II' we at have a full line of fresh meats that are as low as quality will permit phone orders will be given the same prompt tention that we give to those who call. prices Your at- Beef Veal Pork Mutton Turkeys Geese Ducks Chickens Saxton & Roach PHONE 19 t t 3 t t t t Suggestive Questions for January 29, 1911 ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF THE HERALD PUBLISHING COMPANY FIRE INSURANCE Exclusively We represent the leading Fire Insurance Com panies of the United States and the world. Have you investigated the standing of your company? You should. Are your goods properly insured? We give our entire attention to this business and are prepared to handle your business. NELSON FLETCHER Fire Insurance Agency JOHN SNODDY, Manager i WWM JMCHISTER ' THE RED Repeating Shotguns USED IN THE U. S. ARMY. The U. S. Army authorities know a gun; that is why, when they decided to equip some troops with repeating shotguns, they selected the Win chester in preference to all other makes. The experts of the U. S. Ordnance Board also know a gun; that's why, after submitting a Winches ter Repeating Shotgun to all sorts of tests, they pronounced it safe, sure, strong and simple. If you want a shotgun buy the one whose strength and reliability led the U. S. Army authorities to select it and the U. S. Ordnance Board to endorse it that's the Winchester. ABLE R EPEATE RS Jan. 29th, 1011. (CopyrlpM. (ML ty R T. t bSMcett, P T 1 .Tehoshaprmt Oood Reign In Jtidah. I Chron. xvil:M3. Golden Text Seek ye ftrt the king dom of Hod. and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Matt. VI: IS. (1.) Verses 1 4 What advantage wns It to .Jnhoshnphat tn being I he son of a Rood father and the successor of a ft tod king? (I.) Doe a pood predecessor. In sny position lessen or Increase the respon sibilities of his successor? Why .' (3.) Wh it did JehoBhaphat do to protect his kingdom and how did It enow wisdom? (4.1 What should we do to protect ourselves from our spiritual enemies? (S.) What king or kings reigned in Israel while Jehoshaphat reigned In Judah? (6.) Why wan God so good to Je hoshaphat? (7.) If a man is true, all round, to God. does that alone guarantee his success? (8.) Verses 5-6 Which gives us the greater Influence, and why, great ability or thorough goodness? (This question must be answered in writing by members of the club.) (9.) What are the qualities in us which tend most to make people love and be kind to us? (10.) Is It possible for everybody to have his heart "lifted up In the ways of the ixird," and what are Its advant ages? (11.) Will love and loyalty to God guarantee us aqta'nst the seduction of riches and every other temptation, also against every other real loss? (12.) Verses 7-8 What is the chiel guarantee of the permanent success of this country? (13.) What are the three public In stitutions upon which we most depend for our true prosperity? (14.) What analogy is there be tween the methods of Jehoshaphat and that of our public schools, and adult Bible Classes? (IB.) Verse 9 In view of the moral grandeur of the Bible what can you say for. or against, the State making its teaching compulsory in the public schools? (16.) Why ought not all adults, whether professed Christians or not, attend and take part in some adult Bible Class? (17.) Verses 10-11 Taking the world as it is, which Is the stronger influence a great nation like this can exert among the nations, and against invasion, a powerful navy or loving righteousness? (18.) What had been the general re lationshin betv een the nations here i mentioned and the former kings of Judah, and what had wrought the great change for the better? (19.) Verses 12-13 What would have been the difference, in the suc cess of Jehoshaphat, If he had pos sessed the same ability but was not a H.rt fe-irini? mini? greatness in a nation? (21.) Why should an Individual, like a nation, lay up store for the fu ture? (1:2.) What is the Influence of tr.'e Christianity upon huslness ent r- pi ie? Ull.i May "m!r.ty men of wst" be come equally distinguished in the arts ol )e;.ce? Lesson for Sunday, Feb. 5th. 1911. KHJah the Frophet Appear in IsrgeL KNOW ALL MKN MY THKSK PRE SKNTS That we. B If Thomas. Lloyd C Thomas, John W Thomas and F. A. Pierson. illir.ens of the Fniteil Slates, and residing tn the slate of Nebraska, do hereby associate our selves together for (he purpose of forming sad becoming a corporation In the state of Nebraska, for the purpose of the transacting of the business hereinafter described (MBALI BTATK OF NKHHASKA nn. Article I. The name of this corporation shall be the H F. It. M.I) IM'HLlSIIINtJ COM PANY. Article II. (a) The principal place of trim sacting its business shall be at Al liance, Hox Butte County, Nebraska. (b) Branch offices may be main tained at such other places in the slate of Nebraska as the Hoard of Directors may determine, where meetings of incorporators, stockhold ers and directors may be held and all business transacted Article Ml. County of Kearney ) Before me. WM A JOHNSON, a Notary Public In and for said Conn ty, and State, on this day personal ly appeared K A. Pierson. (o me known to be tire person who sub scribed to the foregoing Instrument and acknowledged to me that he ex ecuted the same for the purposes and consideration (Jlven under toy hand and seal of office, this 5th day of January, A 1) . Itll, Mv commission expires March l', inn WM JOHNSON, Notnrj Public (8BAL) Miss M. Ruth Taylor TEACHER OF PIANO )6 Laramie Aue. Phone 230 co. COMMISSIONERS PROCEEDINGS The purposes for which said cor poration is to be formed are as fol lows: (a) To engage 1 11 the printing and publishing business; to own, operate, publish, issue, sell or buy newspapers, magazines, or other per iodicals; to buy, sell, own and use all manner of office supplies. (b) To own, operate, sell or buy printing plants and printing machin ery of any kind or nature. (c) To take, leise, purchase, hire or otherwise acquire and to hold, use, sell, lease, exchange, mortgage, improve nnd develop real estate, real property and any Inter est or right therein, and to con struct or have constructed such houses and buildings, as is neces sary for cnrrylng on and conduct ing said business, and to buy, sell, own, use, manage, operate nnd lease the same or similar structures. (d) To borrow money, with or without security, nnd for the repay ment of the same, to give the obli gations of this corporation with any necessary or required security, and to lend money, with or without se curity, and to do anything whatso ever necessary, useful, desirable, convenient, or auxiliary to any of the purposes of this corporation. Article IV. (a) The authorized capital stock of this corporation shall be Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00), divid ed into one thousand (1,000) shares of the par value of ten dollars ($10.- 00) each. (b) The amount of capital stock with which said corporation will be gin business Is four thousand dol lars ($4,000.00). (c) At such time as the Board of Directors may by resolution di rect, said cnpltul stok shall be paid into this corporation, either in cash ir by the salu and transfer to it of real or personal property, 00 trftctt, services, or any other valua ble right or thing for the use and purposes of said corporation, in pay ment for which shares of the capi tal stock of said corporation may be issued and the capital stock so is sued shall thereupon become and be fully paid up the same as though paid for in cash at par, anil ihsll be non-assessable foreve r, and the Judg ment of the directors as to the vol- (Continued from last week D. W. Hughes, surveying.. ..$ 1.00 (1. W Duncan Son, groc . . . .I!t;r Jen Jordan, fees 4 10 1, Burton, salary 202 00 0. W Jeffers. labor 11.50 Ira Iloland, road 4.50 Fred Mollrlng. refund and ex 642.44 Pen Jordan, refund 4.00 John W. Thomas, printing.. ..125.40 C K. Single, salary 29.50 W. H Zehrung. labor 11.00 .lames Wright, coal .1100 W. C, Mounts, dlst fees No. 1970 5:1.80 W. C, Mounts, dlst fees No. 1979 74.75 Pred Mollrlng, refund 104.11 S. C. Heck, salary 1141 .1 M Wanek. salery 18.20 .1 P Jensen, salary 11.4M A. F. BALDRIDGE ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Land Office Practice i Specialty Bondsd Abstracter In office i inter in McOorkle Mock, sesl tl'. H. I, mil ( m-p. EUGENE BURTON Attorney at Law LAND AIIORNf Y Office First National Hank Btdg. Phone iHo. ALLIANCE. NEB. WILLIAM MITCHELL, Total $:i425.f,4 The following claims were exam Ined and I lerk ordered to draw war rents on the road fund for same: ii. ii Bell wood, salary 110.. 220.0t ATTOBNIT AT LS.W. ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA Con Sterkle, care Farmers Institute HO AD 0. 0. Clark, road of pauper institute FUND work . . . . 5K.IM) 4 . ; l- Ml 40.00 13.50 ,18.00 10.00 . 14.00 John Lelth. road work.. .. Henry Combs, road work.. Geo. J. McCoy, road work . . I. mns Klrchmnnn, road work .1. W Hashnian. road work.. E. A. Marsh, road work 12.00 L. Mclaughlin, road work.. .. 12.00 Guy Rust, road work 66.70 Wllford Griffith, road work.. 40.05 F. McCoy, road work 40.00 F. McCoy, road work 22.00 H. M. BULLOCK. Attorney at Law, ALLIANCE, NEB. FTIvirBROS I.ANI ATTORNKY Lobr experience M lleuelfoj D,. Land office i guarantes tr prompt sad eSMtont nwrvire. Office m Opera House Block ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA TTrIjC E WILCOX L a wyer and Lan d Attorney Praetltlwaer lq civil oostM linos twt and Ii. ('. S I .and office from l!tt to 107. Information l mall ii sihh-IhUjt. orrics in UAVB omOS nuii.iuNO ALLIANCE NKIIKASBA. OH1E COI'I'J 1X lies. I'lionr M . J. 1 Res I "I KSKN I'll. .ne 4S F. McCoy, road work. Wllford Griffith, road Fred Swaderer, road Dierks Lumber Co., James Kennedy, road Jesper Jespersen, road work Robt. B. Logan, road work. D. R. lawrence, road work. L. NJ. Kennedy, road work.. John H. lluskln, road work. Menry lloukhum, road work. .1. R. Lawrence, road work.. j. r Lawrence, road work.. N. II. Net Ron. road Henry Rust, road work.. Forest l.mbr. Co., lumber T. J. Lawrence, road work Forest Lbr. Co., lumber.. John Lelth, road work.. . Fred Bobbins, road work.. Prank Hoeglandi road work las. Lelth, road work.. .. Will Kinsley, road work.. W. L. Hriffith. road work. 46.00 work.. .10.50 work.. ..12.00 lumber.. 34.05 work.. .16.00 96.30 ..4.25 . .3.70 . . 20.00 335.76 25.60 . . 2.50 . .22.50 work 8.40 . 14.25 . .9.80 .in It .48.10 19.00 . .2.00 . 11.20 19.60 . .9.00 42.50 s.t SEE THE WHOLE WEST UNDER ONE ROOF. You Should Not Fail to Visit the Western Land Products Exhibit OMAHA, JANUARY 18-28, 1911 A great educational Land Show of farm and Orchard products from every elate In the West. It will he an actual and authentic demonstration of what can be grown, the cost of production, the financial returns and the favorable conditions under which crops are produced, so that in terested parties can obtain practical and accurate information National Western Stock Show DENVER, JANUARY 16-21, 1911 Round trip tickets at reduced fares will be on sale from points in Colorado, Nebraska, Wyoming and South Dakota aek ticket agent for detail. SKIN AND SCALP TROUBLES YIELD TO ZEMO A CLEAN LIQUID PREPARATION fOR EXTERNAL LSE Moisten s Drug Store is so confident that ZKMO will rid the skin or scalp of ! infant or grown persons of pimples, black i heads, dandrufi, eczema, pricklv heat, rashes, hives, ivv poison or anv other form ot skin or scalp eruption, that they will give your money back ii you are not en I tirelv satisfied with th remits obtained i from the use of ZKMO. I he first application will give prompt rebel and show an improvement and in , every instance where used persistently, will destroy the germ life, leaving the skin in a clean, healthy condition. Let us show you proof of some rem.'rk ' able cures made bv ZKMO and give you a 2 page booklet hw to preserve the skiu. Holsten's Drug "torcj. THE LAST CALL FOR DELINQUENT PERSONAL TAX : Now if this applies to you I have given you du notice of your personal tux, so don't get sore, for after February 1st, distress war rants will be served unci tuxes col lected with costs. Very truly, PUBD MOLLRTNO, 7-:;t-4'.t County Treasurer. D. Clem Deaver, General Agent LANOSEEKERS INFORMATION BUREAU 1004 Faruam Street, Omaha, Neb. SOLVES A DEEP MYSTERY 'I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart," wrote C. H Radar of Iewisburg, W. Va , "for wonderful double benefit I got from Electric Hitters, in curing me of stomach trouble and of rheumatism, from which I had been an almost helpless sufferer for ten years. It suited my case he though made just for me." For dyspepsia, indigestion, jaundice and to rid the system of kidney poisons that cause rheuma tism, Fleet rlc- Hitters has no ecjuul. Try them. Fvery bottle is guaran teed to satisfy. Only 50c at F. J. lirennan's. 3 it uo of any properly, right or acqulfM in exchange for capital stock shall be conclusive. Article V. TbC existence of this OOrpOTatlOO I shall commence on the Moood day of January, 1911, and continue for a period of fifty (50) yer.rs thereafter., unless sooner dissolved by a vote of two thirds of the stock thereof. I Article VI. The highest amount of indebted Bess to wjiich said corporation may at any time subject Itself shall not exceed two-thirds of the capital stoc k. Article VII. The annual meeting of the stock holders of this corporation shall be' held on the first Monday in Janu ary in eac h year, at Which meeting j the Directors of the Com pin? shall be elected, and sue h other lawful business done as the stockholders' shall deem necessary and proper. Article VIII. (a) The officers of said corpora- 1 tion shall be a President, Vice-Pros Ident, Secretary and Treasurer, and the offic e of President and Treasur- j er may be held by the same per-! son. Tiie officers sh:'.ll be C hot SO by the Hoard of Directors, and shall hold their office for the period of! one year and until their successors are elected and qui Utied. The h isi ness of said corporation shall be con- ; ducted by a Hoard of Directors to be elected annually from among the ! stock holders. (b) The Directors for the first year or until their successors are' chosen shall be H. M. Thomas, I-loyd ('. Thomas, John W. Thomas and F A. Pierson. IN WITNE88 WHEREOF, vs have hereunto set our hands and seals, this 2Jth day of December, 1910. H. M THOMAS LLOYD C THOMAS JOHN Y. THOMAS 5th day of January, If 11, F A PIERJJON 'Hi rotnl Illlit.OO I )r 5. Copper noil & Petersen OSTKOHATIIS Rooms 7, H and 9, Rumer Block Phone 43 GEO. J. HAND, PHYSICIAN AND St'ROKON Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat DR. C. rl. CHURCHILL PHYSICIAN AND SI' HQ EON (Rurcaasor to Dr. J. K. Muoi) OFFICE IN FLETCHER BLOCK osjetaom fl-tt an. M p.m. t;80-b p. m. Officel Phone 62 Res. Phone, 85 H. A. COPSEY, M. D. PhTNleinn and surgeon Phone 3 '10 Call answrrcil promptly cty ami iiIkM oftlli-ti. OHIi-in: Allium' MIiil HalltlltiK over the I 'out Office. from Hmik moved by Mr. Heck, that, nrderad bv the oiintv board tiiiriK I of Hox Butte county, that the Alli- Is it ance Semi-Weekly Tinti-s shall ! the official paper of Boa Butte coun ty for the publication of the official proceedings of the board, for the printing of all legal notices and not ices of the board, together with the publishing f 'he dellnonent tax-list; all notices and delinquent tax list to be at legal rates as provided for the Statute, the commissioners proceed ings to be paid for at the rale of Lo per line "He it further ordered, that if the Hem InR ford Journal shall agree to print the proceedings the board, he shall receive from the Semi-Weekly Times, 'jo per line and linotype matter, necessary to publish tin' same, to be situ tn the Heiniugford Journal flee of cast to the Heniing- foni Journal but the Hemlngford Journal is to return all metal to tbS Semi-Weekly Times. "He It further ordered that all such job printing as usually is and can lie furnished at home, be furn ished by the Semi-Weekly Times, all prices for such, however, to be sub ject to the approral of the board." Seconded by Mr. Wanek. iteck rotlai nyOi Mr. in the minority declin- 'ai l ', I ami it it- DR. CHAS. E. SLAGLE WITH DR. HKLLWOOD Special Attention Paid to Eye Work Frank W. Boland, M. D. (Successor to Dr. L. W. Bowman) Kumer Block, Rooms 12 and 13 OSjia hiwin. 1 le flank) ten f to I p. m. Otitic Phone b3 Res. Phone 682 Dr. H. R. Belville I'll ( iNK Opera Housb Hlock 167 Alliance, Nebr. T, J. THRELKELD, Undertaker and Embalmer ALI.l INC Pitost: E. 207 NEBRASKA Wanek and Jensen being Ing lo Miti'. dered. w hereupon till tomorrow W Alliance THE G4DSBY STORE ruaaral Director and Lmbalmer IMR4L SliPPLIIS Office Phone yM Kes. Phone 510 the hoard adjourned morning nl B urn C. MOUNTS, Clerk Nebr.. Jan. If, I!M1. J. P. HAZARD Surveyor and Engineer, J SJg U' JSB ISB-TJ-Ai STATU OP NKHHASKA ) ) 88. County of Hox Mutt.- ) Before me, EUGENE BURTON, a Notary Public In and for said Coun ty, and State, on this day personal ly appeared B. If, Thomas, Lloyd C. Thomas and John W. Thomas, to me known to be the persons who sub scribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that they executed the same for the purposes and consideration Given under my hand and seal of office, this 10th day of January, A. L.. liill. My commission expires July 7th, 1912 BUOEN1 hhfiton Notary Paalic. Hoard of 11 , int v coin rr -shiners nn't pursuant to SdjoumffiCnt, same motn bers present gi st. relay, the fol lowing proceedings were had and' done, to-w it : The official report of (' M Cox. sheriff, was examined and approved i up to Oct. 6th, HMD. The Official report of Fred Moll ring for the last half of lain was j examined and approved. It is the order of the board that ex-sheriff Wiker be notified to ap pear and make his final official re port us such sheriff. The petition of P. H gable, St J, for calling u special etocttog for Hox Butte precinct, for the purpose of voting bonds in the sum of $1,00000 for the erection of a precinct hull for a voting place was approved. Whereupon the board adjourned without duy. W C MOUNTS, Clerk - e 1 NOTICE TO SETTLE lluving relinuuished my office und practice to Dr. K. W. liowland, 1 j will send statements to all who are indebted for medical services, and would respectful I. request a settle ment of these accounts within the next thirty days without repeated notices from DM L W. Bowman, M.D. 224 Laramie Ave uv-2-tf At I I VM I I ISK VK V I'urtli s mit of town nlimilit write, us 1 out ranch of uietlaw. ObaMM will not i'ii -it 15,00 ai.il vx p. iim's -r Uuy . um ex- W. F. ROSENKRANZ Practical Blacksmithing and Wagon Work. Horseshoeing a Specialty Sbap tn Second St., between Box Butte aod lii-su ALLIANCE. NEBRASKA Do I YOU I Know n About I xi Tn I Prices ? We are anxious to have you find out about them They will interest you when you're in need of printing