came UP
smiling when reveille sounded and eu
tared with enthusiasm into the work
of setting their camp in order
"We had a pretty tough night of it,"
remarked one of the soldiers, "but it
was not nearly so had as those eight
days alio. nil I he transport." It seemed
that the discomforts of the voyage
were due mote to overcrowding than
! to rough weather, although a heavy
sea was encountered the third day out.
Port Crockett reservation is prob
nhly halt a mile square and is west of
the city on the gulf front There has
been no garrison there since the great
Htorin of September, I MO, but the
government hns been constructing Hue
concrete barracks. Several of the
buildings are ready gOW. The grade
of the reservation has been raised to
the level of the great concrete wall
put up since the storm to defy the sea
Three gun and mortar batteries line
the water front
Soldis s tViamng lime
On he Rii Grand"1 and
ft San An'onin. W
10 11-11, t American PrU Amh.m
Burning of Waqons .ind Torture of
Herder Inflame Sheep Owners.
sioux Kails, s. D.. March 10, -Ar
rivals in West -rn South Dakota from
the adjacent range country in Wyom
ing report that bitter antagonism ex
idled by the recent raiding Of sheep
l-amps by partlsani of Wyoming cat
tlemeh has BO! abated The must, re
cent Outbreak occurred 111 lohnsoi
ounty. where years ago a dispute e
tween the sheepmen and cattlemen
over possession of the range developed
into a bloody civil war
Some nheep herders, it Ih said, ig
nored an established "dead line a tur-
iov plowed through an ext nslve urea
.old supposed o limit th pastures of
sin epmen.
The Sheepman charge that the re i
cent mid on the wagons of .lin k Alle
mande was accompanied by an act o(
torture, of Which a sheep herder ini
the employ of Aileinande was the vie-j
llm. It la Said the raiders set upon,
the herder, hound his hands and feel. I
and. regard! ss of his appeals to spare
his bed, his pictures, and his keep
sakes from home, burned all before lii .
eyes They then are charged with
having Bogged him with a whip.
pKRSONS WHO KNOW the merit. of the
celebrated Lyon & Healy Musical Instru
ments wlM be pleased to learn that they have
established an agency in Alliance for the sale
of their goods. The first shipment of pianos
has been received. They are on exhibition at
405 Box Butte Ave., where they may be in
spected by prospective purchaser.
These are strictly high-class instruments.
Persons who wish this class of pianos can save
money on each instrument purchased by buy
ing at the Lyon & Healy Alliance agency.
McKuiley System Charge Three Men
With Hand in Plot.
Kai si. Louis, in.. March 21. Fo
lowing reports from officials of the
Kast st i otiis and Suburban rallwaj
and the Illinois Traction company
known also as the McKlnley electric
system, police arrested here three men
who are being detained until an ln-
siigation Is made of what Is be
IU led to have been attempts to wreck
1, "tcrhnn cars.
t 1 1 - of the Illinois Traction
com. escribe the attempts to strik
ers. Tbe poliee lake a different view,
believing whoever tried to wreck the
cars intended robbery
We arc headquarters for the best
Flour in the city. Try a sack and be
Peerless, 4s lb suclc s ..",()
Up to Date, 48 lb lb naok 1.60
Tip Top, 4SII, suck 1.40
B. M., 481b naok 1. 40
Delight. 4s)i, sack .
White Syrup, per gallon )(
Black Bird Corn Syrup, per gallon.. 40c
Karomel Brand, per gallon 40e
A Pure Sugar Mnplo flavor per gallon $1.00
A Pure Sorghum, per gallon 7."c
Canada Sap, a Pure Maple, per qt. .
Log Cabin, a Pure Maple, perqt.. ..
Autumn Leaf, a Pure Maple, gal,,
Meet Sujfar Syrup, ier qt
Bonnie, a Pure Cooking Molasses, qt.
At that time there were nearly
veterans of various wars in the
Blackmail!r plead Gu'lty.
Lincoln, M.irch Ik- Speedy justice
will be meted out to the two members
of the Rang which blackmailed ffljgftf
Anderson, an aged fanner living near
llavev. Kred llrowti and George la'
lin, the two members who aie uo-v in
the county jail, have already pleaded
gnlHy la t justice court to "
charge ol uiackmailiU", and win i
taken genera ju;f;e Qowlsh In the dU
rlct (ourt to reielve a sentence as
soon a 'lie luioimutiou can be prepared.
Mrs. Davis Given Life Sentence.
Hartiagtoa, Neh., March is. (lui ty
of murder In the first degree, with Im
prisonment tor life, was the verdict
that was returned by 'he jury in the
MaKK-c Davis murder trial. Tin- ie
fendnnt, with face drawn and psle
from many sleepless nights, sat with
her eyes fixed on the gem in the man
ner thai sin lias through the trial amC
did not change a muscle when the vet
diet was read. She wore the same
BtUltar) cape she had on everv day
during the trial and had a black si arf
ever her head. Her sister, Mrs .los
Ite. who had been by her side all the(
time during the trial, sat at her left
ggd wept bitterly when the verdict
WM announced.
Sorority House Robbed. oln March The PI
Phi soioritj hous. 315 North Th'
t. -nih street, was entered by burglar
Slid ill1', in checls nopey and jew"' ,
Kolen The gills were all baogl i4
"l" house was locked. Tne liui glair
took time t'j every roogi m
h' I icis", throwing open drawers hiid
tluifci. -icaterin iioUUag evorywhore
Insurrectos Near Hermosillo.
Hermoslllo, Honorn, March l. Run
ners have brongbl in the news that i
7"o revolter are within twelve mile-
of the town The municipal palace i
filled with people, who have, been
pouring in for an hour, provided with
blanket! and quilts Rach has been
Issued a rifle The town is almost un
protected by BOtdtere, as 300 men, in
cluding lOd IT again, man lied out Sat
tirday afternoon for TofCS, Where re
volteri' were reported to have taken
the Pi laal 11 nlnaa,
All Victm's of Loss of Tug Have Been
Accounted for Except Cabin Boy.
Cleveland, March It. life seven
recovered the bodies of Edwin Holmes
and Kdw.n Johnson, who lost theii
lives, with six others, when the fishing
tug gllvei Spray went down off Clove
land harbor last week. They were
picked up on the breakwater, where
the bodiej of five others of the crew
wen recovered, and wore life pre
servers Thir leaves but oue body
thai of Walter l.ongonean. fourteen
y- ais old. cabin boy, to be found.
Beth Sides use Soft Nosed Bullets
& Paso, Tex , March t, -Soft gOeod
h II tS, lorhidden by the ru'es of war
being esi (' hv both sides in thf
Mexican (ampalgn. Colonel Cudlar
whii conwanded the Mexican troopi
et tie- battle of Casus (irandes. ie
poiis nfllcinUy that nearly all of the
wound i Men received their Injuries
from SOfl "vised bnlhls. The report
also com -s I'rom Agua Prieta that al
mo. t ever federal soldier wounded
there wns shot with a soft noeed bull t
Chicar.O, March 20.- -Closing prices
Wheel May, ltl)tc; July, S'.e.c.
May, 49vjI!'v. .Inly. :nic.
May. 31,c; July. 31H.C.
K t.
July, 1.00.
$s 72'-..: July, $S 72'..
!t 12',: July. 9 7o
Chicago Cash Prices No. 2 hard
wheat, I10ilc; No.
47' c; NO. 2 oats. 30c.
Mm .
( urn -t7t
gtvat a
nice smooth taste; we bave it In three
grades, Nom tiuitc so n"i
Try our New BoOOOmy Bargain Counter ami
you will be nur prised at 1 1 1 bargains,
We are here to serve you.
Let your wants be known.
PHONt: 54
Huge Division Bakery.
Antoiro. Tex . March 2n -Xc
ol the so called uianeuvel
here attracts more attention
than the division bakery The bakery
can turn oat 20.nou twojound loSVM
daily, and is at present delivering
alien' half that quantity.
leal 'ii'
Russian Minister Murdered.
Rt. Petersburg. March 21 It is ru
mored sens thai M lgrontoveta, ib
Hessian mil i -1 - r to China, has beet
murdered :n P"Uing
Chicago Live Stock.
Chicago, March 20. Cattle He
ceiits IBJXM; steady; beeves, :,i'o6t
(M; western steers, 4 .75 slock
ers an 1 feeder:;, 4.OO0I.7I; lows and
In iters, U 9H ' s,: calves. 'i llg U
Hogs -Ie(eljjts, ISjggg; Of lower;
lights, .; 7efi 7 n; mixed, ; SOg .", :t I
heavy. ; 4 0 0 "; pigs. f BOg T.SOj
bulk. g.glgf.0, Sheep gecelaU
llJMM); steady; natives. IS.gOg4g.10;
w -sterns. 8.til.l0; yearlings, 4.7
ti gg; latnb.i, i.S0g Ma
South Omaha Live Stock.
South Omaha. March gB. Cut'le
Heceipls, I.TS0; llle lower; In el
tteera, i.Mgi-tO; cows and heifers
g.llg5 4'i; atiii kers ami feeders, 4 Oi
i.',7'.; liulls, le.fS4.Wi calves. $4.41
-ri7 "in MOs-- Heceiids, l.SUU; :,
lewer: rougii. g.gggK 3'i; light.
gg.i; hulk of sal s. H :i", i , I
ShStp Ki eliits. 12.00H; uc lower;
lambs. lloOgC.01; ewe. S.gvg4-?0.
Mrs, Belli Br wn, Prop.
First Door South of First State Hank
Hejningford, Xebr.
l irst-class rooms, clean and comfortable. Ciood
inals. Lunch counter in connection. Short orders
Served at all hours.
4.t..MH--M--"fr 1 1 I 4 4 I I 4 I I I I 4 1 1
Butte Art Studio
We do Bnlurging; and Commercial Work
Kodak Finishing