n mini mil i Now Comes the Biggest Sale of All! We have bought a $3,000.00 stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Furnishings and Notions, to be closed out immediately at prices that will save you from 40 to 50 per cent. Sale Begins Promptly Saturday Morning, January 28th and will continue until entire stock is closed out. 2, o(X) yards Dress Goods and Linings at 40 and 50 per cent discount. $300.00 worth of QueentwarC at 40 to 50 per cent off. 300 pairs Shoes at 40 per cent Off. A large lot of Underwear, good quality, to go at l ss than wholesale price. 150 pieces Men's Fleece Lined Underwear at 35c per garment 500 pieces Men's, Women's and Children's Underwear at one-half price. 100 pairs of Men's and Hoys' Pants, good value, 40 per cent off. Mi n's and Hoys' Shirts at prices never before heard of. 100 Men's and Hoys' Suits, good style, on which we will save you good money while they last. Everything In our store at sacrifice prices during this sale.TK MTBig line of Groceries on which we can save you money Prior to this purchase we laid in a supply of Groceries, Shoes, Overshoes, Jewelry, Gloves. Overalls and Pants. Suit Cases, 100 Ladies Skirts, Towels. Hats and Caps, 35 dozen Neckties, 1,000 pieces ot Yarn, etc., on which we will give a special discount during this sale. Best Grade Flour, $1.35 per sack while it lasts Sugar, $6.00 per sack until present stock is sold A few boxes Apples to close We have a car of Corn coming. Leave orders now. ESSAY St KEENEN 115 Box Butte Ave., one-half block north of Burlington Station, on east side of street. ' M itiimi,,,,,, nun I"M1 RAItWAY NOTES AND PERSONAtS f S4 1 i 1 1 1 ! -HMM"H- Fireman O'DtMMll of Dead wood WM in Alliance Mondny. H P. Rlese Is a new employe In the train service. Hrnkemnn Dorsey from the service nnd ver has resigned gone to Den- Conductor Lawsuit left Saturday for a few days' visit with hln wire and family on the ranch. Fireman Sorenson, who has been workin on the east end. is again in Allium m Urakeman 1-Yed Vaughn Is now helping to wrestle freight on the west end local. Dispatcher Cox has been out for several days getting acquainted with the road east of Alliance. W. I). Evans, formerly of the train master's office, is now in charge of the yard office nights. Engineer Wills Is expecting his wife and little daughter home soon They have been visiting relatives in Seattle. Engineer Guy Miller has been off several days on account of his wife being very sick. At this writing she is slowly Lmprortng Firemen Trenkle an. I Unmlev who have been working on Craw ford Hill were "bumped" and came to llj ance Saturday. On Monday thev left for a short vacation in Dearer, Mrs. .1 . Newell, wife of the prominent BurltettOO man of that name, with headquarters in Chicago is visiting with lira. Broome, Mrs McCluer and Mrs. Andrews. From now on all of the l en glnes will be equipped with electric head lights, both here and on the Sheridan division. This i-; meat help to engineers to see h ad and approaching trains can t oen much farther. The engine ttu .lew up at Han Chester some time ago is in the yards here and exciting a great deal of attention. The frame of the en gine and the tank are traveling on their own trucks. The boiler is load ed on a flat car. Conductor Mi Donald had the mis fortune to mash two of his fingres He was helping to do a Job of car repairing while going down on 44 mis nand was so sore that conduc tor Betebenner took his turn out of ' vateuiia aim ;Mcionalcl deadheaded home. Conductor J. A. Armour Is able to be on the street after a very severe siege of la grippe, lie was taken sick Iu Edgemont a week ago If OB' day while in charge of No. 42. Con lie tor Zollinger, who happened to be a passenger, brought bis train to Alliance. The death of Ralph Olris last Thurs day was a great shock to his manv railroad friends here. Ralph came bfr phmit h'e-" .-. miA ,r ed as express messenger between Al liance and Hillings. At the funeral Friday evening the pallbearers were young railroad men, and a large number of railroad people were pres ent. Joe Mifka, now wire chief of the western In San Francisco, has been In Alliance several days. Joe learn ed telegraphy here and by his strict attention to business and his natural ability he rose in a few years to the position of a dispatcher. Hy the thOS this Is in print he will be on Ml way to his new home wiht his bride. Ills many railroad friends wish them a bright and happy jour ney through life which they both richly deserve. NVV. 8VV14, Wifc of SE'4, section 13; EVi of SE4, E of NEV4, sec tion 14-L'r-4H. Charge, abandonment. Hearing March 20. 1911. LAND OFFICE NOTES Newt of the Alliance Land Office Brought Down to Date. CONTESTS Contest No. K14S. United States vs. James McGulrk. deceased. SNEVi, SH4, EVi of S 4. section 7; NE '.. N'is of SKi... IS-20-47 Charge no action by heirs of entrvman o No. 8149. Sarah A. Lang Frank H, Hoagland. N ' .. r.-t or . v 1 ,K' . of Contest ford s. of NW4. svv.4. 1911, tftft-M. Hearing March 14, Contest No. vs. James It 160. Claod arh VI I . VI .. C ' 1 'ir .i; .1 hamloument. o Contest No. M.-, fgf hie vs. Lester E. Snyde abandonment. Hearing IIU. o Contest No SI:','' it.. 1 Sylvemis Avery; S1- of e I). Rice N'-j. of SF Chage, u- I). St ni ls' of i-a i barge March M, I1M. Ora E. Fhil C.ray. V4 of NE'4, Nt of SE', NVfe of of SW'i4, section IS; NVa of NWVi, NE of of SE'4, SE'4 of SE 25-4II. Charge, aban- 1911. Contest No. lips vs. Bdas SE of NEVi. , SW'i.4, SW4 N'i- of NE'4, SWV,, N'. of 4, section 11 donment. Hearing March 20 STARTS POOL TOURNAMENT The management of the popular Mission pool hall have started a pool tournament that la creating a great deal of Interest. The tourna ment was started on Monday and will continue for thirty days, a one hundred ball game being played at eight-thirty each evening Many of the local experts are In-' terested. 1 T H 1 1 I I ,... T T I I I I till I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 H DID YOU SEE 'EM ? They are in our display window; prices are exceedingly low, but the quality marks the high standing that our goods have always heretofore maintained. DIED Miss Rasil Underwood, daughter of Cal Underwood, of Carpenter, died at Chadron of appendicitis. The re mains were shipped to Alliance where interment will take place at Carpenter today. Mis Underwood was about twenty years of age, and had spent the most of her life near Alliance. Rev. W.F. McNeil of the BaptlSl church will have charge of the service. Mr. McNett of I the Mercy hospital He had been in the llletit. akeside died at of heart failure, hospital for treat- MRS. F. W. HARRIS INJURED I . of 1 . 1 .... I t 1.1, 4. SV4 of Ni4, s N's of SV4, I3-21-4. bandonment. Hearing M o Contest No. IIU, Edw vs. Ressle Rullock. NW t Mart -; BW . SV Htt . WW 4, si .;i-46. Chr: ... a itrc'.. a, 'H, ) Mrs. F. W. Harris, 1 I larrlt of Alliance. hurt last Sunday afternoon by ping on a cement sidewalk, right limb was broken, causing a great deal of luf ferine Hhi wife of Mayor! was seriously slip-1 Her 1 her ! was and I Heard SE of cariied to a nearby residenci Mr. Harris and doctors sun tnoued. Mrs. J. T. Whitehead of lichcll. hr sister, came over Tuesday and will remain with her until s. e is able to be out again. Half Price Sale Ladies' Coats and Suits Continues Throughout This Week NORTON'S HERE IS THE LIST PRICE WAS PRICE NOW A Weathered Oak Rocker - - - $ 4.00 $ 2 A Weathered Oak Leather Rocker - 27.50 19'00 A Golden Oak Leather Morris Chair 36.00 26' A Weathered Oak Leather Rocker 16.00 10' A Weathered Oak Sewing Rocker - 5.50 J A Ladies' Mahogany Writing Desk 16.00 10 A Ladies' Turned Oak " " 19.00 13' A Foot Stool, (Upholstered) - - - 2.10 J -25 Other tempting bargains are shown in our immense stock, come in you cannot help but become interested. GEO. D. DARLING 1 M IIT.t. ...... ri..MMmtM I mm:;. : - - u-i Jk .. ... i. . , . t l . ifjBjjfjff