We have a full line of fresh meats, at prices that are as low as quality will permit. Your phone orders will be given the same prompt at tention that we give to those who call. Beef Veal Pork Mutton Turkeys Geese Ducks Chickens Saxton & Roach PHONE 640 S t s X FIRE INSURANCE Exclusively We represent the leading Fire Insurance Com panies of the United States and the world. Have you investigated the standing of your company? You should. Are your goods properly insured? We give our entire attention to this business and are prepared to handle your business. NELSON FLETCHER Fire Insurance Agency JOHN SNODDY, Manager M JIMHESTER VlrfA-Jk 1 TMker USED V Repeating Shotguns IN THE U. S. ARMY. The U. S. Army authorities know a gun ; that is why, when they decided to equip some troops with repeating shotguns, they selected the Win chester in preference to all other makes. The experts of the U. S. Ordnance Board also know a gun; that's why, after submitting a Winches ter Repeating Shotgun to all sorts of tests, they pronounced it safe, sure, strong and simple. If you want shotgun buy the one whose strength and reliability led the U. S. Army authorities to select it and the U. 8. Ordnance Board to endorse it that's the Winchester. THE RELIABLE REPEATERS ATTRACTIVE RATES FOR MARCH VERY LOW ONE WAY RATES TO PACIFIC COAST. A general basis of $25.00 for one-way colonist tickets to California, Oregon, Washington and the Far West, daily from March 10th to April 10th. Tickets are honored In coaches and through tourist sleepers. THROUGH TOURIST SLEEPER SERVICE. Kvery day to Ixjs Angeles, via Denver, Scenic Colorado, Salt Iake Route. Every day to San Francisco, March 10th to April 10th, via Denver, Scenic Colorado, Ogden; personally conducted tourist sleeper excursions every Thursday and Sunday to 'Frisco, thence lxs Angeles via ("oast Line. Every day to Seattle, Portland and Northwest. HOME8EEKERS' EXCURSIONS. March 7th and 21st, to new territory south, west and northwest, in cluding Big Horn Basin. YELLOWSTONE PARK. Think now about touring the Hark this summer; inquire about the new and attractive way through this wonderland, an eight-day personally con ducted camping tour from Cody, via the scenic entrance, every thing provided; different from all other tours. An ideal recreative and scenic outing for a small party of friends to take. Address Aaron Holm, Pro prietor, Cody, Wyoming, or the undersigned. If you are expecting to make any kind of a summer tour 1 shall be Klad to have you get in touch with me early. J. KRIDELBAUGH, Agent Alliance L W. WAKELEY. G. P. A., Omaha Suggestive Questions for March I, 1911 March 5th, 1911. (Copyright. 1910. by Re. T. S. UnK-ett. P.O.) Klijah Goes Dg By a Whirlwind Into ll. Hvt n 2 Kings II : 1-18. (;UWn Text Enoch walked with God; and he was not; for God took bim. ;.!! a: 14. 0) Verse 1 Where Is heaven? (2.) Is heaven a place or a condition only? (3.1 It is possible here for two to live In Uie same house, and In the same outward circumstances, one en join; hmtVHl and the other suffering the paafl of hell; will the same thing be Possible In the future life? Whv? (4.) What reasons have you for or aKalnst, the thought that heaven Is peopled by beings with material bodies? (5.) Did Elijah's material body en ter heaven? (6.) Has Jesus got a material body In heaven? (7.) Has God got a material body? Give your reasons. (8.) Verses 2 8 Why did Elijah act as if he wanted to Ret rid of the com pany of Ellsha? (9.) . Why would It not be right, or In good taste, for a man of God today, when he Is starting for a particular place to say like Ellsha "the Lord hath sent me?" (This question must be answered In writing by members of the club.) (10.) What qualities did Ellsha dis play In refusing to leave Elijah? (See verses 2, 4. 6, 9.) (11.) What is the chief reason for men being failures? (12.) Did Ellsha know that his mas ter was going to heaven. In the near future, and if so how did he learn of It? (13.) Why did God choose Ellsha for KHJah's successor? (14.) What reason, if any, is there to believe that a man of God will never fall to get the position, and do the work, which God has planned for' him? (15.) Are there any such things as chance, or luck In attaining distinc tion with Cod' Why? t (16.) When we are called of God to a work are there any cii-ciimstaiices which will justify us In giving it up? Why? (17.) What led Klijah from place to place, ami did he probably know his Una! destination? (IS.) What is It that leads a true Christian, from place to place, or, from one thing to another? (19.) Verses 9-10 What prompted Elijah to ask Kllsha what he should give him? (20.) Wha; did Klisha request, and what did it mean? (21.) Wnich is the greater prac tical blessing to give or to receive? Why? (22.) When you make your supreme wish what Is it? (23.) How may we impart to others the good qualities we possess? (24.) Verses 11-12 Is there any way to explain Elijah's translation to heav en other than by miracle? (25.) Verses 13-18 To-day there is no more charm, or wonder working power, In the garment of a good man than of a man not good, how then do you explain the power in Elijah's man tie? (26.) Suppose the miraculous part of this narrative should not be his torical how should that affect your faith in the essentials of Christianity? lesson for Sunday, March 12, 1911. Hlsha. the Prophet, Restores a Child tn Life ? Kings lv:8-37. LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Incorporation of "The Railroad Men's Co-Operative Store". 1. The name of the corporation shall be "The Railroad Men's Co operative Store." 2. Its principal place of business shall be at Alliance, Box Butte coun ty, Nebraska. 3. The general nature of the busi ness to be transacted shall be the buying and selling of groceries, dry goods, hardware, lumber, coal, cloth ing, meats and produce, flour, grain and farm products and all other art icles and classes of merchandise us ually carried in a general store; also to purchase, own and hold all real estate necessary for the tran saction of such business, and to buy and sell, rent and lease real estate and other property, to loan money on real estate and chattel security and negotiate the securities derived therefrom, to contract for the erec tion of business buildings and doing a general merchandise business, and whatever is Incident or in any wise usually connected therewith. 4. The amount of capital stock authorized is 110,000.00, divided into shares of 125.00 each of which at least $3,000.00 shall be paid in at the time of commencement of business. 5. The corporation shall commence business on the first day of March, 1911, and shall continue for a period of twenty years, unless sooner dis solved by a majority of three-fifths of the stock. 6. The highest amount of indebt edness for which this corporation shall be liable at any one time shall not exceed two-thirds of the capital stock. 7. The affair of this corporation shall be managed by a Board of Di rectors which ahall consist of five persons who shall be stock-holders in the corporation and who shall serve for a term of one year after the annual meeting of the stockhold ers and until after their successors are elected. CHAS. D. REED CEO. L. MILLIKKN DON B WAG NEK 9-6t-98 545 Incorporators. In answering Herald want ads please mention that you saw it in thiG papoe Home Course In Tree Preservation By JOHN DAVEY. Father of Tree Surgery. II. How to Trim Trees. Oo rlnht, iSilo, by American Pre Aran i lutlun 1 GOD has Ht.de the trees aright. bH4 "the tree butcher has BoHgM out many Inventions." If you doubt It look at these two reprodue Hons of photographs. The world is full of mysteries about Um something we cell "God." Phlloeo phtt and preacher alike fail to give any clear conceptions of what "he" or "II" is. The preacher looks and points into raculty and sends his prayer "up" somewhere and does not seem to real lie that "In him we live and move and have our being." "He" Is so near them they do not appear to behold him. "He" is In the humblest wood, I seen in (he modest forget mcnot, in the Aelicate prcmuia, in the graceful fuclila. the beautiful rose, the gorgCOU Illy, the Bandng hjrblacna and is pro claimed by the majestic tree. See hltn In the beauteous creation before you In Illustration No. B, This Is a glimpse of the charming artificial sylvan scene at Bosko Belle. Osstntnt, N. Y.. the home of the immortal Beecher. It could not be otherwise than that "God" should he Ma) there, for "he" was Introduced and given a residence there by the hand of Hoeehor himself. Beceher's own hand planted the beautiful trees that you look upon lu this picture. But, alas, not all tneu nre "godly." "God Is not In all their thoughts." and for $2 a day for beer money they perform such devilish work as you see In Illustration No. 4. In the little city of Butler, l'a , they have done more than a million dollars' damage, In Philadelphia more than NO. 3. ARTIFICIAL HTLVAN si FN K AT OS HININO, N. T. 115,000.000: in Cincinnati some $12, 000,(100, and so on all over the coun try. The pitiable part is the people are victimized by a misplaced coutldence. The vandals used to call themselves "tree men," and since scientific Irce surgery has been developed most of thetn have assumed the title of "tree doctor" and are doing even more dam age by puttlug materials Into cavities (without a knowledge of bow to do It) anil killing valuable trees that would live many years If left alone. Citizens. If you have regard for your trees keep these criminals out of them. "Criminals?" Yes. sir. What else Is the destruction of property but crimi nality? Is not a tree property? Then why let Illiterate and vicious men de stroy them? The way to "trim a tree" consists largely in leaving It alone, l.awn or park trees in the main should be allow ed to grow with branches sweeping on the ground. The principal reason for this Is that it is perfect root protection. It creates practically the woodland condition, as explained in the preced ing article. Such trees keep their own roots cool in July and August and sustain uo shock from drought. Cut off the tier of branches where the little girl Is and the one above It, the tree would die or be worthless In ten years. ' ' ' ' COMING TO ALLIANCE Miss M. Ruth Taylor TEACHER OF PIANO 31G Laramie Aue Pbont 230 ASSOCIATED DOCTORS, SPECIALISTS, WILL BE AT THE DRAKE HOTEL Monday and Tuesday, Mach 20 aud 21 and will remain TWO DAYS ONLY Remarkable Success of These Ta! ented Physicians In the Treat ment of Chronic Diseases OFFER THEIR SERVICES FREE OF CHARGE BURTON & WESTOVER Attorneys at Law LAND ATTORNEYS Hflce Firm National Bank Bldg. Thone 1H0. ALLIANCE, NEB, WILLIAM MITCHELL, ATTOPNIY at Law. ALLIANCE. NEBRASKA The Associated Doctors, llcen e by the state of Nebraska lor the treatment of deformities ami all nervous and chronic dlMMM of men, women and children, offer to all who call on this trip, consultation, exam ination, advice free, making no charg whatever, except the actual cost of medicine. All that Is asken In re turn for these valuable services Is that every person treated will state the result obtained to their friends and thus prove to the sick and af flicted In every city and locality, thai at last treatments have been discovered t hat are absolutely mire and certain in their effect. Tin ilo tors are considered anion. America! leading stomach und nerve specialists and arc exports In the treatment of all chronic diseases and so ureal and wonderful have be u their cures that in many cases it is hard indeed to find the divid ing line between skill and miracle. Diseases of the stomach, Intestines, liver, blood, skin, nerves, heart, kid neys, spleen, or bladder, rheumatism, sciatica, diabetes, bed-wetting, leg ulcers, weak lungs and those afflict ed with long-standing, deep sealed, chronic diseases, that have baffled the skill of the family physician, should not fall to call. Many wonderful cures. According to their system no more operations for appendicitis, gall stones, tumors, goiter or cancer. They were among the first In Amer ica to earn the name of the "Blood less Surgeons." by doing away with knife, with blood and with all pain in the successful treatment and cure of these dangerous diseases. If you have kidney or bladder troubles bring a two-ounce bottle of your urine for chemical analysis and microscopic examination. Deafness often cured in sixty days. No matter what your ailment may be, no matter what others may have told you, no matter what experience you may have had with other physi cians, if you want to get well again. It will be to your advantage to see them. Uo at once. Have It forever settled in your mind. If your case is incurable they will give you audi advice as may prolong your life. Do not put off this duty you owe your self or friends or relatives who are suffering because of your slckneas, as a visit this time costs you noth ing and may save your life. Office at Drake Hotel, Alliance, Ne braska. HourB 10 a.m. to p.m. Married ladies must come with their husbands and minors with their fathers. Remember, this free offer is for two days only. H. M. BULLOCK. Attorney at Law, ALL.IVNC10, IN I0H. Tlri71r3RbME l.ANI ATTOKNF V Lot) a experience as fceowtvsi XSM. Land office Ik a guarantee for prompt and erH'lnt. service. Office in Opera House Block ALLIANCE, - NEBRASKA B R U cTTILColir L awyer and Land Attorney PraetttteMt In olvll courts since isi:i' and Resistor ('. S. I. an. I (Ifllee from I tan to IW7. I ii lorniHi 11 iii MS mall u Mpochilty . ornoE IN I. AND Of kick ruii.iiinii ALl.lANCF. NKIIHAHKA. ORIE COPPBBNOLL Kl'H. I'll. .11. 3) r J. PBTKmtM Ui'N. I'tioiie IS Drs. Coppernoll & Petersen oarao paths Rooms 7, H and u, Kumer Block I'hone 43 GEO. J. HAND, FIIVS1C1 IN AND SIROKOR Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat DR. C. H. CHURCHILL PHYSICIAN ANI St 'HOKUM (Succpsaor to Dr. J. K. Moor) OFFICE IN FLETCHER BLOCK Office hours 11-12 a m. 2-4 p.m. 7;-9 p, m. Office) i'hone 6i Res. I'hone, 85 H. A. COPSEY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 3HO 1 nils answered promptly day ami night from offllce. ufftcfN: Alliance National Hank llnlldlng over the Post office. DR. CHAS. E. SLAQLE WITH DR. BELLWOOD Special Attention Paid to Eye Work Frank W. Boland, M. D. (Successor to Dr. L. W. Bowman) Kumer Block, KoomB 12 and 13 Office lioura, V to 12 a. in. ; 2 to 5, 7 to 8 p. m. Office Phone 65 Res. Phone 682 Dr. H. R. Belville BHONE 167 Opera House Block Alliance, Nebr. T, J. THRELKELD, Undertaker and Embalmer PHONE 207 ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA THE GADSBY STORE funeral Director and Embalmer FUNERAL SUPPLIES Office I'hone 4Q8 Res. I'hone 510 HARRY P. C0URSEY Live Stock and General auctioneer Farm Sales a Specialty J. P. HAZARD Surveyor and Engineer, attlAWCS, NKHK.iSKA I'iirtii-s nut of town should write, as 1 am out Bach 01 tin-mi,.-. Otiarite will not ex ceed 16. UO and expeiiM per day. TERMS k K.s iNABLI Phone64 ALLIANCE. NEBR. Repair Work O. 1 TBI maim kd by "tkimmimo The great mUiake In planting of lawn trtet In U. putting in too muny. One good, healthy, graceful upeciiuen In worth a dozen trimmed up like para la Ou the ureet it U different. The low er tiem should be removed uutil there Is a top fully ten or fifteen feet from the ground; then handx off. and tbe tops In time would aru the utreet If properly 'upHced" on both sides. The KimcluK-- for Norway maple and pin oak Khould tie about thirty feet; tbe elm and sycamore about forty feet On narrow streets plant Inside on the lawn and not between the sidewalk and th 1 urbxtono. 151 DUALITY FRANK RELSTLE ENGRAVER and ELf CTROTYPER i-iki mi uio i lantwi otftvn coto FAIR PRICE Sewing Machines and Organs. Have secured the services of a prac tical mechanic aud can guarantee all work done by bim. Don't trust your work to travelling repair men. Thia j man will be here permaueiitlv. Re i pairs aud parts furnished for all ma- chiues. I'hone 139. Geo. D. Dai ling. Tell Us About It ' This paper can give all the loral news only as our friends lend us tbslr 'co-operation. If anyone visits ou. If you contemplate leaving town if yon jaae or hear or do anything out of he ordinary day's routine- 'ell stiout It. tUt mm niajf IsjN uiv