w-. a a a a a a- .a .m -a Old Trusty Incubator 1 and Brooder i - i 4 Made of Galvanized Iron, Asbestos ' w 1 and California Redwood. Every- thin so simple that a child can NEBRASKA NEWS Jesse Smith, Slayer, and Three Comrades Escape. KITCHEN GANC CUTS BARS. 4 make big hatches. I 1 Newberry's Hardware Co. HOTEL ALLIANCE EUROPEAN FULLY MODERN Equipment and service first-class in every department Cafe in Connection Open Day and Night On the left and across the street from the Burlington station SHSSIafllllB . OmOl at RODOERS' okocch PHONE I Wallaces 1 Transfer Line i !,, Household roods ra -V' moved promptly vfmy' ana transier work V L 4 solicited. Phone i Frank Wallace, Prop'r. Make Their Way Out of Penitentiary Window in Early Morning Police Are on Lookout tor Four Fugitive. Murderer Serving Ten Years. Lincoln. Murch It.- Jesse Smith, u murderer from onnihii. serving n term of ten veals ill the BtttS p llltelttlaty. ami three fellow convicts escaped at 4 a. in. Those who escaped with Smith are: Joseph Bushnnll, ticrvitiR a lour year term for burglary; John Haves. Unco jeais, robbery; Charles I'eiiU'dy, for B ry, five years. The men were in the prison kitchen. At 4 o'clock they were released from their cells to help prepare breakfast. When the cook arrived the men were gone. Four Iron barn sawed from the kitchen window explained the method of their escape Notification has been sent broadcast Omaha, March 13 Jesse Smith was convicted of murder here for the kill ing of t piano player at Pivls' saloon. Smith came to Omaha from Montana In the coarse Of a drunken (uarrel with the piano player Smith went out and pUrchnaed a gun He returned and. entering the saloon by a rear door, shot his victim to dentil on the spot. DOUBLE TRA3K ACROSS STATE Extensive Bettermenta on Union Pa cific Are Announced. Omaha, March IS, Double tracking of the Union Pacific main line in Ne braska will be finished this summer. An order calling for the completion of the double track in this state was sent out by President Lovetl of the Hani man system. The order specifically calls for the Immediate double tracking of the Union Pa itlc line from Julcsburg, Colo , to Pine Bluffs, Wyo.. a distance of 100 miles. Pine Hluffs Is Just over the Wyoming side of the line. This will make the first complete double track line across the state of Nebraska The I'nion Pacific, the first line to build across Nebraska, is also the first line to have a double track across th state In connection with the Northwestern line by traffic ar rangements, the Union Pacific now has the use of a double track line from Chicago to the Rocky mountains. THINKS NEBRASKA HAS GAS Dr. G E. Cordra Believea Land Near Fairbury the Place. Lincoln. March II. That there Is reatl) cas Which MS) some ggj be of workable alu" In the shales near IViilnny is the opinion of in George I Condra, who has been conducting an Investigation in thll vlcinitt for some time past Interest In t' t i"opo- altloa has been tacraaasj Intel) by n Mil in the house of repreeentnUfM nppropr tstlng SM0 tor thorough re ear h thai e, The territory Involved has been sur Veyed prevtoilsl b )t Condi a and when the conservation commlMlcn or dei i i that the ground be Inspect ed still farther he SMI Professor N K. Rengnton. The Istter collected nn plat and bronchi then tO the univer sity, where tests were made, which resulted rerj satlsfactorlt to the in vi st Igators. , MAY VOTE ON SUBSIDY Proposition to Bond Township for $50. 000 to Aid Railroad. Hroken How, Neb, March M The new railroad project Is assuming u tangible shape and It begins to look as though there was something more oubatanUnl to it than mere talk. At the last meeting held here this week the enthusiasm was greater than ever Many representatives from the Ar nold, Tyron and (Jundy districts were present and addressed the meeting. These men are In favor of the road coming to Broken now ami seem un willing that the present proposed course should be altered in any way so as to exclude the town. There Is now serious talk of discontinuing the Committee on the personal soliciting Of money for the new road. The la i "st move is to bond the township for 150,0 nil sccepl no personal donations jHBBjg8 aHMBsiWS'" anLssghgsfi gstpflf S MjfljjrHff kB flBBRVssmBsVnmllllings' 'vbtbbVi Boards of all descriptions for any part of a house or barn. Dicrks Lumber tsCoa Co. Phone 22 D. Waters, Mgr. Central Lumber Co. Building flatarial, Piles, Posts HEHINGFORD, and Coal NEBRASKA JUDGE FOR YOURSELF I Which is Better Try an Experi ment or Profit by an Alliance Citizen's Experience? Something new is an experiment Must be proved to be as repre- seated. The statement of a manufacturer is not convincing proof of merit. Put the endorsement of friends is Now supposing you iiad a bad bach A Lame. Weak or Aching one, Would you experiment on it? You would rend of many so-called cures. Endorsed by straagsrs from far away places, It's different when the endorsmeut comes from home. Buey to prove local testimony. Home endorsement is the proof that backs every box of I loan's Kid ney Pills. Read this case: Dr. Willis Coyle, 311 B. Wyoming St., Alliance, Nebr., says: "I haw used Loan's Kidney fills for h weak-1 geas Of the kidneys and bladder and severe pains ucross m kidneys, and have received good results I firm ly believe that there is no ot bar kid ney remedy equal to Loan's Kidney Pills. I also know of other instanc es where Donn'S Kidney pills have CUred kidney trouble." Por sale by all dealers Pric BO OWtS. Poster-Milbuin "o., Bttffslo, New York, sole agents for the !' Blted States Kememlier the name Loan's and1 take no other. IS-H Dr. Oliver McEuen Physician and Surgeon HEHINGFORD, NEBK. SPECIALTIES Diseases of Women and Children and Cieouo I rinary Organs All calls aassarif nresspttv day ai night "I Suffered Years With My Back." Backache resulting from weak kidneys, a bad cold or other cause, usually renders the sufferer unfit for work and often results in per manent disability. "I suffered for years with my back, or kidney trouble, and have tried a number of remedies from different physicians. More than a year ago, one of our local druggists induced me to try Dr. Miles Anti-Pain Pills and after using them some three months I found a decided improve ment in my kidneys, and I am glad to say that I hope soon to be fully restored to health." J. P. Allen, Ex-Judge City Court, Glasgow, Ky. As long as pain is present in any part of the body rest is impossible and the system becoming weakened It exposed to any form of disease to which the sufferer may be inclined. Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills by steadying the irritated nerve centers, make refreshing sleep pos sible, thereby enabling the body to recover lost strength. As a remedy for pain of any description Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills arc unsur passed. Sold by all druggists under a guar anty assuring the return of the price f th first box If no bnftt result. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind. PLATTE POWER PROJECT Construction of Canal for Hydro Elec tric Company Started. Omaha. March 13 Work on a Platte river power plant project for the development of 10,000 horse power to be delivered in electrical energy to eastern Nebraska consumers has been started This plant will be construct ed actoss the river from South Band The head of water is to he delivered by a canal leading from a dam in she Platte Two storage reservoirs with a surface area of MO acres will be const rui ted The dan across the Platte will be 2,000 feet long It will only be used for the purpose of diverting the water into the canal. The canal will be car ried across the Klkhorn river in a con crete flume A head of seventy five feet of water will be attained at the power house With this headway, there will he ds vetopnd about 10,000 horse power twenty-four hour per day Horses Stolen; Four Othera Burned. Neligh. Neb, March 11. A man named Budtck was arrested here in Connection with a case ot; horse steal ing and arson Percy lonen, living six miles northeast of here, lound his barn bunted and the carcasses of only four ! six horses in the emoers. mi-j dick was seen taking, the horses through town snd to return without them lie was STTSSted on a similar charge bell re nl Valentine. Shcots Himself in Head. Bridgeport, Neb . March 14.- Qnorgo C. Bowman, after ordering the mem bam ol his latnily out of the house, I cnrefnU (olded the bed clothing in a A ay sat isiac lory to him and, lying face down upon them, sent a bullet Into the bass of his brain iiom behind,! dylni Instantly, H- had been suffer.. In; severely front a disease watch ioc : -; ., id was incurable. olves Annoy Omaha Suburb. Omaha, March is.- Wolves that Ind hiding places in the rough country vji h and W Sl 04 notour, a suburb of Omaha, have bean doing much dam g to poultry vaids Inside f le limits of the town as well as on adjacent farms this winter With the aim of satermiaal'.ag the pasta, a naU drive h is been snanged for March 10 David Loudes Killed. ciav Center. Neb.. March n David Imudss, a :' cl gfty years, fe'l from the wavon he wa driving and was in.-aant ly killed, the wheel of his heavily loaded waison passing over the small of his back. He leaves a wile, two daughters ai.d one son. Fourteen Horses Burred to Death. gggjytrlra pHh . March It The litr ery bain of I W McCullough was go Strayed by ?,f at Blue firings, with all it foment-.. I'oiiteeu head of gy gM ptlshsd in the name DEFENDS MOTHERS' NAME t Sixteen-Year-Old Boy Is Interested Listener at Divorce Trial. Lincoln, March 14. To exact pay ment for every statement made con cerning his mother dining the course of the divorce suit of (5 rtrude Ds Woit ngainsi Prnnela a. DeWolf, six- teen. year-old Walter Cran er is an In terested listener at the trial before Judge Stewatt. With a pencil in one hand and a pad in the other the young man occupies a seat SbOUt hull way hack in the KKHtt and insists that be will make the parties pay for every charge which is made against his mother during the course of the festlmou) DeWolf is sc i used of Intimacy wiiii other women. Th" hoy recently ssked he could se- i lire a COP) of th' evidence and says that he Will flghl the case through the; COtirttt If an attack i maib on his! mot her. MILITIA OFFICERS TO GO Invited by War Office to Observe Op eration in Texas. Lincoln, March ll A chance has been extended to a few of the officers ol the Nebraska national guard to see the mobilisation and maneuvers oi the loops on the Mexican border. The . Mutant gonsml of the state militia received a request from the war do-art men) for a list of men who i on. ' recommended to take the trip for ol a i ion and instruction at the expense of the government The In vitation asks for the expense estimate for getting the men to the nearest maneuver camp and the government reserves ttie right to make its own elections trom the list Adjutant C.en eral Phelps will make immediate preparations for a Nebraska repre sentation st the front. Settle North Platte Poatoffice Fight. North P'atte, Neb.. Marrh II. Ac cording to a telegram received fro:u Congressmen Klnhnld, E. s. Davis has been appointed post ms star of this city tad the president has signed his com mission This ends a ooatrovers) of iiore than a year's duration There vas a three cornered light, in which the present incumbent, w. T Thomp son, who has held the office for the lael two tern:.-.; K S Davis and Ira L. Pare wife opposing candidates Profess-or John Z. ScheH Dead. BndlCOtt, Neb , March 1 1. Prof SSSOT John 7. lehell died at his home a mile south of Kndieott as a result of grip, Wblth developed oilier complications. J Profess i Bchell was one of the prom- j Ineni public- school teachers of the state, having spent almost thlrt) six years in that profession In Nebraska, Wo nan Killed in Runaway. Kearney. Neb , March IS, Miss Ida BtroshUUgh, daughter of Mr an. I Mrs. Aitraham Btraabaush, weii knows n side of tills city, is dead, the re lull ot ..ijtiries received in a tunawav, v.i, ii ,i leaping from the buggy sue Mistaii n a compound fracture of the skull. Retailers E.ect Officers. (imalu:. March II The Nebraska Retailors' Kcdii.il ion elected the' lol !owing officers: President, I.. K l.ang- hnral ci Kimwood. vice srasldsat, He nry Holton c,f Schuyler, secretary, W. II. AVOT) oi Tilden. treasurer, M A. Ilosietlcr of Slieliou Omaha was c ho-en as the next meeting place. LYON & HEALY PIANOS PERSONS WHO KNOW the merit of the celebrated Lyon & Mealy Musical Instru ments will be pleased to learn that they have established an agency in Alliance for the sale of their goods. The first shipment of pianos has been received. They are on exhibition at 405 Box Butte Ave., where they may be in spected by prospective purchaser. These are strictly high-class instruments. Persons who wish this class of pianos can save money on each instrument purchased by buy ing at the Lyon A Mealy Alliance agency. Vc are headquarters for the best Flour in the city. Try a sack and be convinced. Peerless, l lb sack $1.50 Up to Date, IBlblb sack 1.50 Tip Top, 4MB. sack 1.40 II. & M., 4 Hi sack 1.40 Delight, 481b sack 1,25 White Syrup, per gallon ic Black Bird Corn Syrup, per gallon.. ,,(' Karomel Brand, per gallon 4o- A Pun- BngarMsple Savor per KiiHonl ,oo A Pure Sorghum, per gallon 77n- Canada Sap, a Pure Maple, per qt.. 40c LK Cabin, a Pure Maple, perqt ... 4Tc Autumn Leaf, a Pure Maple, H gal.. 70c Beet Sugar Syrup, per qt 25c Bonnie, a Pure Cooking Molasses, qt. 80c RICHELIEU COFFEE always gives a nice smooth taste: we have ii in three grades. None quile so good. wgTry our New Economy Bargain Counter and you will he surprised at the bargains, We are here to serve you. Let your wants be known. PHONH 54 A. D. RODGERS BROWN HOTEL Mrs. Belle Brown, Prop. First Door South of First State Hank Hemingford, Nebr. First-class rooms, clean and comfortable. Good meals. Lunch counter in connection. Short orders set veil at all hours. Kills a Kolden Eagle. Ke;inie, Neb.. March 11 llenr) Hipp of Amherst shot and killed a golden asle on the Kmpiie ram h, near here 'the bird measur-d eight feci from Up to tip. and wan an ex- ic'ient iprrrtinsn M nas been mrs fciiice an eaKle has been seen In this put of the ciintry. Butte Art Studio We do Enlarging and Commercial Work Kodak Finishing 1 1