Classified Advertisements The follow, ng "Want Adt" are classified under appropriate headings for the convenience of readers. CASH RATES One cent per word each insertion. No ad received for less than ten cents per inser tion. Black face double rate. CREDIT RATES One cent per word each insertion, but no advertis ing account opened for less than twenty-five cents and no ad charged for less than fifteen cents per week. Black face double rate. In answering Herald want ads please mention that you saw it in this paper. A classified advertisement will in troduce to each other the next buy er and the next seller of property in this town. GOOD THINGS TO EAT Purday's cottage brsad is baked by expert baker and is good to eat. levers of oysters should no to the Keystone. Oysters shipped direct to 'is from the oyster beds. We han dle the New York Counts. Try them. Yon can net them in any V tantlty . 4.'tf F B, Disnier. EMPLOYMENT WANTED NO For all kinds of team work, iiauliitK and garden plowing phone it7 Ri-een C. K. SIMPSON ls-tft4l-8 Si S. QtMdM hits returned to Alliance and Is ready to do nil kinds of odd jobs of work Photic Jtiti Red ;:;if TO RENT Several farms to rent. ( . McCorkle Inquire .1 IS-tMll liny your BtOVCB of T. .1 Tlirelkeld, 101 BOS Hutte Ave. 4841 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE TO TRADE IM acres of level Upland, :'.0 miles northeast of Greeley, Colo., valued at 1:2,500.00 To trade for residence in Alliance II C. NICHOLSON. 1st National Hank, Alliance. LAND TO LEASE TWO sections of Hox Hutte county land to lease, all in one body, fenc ed, house, sheds, two Rood wells and windmills, two cement cisterns of :."0 bbls, capacity each, and oilier improvements; about 38 scree under cultivation: six miles from Marsland. See F. B. Heddish. I ".-t fait if. ABSTRACTERS F. E. REDDISH Bonded Abstracter. I have the only set o! abstract books In Hox Hutte county Office in McCorkle Building 10-tf-570 SPECIAL SALES Hazmar and Social by Industrial Society in Baptist church parlors April 20 and 21. n lot 548 Furniture nnd bOUSSfttrntshtUgS at tl.e rlfiht place at Threlkeld's. FOR SALE MERCHANDISE FOR BALK piano. Worth this office CHEAP $175.00, Due bill on Inquire at !-tf 546 DO YOU WANT A PIANO? The renowned Lyon At Healy pi anos can now be purchased In Alli ance of a resident dealer. See the advertisement in this issue of The Herald X-tf ;V7, Threlkeld sells i' d lamps cheap china, glassware HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES Let me frame your pictures, -T, -1. Tnrelkeld. 4:::r HELP WANTED Several latins to rent C McCorkle. Inquire J. l3-tf-818 ROAD OVERSEERS. ATTENTION Tlie at teat Ion of road overseers Is called to the MtfBvtl from the laws of Nebraska. relatlliK to "Injur) b I ncovered Well or Fit fall" and Prairie DOSJS", published in this Ih- SM of The Herald ID 1441 NOTICE On account of the Increase oi I lie price of material and labor the Fainter Contractors of Alliance. Neb., r e compelled to im reuse their charx M for work for the sasnlng year. The charges will be si follows: All two-coat work to be 10 cents I or s. yard, and three coats to be .'K rents. Common lap work paper iltg to be 88 cts. per holt . Hut wtirt to be t'li) cts Ingrain paper wire BdgS 0 cts. per bolt. Hut work To cts Hurlap. 15 cts. per square yurd. KulclmlUlttg white wtills to be ft cts. tor square for two coat; 04 cis for oti' coat. Sand walls per so, oars 71 (flits two coats, one con! f0 cents. Bttelni walls lt cents per square, preparing wails on cants per hour. Taking down putt lii! up pic ture moulding. 80 cents per hour. Ktalttlng roofs $2.38 for two couts, l 26 for one coat per Square, barn id. 10 for one COal and IS ets for J oats, all one coat work to be li rents, per square yard Oiling floors t; cts. per yard. Draining complete in cts. per square yard. W S. RIDOELL. QUO, w. BLLIOTT I,. A SFFRISK W. H ZEHR1TNO. (lit ANT HALE, B, c WHI8MAN. I i L't-G2!i FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS OIRL WANTED for housework. Phono 801. MRS. W. S. RIDOELL 1 Itf822 WANTED An experienced wait ress. Address S, Herald office. i4Hf4S0 YOUNG MEN WANTED Govenment Pays Railway Mail Clerks $800 to $1,400 a Year ARCHITECT The C. W. Way Co.. Architects, Hastings, Nebraska, will furnish you with plans and specifications for any slass of building you wish to erect. Ask them for information. 19tf AUCTIONEERS Frank 11. Palmar, general auction eer. Satisfaction guaranteed or no charges. Rhone t87 Blue, Alliance. Nebr Call leave orders at Herald effire IS-tf-380 POULTRY, ETC. "HKrHTjToTTTlA se eded pens. S. C. Buff Orpington and Rose Comb Rhode Island Reds. $1.25 for 15 eggs. Mrs. .1. A. Keeg.ia .lliance. Ittffftl Free Scholarships Are Offered Uncle Sam holds examinations for railway mail clerk, postoffice clerk ! or carrier, custom house and depart mental clerks. Frepare tit once for the coming examinations. Thousands of appointments are to be made. Common school education is all you need; city and country people have equal chance. Start to prepare now free Information. Free scltolarships this month Write im mediately to Central Schools, Dept. B-624. Rochester, N. Y. 5-20t-46J Wanted, a girl for general house work Mrs Geo. .1 Hand -Phone 251 12-tf-592 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY IN BAR GAIN FOR th: RIGHT PARTY Vl l H CASH THOROUGHBRED BARRED PLYMOUTH rock BOOB. Price POT setting of 15 eggs. $1.00. 100 eggs, $4.50. Rhone 110 Hlue. K. M . Qregjg, RIOT Cheyenne Ave. 115-tf tiol BROWN LEQHORN BQ08J tor sale Iron) two pens. $1.50 per setting of lateen. R. II. PERRY, 884 Hox Hutte Ave. I'hone 141. IttMM HOG8 AND CATTLE Fat hogs and cattle wanted. We want to buy some good stuff to butcher. t'ttf ::us Drake k Barb, phone 50. REPAIRING The best equipped shoe shop in northwestern Nebraska is run by M. O. Nichols in the rear of Hie Alliance Cash Shoe Store. First class work oulckly done, at reasonable prices. tfOtf clothing, furnishings and shoes, lo cated in county seal in western Ne braska. Oood farming and cattle country surrounding. Fifty miles to nearest competitor. New railroad. Fast growing town Write for par ticulars to the Alliance Herald. !-tf-55:i NOTICES HOUSE CLEANING MADE EASV I'hone is and we win send out a nan and vaeuem cleaner cleaner to do your .-'. without removing car t ' ; .-.jiii your floor. O-if-847 OBO. 1) DARLING My wife, Nettie C. Hedge. has left my bed and board and I won't stand for any bills made b) her : J .887 .1. A HEDGE. HOUSEKEEPERS READ THIS No Soot If you want a quick, hot fire in ; our range or cook stove use the elebrated Emerald Colorado or Mon arch Wyoming nut coals sold by Vaughn Rhone liKti. lftft4K BEED OATS FOR BALE 500 hu. iCershon oats s miles northwest of Alliance, on N W quarter Sec. 33-2B-4S. P, .1 Relguni. l3-4t40T One Multtscope plate camera, isx tMt- Genuine leather finish and good Carrying case, with three doub le holders. Expensive 5x7 lens, worth the price of camera alone. The complete equipment for $18. Hurry if you want it. Alliance rt Sturio. 10-tf-688 1 sell furniture and house furnish ings cheaper than anybody T. .1. M relkeld. 43tf Farmers, ranchmen and everybody PlM find B. I Gregg ft Son's the Lest place to buy flour, feed, poul try food and stock salt 48tff84 FOR SALE CITY PROPERTY FOR BALE One four room house, new; :! lots under fence; out build ings; chicken yard; good well cheap if taken soon. See Mis F. Knight, s;:i Missouri Avenue. !2-tf-688 MISCELLANEOUS If you like The Heridd subscribe. Buy your china and glassware of Threlkeld Have your pictures framed i rsdtald'a 1 Money lo loan on real estate . Reddish. at F. :itf Flour, hay, feed, stock salt, poul-I t.y food. Best goods I'rices right. 'My deliveries made promptly B. I It egg & son I'hone 155. Rui-'.H I SELL GOOD COAL Your orders will be delivered; promptly. Monarch and Colorado coal. Office Grefcsa Feed Stun. Phone t60. M. Vaughn 3 tf 142 I am now prepared to do all kinds of painting in first-class manner Will also do paperhangtug and car penter work if desired W B. Phil lips. I'hone 182 Hlue IS-tf-886 . CALENDARS FOR 1912 I he Herald I'libhshmu couipuliv will handle a beautiful line of calen dars for the year 1818. The main line will he the products of the But by Raper company of Chicago I" ported calendars will also be printed On account of the Cut that ii will not be necessary lo pay commission i to traveling salesmen the prices are much lower than ordinary t s NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS AND TENANTS All property SWPSCS and tenants ire hereby notified that within ten days they must clean up their prem ises and the alleys adjoining their :ropert los, At the expiration of 'en days the city will proceed to clean up and the oa ners ami tenants will be liable 'or the costs and flgjei aeeorditig to I he city ordmuni es. Hated March I, 1811. .1 ii. Oarisoa, Irtrssl cum. .1. H Hunsaker, City Marshal. . LOST Near liurlingtoii yards A mall PUSS purse Reward lor re turn lo Herald Ollue. 15-11041 Several farms to rent. Inquire .1. C. MeCorfcle. l8-tf-8l8 Four Alliance lots, good location, (dieap. (Complete Reeves steam plow and tractor, good shape. bargain. Quarter-section Hox Hutte land, good location, fifty acres under cultlvs tion. Rhone Hlue 228. C, M Lots patch, Alliance. 10-tf-557 RESIDENCE AND SWIMMING POOL FOR BALE. Judge L. A. I terry offers to sell his residence, turner Mississippi Ave. and Filth St. Hood 5 room house, three lots, two chicken yards, two chicken bouses; swimming pond on one lot. two drasi ing rooms; private water works, in eluding windmill ami gasoline engine and big heater for tank. Swimming pool is a money making proposition, he income from it running as high as $18. on per day during the season. RoaSM for selling, other work pie tentS handling it. Nearly one and a half lots in garden, for which the irrigation system supplies water ''or price and terms inquire at Her- I aid office or apply to Judge L A ' p rry, i;:-tf-tis Home Course In Tree Preservation By JOHN DAVCY Father of Tree Surgery VI. The Trees and the Confl Birds. Copyright, ISM by American ire ao latum. As i speed over the country In my lecture work on "The Sah alien id' Our Trees" there are ninny things to inspire and cheer the heart BSte tally that uf seeing what at tempts people make lo mow I NWS ShrabS and Mowers. I sometimes fee! that I should like lo gel off Hie train and show people Just how. To mr St et'lhtng seems so simple. There H no luck, no Chattce; it Is nil cause and OTect, I. earn Just what to do ami do it, and mil Mother KstUTe is there ready to do all the rest, and. sax. does she DOi do tlttely V The one di SCOUrS ging thing Is, as is often the ease, lo meet some stupid, bigoted, cOOCeitcd old a-s who thinks he knows all and can't even raise a good top of weeds, in the deend that Is about lo i lose there is truly Something Inspiring1. In that short time, sim e toy oM "Tree Doctor" rsls ed the cry feu "tUf wounded friends the trees" and the Clevsiaad news papers re ei hoed the call to the nation, practically Sll thS newspapers have lent their aid. and the groat BMgS 7lnes have done noble work, and the education is thorough, but so slow. AS yet there is not 5 per cent of the adults that are awake lo the real, do plumbic condition of the trees. The deterioration of the trees Is faster than the education tin to how lo lake care of them; hence my only hope now lies with the child Illustration No 11 shows Mr. and Mis William Lodge of Silver Lake. O. Makes Home Royal Baking Powder helps the housewife to produce at home, quickly and economically, fine and tasty cake, hot biscuit, puddings, the frosted layer cake, crisp cookies, crullers, crusts and muffins, fresh, clean, tasty and wholesome, with which the ready-made food found at the shop or grocery does not com pare. Royal is the greatest of bake-day helps. ROYAL COOK BOOK 800 RECEIPTS FREE Send Name and Address. ftOVAL AHINQ POWOtl CO.. NIW TOM. NO. U i III' MUN AIIK llol.llINO SKI O- UN" WAI.Ni 1 TRgl s. It Is not only Interesting and pretty, but there are the profoumlest of thoughts clustering around It. TPs little boys are holding a couple of SSSdllng walnut trees, the seed tiiutsi of which I brought from the old Charles liana place. DsSOriS Island, i (ilen COVO, N. V. The plants are I n year old, and lliey. it Is hoped, will grow up with the children. To re an idea of what one generation i : 1 do we call attention to lllus tr. th ii No. 13, These trees (the large- -si were planted tbirt.v-tliree year- u by the gTSIklfStber of the children hi re seen. They were plant ed right SUd thug taken care of, suit bete they ;.iud, honoring the memory of the patriotic citizen who believed thai ore of the best ways to serve one s country is to plant trees. This uew movement, the saving of our song birds, exhibits SO unaccountable slow ness on tie- part of the average adult to be Browed to one of Hie greatest memo es th it heve ever been known In tin- history of nations, the total ex ttnctlou of our gong birds by the Lug llsh sparrow snd the crow. DnlSSS the lucres SS and depredations of these two Bauds are checked our native small birds cannot last for Knottier decade. Already we learu that an av erage of one-fourth of all the crops "LET THE PEOPLE RULE" (Continued from ptgjci I 2 Why has the sale of Intoxicating 1'quors to minors been permitted without even the hint of a protest from the mayor or an effort at law cntortement by him.' 3. Why have street walkers, known as prostitutes, ben oermitted to solicit "business" on the streets of Alliance, a thing they are not permitted to do even in the arge cities, where some objection SC Is things are permitted as "necessary evils"? 4. Why are a lot of tin horn gambler? permitted to ply their trade unmolested in about a half dozen dives, pi .ctically robbing persons who SfS so unfortunate as to become thr tr victims, and thus creating a feel ing ,. enmity towards the town imong the people of the surrounding country and neighboring towns? 5 Why have houses of prostitution been permitted to scatter over the city, locating even in the respectable business district? 6. Is there any good reason vh homes of prostitution should b permitted to sell liquor without s .city license when the six men who hve j legal right to engsge in that business are required tc pay $1,400 tinch innually for the privilege? 7. Is there any reason why he should be a candidate for the fourth time in four years, except for financial considerations snd for the "hon or" that might come by hanging onto the office far a.iother year, af ter p-omising last year to not be a candidate again if the people would elect him then? If the mayor will satisfactory answer the above questions, it will 't a good start towards answering a. good many more that the peopi SS asking among themeselves, an w H make his candidacy less objec nonab'e to decent people, both "wets" ..rd "drys". Butte Art Studio We do Hnlarging and Commercial Work Kodak Finishing BcVsml farms lo rent Impure J, i MeOorkk. IS4M13 s - - ; SUBSCRIPTIONS TAKEN TO CHRISTIAN HERALD i Subscriptions to the Christian Her aid are received by A. Hunlap. The price is ll.aii per year. I'ersons WOO wish to leave their Subscriptions at The Herald Office may do so, without extra expense Li either the lihsi ribers or Mr. Hunlap. I.'tf',"n Alliance Herald. $1.50 per year. e roi'NH A saddle Owner may iiave by proving property In, pine ai Tirst National Hank 18-11 837 rsHsa 'siitiiaBss oitick at hoik. i us' Wallaces Transfer Line "WW 44 I. Kill I I.' I'llliM Household foods moved promptly and transfer work solicited. Phone i Frank Wallace, PropV. Central Lumber Co. Building Haterial, Piles, Posts HEn ing ford, and Coal Nebraska 8VANTI8D To ill V Qoud 'oil or flat top desk cheap .-itKhi'.v us-d office chair T, olfion I'hone ::tu of i ice Also HoraM :t tt,:,2 If you like The Hersld subscribe. N 1 1- i UK I j PliAHTttD THIHTV-TUm R (Mas Attn i. 'i naxBPATHSH or cuttv DUSM IS ll.'.t S1K.VIIH.V so. II of the Unites Stales is destroyed by Insscts, "Dsstrojt sll tha Insactlvorons birds," says Mlchskit, "snd la nine rents the hnmas rare win porisli fruui the race of the earth." i grant wv rsudsrs t" bstp psstora snd pfasscvM uur sang birds Ths only way In 1 I Ins is tu destroy tin Knttllsfa sptirrow, which dastruys the song Idnls There is an "Uprising' nearly all pvar ISO country gfjslUBl this imported past The English sparrow innsl bs ns StrOJTSSl it WS ale to save our trees All our trees will be ruined by ilisei is If the sparn-ws keep up their tii.'ht gSjnlnst the insist kilting birds If ran WMlk1 save v.'tir trees destroy the Kagllsh sparrnWM. HOPE Johnnie Illillllt s Mr krtbur Hubbell ami Ijiierr were at Hope a few i' ins lis Morntng lialleisoli is Working tOH Slev.- ivmiitsss Kviieti Horn was al home r killing a Ian hours Tuesday Misses Sadie Horn. Myrtle WkV . - x. IV. allelic McAllister ( ook spent Sunday !i Msksn Heesoii. Time will be Literary al the Hope ohoo' house ou the evening of Apr:l in. Kveiybody invited to attend ami afternoon knag w it h A gnrni will bo furnished. Tha i nest i, n for debate is: Hesolved ;'hat Nebraska should abolish capi tal p .lishinent Kari Mowry w as at I he homestead 'i nsssuijr, tl. lines Chapman carried the mail rmgj Malindu to Hope Tuesday. Mi ti. W. Crismond and family ' left for their future home to x: issouVi. Mr and Mrs Ai.hur U Thoiupsoa ere visiting at A '.. Nicola's oua day last week. Mis Helen lleeson spent Saturday i. id Sunday at home.