The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, January 26, 1911, Image 1

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    State Historical Society -fl
Largest Circulation
of any Newspaper in
Western Nebraska.
The Alliance Herald
Official Publication
of Box Butte County
and City of Alliance
State Firemen's Convention Passes Into History
as the Best Ever-All Delegates Leave
for Home.
hBHIBHk9h9h v- wHmWXwk y ' H IL ekkkkP .kV ksHE kV kkkkkEf v 1 IBh st
Hi- &k. 5 1 HI m 1 Tr By B
W. S. Rid.j II, Alliance.
Sceno during the Convention. Fiom left to right, the Cowboy Police and the Cage. A Jolly Bunch on the Water Wagon.
Putting out the tire Tuesday afternoon. "We're going home" Norfolk.
The Herald of last week, which
was distributed to each visiting fire
man as he left the banquet hall on
Thursday evening, contained a write
up of the convention to Wednesday ,
morning. The rest could not be got-1
ten in because of lack of time and
This paper is always crowded to ;
the limit with news. It ought to be !
a daily, for we're always asking the :
question on pressday. 'What shall
we leave out?" Some papers have
a hard time filling up and have to
rely on big gobs of plate matter to
fill up. Not so here.
The boys all slept well Tuesday
night after the light lunch which had
had been served by Bill Becker. He
is a good cook, and hi? meals are
guaranteed to let you sleep.
At nine-thirty Wednesday morn IDS
the convention was called to order i
by the president and the regular or
der of business taken up. Reports
of the different committees were
read. Several amendments to the
constitution were suggested, in an;
association of this kind, represent- j
ing as it does over thirty thousand
HMO, there are many questions to be
settled and things come up every
year that have to be gone over at
the yearly meeting.
In the afternoon the convention!
was addressed at lenntli by the Hon. j
Chas. H. Kandatl, formerly state sen
ator, and recently appointed by Gov. 1
Aldrich as chief fire commissioner.
He explained that his duty consisted
in looking over and inspecting the
different fire equipments in the dif
ferent cities of the state. He also
has the power of ordering unsafe
J. W. Guthrie. Alliance.
structures torn down, when located
in the fire limits of any city in the
state. He stated that thirty-five per
cent of the fire losses In Nebraska
during the last year were caused by
the careless handling of gasoline.
After he had spoken many of the
members of the convention question
ed him regarding the enforcement of
the law, etc.
Chas. E. Hartford of Norfolk,
state delegate to the national con
vention at Rochester, N. Y., last
year, gave a full report of that meet
ing last September. The retiring
president, J. C. Elliott, was elected
as state representative to the con
vention in St. Louis this year.
And the Lobster Bnnquet that ev
ening! Ah, such a leas; and such
eloquent speeches as were made! It
t:kes a gathering of jolly, good
B)en, bound together by the bonds
of association like this one, to
enjoy each other's comptiny and to
throw off the restraint that unfoii
umuely rests on banquets of this
Most of the men attended the
ball at the opera house and then
dune to the banquet. A few didn't
go to the bull, but every one ot
them went to the lobster banquet.
Big, red lobsters, cooked as only tin.
chef at the Burlington knows how,
were served and eagerly devour, d
F r you know tbil hiJi altitude an:
pure air up here makes a man who
is not used to it very, very hungry.
Fremont has Lobster Club number
one and Alliance has Lobster Club
Dumber two. Mayor Harris of AJ.1I-
anre is the president, and he fills
power. The following gentlemen,
with others, made speeches that
were enjoyed by all: Father McNa
raara, I. E. Tash, F. M. Broome and
J. W. Guthrie of Alliance. W. V.
Roseman of Fremont. J. C. Elliott
sWI wv'W
State that Alliance has two flreii ten
who hive a great deal of Inline t
In this association. One is J, V.
Ottthrlo and the other Is W S. Rid
gell, who was elected second v
president without a single opposing
rote. Alliance is proud ot these men
as well as her oilier l elegates, and
She made a good showing.
J. C. Elliott, the retiring president,
gave an instructive talk In favor of
the yearly tournament. He showed !
how that they stimulated Interest
among the firemen and how that
without them Interest might lag. j
i ney seep tne spirit. 01 competition
up between the different companies
and help make them efficient. He
was in favor of having the conven
tion and tournament at the same
time, as it would lessen the expense
and the crowds would be larger.
Mike Bower of Nebraska City then
gave a short talk showing that at
times professionals had been em
ployed by different departments to
make the couplings In races. He
deplored this condition of affairs
and was heartily In favor of It be
ing done away with, as It Is decid
edly unfair to those who are ama
teurs. He was heartily applauded.
He also suggested that the city of
Alliance should have a fire auto as
the streets are level and well adap
ted to the use of one. It would not
take very many losses to pay for
nn auto.
The following officers, were sloe
ted: J. II. Parker, Albion, president.
H. L. Boyes, Hebron, first vice
president .
W. H. Rldgell, Alliance, second
vice president.
B, A Miller, Kearney, secretary.
H. W. Winters. Norfolk, treasur
necessary changes that were mado
in the program. The toasts were
responded to by Father McNamara,
Supt W, H pats nnd Win. Mitchell
01 Mllance. Hon. J. C. Elliott of
West Point and Hon. I, C. Cloland
r Frepiont. Not the least. Interest
ing part of the program were the vo
cal solos by Mrs. Rousseau, which
were heartily encored, Mrs. Wayne
Zedlker accompanying.
Although several good cuts were
secured of street scenes and photos
of prominent men at the convention,
we are very sorry that the most Im
portant picture of all, the photo tak
en of all the delegates In a group,
was not secured in time for a cut
for this Issue of The Herald. If se
cured In time this will be published
In the next Issue.
Following Is a complete list of the
delegates who were registered at
the headquarters of the Alliance fire
department :
Herb Barge, Frank McGlnnls, Geo
Dorr, Ed Hem, P I Krise, A. C.
Christiansen, Geo Howe. H J Harri
son, Albert Whltaker, Ernest Halm,
(Continued on page four.)
E. A. Miller, Kearney.
"Look Before You Leap"
Is an old saying that holds oods in starting
a bank account.
Before You Place Your Money in a
Bank Look for the Follwing
Notice the character and ability of the men
who have charge of the bank; see that
the officers art; experienced bankers and
the directors are responsible men. The
bank should have ample capital, the
larger thu capital, the greater protection
for the depositor. A large surplus and
profit fund is also an additional protec
tion. Read the bank's statements; notice whether
or not they carry a good reserve in cash
and demand loans, also notice if the bank
is prosperin g if a bank don't make
money, it is not a safe bank.
Ail the above mentioned security is afforded our customers; if safety
for their funds, with liberality and courtesy
is what they want.
The First National Bank
of Alliance, Nebraska
of West Point. M . Boner Of Nebras
ka City. QOorge Hows ol Preinont.
L. W. HagUS of Minden. C. H. Ran
dall, state fire commissioner.
After the little Grmun band had
played and been encored time after
time, tbs DOTS voted one and all
that Lobster c;ub number two was
quail flsd to hold its place another
year. Small lobsters WOTO distrib
uted around SS souvenirs.
On Thursday lbs much talked of
question of the yearly tournament
was taken up and much time spent
in dlSCUSSi&S it. Some suggested
thai the stats be divided into two
districts, the Platte river to he the
dividing line, and a yearly tourna
ment bo held In each district. Some
J. C. EMioU, W:;t Point.
that position to overflowing. He
knows how to wield the gavel as
well as I ' ucle Joe Cannon, and there1
WOTS DO insurgents to deny him
Geo. Howe, -Fremont.
H. W. Winter, Norfolk.
H. L. Boyes, Hebron.
of the delegates wanted the state
divided into still smaller districts,
but this was looked upon with dis
favor by the majority. The associa
tion has heretofore appropriated the
sum of $20u each vear for the town
that gave Die tournament, and it
was argued that several tournaments
in different parts would be very ex
pensive. It was moved and seconded that
tiie question be laid on the table.
This carried. Then J. W. (Juthrie of
Alliance moved that a commit tee of
five be appointed to go into this
-.-- .-- 4.. ., n-jjcrt at that UKO. Thki a..
carried, (tight here we wish to
Board, Of control:
Jacob Ooebriag, Beward, CbeJnMg
George Howe, Fremont.
Win. p. Mediae, Norfolk.
Thoe. R. Jeffries. North Platte
Itert J. Galley, CdlttlObu
The convention SOjjQUmed 10 11)001
next year at Keani y. Hcottsbluff
was a Contestant for the place but
lost nut. although she received a
I goodly number of votes.
Thursday evening the ;,era house
j was crowded for the li'ixing match,
which was a clean bout, no loud lan
; Kuage being allowed. The boys, Tom
! my Smith of Crawford and Jack Pit
; gerald of Omaha, were well matched
and bOXOd fifteen rounds to a draw.
I The Herald had two reporters sta
ll ioned at the ringside and while the
match was i on the report was
j being set up in The Herald office by
rounds, as the forms of that edition
were held for (his bout. Iteferee
Parties dec lared it a draw in the fif
teenth round. The Herald extras
were out fifteen minutes later.
One of the largest crowds ever
assembled at a banquet in Alliance
gathered around the tables In the
new Wood Kei man building Thursday
night. About five hundred were pres
ent, but the ladies of the First Pres
byterian church had anticipated a
large crowd and had made ample
preparations and served a menu
that delighted all present. The Al
liance High school orchestra furn
ished music, under direction of Prof.
G. H Williams, which brought fre
quent applause from the guests.
As toastmaster. Judge W. S. Kid
gell showed himself to be the man
for the occasion and helped to over-
u b as the repagtoi blowing out ot
the electric light fuses and some
Ire Caisecfcj fold
f COUfJIi carrot glfom be
ti-.-J. t ij sufficient,
however, tD know that
ycu have cc ad ougt.t to gel
rid cf it. Grc&f oaLs from little
acorrs grow," and tco frequently
the slight couch cf today is the
pneumonia of tomorrow.
Cherry Jjice Cough Syrup
U tie bt cpc K bemaOB in die workl.
A renici'y I nn ' , l.oarsrne:s, dif
ficult bicili t j, etc., it ij w uliout ik cr.
It toothrt sod h u! l'.e i iUr.ird tfnoat
ud putters r,d rntoirt the voice t iu
salural tone, all in a very tltort time.
Cute the mrst stubborn couhi. VefV
pleaui.t lo take, pciiectly kaTBlssi cr.i
good lot daldico si well a dull.-. 'I iy
S boukl