The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, February 23, 1911, Image 8

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60c to $5
Stuckey Co.
Farm Machinery
car loads just in
for coming: season. Wagons, Buggies,
Plows, Discs, Monitor Drills. A complete line.
Call and see them on our floors.
will appeal QM cnae.
The ilarH ami pe( ifi iiiioti for the
new postofflce building at Chadron
have been approved and are now In
the handH of ontrac torn who ar- fix
urlng on tho work The building
must be completed by June 1st.
$1,100 hao been subscribed at Har
rison to build a creamery. Then
are three cream stations In that lit
tle city at the present time. The
average amount paid out last year
for cream to the farmers and ranch
men was $R00 per week. A mas
meeting will be held on the 18th to
discuss the matter.
V. L. HanRon, of Harrison, a drug
gist, has added a stock of Jewelry
and installed K. 1). Woodworth, as
watchmaker and jeweler.
The Crawford Courier is agitating
the question of a cross-county road
through Dawes county, and wants
this county to follow the example of
others by building It in one day. The
plan is very good aud should have
The Broken Bow High school Is
being dedicated this week.
The people of Arnold are moving
heaven and earth to get the B. & M.
to build a railroad from Broken Bow
to Arnold. The seem sure of suc
cess. We hope that the road goes
through, as it will assist In opening
up the country surrounding.
A. P. Buechler. editor of the Dally
Independent, of Grand Island, has
been recommended for appointment
as the postmaster at Grand Island.
The Alden Mercantile Company,
of Whitman, employs a force of
three clerks. A good sized Institu
tlon for a small city like that.
The city of Hyannls Is agitating
the question of municipal waterworks
They are practically without fire pro
tection at the present time.
R. It Kincald, of Bingham. has
sold an interest in his mercantile
business to George Thomas and Les
lie Kincaid. They both have been
connected with the firm for some
Interesting Items Taken From This
End of the State for Herald
.lames Wolford and Kllzabeth Van
Camp of Rushvllle were married laRt
(this follows earlier urticle)
Later advices state that Briley
was convicted of murder In the sec
ond degree and sentenced to serve
a twenty year term In the penitenti
ary. His uttorney. Judge Hamer,
A baby boy, weighing ten pounds,
has been born to editor A. E. Clark,
of Hemlngford.
The residence of R. L. Anderson
at Broken Bow was badly damaged
by fire last week. The good work
of the fire department of that city
saved the building from total destruc
tion. Part of the fire boys were at
the Alliance convention In January.
o -
The farmers' Institute at Broken
Bow last week was attended by hun
dreds of Interested farmers of Cus
ter county.
At the present time the little city
of Thed ford Is the county seat of
Thomas county. However, the town
of Seneca is booming a special elec
tion and hopes to get the county
seat Seneca now has a population
of about three hundred people and
has made big strides Hip Inst year
or two One of the most helpful In
fluences has been that of the local
paper, the Thomas County Clipper,
which Is a good, live newspaper.
Seneca Is to have a new bank In a
short time. .1 If Morgan of Lincoln
is considering a proposition made
him by the Commercial club of Sen
BjM for the establishment of M new
bank at that place, the city being
entirely without banking facilities at
the present time.
The city of Ord, Nebraska, will
vote on whether or not a municipal
electric light plant shall be estab
lished, at a special election held
this week. Although there is an
electric plant at that place it is pro
posed to either buy it or build a new
one. The present plant is said to
be a very paying proposition. Alli
ance people and Mitchell citizens
will watch this election with inter
Rushvllle has the packing bouse
fever, following the recent example
set by Broken Bow.
Guy Martin, telephone lineman at
Rushvllle, was seriously injured last
week by falling from a telephone
pole while working- The fall caused
concussion of the brain. It is not
known whether or not he will live.
Dr. Lauren Jones of Gordon is con
templating building a magnificent
$12,000 hospital at that place, to care
for the sick from along the North
western towns. This would be a big
enterprise for a city of that size.
The Rushvllle Recorder contained
an extended account of the trial In
the Briley shooting scrape near
Spade, Nebraska, the following ac
count of the crime being tuken from
that paper:
Briley had a Kinkaid homestead In
the sandhills near the Spade where
Terran was working and about a
year ago trouble first, started be
tween them and several others when
"Curley" Terran Jumped onto Briley
and beat him up, and destroyed his
household goods In his home. Briley
is a widower with a small boy, liv
ing with him, and they made life
such a burden to him, that he came
to Gordon to work. He however,
held onto his homestead, and other
words and threats followed between
the parties, till on Saturday night,
October 15. Severn! men were on
Main street. Gordon, when Brtley re
ferred to the trouble he had been
having, and Terran, who happened
to be near, overheard the remarks
and trouble commenced right away,
during which time Briley shot at him
three times and missed. The men
separated. Briley going into the Fair
store where he excitedly asked for
more shells, but they refused to
serve him and the marshall flllowed
him and took hold of him to arrest
him, Terran by this time came in
and advanced towards Briley, when
the latter missed his right hand un
der his left arm and fired at Terran
jthe shot striking him in the stom-
Buy Your Goods in Assorted Cases
We can save you money by selling you
canned fruits and vegetables in assorted cases.
Here is an extra quality of goods that we can
recommend and know that they will give you
6 Cans Fedora Blackberries 20c each 1.20
6 Cans Fedora Strawberries 25C each 1.50
6 Cans Fedora Raspberries (ft). 2 5c each 1.50
6 Cans Fedora Gooseberries ($250 each 1.50
This case as listed above for $4.60 saves you
6 Cans No. 2 Tomatoes (jiZiioc each .60
6 Cans Early June Peas (t2ic each .75
6 Cans Sailor Boy Refugee Beans. ($ 12 each .75
6 Cans Sailor Boy Wax Beans . . . . 2 1 2 4c each . 75
This at $2.55 for the case shows better
than 10 percent discount.
6 Cans Sauer Kraut at i2c each .75
6 Cans Pumpkin at i2c each .75
6 Cans Hominy at i24c each .75
6 Cans Sweet Potatoes at iy4c each 1.05
t 3-3o
Another saving of more than 10 per cent on
this case of vegetables at $2.90.
We are sole agents for Chase & Sanborn high grade
Coffee and Tea
Phone 56
Valley Club Pantorium
Ladies' and Gentlemen's Clothes
Cleaned, Pressed and Delivered
CHAS. BELL, Prop. Railroad Avenue
ach and hit the spinal column. Ter- minutes later.
ran collapsed and died about forty j Alliance Herald, $1.50 per year.
Having just closed a satisfactory settlement with the Insurance Companies, we wish to announce
that our ENTIRE STOCK of Men's, Women's and Children's Shoes, which was only slightly dam
aged by smoke and water during the recent fire, will be placed on sale at
commencing at 9 o'clock sharp, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1st.
Everybody Will Expect More
for their money at this sale than ever before, and they will not be disappointed, our entire
stock will be sacrificed. Many of our new Spring Goods had been received, some of them were
still at the freight depot. All of there will hi included in this sale. The greater part of the
stock was not damaged, the boxes only being slightly soiled by the smoke, but we realize that
you will expect some bargains in the shoe line and we will m ike you prices such as will never again be offered in Alliance.
Our Loss Is Your Gain
This Is Positively a Cash Sale
Remember, our shoes are all standard goods and recognized the world over as the very
best on the market. Come early, as the real bargains we are offering can't last long.
This Is Positively a Cash Sale
Remember the DateWednesday, March 1st, commencing promptly at 9 a. m.