Classified Advertisements The following "Want Ads" are classified under appropriate headings for the convenience of readers. CASH RATES One cent per word each insertion. No ad received for less than ten cents per inser tion. Black face double rate. CREDIT RATES One cent per word each insertion, but no advertis ing account opened for less than twenty-five cents and no ad charged for less than fifteen cents per week. Black face double rate. In answering Herald want ads please mention that you saw it in this paper. A classified advertisement will in troduce to each other the next buy er and the next seller of property in this town. GOOD THINGS TO EAT Pardey's cottage bread Is baked by export bakers and Is good to eat. . Lovers of oysters should go to the Keystone. Oysters shipped direct to us from the oyster beds. We han dle the New York Counts. Try them. You ran get them In any quantity. L'tf F. B. Dlsmer. TO RENT Several farms to rent. Inquire J. C McCorkle 13-tf-Ci:! MM is ready to do all kinds of odd jobs ol work Phone 2tiK Red :i!tf Two Rooms for Light Housekeep ing, Inquire 101 Yellowstone Ave. ia ti-on Buy your stoves of T. .1. Threlkeld, 411 Box Butte Ave. 4'1-tf FOR SALE REAL ESTATE LAND TO LEASE Two sections of Box Butte county land to lease, all in one body, fenc ed, house, sheds, two good wells and windmills, two cement cisterns of noo bbls. capacity each, and other Improvements; about 35 acres under cultivation; six miles from Maisland. See F. E. Reddish. 11-tfOOO HAY LAND FOR SALE 1 will sell the quarter section of land on which the Nuaon grove is located, 17 miles northeast of Alli ance. This Is good hay land. 674 4 11 If. P. NASON, Alliance, Nebr. ABSTRACTERS F. E. REDDISH Bonded Abstracter. I hare the only set ot abstract books in Box Butte county. Office in McCorkle Building. 10-tf-670 ARCHITECT The C. W. Way Co., Architects. Hastings, Nebraska, will furnish you wiili plans and specifications for any slass of building you wish to erect. Ask them for Information. I9tf AUCTIONEERS Frank H. Palmer, general auction r. Satisfaction guaranteed or no eitarges Phone s7 Blue, Alliance, Nobr Can leave orders at Herald write. IS-tMM POULTRY, ETC. THOROUGHBRED BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCK EGGS. -Price per setting of 15 eggs. $1.00. 100 rtggs, $4. SO. Phone 110 Blue. E. M. Gregg. 1007 Cheyenne Are. i:i-tf-04 BROWN LEGHORN EGGS for sale trom two pens. $1.50 per setting of Sixteen B. H. PERRY, 924 Box Butte Ave. Phone 141. 14tf626 HOGS AND CATTLE Put hogs and cattle wanted. We want to buy some good Staff to butcher. 4!ttf-o08 Drake & Barb, phono 50. REPAIRING The best equipped shoe shop in northwcBUrii Nebraska is run by II. i). Nichols In the rear of the Alliance Cash Shoo Store. Kiibi class work nuickly done, at reasonable prices, on I MISCELLANEOUS If you like The Herald subscribe. Buy your china and glassware of 1 hielkeld. Have your pictures framed at ThrelKeld's. Money to loan on real esiale. P. L Reddish. Mj Hour, hay, teed, slock salt, poul try food Best goods Prices right Mty deliveries made prompt!) K I llregg ti son. Phone I f.o. SPECIAL SALES Bazaar and Social by Industrial. Mociet) In Baptist church parlors' April 2u and It, H-lot 548 I a) Furniture and housefurnishlngs at ! tie right place at ThrelkcliPs. FOR SALE MERCHANDISE POR SALE CHEAP DtM bill on piano. Worth $175. on Inquire at this office. '. tf-54t DO YOU WANT A PIANO? The renowned l.yon - Mealy pi anos can now bo purchased In Alli ance of a resident dealer. See the advertisement in this issue of The Herald I tf 525 Threlkeld sells china, glassware avd lamps cheap. HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES !vet me frame your pit tares - -T. J. Turelkelil 4:!tf HELP WANTED Several farms to rent. Inquire J. C. McCorkle. l i t f t! 1 3 GIRL WANTED for housework. Phone i(5. MRS. W. S RIDGELL 1 ltf22 WANTED An experienced wait ress. Address s. Herald office, 4 tf-fiH0 YOUNG MEN WANTED Govenment Pays Railway Mail Clerks $800 to $1,400 a Year Free Scholarships Are Offered. Uncle Sam holds examinations for railway mail clerk, postoffice clerk or carrier, custom house and depart mental clerks. Prepare at once for the coming examinations. Thousands of appointments are to be made. Common school education Is all you need; city and country people have equal chance. Start to prepare now free information. Free scholarships this month. Write im mediately to Central Schools. Dept. B-624, Rochester, N. Y. R-20t-463 Wanted, a girl for general house work Mrs. Geo J. Hand Phone 261 lI-tM9l BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY IN BAR GAIN FOR THE RIGHT PARTY WITH CASH clothing, furaiuhings aud shoes, lo cated ia county seat la western Ne braska Good fsrrolng and cattle country surrounding. Fifty miles to ne.irest competitor. New railroad. Fast growing town. Write for par ticulars the atllsnes u era Id -tf-56$ I SELL GOOD COAL Your orders will be delivered promptly. Monarch and Colorado ooel Office Gregg's Peed iore. Phone t6t. M Vaughn a tf 442 EMPLOYMENT WANTED B. (Bidden has returned IB UUpPre NOTICE On account of the Increase ol the price of material MM labor the P. tinter Contractors of Alliance. Neb . -e compelled to Increase their charg e for work for the SBIQlBj year. I 'ie charges will be M follows: All two-cout work to be M cents pes? MJ. yard, and three coats to be M cents Common lap work paper tup to be cts per bolt. But work to be Mj cts. Ingrain paper wire edge M cts per bolt But work 70 cis Burla), 15 cts. per square yartl. KnMMlBlBi white walls to be 115 cts. ner square for two coats 04 cts. for one coat. Sand walls per square 75 cents tWO coats, one coa! M cents. Si.oing walls 25 cents per square, l'ii paring walls tlo cent:: per hour. n'aklng down and pulling up pit ture moultling. till cents per hour Staining roofi $2.25 f,,r Ho touts. i II for one coat per square, barn rod, 10 for one coat MM IS cts. for I coats, all one coat work to be lo tents, per square yard. Oiling floors t; cts per yartl Graining complete 'l cts. per square yartl W. S. RIDGELL. QUO. W ELLIOTT. L. A SPPR1SE w. II BKHRtTNO. GRANT HALE E. C. WHI8MAN. I It-ttl FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS SEED OATS POR SALE 500 bu. Kershotl oats s miles northwest of Alliance, on N W quarter sec 2i-4x. p .1. Beigum. i:;f,t607 FOR SALE Seven year old Percheron Stallion. Wotsht 1100, color black. Qood one Mill two year colls to show. J, A. Keegan. i:t-tf 6 10 One Multtacope plate camera, 4'4x GVi. Genuine leather finish ami good carrying case, with three doub le holders. Expensive 5x7 lens, worth the price of camera alone. The complete equipment for $15. Hurry if you want it. Alliance Art Sturio. HMMII I sell furniture anil house furnish ings cheaper than anybody. T J. n-relkeld. 4:ttf Farmers, ranchmen and everybody else find E I. Gregg A Son's the Lest place to buy flour, feed, poul try food and stock salt. 4tf294 FOR SALE CITY PROPERTY NOTICES My wife. Nettie C. Hedge, haa left my bad aud board and I woa't tand for any bills made by her. !4 2t27 .1. A. HBDGB I am now prepared to do all kluds of painting ia first class manner. Will also do paperhangtng and car penter work if desired. W. K. Phil lips Phone 181 Blue 12-ff68 - S - CALENDARS POR 112 The Herald Publishing company will handle haautlful line of calen data f - . i year 1912. The main '" a ill the products of the Out Paper company of Chicago Ira ported calendars will also be printed. On account of the fact that It will not bu necessary lo pay commissions to traveling salesmen the prices are much lower than ordinary. - i BUY COAL AT VAUGHN'S Monarch and Colorado Coal. Of fice Gregg's Fowl Store. Phone Sflti M Vaughn. 3-tf 442 M - - ORDER NURSERY STOCK NOW FOR SPRING DELIVERY I am still receiving orders for tiur HTJ stock for this spring's delivery, I) .1 will send In my last order for spring delivery within a few days. Better place your order with me IMMEDIATELY for what ou ran ids spring. Call at toy resident' -N 't Missouri avenue, anil get pin or call up phone 512 ami I will t all and see you. W. P KNICHT. 1 lltiM NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS AND TENANTS 11 property owners anil I paints hereby notified that within ten lays they must clean up tbjeir prem ises ami the alleys adjoining their iroperties. At the expiration of ten days the tfftjf will proceed to cleuu up and the ii. -i - and tenants will be liable .or the costs and fines according to he city ordinances Dated March I, Ittt. J 11 CarlbOj, Street Com. .1 B Huniuker. City Marshal If you like The Herald subscribe. FOR BALK One four room house, new; 3 lota under fenee; out build ings; chicken yard; good well cheap if taken soon. See Mrs. W.F. Knight, 819 Missouri Avenue. 12tf-588 Several farms te rent. Inquire J. C. MoCorkle. 13-tf-ei.l , - . - Four Allium- lots, good locution, cheap. Compltt Rmvci team plow aud tractor, good ahapa, bargain ntipte a...ti,,a II. iw II lit t A 11:1 M x. Bj i sen i r i m m i tvsi i wtnie swsuu, location, fifty acres ander cultlva ttoa. Phone Blae 21$. C. M. Lots )! Alllanee Itf-$I7 - " MOatERN ail room house eu Tol uea Areaue. Bast troat. Cement block nam. Hot water furnace Cheap If taken at once. Reasonable terma. Phone 840, Herald office tf (64 LEGAL NOTICE State of Nebraska. I ( Pox Butte County i In the District Court of Box Butte County. Nebraska. In the matter ol the guardianship of Aileliu Kanistlell. an Insane Person Order to show cause. The cause came on fur hearing up on the petition Of Frank H Ranisdell, uuartliau of the person and estate ;f Atlella Hamstlell, an Insane person. MBytes for a license to sell the south half ol the southeast quarter (SVv SE'4 south hall southwest Quarter s's sv4( of B action Five (I), in Township Thirtv (9t)i N P.inge Twelve lit) fst . in Hotl County, Nebraska, or a sufficient Hiiounl of the same to oay the sum )f twelve huntlretl eight. dollars I $1180.00) for the payment of xpens es Incurred in the support, ireiitinent. tare and mnlntalnauce of said ward, tliere not being any personal proper ty and Hi' income ol' said ward being insufficient to pay the said debts and expenses, and maintain the Mid .ml It Is therefore ordered that the next of kin and all persons Interest ed In saltl estate appear before me i t Chambers at Rushvllle, Nebraska, on the 20th day of April, 1111, at nine o'clock, A. M.. to show cause why a license should not he granted lo saitl guardian to sell so much of he above described real estate of said wartl as shall be noi crsury to nay saltl debts Ud expenses specify that this order be published in the Alliance Herald, n weekly newspaper, published in Alliance In aid county for three Weeks prior to lie date of saitl hearing. Datetl March Hh, 1911, W. II. WK8TOVBK, l3St1014H Judge District Court, LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE BY PUBLICATION The defendant s, Englebert .1. Ping cr, Mrs. Plnger, wife of Englebert .1. Pinger first and real name un known and Theron T. Crosier, will lake notice that on the lGth tiny of March, 1911, Oils Bass, the plaintiff, filed his petition In the District 1 ourt of Box Butte county, Nebrns ke. against Englebert ,1 Plnger, Mrs P'.nger, wife of Englebert .1 Plnger, t'lrst and real name unknown and Theron T. ('rosier, defendants, the object and prayer of which are to mlet the title In the plaintiff upon southwest quartet (gWVi) or section Twelve ( 121 In township twenty six St) uorth of range fifty two 52). tveet. in Box Butte county, state of Nebraska ; to have cancelled and satisfied of record u mortgage there on in the sum of ItSO.OO, dated April I, 184, executed to the defendant Theron T. Crosier, and to exclude each and all of said defendanta from y interest therein '. u are required to answer aaid e .Hon on or before the 24th day of a.. 1. 1911. Dat. Uarch 1$, 1911. B. F OILMAN, i4-4tl08-.s:t Plaintiff. RRS1DKNCE AND SWIMMING POOL FOR SALE. - Judge L. A. Berry offers to sell his residenee, rorner Mississippi Ave. and Fifth St. Good room house, three lots, two chicken yards, two chicken houses; swimming pond on one lot, two dress Ing rooms; private water works, in cluding windmill and gasoline engine aud big heater for tank Swimming pool Is a money making proposition, he income from it running as high ill $18.00 per day during the season RSSUMB for Belling, other work pro vents handling it. Nearly one ami . half lots In garden, for which the irrigation system supplies water. Clot price and terms inquire at Her !d office or apply to Judge I.. A. I Kerry. IS4T4MI j a Several tarms tti rent Inquire J. ' i McCorkle. 11441! n - - - - - - SUBSCRIPTIONS TAKEN TO CHRISTIAN HERALD SubscripttlMI t" the Christian Hit jaUi are received uy w. a. Dnalap, .a price is $1.50 per year. Persons i abo wish to leave their riptioiis i a The Herald office may do so, a ii bout extra exnense to either x 1 1 subscribers or Mr Dunlup. 12 tf 5'tO POST OFFICE DIRECTORY - -o- Mails close ul the Alliance post i office as follows. Mountain time East Bound 11.20 a.m. for train No. 44. I 11:00 p.m. for train No 42. West Bound j 12. oO p.m. for train No. 4:1. 11:00 P.M. for train No 41 I South Bound , lt:M p .tn. for train No. ;0:i 1100 p.m. for train No 301 On Sundays and holidays all night mails close at 6.00 p m instead of j 11:00 p.m IKA E TA8H. IV M Alliance Herald, $1.50 per year. Alliance Herald, $1.50 per year, i Alliance Herald, $1.50 per year. If you like The Herald subscribe. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE BY PUBLICATION The defendanta, John C. Clayton, Mrs Clayton, wife of John C. Clay ton, first and real name unknown, will take notice that on the 16th day of March, 1911, Theodore Colvln, the plaintiff, filed his petition in the District Court of Box Butte county, Nebraska, against John C. Clayton, i-nd Mrs Clayton, wife of John C. i'layton, first and real name un known, tlefendants, the object and rayer of which are to quiet the title 'n the philutiff upon the Southeast Quarter iSE'.l of section twenty -even 1 27 1 in township twenty sev ti (27) north of range Fifty (50) west in Box Butte county, Nebraska, as against each ami all of said de fendants antl to exclude each and :ill of them from any Interest there In. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 24th day of April. Ittt, DatOd March 16, 1 1 1 1 . TH BO DORK COL V IN, ! 1 it nu 6:u Plaintiff It I lldoubtedh the bill will meet ilf approval of the house members - -o - The house has passed the Taylor .' H regulating the Omnha stockyards, .ml to the surprise of every one there was but one vote against It W hell the bill was Brsl reported out froM the committee it was ijmsjb i tended lot indefinite post poti'-meiit . but Its friends put up such a fight in Its favor that it finally went thru without opposition The senate had previously passed the Ollls bill with only three votes against It, so there x 1 1 1 probably be a conference com lOlttM lo get together on the two measures - o - The Lincoln Itrvan Club Is making extensive arrangements for the 0OM b ration ot Mr Bryan's blrthdaj with a dollar dinner at the MMItOftVUH on March 20th. Among the notables From out ol the stale who will be I resent are Hon Champ Clark, speak I to be of the next national bouse if represent at Ives. Senator John W. Lem of Indiana. Senator L. Owen of Oklahoma, anil tiovernor John Shnf roth of Colorado. Nebraska men who have been assigned places on the program lire as follows: 0, M. SUIIes, "Progressive legislation In (he Nebraska State Senate"; E B. jtiackenbush, Progressive Lcgisla (it'll In the Nebraska House of Uepre -etitatlves"; G M Hitchcock, Elec tion of Senators by Popular Vole"; W. II. Thompson. "Mr. Bryan's Con I net kW With Nebraska Politics." lohn A Magiiire, "Mr. Bryan at Home"; A. C. Shallenberger. "Guar Iced Bank Deposits"; Richard L Metcalfe, "Mr. Bryan Versus Special Interests". Mr. Bryan will be the tt speaker on the program. o i The house has taken favorable ac- t icn on six measures which have to lo with the establishment of a more uniform and thorough system of lookkeeplng at the various state ln- tltntlons. CHADRON NEWS STATE CAPITAL NEWS I. In -oln, Nebr.. March II, li'll. The senate has passed another in n-partlsun Judiciary tUBt, iu'rodtii t4 by senators Lee and Mitirew, the supreme court having declared un .institutional the one passed two ears ago. The features to whih tin ourt objected in the former ineisun li.-ve been eliminated in Hie pr-.ient b'il. anil it is belle. ed that It will .-.and the test of th" courts The new bill also applies only to judicial ef floor, supreme, district and coun ty, while the bill ot two years ago a ptdied to stale and county superin tendents as well The vote oil the measure was 22 to 8, eighteen dem be ralS and four republicans voting I 'or It and eight republicans against Chadron Is getting tO be tulte an ii)-to-dute city. Houses arc being numbered which looks as though we were to hnvo a mnll carrier. The normal school has progressed as far as thlrtl story. Miss Rllla McNolly, violinist, went o Alliance to play for a dance given by the Alliance band. The Y M. C A. have organized a clans for young ladles So far 24 have Joined. The fire department wus called out Sunday evening, a small blaze in Lunnlngton's groeery store being the reuse J Totmau, the expressman, Is putting up s fine residence near ihe illfh school. Dr. Condi a. professor of Geogru- phy, gave s talk at the High school. The Eagles are to give a dance the 17th of Harsh whlsh promlces to be Ihe best yet. The foundation for the new Poel- ufflce la nearly completed. L. D. Chesach. chief clerk of Supt. Norfolk Junction The Rills IfcNolty orchestra gave another concert last SsttirdH.v and Sunday evenings at the popular Ice '.ream parlor of Coatley and Finny. - - . - SOUTH OMAHA STOCK MARKETS Special Report ( attle: Receipts us expected neavy, 14,000 for - days, lo lo l.n lower on heavy ami common r.rades. ight handy weights steatlv; best boof $0.90 to $ (last week's top $090) ; pretty good cattle $.') to ". BO MnnMi mmA MinuJ un X.". n - Hi $f,.5u Very good Inquiry i' r '.'AM Weight feeders. $f..::o to $5 lb, . UMk calvct lie luded: heavy feeders tlic low-er. Fancy cows and onifOff SOM from $5 .10 to $5.85 but M.N to "):'5 covers the bulk of best, while M.00 to $4.75 catches the ge.erul run of butchers with canners antl .utters still 11.00 to IS.OO, Veal enlVOl In the same groove, top $s.(iu, uik $6.00 to $7. (Ml. Bulls a little null, 4.00 to $4.5u for bolognas ami $4 60 to $5.25 for best butchers. Look Cor a continued heavy supply this week and some further dullness Hogs: Supplies very heavy ul all markets. 24,5(10 here for 2 days i hlcago 2,0OOt. If to 20c off yes terday ami I to 10c today. Bulk $6 -.ti to $6.65, top $6. 7t. IHik lor a on tinned heavy run antl lower prices .'though may have a little tempor MJtJ reaction the latter part ot this V oek. Sh"ep Ijist week's market a little) uneven, sheep baiii". higher mid lambs lower, ruling steady to day. Few Mexican lambs, top $ti 25, bulk i however. $5 75 to $5.J'(t; year bugs $5. .15; wethers scarce, selling j round $4t5: 2 loads choice eves touay $4 70; clipped Intubs $5 5o and t 'ipped yearlings $4 50 Hardly look or much Improvement as receipts promise heavy Very truly yours, NATIONAL LIVH STOCK COM CO STATEMENT OF ALLIANCE BAND I. S. Jones Makes Good With the Band and Alliance Is Proud of Her New Organization of Musicians. Following Is the statement of the rinanoOS of the Allium e band lo date as furnished by T S Jones, director. RECEIPTS I list National Bank $5 00 Alliance National Bunk 5.00 Bee Hive Store 1 00 Newberry's Hardware Store . . 5.00 A C. MeCluer I JO I' W Irish Co 1.00 S.t xt on Roach Loo V .1 Hamilton 1.00 V Schlupp 1.00 Bt mi toy's 2oo Alliance Grocery . on W H Thomas 1.00 :. L Acheson 1.00 I W Herman I 00 P E Hoist eu 2.00 i M. MeN amors loo I'Kher McNainara 1.00 Miller Brothers 1.00 I!. Simmons I.OO Ceo A Moll iinr 1.00 9, J. Brennan LOO Vlnsll 50 Phil Plxer i.oo F. J. Bet wild 1 00 V. F Crane LOO Philip Nohe 1.00 I B. Dlsiner 1.00 !'. W Render 1.00 B P Lock w ood 1.00 J. S Sherman 2.00 F .1. Spoil 1.00 Mn Voiinkln J.OO A I) Rodgers 2.00 W. j Johnston 1.00 II. S. Thomas 1.00 I. B Knlest 1.00 Paul W. Thomas 1.00 Herald Publishing Company . . 3.00 Geo. Snyder 2.00 Tom Tuck 1.00 L. Luft 2 00 Budwelser 2.00 W. S. Rldgell 1.00 Kennedy Brothers 1.00 Button V Westover .. .. . 2.00 Hall A Graham 1.00 I. E. Tash 1.00 Geo. Darling 2.00 Geo. G. Gatlsbv 1.00 Bicknell & Reed 1.00 E. II. Boyd 1.00 P. E. ReddlHh . .. ins V W. Wood I 00 BicKiin Wilcox 100 UrSfM & Son 1.00 U0O. A. Hill 1.00 John Pederson 1.00 D. Waters A. P. le 1.00 K VV. Wilson 1.26 It U Wutson 1.00 l P. Colburn 100 f. W Boland 1.90 A, Galser 1.00 oppemoll t. Peterson 1.00 Hi R. Belvllle 1.00 N. A. Kirk 90 1. 8. Fielding 9 W H. Swan I 09 Psrdey St Son 1.09 K. G. Lalng i wo G. K. Ieldy 1 00 B Wlleon . J. T. Wlksr 1.99 I. W. Ray 1.90 C. B. Marks 1.00 F. M. Broome 109 Copeland 1.00 Piul Bros 1.90 M. E. Grebe 100 Proceeds from dance ll.Bf Total $1X2.25 EXPENDITIRE8 Herald Publishing Co $21.76 leuver Musiral Co 18.40 ,.ta House Rent 15.00 I E. Ilolsten 3.S6 Jones, Mine Exp .. .. 4.00 las McNulty 11.09 v. i'lthburn 6.00 Bass I 'rum 15.00 . Jonofli Half PrtK-eeds of Canoe 40.00 Total $1:14.10 Itolaaco $48.16 MEM I IE US OP BAND ' . S. Jones, Director itulph Thomas, Sec'y-Treas II. S. Johnson, Cornet Theo. W. Waddell, Cornet .' W. Bucknian. Cornet W. M. I "ti Cornet E. E. Hlslop. Comet ;l Chaffee, Cornet It Burns, Cornet 0 E. Phillips. Flute and Pit cola K II Thomas. Eb Clariuet Pari Spacht, Solo Clarinet !i B. Wagner, Solo Clariuet Chu.- Spacht. 1st Clarinet 1 lias. I. anion. L'mf Clarinet Clvde Utsit. ;Jrtl Clariuet U 0, Smith, Baritone Ualph Thomas. Trombone V.' S Whoaton. Trombone P C Wolf, Trombone 1'. Cuuuiugham, 1st Alto Muni z. 2nd Alio II. anion, Alto V P Allb-e. Alto II S Rldgell. Bass II Thomas, Bass A 0. Thomas. Suare Drum G. M. Burns, Bass Drum Keeler, Cymble The band will gtth) a coucert est I the street Friday night, March i.thv