The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, January 26, 1911, Image 3

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Are Always in Demand.
Cutrliil Httrntton is RivOS to
the welfare of rsrh pttfttl in
Call tr Writ ftr Information
HQaaas sWM PtaBK v
Olrvtr art L. C. Smith Typmitirs Utitf
Equipment and service first-class in every department
Cafe in Connection-Open Day and Night
On the left and across the street from the
Burlington station
:3ee t n e whole W esl
under one roof
A -L I IQ 40 irogtfftShln'ffi
Exhibits from ecry wcsU'iu state, showing
,s .1i ..i.. i 1 1 . . w hj grow it. I k. u i Mi-,
Irrigation ttitd llrj farming methods. Exniuits
showing ho lu raise more coru wueai
oats uiidiiri and potatoes. Good ex
hibit and lecture 'how to prevent hog chol
era. Moving pictures and illustrated lectures
good music and clean entert ninnmnt AH.
mission 26 cents. . .' IW'mmTT. I
Come to the Omaha Land Shoiiaisiiat md
TkaS i l.i.,pkx I nmhPf Ann Pii 1
j Phone 21 I). Waters, Mgr. j
I Need AMI :f
of all descriptions
for any part of a
house or barn.
"Yes, I'm so: ry, too, that you cannot fill the poiition, but what
I need is a TRAINED man a man who thoroughly understands
the work."
"No, there's no other position open we've hundreds of appli
cants now on the list waiting for the little jobs. This position calls
for a TRAINED man. Good day."
That's it. There's a big call for the trained man the
man who can handle the big things -the man who is an
You can easily receive the training that will put you
in the class of well-paid men. You can't begin to under
stand how quickly the little coupon below will bring you
success. Already it has helped thousands of men to better
paying positions and more congenial work. It will cost you
only a two-cent stamp to learn how it is all done. Just
mark the coupon as directed and mail it today. The Inter
national Correspondence Schools have a way to help you.
During last year over 4,000 students voluntarily re
ported better positions and
higher salaries secured
through I. C. S. training.
To only this small per
centage of our student
body there was brought in
creased salaries amounting
in one year to over Two
Mi 11 ion Dollars.'
Don't fill a little job all
your life when you can so
easily move up in the world.
Tfcf Business of This Place
Is to Raise Salaries
mm btbf ttaeto murk the Co
International Correspondence Schools
Bra 7t. Scraatoa. Pa.
. Please tiplaia. without lurtaer obllgatlua a ar)
part, how I cat quality- lot a larger salary la
the pusitioa before whUb 1 bare niarkeil K
Advertuemenl Writer
Show -Card Writer
Wuadow Trimmer
Comaaef caai Law
Civil Service
Teitile-Mul Sut.
Electrical F-ajnaeer
Meckaaacal Draftsman
Telephone Ragmen
Electric - Lighting Supt
Mechanical Engineer
Stationary Engineer
Cavil Engineer
Building Contractor
Architectural Dlaha
Structural I
Mining Eng
Str-tJ No.
We htive learned that tho PIM H
Inilinn Hesorvation will 1m- thrown
upon by prenldenttnl proilnnintloti
vory stion for HPttlpmont Tliln Is
sump of the most oholco land In So
Dukntii and there is Kiire to be a
null for hiiinesteatin.
I here are approximately HJ.OO'i
Hi ivs to be ojened in liennell OottA- J
ty. S I). There will be no drawing
but the ojienlnn will he und'-r the
sun." plan of the Cherokee 000.1 III. ;
In Oklahoma twenty years ago.
The nearest railroad point thnti(sh
Which this land can be renthetl Is
Merriman. Nfbraska, on the C K- N
line Htaae connertions are aOOtt
from there through to laCfOk, S. I
which Is In the center of Hennett
t'ounty. From this point at present
by team and later by auto the desir
able lands can he easily reached.
deeded lands are
on the market by
and banks having
liennell County
rapidly being put
real estate firms
them for sale.
Sales of inherited lands and non
competent Indian lands will shortly
be commenced through the agency at
Fine Hldge. Information regarding
any of these lands and locations can
be secured by addressing the post
master at LaOCrOOk, S. D.
We have been asked several times
why the statement of the financial
condition of the city of Alliance Is
not published twice each year ac.
curding to law. So far as we know
these statements have never been
published in Alliance, althoimh the
following from Cobbey's Annotated
Statutes of the State of Nebraska,
DOW plainly Hint this should be
do i;
Ch :!T, Section N!44 Receipts and
RxpendttUfO : "The council or
trttt shall cause to be puhlishcd
seini-iii.ntially n statement of the
receipt of the corporation and
sources thereof, tin Itemized 000004.
of axpendltor, with statement of
tho fin.ini ial condition of the city or
We WOUld suggest thai this be
One of the happy incidents of the
convention, such as the one held in
Alliance I Ml week, is the meeting ol
old-time acquaintances A. 11. SchultK
of Milford. Sergeant Walker of Gen
eva, and .lack Uiordan of Alliance
Were comrades in the Spanish -Amer
leu war, being member of the 1st
Nebraska reniineni and serving in
the Philippines. Of course they had
a great time when they met at the
N. S. V. K. A
We are always pleased to receive
communications for publication in
The Herald, especially news Items.
If you are in possession of uny news
that you think will be of general In
terest, or that will interest a consid
erable number of our readers, please
write it up and send It in for publt
In order that all correspondence
may be given to Herald readers In
satisfactory Bhape and without un
necessary work for the printers, we
request all correspondents to observe
the following simple rules:
1. Write on one side of the paper
only, for convenience in using the
copy In the printing office. We will
furnish regular correspondents, a-
those sending frequent commun
lions, paper, envelopes and postagt
2. Write plainly. BK BUM to
spell the names of persons correct
ly and write them so that there will
be no doubt as to how you haw
spelled them. Other misspelled
words we can correct, but many
names are spelled in two or more
different ways, so that often we are
unable to correct them if misspelled.
We van! the names of persons spell
ed the way the persons themselves
spell them.
15. The writers mut furnish ub
with their own names, not for publi
cation, unless they desire It, but
that we may know from whom the
communication! are received.
4. Date your communications.
This will enable us to make any
changes in your copy that may be
necessary in order to make the dates
inenl toned read correctly. To illus
trate the necessity for this, suppose
a correspondent writes the latter part
of the week and mentions something
that occured "last Saturday"; we r
ceive the communication the next
week, and as it is not dated we do
not know whether it was written the
week received or the preceding
week. Consequently we print It ju.-t
as written, with the result that the
incident mentioned is suid to have
occured a week later than what It
really happened. It is easy to jot
down the date on which you write
your communication. Pie do so.
(Written for last issue, hut omit
ted by mistake.)
Added to the great dissatisfaction
of the people with the present ad
ministration in the conduct of the
iti his of the department of the In-
rior, is now a nation-wide disgust
'v 'h the head of the postoffice d
partment. While thousands upon
lousantis. not to say millions, of dol
lars are being expended in this de
partment that might be saved to the
government, Postmaster (Jeneral
Hitchcock is bent on making a r4
ord for "economy ", ami in order to
do so is trying to run the service
with an insufficient number of mail
clerks So great Is the shortage of
Clerk! that those who are on duty
are overworked, and still, according
to press reports, much mall is de
layed from a few hours to several
days, the same being carried "back
and forth" until it can he worked
The storm of protest that has arisen
particularly in the large cities, may
do some good, but we doubt If it wiil
with tin present administration
Interesting Items Taken From This
End of the State for Herald
In reviewing his bOllO0M for the
past year W II Willis lafOTM us
that he finds he purchased Uh the
Alliance Creamery Conipan M.I
pounds of butter fat for which he
paid $7,402.01. The lowest price
paid during the year was lie and (he
highest I So, Only a small per nOnt
of the farmers of Morrill county
have yet engaged In dairying, but
these figures go lo show that it is
a business which should he studied
and taken advantage of by nearly all
of them Cream brings In ready lUOfl
ey nt all seasons of the year, and
It can readily be seen that dairying
not only enriches the farmer hut
enriches the land. Bridgeport News-Mlatle
Premium for Getting
Work Is now being done by the
Burlington on Its new line west of
Walter Boner and Cliff Munkres
of l.usk were recently arrested and
charged with stealing and chnnglng
the brands on two horses belonging
to Charles Thomas. The men were
bound over to the district court in
the sum of $1,000 and $500. which
was furnished.
.foe Handschicgcl of Crawford em
ploys 44 men ami IS teams In putting
up lo for the Northwestern railroad
company ami private parties lie
puts up on the average over 100
tons per day.
The Crawford Tribune states that
John Wlnstrom anil Charles Trice of
thai city were arrested and charged
villi gambling They were taken to
ChadrOO) the county seal, and lodg
ed In Jail
Sunday was a big day at Alliance,
Nebr. , where a large class was initi
ated into the Knights of Columbus
lodge A big banquet was held after
the initiation, at which some flue
'oasts Oar given b many popular
men of the state Harry lluriiunn
was one of the new members who
jollied Sunday h Downey went along
to help him through Ardmorc Amer
u an
A Business Men's Booster Club
will be organized in Seneca Monday,
January 30th.
Kojl Miyasaki will soon open up a
new ham! laundry in Seneca
Smith A. (iarrett have opened up
a new meat market in henet a. I his
little village 1b rapidly growing since
the introduction of Us new paper,
the Clipper.
New Subscribers
THE HERALD'S list of i, 500 renders is the larg
est in Western Nebraska. lint there are many people
who do not kret this paper who should read it, so we
are going to plan for 500 new subscribers during the
year 10 1 1. That's a big increase but we know we can
yet them, and if the readers of The Herald who ap
preciate the complete news we are giving will each one
boost a little we will hae no trouble in getting that
To each lady lending us one new subscriber we
will rive absolutely free one of the most useful house
hold articles ever invented, and something that cannot
be purchased at any store, as it is a patented article and
by purchasing 100 of them we secured the exclusive
right of this territory.
for Mas in Fruit Jars. This tool is designed to securely
tighten and easilv loosen covers on Mason Fruit Jars,
and by the use of the roller attachment to smooth out
uneven and damaged edges of covers so that they may
be sealed, thus saving covers, fruit and labor. The
regular price is fifty cents each.
AddreBB The Herald Publishing Company, Alli
ance, ami with the remittance and name of the new
subscriber ask for one of the jar sealers. It will be sent
to you at once.
According to the Oram County Tri
bune, Prank Carpenter, a homestead
er living near Bingham, fired at Kmll
Anderson, an employe of the Yeast
ranch, last Friday with a rifle. The
ball cut through Anderson's scalp,
but did not cause u fatal wound.
The rifle then refused to work, or
Anderson would undoubtedly have
been killed.
8. I. (Jroat, of Broken Bow, has
sold the opera block in that city to
Oeo. M. Culver, of Alamosa, Colo.,
taking In part payment therefor a
half-section of Irrigated land In the
Sail Luis valley in Colorado.
The Nebraska state firemen's as
sociation is holding an annual busi
ness session in Alliance this week
ith an unusually large attendance.
H II ret water) department of Hyan
is represented by L. A. Ander
len Harden, Luther Howard,
roadlck anil Kobert Brady.
as d gates, all of whom went there
on the noon train yesterday. A let
ter from one of the delegates, re
ceived today by K. (J. Martz, states
that the boxing exhibition had been
postponed until tonight and that Del
egate Brady had been "touched ' for
a hundred, with the entire force of
city police and detective working on
the OAS in an endeavor to round up
the thief Qmnl county Tribune.
C W Be and J. K Dean went
to Mason City Monday and made a
raid on W .N. Hurley's blacksmith
shop ami found a may load of booe
and empty bottles and ..bout two
bushels of' bottle corks.
der a
1 ease
ty was arrested and brought
Justice M. 1. I. ami, and was
o.ver to the district court, un
Jl'ttn bond, to answer to a
of selling liquor without a 11-
A square deal wrongs
people who prosper by
not want a square deal
no one;
The more we see of unfair deals
and crooked busiuess in politics the
more we feel like fighting it
After the trial, the beer, whiskey
and alcohol were destroyed by Jus
tice laanib. Custer County Beacon.
The I'nion Pacific has decided to
build their new line about forty-five
miles west from Nortbport, or seven
miles west of Oering, covering a
large pari of the fertile North
Platte valley on the south side
Bridgeport wants a water system.
The question was recently taken up
al a business men's meeting, and II
Is probtfble that an election will
soon be held to determine whether
or not bonds should be voted for
the purpose of building noe.
The annual meeting of the Dawes
County Medical Association was held
m Crawford last week The follow
ing officers were elected for the on
suing year; President, Dr. II P Rich
aids; Vice President , Dr K La. Vein
on; Secretary, Dr 00 W. Deeinei .
Del, gate, Dr. J. K. HariweH
The city of Children has asked the
Pioneer Townsite Company lo donate
one block lor a city park It is prob
able that this will be don,
City attorney J K. Porter of Craw
ford has been sent by the city coun
J to Washington, D C , to urge
Congress to appropriate $25,000 to
reimburse Crawford for the pollution
of its wateY supply by the sewage
from Port Kobinson
Kobert McNair. of Crawford, has
sold his hardware busiuess Including
store building and warehouse to a
company composed of Geo K. Cor
ton, Frank Hall. Nathan Broadhurst
and Samuel Swinbank.
The Grocers' Delivery
Daily (Except Saturday)
1st Delivery 9:00 a. m.
2d M 10:30 a. m.
3d 44 2:30 p. m.
4th " 5:00 p. m.
1st Delivery 9:00 a. in.
2d " 10:30 a. m.
3d " 2:00 p. m.
4th M 4:00 p. in.
5th " 6:00 p. in.
If you order OIL or VINEGAR have a can r jug
ready to empty our vessel into.
To insure getting your goods on any one of the
deliveries you should have your order in at least 30
minutes before the deliveries leave on the above
Don't expec t deliveries to be made other than the
above arrangement as it will keep us busy to fiH-u the
All customers have the same service Uh abov4
system as the town will be divided into districts and all
districts delivered at the same time.
Insist on having the System to serve you
and you will get your u ods with greater regu
larity than you do your mail.
Duncan & Son - - Phone 32 A. D. Rodgers - - - - Phone 54
Mallery Grocery Co. - Phone 128 Grocery CO. Phone 56
North Platte Is to have a federal
huilding. The need of one ha 00M
apparent for years and years, but j
peanut politics kept It off.
The S, oit Muff hand has heen rO I
organized I)r I'lehn, the formei
leader, has resigned on account of
lac k of time, and Mr llersliman has
heen elected to lake his place.
The value of agricultural prodm is
for Scotts Illuif County for the year
MHO amounted to S , 4 14 I
The business houses of tiering
have agreed to close at seven p in
except on Saturday.
Kcv .lames C Clark of Mitchell,
pastor of the Presbyterian church at
that place, has resigned and will ac
cept the pastorate at Lyons, Nebr.
That the agitation for county divi
sion in Custer county is not without
blessing to residents of that locality,
the following from the (iothenhurg
Times will prove: "James Moore, of
Oconto, attempted suicide by shoot
ing himself in the breast with a U
caliber revolver. The bullet struck
a county division button he had pin
ned to his suspender and he was
not injured ' McCook Kepublican.
Alfred 1 .1 ,t e n tni 1 1 was instantly
killed by being crushed to death in
a sand bank at McCook last Thurs
day He was nineteen years of age
and is survived by his father nda
four brothers.
J. K Kelley of McCook has a
model electric farm, states the Mc
Cook Kepubllcau It is equipped
wi'h electric lights and power from
the city electric plant. He uses mot
ors for the farm work, doing the
bailing of his hay, grinding feed, put
ting hay in the mow, pumping water
and for irrigation purposes.
To Mr and Mrs. Theodore Wad
dell, a baby, Sunday, January 22nd.
i a
"For years I suffered unspeak
able torture from indigestion, con
stipation and liver trouble," wrote
A. K Smith, a war veteran at Krie,
Pa., "but Dr. King's New Life Pills
fixed me all right. They're simply
great " Try them for any stomach,
liwr or kidney trouble. Only 25c at
F. J. Hrennan's. 3-4t
Live Stock and
General Auctioneer
Farm Sales a Specialty