Classified Advertisements Pictorial patterns Stuckey's. ROOM r'OH RENT I rooms, modern except furnace W, Knight. Phone 612 6-tf 74 "The Whirl" A claaaified advertisement will in troduca to each other the next buy er and the next teller of property in this town. GOOD THINGS TO EAT Lovers of ovsters should go to tlie Keystone. () voters shipped direct to us from the oyster beds. We handle the New York Counts. Trvthem. You can get them in anv uantity. 42tf F. B. Dismfk. 3? JEJ-X-. M OFFICE ROOM for rent with or without furniture, in McCorkle building- See . C. McCorkle orphoue 281. 53 tf j86- OFFICE ROOM for rent with or without furniture, in McCorkle build ing. See J. C. McCorkle or phone 281. 33-tf-386 WAJNTDjrEIT Have you a vacant house to rent? The Herald office has many calls for houses to rent. Adveitise it in the want-ad columns of this paper- Rate, five cents per line per insertion. They bring answers. 5 1 tf -337 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE RELINQUISH MENT for sale at a bargain price. Small house. Will stand close inspection Hood leas ons for selling. Afhlress "S". Her ald office. T-tf-llH BUY COAL AT VAUGHN'S Monarch and Colorado Coal Of fice llregg's Feed Store Phone Nf M. Vaughn 3 tf II:' A GOOD PREMIUM Attention is called to the advcr tisemetit of the new premium which The Herald Is offering for new sub scribers. This fruit jar opener and cover truer are taking "like hot cakes" and the supply will soon be gone. Send In the name of a new subscriber and get one. They're mighty useful and cannot be purchas ed at any store. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES For Sale One-half interest in hardware busi ness. Carries line of harness and has best equipped tin shop in western Ne braska. Firm is cluing good business. Reason for selling is poor health. For particulars address. Hardware, care of Alliance Herald. 32-tf Now is the time to buv your Brown Leghorns. Call or write me at 924 Box Butte avenue, Alliance, Nebr B. H. Perry. 41 tf Pardev'a cottage btead is baked expett bakers and is vod to eat- 160 acre farm seven miles from Minatare. 30 acres under the Tri State canal and balanre under the Government canal. 25 acres under cultivation. House, bain, cow stable, etc. Price onlv 540 per acre. Address Jos. Mbl mm, Minatare, Nebr- 44tf-io5 LAST CHANCE TO GET A HOMESTEAD The Fort Pert hold Indian Reserva tion Information Hureau, Ryder, N. D. will furnish you information re garding the opening of the same. 5-4t-459 FOR SALE CITY PROPERTY City property bought and sold. O'Keefe Brothers. 2tf424 rOK SALE Rooming bouse. For particulars phone 152. jo-tf-3i8 MODERN SIX ROOM HOUSE for sale cheap. Located in best residence section of Alliance. Built for a home but owner finds it necessary to sell. Big, light rooms; plenty of closets; modern bathroom with fine fixtures; big lot; fine porch; and house is entire ly Dew. Easy terms can be arranged. Address J, Herald office. 47-11-252 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS Pictorial patterns Stuckey's. FOR SALE Nice oat straw and shock corn. One mile west of Alliance. A. R. Wilson & Son. Box 1053. 52tfi75 1 sell furniture and bouse furnish ings cheaper than anybody. T. J. Threlkeld. 43 tf Farmers, rauchmen, and everybody else find E. I. Gregg & Sou's the best place to buy flour, feed, poultry food, and stock salt. 4'r" 94 FOR SALE Underwood typewrit er number four. Slightly used but in very best of condition. Owner needs the money and will sell cheap for quick sale. Full particulars at The Herald office. Phone :!40. 6-tf-488 TYPEWRITER FOR SALE. One nearly new model one L. C. Smith typewriter. Guaranteed to be in good condition. Reason for selling, do not need the machine. Glad to demonstrate it at any time. Price very cheap for cash, or easy terms. Phone :540 or call at The Herald of fice. 6-tf-487 HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES Let me frame your pictures. T. J Threlkeld. 43 tf Every piano we sell is guaranteed Only high grade Instruments are Bold. Let us show them to you. Crancer Company, Ida M. Ross, Mgr. 2-tf-428 8PEDMJlAlJiS Pictorial patterns Stuckey's Low prices and easy terms on high grade pianos. See the Crancer Company, Ida M. Ross. Mgr 2tf-428 LIVE STOCK For Sale- -Good team of work hor ses. Age three and four years. Also good harness and wagon. Call phone 5. :!-tf-450 FOR ALB One registered Short Horn Hull, f years obi. One Here ford bull, i! years old. P. .1. Nolan I 'lion. BM 1; 11 (sr. HOGS AND CATTLE Fat hog! and cattle wanted. We want to buy some good stuff to butcher . Dkakk & Baku, Phone 50. 4gtf-3)8 REPAIRING The best equipped shoe shop in northwestern Nebraska is run bv M. I). Nichols in the rear of the Alliance Cash Shoe Store. First-ciass work iuickly done, at reasonable pi ices. 4otf AUCTIONEERS Frank H. Palmer, general auction eer. Satisfaction guaranteed or no charges. PhjOne 677 Blue. Alliance. Nebr. Can leave orders at Herald office. 53-11-380 ARCHITECT s-- The C W. Way Co., Architects, Hastings, Nebraska, will furnish you with plans and specifications for any class of building you wish to erect. Ask them for information. iqtf MISCELLANEOUS We have a new Lightning Hay Baler, and want contracts to bale your hay. Leave word at Herald of fice. Sterens & Kittleman. 434-3-tf Buv vour china and glassware of Threlkeld- OFFICE ROOM for rent with or without furniture, in McCorkle build ing. See J. C. McCorkle or phone 281 Buv your stoves of T. J. Threlkeld, 401 Box Butte Ave- 43-tf Notice, farmers and ranchmen: If you have good, fat bogs or cattle to sell we will pay you the highest market price for it. We want nothing but good stuff, but will pay you good prices if vou have what suits us. Drake & Baku, Phone 50. 4Qtf-3o8 FOR SALE MERCHANDISE Threlkeld sells china, glassware and lamps cheap. EMPLOYMENT WANTED Want ads of reasonable length for parties desiring employment will be inserted two times in this department free of charge Position wanted by young man who needs any honest work. Phone 340. B. Aaderson. Mt4M Situation wanted as clerk 111 store by young lady. Phone 582. 53-tf-4oq S. Glidden has returned to Alli ance and is ready to do all kinds ol odd jobs of work. Phone x66 red. )Qt Have your Threlkeld's- pictures framed at Money to loan on real estate. F. E. Reddish. 3 tf. FOR SALE A fine bakery and cafe In Alliance. Has been estab lished three years and Is a nionev making proposition. Present owners will give good reasons for selling. In good location for both transient and city trade. The bakery does a big business This Is a fine bust ness opportunity and will bear the closest Investigation. Address. "N" Herald office 478-fi-tf Good, nine room house, four blks west of postofflce, for sale al a ha 1 gain. Call at residence 4L' I West Third street or phone ti59. 618 (Ml) (HL'tl FURNITURE for Sale. Rev 1) B. Mclaughlin. 902 Missouri Avenue. Phone 5S9. 7-4t-617 PO8ITION WANTED. As house keeper. Inquire at this office. 7-lt-5Hi j Lost, strayed or stolen. One black mare coming three years old this spring. Weight about 1.300 pounds. Lame left front leg. Branded cir cle L on left hind hip. Reward. L. Klrschmun, Alliance. Phonxe 20 on line I! 7-4t-rir. FOR SALE OR TRADE 160 acre-, of fine Box Hutte County land aev en miles from Herea and eight miles from Hatnlngford, in the best farm lug purl of the county. Can all be farmed and lies very well. This laud Is priced right anil the owner will sell or trade it. What have you to offer.' Address. "W" Herald of fiee 479 lit f Snap In a Relinquishment ( nc ol (lie biggest bargains we ever heard of can be secured by some one who would like to homestead a section of the best laud in western Nebraska. No sand lulls. Splendid hay and arm land. Circumstances com pel the OWner to leave the place before proving Dpi lience his re linquishment can he secured for a small fraction of what tin- land is worth. This is a REAL SNAP, and you had better hurry up if you want a chance to take it. If you are interested, write or call on JOHN W. THOMAS, editor of Alliance Herald, Alliance, Nebr. A MUSICAL TYPEWRITER 7? It Is reported that an enterprising young lawyer of Beatrice, Nebr., has just Invented something that will, if It Is true, make htm a rich man. He is of a musical nature and being an expert on several musical instru ments and incidentally a good type writer operator, he conceived the Idea of making a typewriter that would bring forth music. After a couple of years of effort, he has succeeded In making a ma chine that will play In perfect tune when the keyboard of the machine la operated. The operator does not necessarily need to be u musician, for by simply writing any of the pop ular songs the appropriate music will pour forth in the sweetest mel ody. The gentleman has not asked for a patent as he states that he wish es to be a benefactor to the world, and will sell the machines slightly above cost when produced. e DEATH IN ROARING FIRE may not result from the work of firebugs, but often severe burns are caused that make a quick need for Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the quick est, surest cure for burns, wounds, bruises, bolls, sores. It subdues in flammation. It kills pain. It soothes and heals Drives off skin erup tions, ulcers or piles. Only 25c at F. J. Brennan's. 4t Flour, bay, feed, stock salt, ponlti food. Best goods. Prices right. City deliveries made promptly. E. I. Gregg & Son. Phone 155. to " -,4 Furniture and bousefurnishings at the right price at Threlkeld's. NOTICE To glv) the public better accomo datlen for securing their laundry at the office, the Alliance Steam Laundry will remain open from 7 a. in. to 7 p. m. every working day, except Saturday when we will be op en until 9 p. m This takes effect January 1st, 1911. 2-tf 427 JOHN C. SCHOMAKKR. Manager. I 8ELL GOOD COAL Your orders will be delivered promptly. Monarch and Colorado coal. Office Gregg's Feed Store. Phone 666. M. Vaughn. 3-tf-442 THESE WANT AD COLUMNS are read by 1, 500 subscribers every issue. Advertise your wants- Results count. 47-tf We want to buy good, fat hogs and cattle to butcher. Dkakk & Barb, Alluuce, Phone 50. 24tf-308 OFFICE ROOM for rent with or without furniture, iu McCorkle build ing. See J - C. McCorkle or pbone 2b 1. 53H38& GOOD DRAMATIC CRITICISM BIG HOME TALENT PLAY. AUS PICES OF ELKS. BENEFIT OF BUILDING FUND. That merry three act musical com , ed. "The Whirl o th' Town." Is to be produced here under the auspic es Of the Elkr. for the benefit of i the Building Fund. They hvc se cured the services of Harry II Wll 1 llama of Seattle, as dlivewu . a ho comes highly recommended Kl a il ractOT Of amateur theatricals Mr Williams has been producing this inusiciii comedy ior several years and with amateurs only. The play is not an orltorlo, oper ntlc or vaudeville performance, but a catchy, lively, musical comedy. Home talent plays are somewhat held In awe by the public, but ft) the nights Of this production you will se very nearly a professional per forinance Altogether there are twenty-two speaking parts and twenty three choruses, and there will be about sixty people participating. The Klks and the members of the entertain ment committee say that they are going to fairly outdo themselves In this perfo .nance The nights of the product lott will be Wednesday and Thursday, February 8 and 9. Now don't forget the dates, and watch for the Jingle Contest next week. 7-1-507 Royal BAKING POWDER HAPPY WOMEN Plenty of Them In Alliance, Good Reason for It. and Wouldn't any woman be happy. After years of backache suffering, Hays of misery, nights of unrest. The distress of urinary troubles. She finds relief and cure? No reason why any Mllance reader Should siill. r In the face of evidence like this: Mrs 0 sorgo C Cadsby. Wyoming Si., Alliance, Nebr., says: "I hold as high an opinion of Moan's Kiilnev Pills today as when I previously publicly recommended them In May. I!'H7. At that time I was troubled by severe pubis in the small of my back. Doan's Kidney Pills were brought to my attention and procur ing a box Rt Pied 10. Ilolslen's Drug Store, I began their use. The con tenta of two boxes completely cured me of the attack. Since tiieli I have had several slight recurrences of kidney trouble, usually In the spring, but Doan's Kidney Pills have always driven the complaint away " For sale by all dealers Price 50 cents. Foster-M 11 burn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the Unit ed States Remember the name--Doan's and take no other. NOTICE Cakes of all kinds for all people j m are best made with Royal 11 SPECIALLY FINE mggW ft FOR LAYER CAKE f wrTS LWaVkM . A. t4saBsfaaaaafaF - - V Wt ' 74RLarvB H isassa 4 The new Issue of stock of the Al liance Creamery A Produce Company Ib now ready and can be secured at the Creamery. There Is still some stock that la not subscribed for; so anyone wishing a good, safe and pay ing investment can secure some of this stock by calling before It is all sold. Also help to boost a good manufacturing industry in western Nebraska. 7-2L506 NEW SUPPLY CABINET The late Richard Mansfield always felt that he owed more to the wise discernment and staunch support of The Chicago Record-Herald than to any other agency, outside himself, that contributed to his ultimate tri umph as an actor. Ask any disinter ested observer of theatrical matters today who Is the best dramatic crit ic in Chicago, and ten to one he will say James O'Donnell Kennett of The Chicago Record-Herald Mr. Bennett is unquestionably the leading critic In his domain In the West He wriies with a fearless fairness and I kaesj appreciation of real merit his articles a genuine force for the betterment of the stage. His knowl edge of the history and principles of dramatic art Is sufficient to lend depth to his utterances, yet he has the newspaper man's knack of mak lng his work breezy and Interesting for the average man and woman. His columns are always newsy as well as reliable in their Judgments Anyone who will follow the dramatic, musical, literary and ajt departments of The Chicago Record Herald from season to season need have no fear about keeping abreast of all that Is latest and finest In the movement of mod ern culture. 7-H-61 Mr. Hareld. of the Forest Lumber company, has just finished a fine, new cabinet for use in The Herald ock room. The cabinet Is large. suring nearly six reef square a. in holds several hundred dollars wor'b of paper stock, keeping It In goo,. ripe and making it easy to find j the stock wanted for any particular Job. TWO FOLD LETTERHEADS AND ENVELOPES The Herald has received a stock of what is known as "two fold" letter heads and envelopes. The letter heads are 7,ixl0Vj Inches In size and the envelope is 1 inches long, so that the letterhead can be Insert ed with only two folds. These letterheads are not much more expensive than the ordinary kind and they can be had In White. Russet, India, Maize, (iray. Hlue, Golden Rod and Heliotrope They are being rapidly adopted as tbe) make a much handler letter A HOT OFFER The Lincoln Daily News will be mailed from now until April 1st for only 25 cents, giving you all of the legislative news right straight from the capital city. A bigger offer yet Is a combination of the Lincoln Dailv News. Weekly Indeoendent rami and Monthly Poultry Topics, all three mailed to one or separate addresses from now until April I, 1912, for only $2 25 -not much more than half price A splendid big family dally news paper, clean as a whistle and bright and snauny: a sixteen iiane week I v farm and home magazine, and a monthly poultry paper full of prai ii cal talk about chicken raising. Read ing for all members of the family and you save the money by buyiiiK all three of them at once Address The Lincoln Dally News. Lincoln Nebr 7-2I-4M5" PRINT LEDGER OUTFIT Upholstering and Mattress Work Have secured the services of an upholsterer. Those desiring work of this kind leave orders or pbone 207 T. J. Threlkeld. a 2t -449 Mr Harry Thlele, the enterprising druggist of Alliance, has just had ; large number of specially ruled loose leaf ledger leaves made up for Inn by The Herald Publishing Company Mr Thlele, in keening with his noli cy of having everything handy and up 10 uaie, is installing a complei new set of loose leaf books The Herald Publishing Company nas also Just turned out a simila set for A. D. Kodgers, the grocer who finds It oavs him to net his wori of this kind at home, getting it just as cneap, and much ijulcker WANTED TO BUY Want to buy eighty acres of Box Butte County laud cheap Must bear investlga iiou and be on reasonable term Answer at once, addressing. ,T"- nerald office. 4o-t tf Butte Art Studio We do Knlarging and Commercial Work Kodak Finishing MALE STENOGRAPHERS AND TYPEWRITERS WANTED The Pnited States Ci il Service Commission announces that It has been unable to supply I lie demand for male stenographers and typewrit ers In the United States Government service, especially :t Washington, D. C. Young men who are willing to ae ept appointment at an entrance sal ary of $840 to $900 per annum have excellent opportunities for appoint ment. Advancement of capable aq- pointees is reasonably rapid. The Government service offers a desirable field to bright and ambi tious young men. (examinations are held at frequent intervals In the principal cities of the United States, and applications may be filed with the Commission at Washington, D. C , at any time For full information In regard to be scope and character of the ex amination and for application forms, address the United States Civil Ser vice Commission, Washington, I). C, or the secretary of the United States Civil Service Hoard of Fxaminers, at any of the following named cities Boston. Mass.; New York, N. Y.; Philadelphia. Pa.; Atlanta, Ua.: Cin cinnati. Ohio; Chicago. 111.; St. Paul, Minn ; St Louis, Mo.; New Orleans, La.; Seattle. Wash.: and San Fran cisco, Cal. If you want to learn Sienography and Typewriting the I C, S. can give you every advantage They now loan without extra h rge, a high grade typewriter for si months witli each Stenographic or (' . nple'e Commercial Course. If you are Imblttous along Ibis line and want Informal ion regarding prlc es anil time to complete any ri' to km courses, write Con pondence Schools. Scranton, Pa. 7-11-492 PICTURES OF CONVENTION Along Willi I he pictUf - ' ire' by Tie Herald camera, pari of which are shown in 'his Issue oi the Pit per, many of i he local amateurs: cured some good snan sliois which are being proudly exhibited In frlendi Deafness Cannot Be Cured by iurkl apptlcatlaas. tlwv ctnnol rcech tlx- dls- - portlua ot ibu Mr. Thrra U only one way to cure midm. ana out u oy cnastitutumai n mtuu-a. Dntfneaa la oauasd by an Inflamed condition ot tbe miK-oua lining ot the Euataentan Tube. Wneti thle tube la Inflamed you nave a rumbling aound or Im- prrirci Bearing, ana wnen it la eourety aoara. ueai- neaf la tbe result, and uuU-aa tbr Inflammation can be taken out and tola tube n-aiorvd to Its normal condi tion, bearing wit be destroyed torever: Dine oaaei out of tea are earned by Catarrb, which to nothing but an Inflamed condition o the mucous surface W Wu! give One Hundred Oollara for any eaar of Ieatnea (caused by catarrb) that cannot be cured by Malls Catarrh Cure. Send tor circulars, free. r. J CBTKMBTV 4 CO , Toledo. O. Sold by Druggists. 7 v Take Halls Family Fills fur constipation. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OP HEARING PETITION FOR APPOINTMENT OF GUARDIAN State of Nebraska, i , I SM. llox llutte county. ) To Moritz Klttelmaun. Kobert Kittel maim, (ierbart Kiltelmann, Wil liam Klttelmaaa, Rda Kitteimann, Paul Kitteimann. Pauline Kittei mann, Clara Kltteliuanu : You are hereby notified that ou the Nth day of Dei ember, lilt, Keln hold Kitteimann, filed his petition in the said court of said county pray ing for the appointment of a guard tan of your person aud estate for the reason that you are an lncoiupe tent person You are further noti fied that said petition will be heard at the comity court nom in the city of Alliance, in said county on tin 17th day of February. 1911. Dated this L'tith day of January, 1911 SEAL L. A. BBRRY. 7 41-95-613 LEGAL NOTICE ORDER FOR HEARING IN THB MATTKH OF TM1 I FSTATK OF KATE1 ) McCarthy, dbcbasbo. To all person Interested In the cs late Of Kate McCarthy, deceased: Patrick J. McCarthy having filed his pei ii ion. under oath. In this court, praying that administration of the estate of said Kate McCarthy be dispensed with and for a decree determining who are the heirs of said Kate McCarthy; It Is ordered that a hearing be had on said petl tion at the county court room in Bald county on tbe 24th day of Feb ruary, 1911, at tbe hour of 10 A. M . and that notice of the time and place fixed for said hearing to be given to all persons Interested in said estate by publication of this or der for three succeBStv weeks in the Alliance Herald, a newspaper printed and published in said county. Datetl this 2tlth day of January, till. L. A. BKRRY. (SICALI County Judga. 7 :!t 9ri UP! - -- - i LEGAL NOTICE IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES For the District of Nebraska In the matter of Itd n L Orlswold, Bankrupt , Case No. 4. In Bankrupt cy. Voluntary Petition. On this tSra day of January, A.' 1911, on filing and reading the , tltioti of the ab ive named bankrupt for his discharge herein II Is ORDERED, thai the J ir.l d- of February, A D , 111, be a.i.l t'.n same is hereby tixed as the d.. on or before which all creditor.' t f , and all other person InieivsieU it said estate and in the mntter of tb discharge in bankrupt) of th bald bankrupt shall, If ItK'.v desire o oppose the same, file in my said rfice at Norfolk. Nebraska, in s.ild A strict, tbeir appearance in writing, i opposition to the granting of the aiii discharge, and also, within tea day- thereafter file in my said of (Ice ' ifications of the grounds of said t,j position. Witness my hand hereto, at my Offkfl in Norfolk, Nebraska, the day and data herein first above writ ten B. P. WKATHERBY, 7 H-9:;-504 Referee In Bankruptcy. LEGAL NOTICE IN THE OISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES For the District of Nebraska In the matter or Christopher It. Hotkey, Bankrupt, Case No. o. In Bankruptcy. Voluntary Petition. On this 24th day of January, A D, 1911, on filing and reading the pe tition of the above named bankrupt for his discharge herein it is ORDERED, that the Mtfe day of February. A D. 1911, be and the same Is hereby fixed aB the date on or before which all creditors of, and all other person interested in said estate anil in the matter of the discharge in bankruptcy of tbe said bankrupt shall, if they desire to oppose the same, file in my salt) Office ai Norfolk, Nebraska, in said district, their appearance in writing, in opposition to the granting of the said discharge, and also, within teu days thereafter file In my said of fice specifications of the grounds of said opposition, Witness my band hereto, at my office in Norfolk, Nebraska, the day and date herein first above writ ten. E. P. WBATHEKUY, 7 It 94 503 Referee In Bankruptcy. B M. I. U. No. 4 Alliance, Nebraska. After April 1 our scale ot wages will be seveaty ceets per boar. S-ti-itft