jULUCjfeMID Published Kverr Thordf by The Herald Publishing Company. LLOYDC THOMAS, SSttaSM Mjfr. JOHN HEACH. Asst. Bat. Mr. OHN W. THOMAS Fdltnr Entered at the (toMofhre at Alliance, Nebraska, for tranaminMon through the maiN. as second-class matter. Subscription, li.jo per year in advance. ADVCrtTISINJ uy tke GENERAL O. F u M '. .7 YORK AND CHICAC kHANCHFS IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITII I THI1KSDAV, JANl'ARV 19. ton And Bloomtield lost thirteen cents In the poker game. It was a great c on ven t ion . Surely Nebraska's volunteer Ore fighters are a lot of jolly gootl fellows. s far as w have learned none of tin boVi have had to sleep on the cellar door wliile in Alliance. Srjyder'a auto truck, with the big hull pan Cage On it. made a great patrol Wagon and kept the kangaroo court busy. On account of the convention. The Herald office has heen Hood ed this week with rush Orders for job printing. We have heen able to handle these orders to the satisfaction of our customers, although the publication of the paper has been delayed a few hours thereby. Whether or not you believe in the sentiments expressed in the W. T. V. department of The Herald you will Hnd some very interesting reading In it. The Alliance W. C. T. U. made a happy selection in electing their press superintendent, and we consider ourselves fortunate in securing these weekly contribu tions for publication. The semi annual statement of the treasurer of Hox Hutte county and the minutes of the county commissioners' proceed ings appear in this issue of The Herald. If you want all the news in regard to the county business of Box Hutte, this is the paper to read. We will publish, not only the commissioners' pro ceedings, etc., that may appear in the other county papers, but it is our intention to give our readers this year the benefit of some information thai has not been finding its way into the published minutes. It will be interesting reading, too. Some of it will be especially Interest ing to tax payers, and we expert will be worth more to them than the price of the paper. LOCAL PARAGRAPHS MRS. ROY BECKWITH DIES Mrs. Raima Heck with, wife of iuv Beck with, a mi a prominent member of the Woman's Club of Alliance, died Monday evening al her home Teeth hud bees expected tor sever al days, anil the hope of saving her life bed been very slight, ah that medical skill could do was done hut to no avail. Her sister. Mm. Minnie Berber, who lived in Cheriee City, Iowa was sent for and arrived at noon Momlav She also leaves another Bister, Mr l.udwig of Pittsburgh three broth era. William Klexsing and Kmil I'lex siiiK of Bpokeee, IVesblaaton, sad Charles Klexslnn. of .loplin. Mo. Mrs Heck with, wbooe maiden name was Klexainn, was born in l-Vr.nsvl vania and came west villi her per ents when ten years of age, they lorat ins' at RsebvUle. She was mar ried to Hoy HecWwith al Cordon when nineteen years of a;e To them were born two children, a boy and a girl, the girl dying at the age of eight years. The sou and husband are left to mourn her loss. Mrs. Heckwith was ery popular in Alliance social circles She was a member of the Kastern Star, and the services in Alliame were held by them In the Masonic hall Wednea day morning, the body being takeu to Cordon on the noon train that day. Mr. Heck with, his son Hlaine, and her sister, Mrs. Harher. accom pauied the body. Mr Heck with is proprietor of "The Right'' clothing store in Alliance We extend our deepei sympathy to him and son Cone from our sight, but because life and love are stronger than death she Is ours still. She U still the iuoth r of her son, ami the compan ion of him who mourns earth's great est loss, and may she by this very transient wield over them a sj longer force for goodness and truth than be fori FARIVIEW CHURCH There will be prea.chiu$! at Kuitview, Sunday, Jauuary fj( at 8:M p. iu. Roy leavltt, brother of F. O. tnvltt. of the poat office, come ov er from tiering Saturday on n motor cycle to make a short vlnlt. He found the roads quite bad on this side of Mlnatare Chun 1 1 111 . baggage man for the C. H & Q.. Is laying off during the rinems'i Cosvsstios w. P. Albr, of the freight house. In taking his place. The Winona Lady Singers arrived on MM Mondav from Mlnatare to fill their date here, the fifth number of 1 lie lei tine course The program was very high class all through and was considered by those present as one of the best numbers of the course so far this year Kach member of the Winona Is an artist in her pro fession. Their selections from "Ml kaeo" and "Babes It TPoylaad" pleas ed the audience very much If the Winoniis should visit Alliance again they win be Testes' with i full house Pictorial pattern Stuckey's. Mrs M. .1. Kelley Is somewhat un der the weather at present Operator C .1 Rousseau moved in to their nee home on north Toluca today. Chester Johnson returned from Kansas last wek w here he has been visiting. k. C. MoClner, Jack Miller and K. ! Bten left OH It Monday for Klori da her the) go tO look over real estate i" the land of orengea and si- igators Mr. MeCluer has some hold lugs there already but has never planted them. The oraaae harvest is now on, so he will see If the re turns from oranges is what Is claim- 1 ed for thai; le( so. he sill plant his land tit once. BrOCS vVUcoS and wife came in on 804 from the south Monday llev. N. P. McNeil filled the pulpit at the Beptiat church for the first lime Sunday as pastor. He gave two rerj good sermons to the congrega tions. Sam Kdmundston of Bingham, a relative of the Acheson brothers, was a visitor In Alliance last week on land office business Mrs. K. H. Hurris. wife of genera foreman Hurris of the C, B Q. shops, has been sick this week. Fred Hucke, of Heniingford. has been In Alliance for the past week having some dental work done. Mrs. F. O. Heavltt has been con fined to her bed this week. A I, OrcKU. cashier of the Alli ance Creamery and Produce Com pany, expects to make a short visit to Lincoln and vicinity this week. While there he will visit his sister, Agatha, who Is a student at Cotner Untverelty. Pictorial patterna Stuckey'a. Mrs W. H. Clark and daughter Maud leave this week for Wymore, Nebraska, to make their future home. Mr. Clark has been transferee! to Wymore as claim agent. "Babe" Moran Is going around on crutches as a result of being thrown out of a delivery wagon Tuesday. His horse sturted to run. and in try Inn to ston him. the line was broken and "Babe" was thrown out, causing a sprained ankle J. W. Carter, of Sterling, Nebras ka, is visiting with Mr R. Reeves and family. Mr. Carter has been In Montana for some time and is on his way home He Is an old friend of Mr. Reeves. Judge Ban made a hurried trip to Hyaania Wednesday on 44. return ing Thursday on 41. Kmil VOS Bergen, salesman for the Carpenter Paper Company, of Omaha, paid The Herald a visit the first of the week Mr .1 H Carter, manager of the Colorado Film Exchange branch of this city, made a flying trip to head- Qnartera in Denver last week. Jess Hoplngardaer, baggage man al I he depot, returned Wednesday from a trip of thirty days visiting with home folks at Bethany, Mo. Mail clerk W. I, POOl. of Alliance, whose run Is on the Denver line has been on the sick list His brother. carrier M. 1 1. made a trip for j him The appearance of south Laramie avenue has heen considerably helped by the remodeling of the shop of A. Henswold Mr. Rcnsvvohl has a nice! appearing shop, both Inside andout. The Baptist church are having the chimney rebuilt on the church build : ing. which was cracked and rendered unsafe. Fireman It I. Crlswohl has b en transferred from Alliance to Cntw lord Hill He shipped his household goods and will make Craw ford his ' home Many pupils in the Alliame schools, are feeling happy on account of be lag excused from the semester ex- ! amlaattosa Mr Hay Coddard. traveler for thej Oliver Typewriter Company, was In; Alliance Sunday and Monday on busi ness for the Oliver companv lie re ports that his sales of Olivers aver age one machine per day in this territory. John Kuiest ami Lloyd C Thomas of The Herald force were both con fined to their homes the first of the week by severe attacks of toaallttla. DEATH OF MRS. ROBERTS It mas a great shock to many peo ple In this city to hear of the sud den death of Mrs Frank Roberts. MM died at the Mercy hospital after an illness of less than a week, the came of her death being an attack of acute pneumonia. Oa Sunday, January 8th. she at tended ( hurch as usual loth morning aad evening and was apparently In lb" best of health. Early in the week she was taken seriously ill and on Friday afternoon It was thought best to remove her to Hi'' Mercy hos pita I She lingered until Mondsy morning when death claimed her M 1:34 o'clock. The heartfelt sympathy of this com munlty goes out to the bereaved bus band and to the near relatives and Intimate friends of the deceased. Mr iiiid Mrs Roberts have lived In Cii lity for five years and during 1 lint time they have gained many friends, and thev air the people of Alllanci 1 lie tutn rai servici Wednesday afternoon ducted by He, J H. Flral Presbyterian church, of which church the deceased was a member. On Wednesday morning the remains were takeg to the home of Mr. and Mrs Kd. Shields who have long b n intimate friends of Mr and Mrs. Roberts. The servi e was held at the (hurch at L'SiO p.m., immediately following a brief service of praver at the house. The church had been tastefully decorated with flowers by the Presbyterian ladles, and was com pletely filled at the hour of the ser vice by sympathizing friends. The body was interred in Creenvvood cem etery. Those present from out of Alliance srere Mr Robert's mother from Lin coln and Mr. Henry Mettman. merly of Lea ven worth, Kansas, uncle of the deceased. The brother, living in San Francisco. well known by s were held and were con Hrown of the for an one was unable to be present at the funeral . . CARD OF THANKS We hereby wish to publicly thank the many friends who assisted us by words ot sympathy, and acta of love and kindness in the sad demise of the beloved wife, niece and warm personal friend of the undersigned, in the sad deatli and burial of Mrs F K. Robert - The true Christian spirit and the fraternity of brotherly love has been surely exemplified by the people of Alliance on this sad occasion and we feel thut the debt of gratitud e can never be repaid by mere words. We again thank you most cordially. F. K. Roberts, Henry Matt ma 11, Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Shields "THE ROSARY" Mr Qllmore, advance agent for "The Rosary", is in the city today making necessary arrangements for the production of this famous and beautiful play in the Phelan Opera House on Friday night of next week. January 27. This is without doubt going to be the prettiest and clean est cut play given In the house this season. Holund & Clifford have se cured for the cast only players of note and genuine ability. All special scenery will be used and a splendid production of the beautiful play Is guaranteed People from neighboring towns and the country desirous of seeing the prettiest play they ever . -i t-,w..rve seats in advance by ii ia' u manager of the opera 1 '1 1 ' ' d teats can be secured at l. ., st seats will be $1.50. 6-tf-4Sft WESTERN NEBRASKA Edward Schneider, a capitalist and peeking house promoter has offered to put in a packing house al Broken Row, providing a certain amount of stock is subscribed. He says thai the plant could be installed inside 01 ninety daye. It seems probable that the )l. int will be built. B ' t ion foreman Room v al Mason City was badly injured last week rain No 42 running into a handi on which lie was riding lib Us iii- arm were broken and leg badly at by the mean- at the of L. S Haines, of Los Anueles. Cal 1,. is. iniiii-n. 01 1,11s 11ge1es, 1 ;u , I forwarded a remittance paying his j subscript iou to the year 1913 and .-.L.-.i t'jir m tml tt II..1 .1,1 V , braska maps J C. McCorkle lilt Wednesi'.uy noon fur Oiuuiia to aft end the Land Show. He expects to be there dur ing the entire exposition and will probably bring Lack a good bunch of land seekers Link Lowrv went loni I to keep him company. and boat injured Tile new electric light plain Callaway was nearly destroyed tire last week. The roof over power house was burned and the chlnery damaged to a certain lent A new bank has been opened Mason City. Il will be known as Farmers state Bank and will opei ate under charter No 1 i;;i. The flcera are. John A Hall, president ueorge t ublppa, v lee John T Wood, cashier. H. F. Hanson and H. have formed a companv How to do abstracting lire insurance. The Hurliugtoii d -pot was totally destroyed bv week. Custer County is to have a 160,904 COUri house at Broken The special election gave a majoritv ot 4 if. for the levv Considerable indignation is in. mi fest in this vicinity because ernor Shallenberger pardoned the penitentiary Jim Robinson killed his wit- here eleven ago and afterward, while out on Ota, killed a man hj the gagM Thayer, in McPheraoo county was sentenced to the lor life Oraal County Mrs. Nettie Bohat, Broken Bow, murdered one month by giving it last week She has been charged with murder lathe first degree hat it is supposed that she is iusaue. H H. Sprague of Crawford receiv- 60 returns or l,CO0 from fon of alfalfa during l!ii Thai 1 pretty ginxl imoiue from such vestment Charles Blair pleaded guiltv the charge of selling liquor without a license at O'Neill hist week He j wats given time to raise Hie fine of M and costs, by Judge Harrington, j The building for the new Slate .Normal at Chudron is being pushed . 1. uuiiiifi ion. .AS 11 VV! he u.-e. June 01 this year, it is necessary ,ne contractors to have it all by that time. president ; A. Harrow at Broken and handle at Whitman fire last uevv Bow Gov- from w ho years par of and penitent iarv Tribune. liv ing her child 1 arltolii mar 01 acid ai res is a an in to in lor ready IS MARRIAGE A FAILURE Phelan Opera House, Saturday night, January 21. "la Marriage a Failure", that charming comedy play. Is the offer ing at the Phelan Opera House Sat urday night of this week, Jan. 21. If Is n play that will make you laugh in spite of yourself for It Is brim ful of good, solid fun, has a good plot and excellent situations and the characters are all drawn with much humor. It is neat and refined in con Btracttea, free from all staleness and Vulgafit gad keeps the audi once In good humor from beginning to the end. The story of the come ll) surrounds a muchly married man who in trying to solve the question for himself with the assistance of numerous other characters, finds him self In many ludrlcrous situations milking fun and amusement in abun dance Mr Joseph Detrick. the fam ous comedian will appear in the lead ing role, supported by Miss Olive MardOtf, a beautiful and charming young actress. The company Is un der the direction of J. o. and Qlea Harper w hose names are a guarantee for any attraction appearing under them Prices will be $1.00 below the gallery, ?.", cents for sections A, B, C. and H. and the E section will be 10 cents Gallery 50 and children 25 cents. Seals on sale beginning Frl dny morning 6-It is .; BIRTHDAY PARTY Tuesday of this week, January 17, was the sixty eighth anniversary of w y. Knight's birthday, lie went to work in the morning as usual. without reminding Mrs. Knight of the fact and as she did not say any thing ebOUl it he supposed she did not think about it. But when he re tamed for dinner he found that his "better halt" hud prepared a fine birthday dinner and a large number of his friends from town and coun try present to help eel it and spend the afternoon. Upon hia arrival Mr. Knight was given a reception with shingles, the number of strokes which he received being al least one for each year of his life. Not until the shades of evening indicated that the day was drawing to a close did his guests depart, which they then did wishing him many happy returns of the day. Royal is the only baking powder made from Royal Qrape Cream of Tartar SCHOOL NOTES The superintendent's report to the board of education for the month of Iecember shows the following data: Total number pupils enrolled this month enrolled this enrolled this dite this Number boys month Number girls month Total number an rolled to Number of days taught month Average daily attendance Per cent oi dally attendance Number of cases of tardiness for the month Per cent of punctuality neither absent for the month neither to ilat present 75:: .182 Number tardy Number tardy Number nor absent nor ery day Visits Iroin Bupt From others ",71 20 681 !I4.'.I4 .10 19.81 402 87 IS I ROYAL Baking Powder I Absolutely j Pure I Highest in I Leavening 1 Efficiency I I Makes I Hot Breads I I Whole- IfJefe - saI ataman? ssersma aaa-s8 kill,!! -aauuWT lUi The preliminary debates, held for the purpose of selecting a team to represent the Alliance High school in the District debates, will occur at the High school auditorium Monday, Wednesda gad l-'rldny evenings of next week The uuestion to be de bated Is: "Resolved. That the policy of maintaining the United States navy at Its present strength is prefernble to the policy of substantially Increes- ing it." Monday Evening, 8 o'clock. Instrumental Solo- Norman McCorkle Afflrmetlva Max W ilcox Harry II illy er Julie Pratikle Negative Charles I .anion Merritt Chaffee Mush High School Quartette Wednesday Evening, 8 o'clock Vocal Solo Nell Acheson Affirmative Fred Beseney Alia Young Jessie Taylor Negative Richard Young Uoyd Tally Thomas Kelley Instrumental Solo Heulah Smith Vocal Duet - Frances Burris, Naomi .Nelson Friday Evening, 8 o'clock On Friday evening the six debat ers, representing the three best In each of the first two debate:;, will debate the same subject and from these the team to represent the High school will be chosen. There will be no charge for attendance upon these debates and it will encourage the young people if the auditorium is filled each evening. Special music has been provided and we feel sure that all who attend will be amply repaid for their time. Programs will begin promptly at 8 o'clock each ev ening. The music for Friday even ing will be a selection by the High school orchestra and an Instrument al duet by Hattie Henswold and Bunion Eldred. 0 The Chadron High school basket ball team (boys) will play the Alli ame boys at the local gymnasium Saturday evening. As the Chadron boys are heavier than our boys and are said to be playing a strong game we are expecting a hard fought but tie. The gymnasium ought to be filled to overflowing. Turn out and encourage the boys. The game will b gill promptly at 8:30. 0 The first semester closes this week and Hie semeeter examinations will ie given i hursday and Friday of this week. The following High school pupils have been absent less than five days, have taken all the monthly tests, have made an average of Ml per cent or better and are, there fore, exempt from the Bomeetei i emulations: Carl Thomas, Mabel Wor- ley, Nell Shrewsberrv , Kvelyn Me Harney, Archie Blackwood) Jennie Boon, Mabel Colerlck, Cynthia Dav enport, Eunice Khlred, Julia Frankle. Bather Olow, Avis Jodier, tirace John ston, May Nation, Hattie Kensvvold, Mattie Workman, Hasei Bennett, Fu nic e (alamo, Madge Cl attain. Leah Lemons, Naomi Nelson, May belle Pllklngton, Madge Phillips, Bt le Reed, Mabel Bward, Hazel How man. Willie Khired, Chariot Lemon, Jay Vance, Merritt Chaffee and Milton Keegan. o The lasi issue of The Herald con tained an article taken from the Mor rill .Mail relating to the basket ball game played there before the Christ mas vacation between the Morrill and Alliance High school girls. What was said there was substantially true but it failed to mention the fact that concerned us most; viz., thai one of the players represented to us us a High school student was one of the teachers. Just before the game the Principal told our coach that all Hie players were school girls. We have no objection to being defeated are do object to being defeated misrepresentation The score the game was as follows: First Morrill 9, Alliance . Second Morrill Morrill , but thru for half, half. 1 1 Total score, 14. . Alliance 15, Alliame 0 n Saturday evenlac. January 14. the Alliance High school basketball team defeated the fast Sterling High school team by a score of :it to 24. The victory came somewhat of a sur prise to the followers of the game ill Alliance for 11 was supposed thai the Alliance quintet might be too In experienced to defeat a team which led been playing not only this year in several games but also had Play ed last season With the evcenti.m Root and Nolan BOBO ot the Alii nine plaveis had ever renres,.io ,.,1 the High school before, while the two inenl ioiied above nhiVefl mile !. s'lv.ll portion of the season last year AlhlUOgh smaller than their oppon ents ami outweighed bv ie Alliance boys carried the baU el t. their opponents, aud worn hv kii:k-i-. ioi hi ad v.rk as well as better has ke shoot iio. Alliance took th l.mi when Nolan shot a difficult baskei but the referee did not allow tha s. ore On an exchange of fouls Al liance took the lead and maintained '. 11 lor a short time by adding a field basket Then Sterling got busy for a succession of three field basket s which put them in the lead This they maintained until near the .!..- Repair Work Sewing Machines and Organs. Have secured the services ot a prac tical mechanic and can guarantee all work done by him. Don't trust vour work to travelling repair men. This man will be here permanently. Re pairs and parts furnished for all ma chines. Phone 13a, Geo. D. Darling. In Front of the Checkered Front Stable you can nearly always see a rig getticii ready to start out. We will send one any distance, for any purpose, at any time. a BM p" .sal " at f .if . We answer all calls promptly and will be glad to serve you in anv way in which a rig is required. H. P. COURSEY. Prop 1 'I IOXE Vt! fir- V Important Notice to Meat Consumers We have good news for the people of Alliance who have heen compelled to pay liigh prices for an inferior quality of meat. With the opening of the Cash Meat Market, in our new building at 317 Sweetwater avenue, we can positively announce that we are selling BETTER QUALITY of MEATS than the people of this city have been buying and at LOWER PRICES. We don't send away several hundred miles to have the culls from the big packing houses hipped to us at great expense. We buy the best fat cattle and hogs to be found in Box Butte and neighboring counties, we do expert butchering and serve meats to you in the best possible style, and at prices 2" to 40 per cent less than you have bern paying. GIVE US A TRIAL and we will prove our claim. Telephone orders delivered promptly. Phone 50. Cash Meat Market DRAKE & BARB, Plops. 517 Sweetdter Avenue. TANKS STORM SASHES COUNTERS AM" SHELVING WA SPECIALTY A. P. LEE, Hgr. We have a new UsbtBlBf Hay Italer, and want contracts to bale your hay. Leave word at Herald of flee. Stevens ,v Kittletuan. 4.14 3-tf BUY COAL AT VAUGHN'S Monanh and Colorado Coal. Of fice Oregg's Feed Store, i'hone 4f, M Vaughn. 3 tf 44:; of the half when the Alliame team brought the More to ten The first ir If closed with the si ore a tie 10 to 10. At Cie end of the se ond half the score stood :I0 to 24 iu favor ot Uaaca. Al-