jUUKjtMlD Published Every I hnrwU) by The Herald Publishing Company. LL'iYH THOMAS. H.isinew. Mr JOHN BEACH, KmX h. Mr JOHN W.THOMAS Krlitor Entered at the ptwtoffice at Alliance, Nebraska, for trannmissioo through the mails, as second-class matter. WHM II office ,IH ar- down Subscription, $1.50 per year io advance. THIS PA,C MtPHESt-l.rJ FCrt I .?F IGN ADVt R T ISI N BY THE OENISAL OFFICCS EW YORK AND CHICAC BRANCHES IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CIT.CS THURSDAY. JANUARY :(,, 191 1 PLAY PEANUT POLITICS WITH PUBLIC PRINTING One of The Herald's exchanges re lates a little frame-up mado by mem bers of the city council on 11 printing deal In Its town. Bids were asked for on printing the city ordinances In book form There arc three print ing offices In the town The pro prictor of one of them knowing thiit it hud leen fixed liy some mem l f the COttB.cU to let the printing to a favorite, declined to put In 11 bid. The other two filed bids The bid of the printer who hid the pull with a majority of the council was higher than that of bin competitor Then are four QOOBStlMSB, The mayor and one of the coiim ilmeii favored awarding the contrail for the print ing to the lowest bidder, but the other three couniiltncfi voted lo give it to the other, merely an a fa vor to the printer One of the three councilmen in trying to set fcitMStf right with the othei printer and the peoide of the town offers an an ex dine for giving the job to the print er whose bid was the highest that he "lived in his ward". As though he had a right to use public money to favor a neighbor. Now the printer who had In the lower bid calls the action of the thiei' Councils)!) "a rotten deal' II probably wan. but II is not as bad as the action of the two Box Unite county commissioners who are try ing to give a political fivorite the job printing of the county at fancy prices, without even giving other printers an opportunity to bid on tie same, because the competitor irho would probably file a lower bid is an "insurgent republican who has gone over to the democrats." The Hotel Alliance has been hav ing their building completely reno ated. the rooms all being repainted anil kalaomlneil The Herald Job depBOmenl Is ftfj I) . v this we k getting out a large law brief Tor the new law firm or Burton A Westover. Mrs. Jo. Bills, wife of the popular Bo Butte County ranchman, i DlenMUll caller at the Herald Office Tuesday afternoon I rain IM on tin- Denver line unite late Sunday morning, not rlvliic until !'.4.r a m. A wreck 1 the line caused the delay. Orn I Phillips has Hold his stock of good to K Kssay Mr I'hilllps has another stock which be Will soon put tin sale. Miss Kvalyn Mclllrney. who is at lending High school here, spent dal and Saturdny of Inst week home folks at Hemingford. .1 C Scott, who has been working for the C B. Q. at this place, has returned to his homestead near Cur ly, Sioux county, Nebraska. Howard Reddish, son of Mr. K K. Reddish of this city, left Wednesday for Lincoln where he will attend school for the rest of the year. Miss Tina Phillips, sister of Mrs. V. M Broome, arrived Tuesday noon to be present at the wedding of Miss Helen Broome. Mr Clyde Beckwlth. down from Crawford to of the clothing store of Rov Beckwlth, returned Saturday noon. Letter carrier A. .1. Macy has been off his route the first time since the beginning of carrier service on ac count of a very sore fool Charles Poole is rabstltuUng at present, Mrs Lena Ltidwlg of sister of the late Mrs. with, left Tuesday night visit with a daughter in si.-tcr in lowa before Kri-with who came take charge his brother, to Crawford Pittsburg, a Roy Bck She will Chicago and going home LOCAL PARAGRAPHS Born to Mr. January 15. a and boy. Mrs. J. M. Shirk, la Perry Yeast of Hyannis wan Alliance Wednesday on business. Keith Pierce of Hemingford was In Alliance Wednesday. John W. Thomaa, The Herald ed itor, made a business trip to Dalton the flrat of the week Mr. Walters, clerk in the govern ment land office, has been confined to his home with a severe cold. Mr L. Berry, son of Judge Berry, la home again. He has been attend ing school in Chicago. A. R. Stowe. jeweler at Holsten's. Is visiting in Omaha on business this week. Mr Will Reed, formerly a conduc tor at Alliance, is visiting with his brother, C. 1) Reed Mrs. August Horn bun Is in a very serious condition at her home at 620 Toluea avenue Mr. Lyman, the editor of the Mln atare Free Press, was a caller at the Herald office the first of the week O. Buchanan, a prominent real estate man of Dalton. was in Alllan. ce yesterday consulting oue of our attorneys on legal DMUMM Mr. Ralph Raymond of Denver ar rived Wednesday morning to act as best man at the Broome wedding that evening Humor has it thai there will be a ChSOCe in the express messenger service making Alliance a division point. Clerks will run from Kansas City to Alliance and from Alliance to Billings, Montana. Dan O'Keefe was a taller ai The Herald office the first of the week and ordered his subscription placed a year nhead. He says The Herald is getting better every issue and that it Is the newsiest DSDer in western Nebraska Miss Bertha Coleman, daughter of w. a. Coleman, returned Frtdsj from a two months' lstt with rela lives in New York City and New Jer sey. She enjoyed the trip very much but says she is glad to gel back to Nebraska where the air is pure, J. B. Herbert, one of The Herald's large number of Canton subscribers, was. sick for about a month this win ter, but we are pleased to note had sufficiently recovered to drive to Alliance, a distance ol thirty miles, recently. N. C. Pederson returned Tuesday from Denver, where he purchased a bunch of three thoroughbred Hol steln calves . one better and two bulls. The calves arrived yesterday by express and are creating consid erable Interest among dairymen. Mrs. M. C. Duskin returned re cently from a very pleasant visit among relatives In southeastern la. She spent the holiday seaaon In Wayne county, that state, enjoying again the scenes of her childhood days. Kred Mollring, county treasurer, ami one of our leading democrats, had his yearly reports out right on the dot. His office has been well cared for during his occupancy of the same, and he has been a very efficient public servant. The home of Mrs. (!. J. Rosseau was the scene of a very enjoyable occasion Wednesday afternoon when her lady friends gave her a kitchen utensil shower. Mr. and Mrs. Kos seau have just started housekeeping in their new home on north Toluca avenue. take up tho practice his father has bad to quit on account of old age The many friends and pallenls of 1 he doctor will be sorry lo se him go, but wish him success In his new lo cation Mrs Cowman and children will rmiuiti In Alliance until the end of the school year when they will moe to Stanton. Axel Johnson, an expert h.iiter iimker. arrived In Alliance the first of the week to take a position in the Alliance creamery He learned his trade In Denmark, one of the two greatest dairying countries In the world. Since coming to America he graduated from the lowa Agricultur al college, at Ames, lowa, which has the reputation of turning ont the most expert dairymen of any ag rfcattaral college In this country It is a pleasure to note that the Alliance croanery has secured Mr. Johnson's services. Mrs K. (). Cool returned Tuesday from North Platte, where she went last Friday to meet her husband and decide whether to make that city her home. Mr. Cool went I here alio t two months since and has a good po sition with the Union Pacific. Mrs Cool was well pleased with the town and people and with the family will move from Alliance some time next month. Mr. and Mrs. Cool have many friends in Alliance who will regret to see them leave, but who will be pleased to know that they will be so pleasantly situated in their new home Ilex D n. McLaughlin, who has been serving as pastor evangelist of Box Unite presDjrtery ( the Pres- byleriall church during the last three and one hall years, has resigned ami has accepted a similar work in north western Washington. He and Mrs McLaughlin and daughter Lois will leave In about three Weeks for tfCtr H4Sf bOUIS, which will he at Eveivt t, Washington, while are regret to see then leave Alliance, and know thai Mr. McLaughlin Will be greatly mis sed by his church in north western Nebraska, we are pleased to loath thai they will be pleisantly situated In their new location. ENTERTAIN AT HOME The home of Moatc Hargrsvei and wife was the scene of a pretty little dinner patty last Monday even ing, several of their friends dining with them and spending the Ming, in visiting. . F. E. REDDISH ILL SOCIETY EVENTS Miaa Helen Broome and Joieph Mif ka Marr ed at Broome Hjne Mr F. B. Reddish has been con fined to his bed since last Saturday with pneumonia. We iindertsand thai he Is somewhit better at this time and able to sit up. We join his many friends in hoping thai he will soon be out again. NEW LAW FIRM Eugene Burton and Joe Westover Form Partnership. The annauncctient 11 Wednesday. the Hth. by Mrs. V. M. Broome or 1 he merriage of her daughter. .Miss I Helen, to Mr. Joseph Mifka. was lollowed by many affairs given in her honor by frienda. On Thu rsd a v afternoon Mrs. F. A. I Hivley entertained about twenty lad I les in honor Of Miss Brooms. The 1 house was tastily decorated with cut I floWCfl and other decorations and five hundred was played. Miss BroOUM was presented with a beau tiful brooch as a guest of honor. Mrs. Rumer won the first prize, silver fork, and presented it to MlaS Broome Friday morning at ten o'clock Mrs 1 McCluer entertained at a breakfast.' Ka. h guest had been asked to bring money In a sealed envelope, the en- ; velope to also contain the name of j some kitchen utensil which was to ; be purchased for her kitchen In far I away San Francisco. Friday afternoon Mrs. Fred Harris and Miss Regan gave a party for Miss Broome and a shower for Mr. I Mifka. The house was decorated in j red and white and the hand of an artist was shown in the decorations. Mr. Mifka received many useful and many comical gifts In his shower. Saturday afternoon Mrs. Rumer was hostess at a linen shower. The j game of five hundred was played, and boih prizes were beautiful hand embroidered towels. They were pr-i I CQtSd to Miss Broome. She also' received a shower of llnm that wasj ravled by all the guests, and which 1 will give her reason io have a warm 1 spot, In her heart for th frieflda who' were there. The lum heon which was to have j been given, at two o'clock .Monday afternoon by Mrs. Hail w 's post poned on account of the accident to! Mrs Harris, Monday evotring Mrs. Barker, Mrs. M-irks and Mrs. Ha!! Were hostesses at a mixed shower. The home of Mm. Hall was boaott fully decorated with hearts, Pi 1 ards were white caady hearts with red wedding belli Mrs Andrews. and Mrs. McClUOT Were winners of the five hundred pri..-s. Whfceh they presented to Miss Broome. She as ibowsred With beautiful and costly Hides of all descriptions. Tuesday morning at ten o'clock Mrs. Ottnan and Mrs Tully gave a breakfast at the home of Mrs. Gil man. The gue.-.U; were all delighted and the house was elaborately dec orated. Tuesday afternoon Mra. xndTewi and Mrs. BcblUpp Lusitod about twenty-five ladtee in for their entertain ment. The color scheme was white and pink. Pri'.es were won by Mrs. Barker and Mrs. Bogue. a framed picture and two rnre plscSBOf Mex ican hand drawn work They unre presented to Miss Broome An e laborate luncheon was served. o The Wedding MACI30N: Willarti W. bb. W H Birmey. John Horn Orson Ketelt-on LVONS: Li s Eaerttt, F Hamer. FULLERTON: Chap Dawson, Bart Brsomhnt!, Q h Mam eh. 03CECLA: C O Oylllng, Louis Tlchemner NEBRASKA CTIY: I (' DeFord, A I Koeppel. Oeorge Border, Hoary Bourller. Kd Holmes, wm lischer, M Bauer, LINDSAY: Mr v inklin. Fred BchUadekS GENEVA: F M Walker, W Sherrard. W i Nicholas, WAKEFIELO: ' Joe Johnson. Walter Carlson, lien I ry Meyrs. COLUMBUS I Bert J Kelley, Ixjuls Marin. Jr. A .1 Uason, L (i Je iklnson, A J Ras I musseii FRIEND: J C Carter. LITCHFIELD: W J Heapy. DAVID CITY: Bert Axehart, John Sellhorn, Fred elte. STROMSBURC: A J Buckley. Orley Frltsch, Gust Lundgrin GREELEY: W H Bolln. J P Murphy. SEWARD: W Ft Marshall. Albert Tasge, H A draff, H I Wright, Jacob Goelnlng HILDRETH: Joe Knight, H S Anderson. LEXINGTON: Matt R I elahunty, J W Deeker, W K Kriets, i J Ooryer. BEATRICE: R I! Woelke, c R Bhunk, KIAFN1Y: A Fredrick, w s Whitney, 11 11 1 ortcr, H" M Hallowed, B A Miller. RAVENNA: Q 0 Davis, Joe F 8m aha, otto B Mote. Eberly, Frank Carlson. D .1 , O A Carlson CH VDP5 -it v Hal BLOOMFii LD: B h Berrymaa, B l nurbin. BANCROFT: HenuMi rmuths. CRETE: Frank Drela, A W Keisenbrock, R H Gels, J C Tessa r STANTON: Ray Frost. K Rzmarins, F W Nye. PLAINVIEW: Krnest K Gast. MITCHELL: Tom F Key. W D Gad buy. PIERCE: C W Ulrlck. Frank Luttell. MINDEN: L W Hague, Walter Hansen, Fl A Olussen. L M Miller. S I) Slack. O Ackermaa, h Deitmer, Artey Wilson, T J McCarthy. B Mooney, J J Boas en. BEAVER CROSSING: C M Warner, F L Ross. BRADSHAW: C W (iardner. A B Turner GOTHENBURG: Mark Yoeinan. YORK: H K Shtpman. ? R Mr a. Harry Levett, W A Mil er. 1 A .'isher. MILFORD: A H Schultz. .: .'.olllngrriuth. DALTON: P Stilllvnn. 1 dp --1 MEETING OF FIRE DEPARTMENT regular meeting department was Miss Lulu Wirt or the Alliance city schools is on leave of absence for several weeks while visiting with her father on his homestead. His health has been very po.r for some time and she felt it necessary to be with him until he proves up. which will be In a short time. Dr. L. W. Bowman leaves Tuesday for Stantou, Nebr.. where he will A new law firm was launched forth In Alliance during the past week, the members of the new firm being Kugene Burton, our genial county attorney, and Joe L. Westover of Rushvllle. Mr. Burton, the senior member of the firm, la a popular member of the local bar and has practiced his pro fession In Alliance during the past five years, coming to this state from Virginia. He has made a host of h'tuttUS duns. 1 this time and is just , i t M nnnn 1Mb third term as coun ty attoraej . . 1 which capacity he has earned an enviable reputation as a public prosecutor, and so successful ly has he conducted the affairs of the office tlu't he had no opposition for re-election last fall. Mr. Westover is a recent addition to the Box Butte County bar but is not entirely a stranger to our read ers, being a son of Judge Westover of this district. He made his debut as a practloner in Box Butte County at the December term of the Dist rict Court, when he ably assisted Mr. Burton in the prosecution of several criminal cases Mr Westover fin ished his preliminary education in I the University of Nebraska and eoin I pleted his legal studies in his fath er's office. 1 The firm makes a most auspicious : beginning and our readers are assur- I I ad that the members are especially well qualified to handle any and all 1 legal business. The ceremony was at the Broome residence last evening at ":'.i0 p.m.. Rev. Fr. McNamara officiating. A- Dout 1 my invited guests were pres ent. The wedding inarch was played by Miss Mary Regan. Miss Virginia Broome, sister of the bride, acted as bridesmaid. Mr. Ralph Reiman of Denver was the groomsman. A light luncheon was served after the ceremony, the guests being seat ed around small tables. After luncheon was served a reception and dance was given at the Phelau opera house, until midnight, when the hap py couple bid farewell to the large crowd assembled to witness their de parture, wha showered them with rice, old shoes and good wishes. The young couple will spend their honeymoon at different points In the west, going to Denver, Los Augeles and other points before they reach San Francisco, which will be their home. Mr. Mifka holds a very good position there with the Western Un ion Telegraph Company, and we un derstand that a very cozy little home awaits the bride when they arrirve there. The Herald joins in vvishing them a long and happy married life CONVENTION NOTES The Herald will be a constant Itor at the home of Mr. Joseph ka and wife at their home In Francisco. vls-Mif-San (Continued from page one.) C J Anderson, Wm C'lt istiansen, J C Cleland, Phillip Gumb. Klmer Limp strom. HEBRON: H L Bayer. J P Cronk, K B Greg or, W. D. Gray. Bmahn, BUI Thressen, A Finder. J K M-.se. Win Karel, J C Brt, C E Stan um, CEDAR RAPIDS: B E Talley, T J Goenning NORTH BEND: James O'Hare, Herman Cuth. HAVELOCK: J L Dillon. ST. EDWARDS: M Blakenof. WYMORE: W B Wright. SPALDING: C A Berbenck, F J O'Hara NORTH PLATTE: W M CraJe, P J Norton. .1 But b anaii, Chas Sandall, Tho Jeffers, I' K Wldner. G W Lalnner SIDNEY: F w Vath, J T O'Kane, F l! Tob in. HOLDREDGE: G Barttett. Gilber; Anderson, J A Davis, E A Brock. O H Erickson. SCOTTSBLUFF: F D Scofield, P T Sheffer. N T Hill, E T VsHKletibring. ALBION: J H Parker, A L Spinier. .1 A Gee. Carl Meegan, E E Watson, R C Whit ing. L E Whiting. NEWMAN GROVE C H Mohan. S M Juilson, G Log an. Axel Nelson. HUMPHREY: Robert Lewis, J J Thiessen. T Fisher, Will Brown, Jos Weber. AURORA: E A De Waters. Myron French. CEDAR BLUFF8: S J Schere. A F Bockeumel. BROKEN BOW: L E Cole. J S Malymlk. E H Eng land. W R Bruce, A W Holcomb. R S Skinner. G W Hpple. C A Wahl. J G I .on. n il EMERSON: Ernest Fnkle. NORFOLK: L Bruse, Hans Vogt, Kd Bennlng, L V Kennedy, Harry Witt. W P Mr Ceme, C S Monroe, A W Tlnkhouse, M R Gun. R II Reynolds, C E Hart ford. TILDEN: Geo Bayn. NELIGH: A D Housh, Geo Ferguson. WEST POINT: Fred Ruedlger, J RUSHVILLE: A Barnum. CRAWFORD: Ray Moss, 0 W Lawrence. WAHOO: R W Anderson Last (-veiling tho of the Alliance fire held in the city hall. The regular routine of business was followed, the reports of the different conven tion committees being received. The report of the executive was espec ially interesting. A total of $1.2:i7.80 was collected for the convention and only a little over $1,100 was expend ed, leaVlBj over $100 lo the good. Before Hie election ol officers took pin' ' 1 1 Was roted on motion that a pr id' nt, vice president, fire chief, assistant fire 'hie', ami soeretary be elected, tile duties of the different Officers :o be defined by an ameiid menl io the constitution and by-laws. The rOQUeal Of Jnd Laravee, J. R. Basklns and V. E. Burn for exemp tion vvas granted on motion. The following officers were elect ed for tho ensuing year: J. W. Guthrie, president. vice president. fire chief, isiunt fire chief rotary. treasurer W. S. Ridgell. .In mes Keeler, Cal Vlnsel, at; Carl Bpacht, sei Oeorge Bnyder, ASSISTANCE APPRECIATED The committee in charge of the Firemen a Convention wish to ex pross their thanks to the following persons for assistance with the pro gram during the convention. F. W. Harris, mayor; Rer. J. B. Brown of the First Presbyterian church: Fath er McNamara of the Catholic church i the Quartette consisting of Rev. Jones, I'rof. Williams. Lloyd Smith nnd Ralph Thomas; Mrs. Rousseau; Agnes Elmore; Wm. Mitchell; Prof. Pate: and the ladies of the First Presbyterian church. We desire to any that on account of having to change the program for the last ev ening, we were unable to complete it at the banquet. W. S. RIDGELL J. W. GUTHRIE GEO. SNYDER LOUIS LUFT W. O. BARNES Committee. CARD OF THANKS C KM toll. Bpesrnlan, 11 w John Ed Hader, Fred Webster J R Marusen. UTICA: Bert Satterly, Bert Burkett. UNI VER8ITY PLACE: J C McKaln. Borgstrom, L J Ziniola, There are hours that come into the lives of some, when every impulse of the heart is buried under its weight of sorrow. We stand there today; yet we would fain give expression to the gratitude that wells up from the depths of our hearts ua we remem ber the kindness of those who have done so much to comfort our pre cious dead, and to brighten for us a starless sky. ROY S. BECKWITII BLAINE GORDON BECKWITII MRS LENA LUDWIG dhj . CARD OF THANKS We wish to extend our sincere thanks and appreciation to the many kind friends and neighbors and the Knights of Columbus and Daughters of Isabella both at Alliance and Iowa City, Iowa, and the officials of the C. V. & Q. and C. R I. & ways for courtesies shown and sistance rendered in the late oeieavement or the loss of loved wife and mother. D. E. LYNCH and children. our rail as sad be- The New Delivery System Believing that delivery service can be made much better through co-operation, and that regularity and promptness can only come through system, we have joined with the Alliance Grocery, Duncan's and Rodger's, in a movement to secure a delivery service w hich will be more efficient than we have been able to provide in the past. Certain hours are set apart for deliveries, and a sufficient number of wag ons will be run so that every part of the city will be served regularU at the same hours. For a few days, possibly, some in convenience may result. We are sure, how ever, that as soon as our patrons know the schedule, and decide at what hour it is most convenient to receive goods, theirorders will be received for that delivery, and the service cannot prove anything but efficient and satisfactory. The schedule appears in another part of this issue. Apples We have a large assortment of the best Apples that we could buy anywhere. The following are the varieties of Oregon Apples we have to offer all EXTRA FANCY stock - ROME BEAUTY RED CHEEK PIPPIN W1NESAP YELLOW NEWTON BLACK TWIG The wholesale commission houses are quoting Rome Beauty and Yellow Newton at from $2.50 to $3.00 F. O. B. Denver, and other shipping points. We offer all the above named varieties at retail for $2.00 & $2.23. MALLERY GROCERY CO