1 We have a full line of fresh meats, at prices that are as low as quality will permit. Your phone orders will be given the same prompt at tention that we ijive to those who call. i Beef Veal Pork Mutton Turkeys Geese Ducks Chickens Saxton & Roach PHONE 19 i i FIRE INSURANCE Exclusively i We represent the leading Fire Insurance Com panies of the United States and the world. Have you investigated the standing of your company? You should. Are your goods properly insured? We give our entire attention to this business and are prepared to handle your business. NELSON FLETCHER Fire Insurance Agency JOHN SNODDY, Manager f M imcmsTEK Repeating Shotguns1" USED IN THE U. S. ARMY. dm The U . S. Army authorities know a gun ; that is why, when they decided to equip some troops with repeating shotguns, they selected the Win chester in preference to all other makes. The experts of the U. S. Ordnance Board also know a gun; that's why, after submitting a Winches ter Repeating Shotgun to all sorts of tests, they pronounced it safe, sure, strong and simple. If you want a shotgun buy the one whose strength and reliability led the U. S. Army authorities to select it and the U. S. Ordnance Board to endorse it that's the Winchester. THE RELIABLE REPEATERS Suggestive Questions for February 26, 1911 Feb. 26th. 1911. (Cryriht 1M0. bv Kr I s i.m.rntt. P l Elijah Meets Ahab In Naboth's Vine yard I KillRK 21 Golden Text Take heed and be ware of roinlOUtTHM l-uke xll:15. (1.) Verses 1-4 What sin was Ahab here guilty ofT (2) What is the sin of covetous ness? (3.) What Is the limit of legitimate desire for the property of others? (4.) How would you characterize Nnhoth's refusal to sell? (See lev. xxv: 23-28. Num. xxxvl:7.) (f I Are selfishness and discontent ever Innocent? Why? (6.) What are some of the resulti of covetousneea. selfishness, and die content ? (7.) What was the cause of Ahab't covetousnesa and his resultant un happiness? (8.1 Does discontent arise from Deed or acme other cause and. If so, what? (9.) Verses 6-8 What kind of ad ice may be expected from the wicked? (10.) Of how much good or erfl ii the sympathy of a thoroughly bad wo man? (It.) Which Is the moie liable to die content, and disappointment, the kins or his cook? (12.) Was Ahab the better or wors for his wife's sympathy? (13.) Verses 9-14 Does wrong do trig always consciously nurt, or do sin ners get ao that they delight in theii Iniquity? (14.) Who were the most guilty ol the murder of Innocent Naboth, J T gr. T rer parenTs, ATTaTi or rTiosg WBo Taped his character, or the actual perpetrators of the crime? (15.) What .ere the motives which Induced the rulers of the city to pro cur false wltne sea to bring about the .lea th of an Innocent man, and of the two men who Hwore to a He for the same purpose, and say If there ia anything In public life today In any, way resembling it? J (16.) What is the limit of badness t which men may be driven by pride and covetousness7 (Thia question must be answered in writing by mem bers of the club.) (17.) VerseB 15-16 On what prin ciple In human nature, can you ex plain Ahab entering gladly Into the possession of a property obtained by perjury and murder? (18.) Verses 17-24 What reason Is there to believe that God is as much grieved with the sins of an ordinary man as he is with the slna of the great? (19.) What was the penalty which God pronennred against Ahab and Jezebel? (20.) How did Ahab die? (See I Kings xxll: 34-38.) (21.) How did Jezebel die? (See 2 Kings ix:7. 30-37.) (22.) What became of the numer ous sons of Ahab? (See 2 Kings x:l, Ml. (23.) What hope Is there that any who persist In wrong doing will be able to escape the legitimate penalty? (24.) Verses 25 29-If Jeiebel, Allah's i wife, had been as good as she waa bad what kind of a man would Ahab have ! been? (25.) When Ahab heard his doom he repented, what effect did it have I upon tb purposes of God? Lesson for 8unday, March 6, 1911. Elijah Goes Up By a Whirlwind Into Heaven. 2 Klnes 11:1-18. LEGAL NOTICE IN THE COUNTY COURT SPECIAL RATE BULLETIN FOR FEBRUARY TO THE SOUTH: February 7th and 21st, low round trip hOTnosockciri fares are in effect to the south;' attractive winter tourist fares in effect every day tc the whole south, with return limit to June 1st. NEW TOUR OF YELLOWSTONE PARK: A system of new and scenic eight-day personally conducted camping tours of Yellowstone Park will be established this coming summer from Cody, Wyo., via the magnificent Government Shoshone Dam along the Government road over Sylvan Pass through the Park and return, by the Yellowstone Park Camping & Transportation Co., Aaron Holm, Pro prietor. Price from Cody, including all accommodations, only $50.00. Parties leave Cody every day during the summer. This Transpa nation Company has handled large parties of campers in such a satisfactory manner that tiieir growing patronage now requires daily tours from Cody. It will pay you to write that company at Cody, Wyoming, early, and later in the season ask for the new Park Cody Koute leaflet. State of Nebraska ) ) ss Hox Butte County. ) , In the matter of the estate of Wil liam Wallace Gray, deceased ! TO THE CREDITORS OF SAID ES I TATE: You are hereby notified that I I will sit at the county court room in Alliance, in said county, on the 13 day of February, 1911, and 2;!rd day of August, 1911, ;it Hi o'clock, in the forenoon of said days to receive and examine all claims ggabwt said es tate, with a view to their adjustment and allowance. The time limit for the presentation of claims against Mfd estate is six months from the 2.5 day of February, 1911, and the time limit for the payment of debts is one year from said 'Si day of Feb ruary, 1911. WITNESS MY HAND, and the seal of said county court this 23rd day of January, 1911. SealJ L A MERRY, 7 4t-!2-497 County Judge J. KRIDELBAUGH, Agent Alliance LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the estate of Peter W. Tracy, deceased. I, L. A. Berry, County Judge of Box Butte county, Nebraska, hereby notify aH persons having claims and I demands against Peter W. Tracy, de ceased, that I have set and appointed the 3rd day of September, 1911, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at the L W. WAKELEY. G. P. A.. Omaha , County Court room in Alliance, for ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF THE HERALD PUBLISHING COMPANY KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRE SENTS That we. B M Thomas. I.loyd t' Thomas, John W. Thomas and F. A. Plerson, citizens of the Tutted States, and residing in the state of Nebraska, do hereby associate our sches together for the purpose of forming and becoming n corporation in the state of Nebraska, for the purpose of the transacting of the business hereinafter described Article I. The name of this corporation shall be the HERALD PUBLISHING COM P ANY Article II. (al The principal place of tran snctlng Its business shall be at Al liance, Box Butte County, Nebraska. (b) Branch offices may lie main tnined at such other places in the state of Nebraska as the Board of Directors may determine, where meetings of Incorporators, stockhold ers and directors may be held nnd all business transacted. Article III. The purposes for which said cor poration Is to be formed are aa fol lows: (a) To engage In the printing and publishing business; to own, operate, publish, Issue, Bell or buy newspapers, magazines, or other per iodicals; to buy, sell, own and us all manner of office supplies. (b) To own, operate, sell or buy printing plants and printing machin ery of any kind or nature. (c) To take, lease. purchase, hire or otherwise acquire and to hold, use, sell, lease, exchange, mortgage, Improve and develop real estate, real property and any Inter est or right therein, and to con struct or have constructed such houses and buildings, as Is neces sary for carrying on and conduct ing said business, and to buy, sell, own, use. manage, operate and lease tho same or similar structures. (d) To borrow money, with or without security, and for the repay ment of the same, to give the obli gations of this corporation with any necessary or required Becurity, and to lend money, with or without se curity, and to do anything whatso ever necessary, useful, desirable, convenient, or auxiliary to any of the purposes of this corporation. Article IV. (a) The authorized capital stock of this corporation shall be Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.0), divid ed into one thousand (1,000) shares of the par value of ten dollars ($10 -00) each.' (b) The amount of capital stock with which suld corporation will be gin business is four thousand dol lars ($4,000.00). (c) At such time as the Board of Directors may by resolution di rect, said capital stock shall be paid Into this corporation, either In cash or by the sale and transfer to it of real or personal property, con tracts, services, or any other valua ble right or thing for the use and purposes of said corporation, in pay ment for which shares of the capi tal stock of said corporation may be Issued and the capital stock so Is sued shall thereupon become and be fully paid up the same as though paid for in cash at par, and shall be non assessable forever, and the judg ment of the directors as to the val ue of any property, right or thing acquired in exchange for capital stock shall be conclusive. Article V. The existence of this corporation shall commence on the second day of January, 1911, and continue for a period of fifty (501 years thereafter, unless sooner dissolved by a vote of two-thirds of the stock thereof. Article VI. The highest amount of indebted ness to which said corporation may at any time subject Itself shall not exceed two-thirds of the capital stock Article VII. The annual meeting of the stockholder- of this corporation shall be held on the first Monday in Janu ary in each year, at which meeting the Directors of the Company shall be elected, and such other lawful business done as the stockholder" shall deem necessary and proper. Article VIII. (a) The office ri of said corpora tion shall be a President, Vice Pres ident, Secretary and Treasurer, and the office of President and Treasur er may be held by the same per son. The officers shall be chosen by the Board of Directors, and shall hold their office for the period of one year and until their successors are elected and qualified. The busi ness of said corporation shall be con ducted by a Board of Directors to be elected annually from among the stockholders. (b) The Directors for the first year or until their successors are chosen shall be B. M. Thomas. Lloyd C. Thomas, John W Thomas and F. A. Plerson. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands and seals, this 29th day of December, 1910. B. M. THOMAS LLOYD C. THOMAS JOHN W. THOMAS 5th day of January. 1911. F. A. P1ERSON (SEAL) STATE OF NEBH ASKA ) ) ss. County of Kearney Mora me, WM. A. JOHNSON, a Notary Public In and for said Conn ty, and State, on this day personal ly appeared F. A. Plerson. to me known to be the person who sub scribed to the foregoing Instrument and acknowledged to me that he e ecuted the snme for the purposes nnd consideration (liven under my hand and seal of office, this 6th dav or .lanuarv. A. D , 1911 My roOI mission expires March if, 1914. WM A JOHNSON. Notary Public. (SEAL) Miss M. Ruth Taylor TEACHER OF PIANO 316 Laramie Atie. Phone 230 BURTON & WESTOVER Attorneys at Law LAND ATTORNEYS Office MfM National Bank Bldg. Phone .80. ALLIANCE, NEB. WILLIAM MITCHELL, ATTORNS" V at Law. ALLIANCE. NEBRASKA LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Incorporation of "The Railroad Men's Co Operative Store". 1. The name of the corporation shall be "The Railroad Men'B Co Operative Store." 2. Its principal place of business shall be at Alliance. Box Butte coun ty, Nebraska. 3. The general nature of the busi ness to be transacted shall be the buying and selling of groceries, dry goods, hardware, lumber, coal, cloth lug, meats and produce, flour, grain and farm products and all othsr art ides and classes of merchandise us ually ranied In a general store; also to purchase, own and hold all real estate necessary for the tran suction of such business, and to bu nnd sell, rent and lease real estate and other property, to loan money on renl estate nnd chattel security and negotiate the securities derlol therefrom, to coutraot for the erec tion of business buildings ami doing a general merchandise business, and whatever Is incident or In any wise usually connected therewith. 4. Tho amount of capital stock authorized is $10,000.00. divided into shares of $25.00 each of which at least $3,000.00 shall be paid In at the time of commencement of business. 6. The corporation shall commence business on the first day of March, 1911. nnd shall continue for n period of twenty years, unlesB sooner dis solved by a majority of three-fifths of the stock. 6. The highest amount of Indebt edness for which this corporation shall be liable at any one time shall not exceed two-thirds of the capital stock. 7. The affairs of this corporation shall be managed by a Board of Di rectors which shall consist of five persons who shall be stock-holders in the corporation and who shall serve for a term of one year after the annual meeting of the stockhold ers and until after their successors are elected. CHAS. D. REED OEO. L MTLLI KEN DON B. WAONER 9-6t-98 545 Incorporators. H. M. BULLOCK. Attorney at Law, ALLIANCR, NHB, LAND ATTORNEY I ' v I" I ll 'ii. -f- I It) w . ill . . IT.B. I I ml Offica iii a guarantee for prompt and efficient service. Office in Opera House Block ALLIANCE, . . NEBRASKA TTilTcVTlLcoir L awyer and Land Attorney Practitioner In civil court ahSOS 18KI and KculHler II. S. Ullld Office from 1(103 to WOT. Informal lira by mail it specialty. Omn IN l.ANK on n i nun iuMi II I I VM I M HlllshA. Butte Art Studio We do Enlarging and Commercial Work Koda Finishing M'TTTTTTTTtttTTTT ' the examination of all c laims against the estate of said decedent with a 1 view to their allowance and payment All persons interested as creditors of the said estate will present their claims to me at said time, or show cuuse for not so doing, ami in case any claims are not so present ed by said time they shall be forever barred. This notice shall be served by publication thereof four consecutive weeks in The Alliance Herald, a nev. spaj.er MlbiUhetl in Alliance, pri or to the day of hearing. (iiveti under my hand a. id seal of lid court thi-i 1st day of Eebruarv, i . i.. .v. berhy. LijettJ County JiMlgs. Mt-97-SM ) ) ss. i STATE OF NEBRASKA County of Box Butte I Before me, El'OENE BURTON, a Notary I'ublic in and for said Coun ty, and State, on this day personal ly appeared B. M Thomas, I.loyd C i Thomas and John V Thomas, to BM known to be the persons who sub : scribed to the foregoing instrument 1 and acknowledge I to me that they executed the same for the pargOJ ami consult rat ion. OiVM under my hand and seal of Office, this loi b day of January, A. D.. 1911. 1 My commission expires July 7th. If It. EUGENE BURTON Notary l'ublic. EXPERIMENT STATION BULLETIN NO. 117 The Nebraska Experiment Station has Just issued Bulletin No. 117, on "Growing Feeder Steers In Western Nebraska." This bulletin is areport of the work done at the Experiment Substation located at North Platte. In order to determine the relltlve value of different kinds of forage for growing cattle In western Nebraska, experiments were undertaken to cOflt pare the following rations for winter ing steers: Ration 1, alfalfa hay; ration L', prairie hay: ration 'i, cane; ration 4, one-half alfalfa and one-half prairie hay; ration 5, one-half alfalfa and one-half cane hay; ration 6, one half prairie hay and one-half cane hay. The experiment began Decem ber, 1907, With six lots of steer calves of IS In each lot, or 10 In all. Dur ing the first winter, they were fed the rations named above with two pounds of corn dally per steer. Dur ing the second nnd third winters, they received no grain whatever but were fed hay in a corral. During the summer they all ran together in a native prairie pasture where ehoul 1 ocres of pasture was available lor each steer. A v ry exhaustive study is made of the relative prolit and loss upon the different lots. The following general conclusions were drawn: The steers that went QSJ grass in the spring thin in flesh increased In Weight faster during the summer than the steers that went on gnutl in good flesh. Steers wintered on al falls or a ration one-half alfalfa make muc h faster gains during til winter than those wintered on prairie hay or i am alone, but do not make as la-' gains the following summer Steers wintered on a ration of al falfa or one-half alfalfa make a fleeter gain during the winter and the summer following combined than steers wintered on prairie liav or cane alone. Both yearling and t no year-old steers lost Nveight when fed COM or a ration one-half cane and one-half prairie hay. Steers fed alfalfa or a ration one-half alfalfa gained in Weight during each winter. The value of cattle should be ap proximately $1.00 per 100 lbs. more in the spring than in the preceding fall in order that they may pay for their winter feed. The value of cattle in the fall may be considerably lower than in the spring and the cattle still give a profit on the summer operation. The value of alfalfa in comparison with prairie hay or cane is higher when fed to cattle that are to be sold in the spring than when fed to cattle that are to be sold the fall fol lowing. With the prices used for feed and lattle in this bulletin it is not profit able to product- steers for the feed lot The price of cattle is too low in comparison with the market value of forage. This bulletin may be hail free of o-t by residents of Nebraska upon application to the Nebraska ggrtoul' UtraJ Kxporiment statiuu, i.iu .iu. 0 Alliance Herald, 91.53 per year. UHIK mi'l'FHNoiX I, ON I'lionc ::n V. J. I'KTEIWKN III'. Phone 4:1 Drs. Coppernoll & Petersen OSTKOPATHH Rooms 7, K and Q, Kutner Block Phone 43 QEO. J. HAND, PHYSICIAN AND S U H O 14 Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat DR. C. H. CHURCHILL PHYSICIAN AND St HOKON (Huci'MiHOr to Dr. .1. E. Mo., no OFFICE IN FLETCHER BLOCK Office hours tl-12 a.m. 2-4 p.m. 7;W)-9 p, m. Officel Phone 6a Res. Phone, 85 H. A. COPSEY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Phone 360 Cslls answered promptly day and night from ofHIce. omens: Alliance National Hank Halldlng over the Post Office. H5irrCHAXl SLAQLE WITH DR. BHLLWOOD Special Attention Paid to Eye Work Frank W. Boland, M. D. (Successor to Dr. L. W. Bowman) Kumer Block, Kooms 12 and i.j 1 rtli i' hours, to 12 a. on. ; 'i to a, 7 to H p. n. Office Phone 69 Res. Phone 662 Dr. H. R. Belville DE1TTIST PHONE 167 Opera House Hloclc Alliance, Nebr. T, J. THRELKELD, Undertaker and Embaimer IMIONb 207 ALLUNCK. NEBRASKA THE GADSBY STORE Funeral Director and Embaimer FUNERAL SUPPLIES Office I Id i , , Res. Phone 510 J. P. HAZARD Surveyor and Engineer, ALMAVCg, MtMKASkA I'.irt ii--, nut of town lioulil writ, mt I am out much of tin-time, rietrmn will uot ai ! V(i and cxpenw-s per day. W. F. ROSEN KRANZ Practical Blacksmithing and Wagon Work. Horseshoeing a Specialty Shod ss Second St, streets Isi Butte aeJ Ui.su ALLIANCE NEBRASKA Repair Work Sewing Machines and Organs. Have secured the services of a prac tical mechanic and can inrintQg all work dune by liiui. Dou't IriMM uur work to tiarlluig tepair uiru 1 lis Ulan wili lie here porgsnueutl c- pans and pat ts iu: nislied . chines. Fhoos 130. Geo.