L. Canfiki.d, IVosidrnt K S. Wii.r.v, Cashier MnotdM: John Anderon, Jsttiss PotsMstl, C. OuifltM The People's Bank Authorized Capital, $25,000.00 HEMINGFORD, NEBRASKA THI8 BANK which hss btso roonlng s little mora than a year, is already rsOOgPiStd as one of the strong tiimnria institutions of north western Nebraska. Tlie growth of our business is an indication of the t-onridenee reposed in this bank and its business methods. Our deposits on May 10. 1910, were 8,002.00; and on November 10, 1910, were $80,190.05, an increase in six months of nearly BOO per cent. Also please notice the following: Capital stock paid in, 1 1,1200.00; liability of stockholders, $11,200.00; cash on hand and with other hanks (statement at close of business, Nov. 10, 1910), $15,206.62; mak ing a total guarantee fund of $87,868.52, which la $7.47. 47 larger than the total of our deposits, and makes our deposit ors absolutely safe. We fiVS special attention to the accounts of Farmers and Ranchmen, and extend a cordial invitation to them to do busi ness with us. HA8HMAN Th Mlsnfn KthH niwl Kity Hem hry. who hnve bMS at tending h High school in Alliance, returned to their home to spend their vitiation. Mr and Mrs Will Mash'iinn were seen going to town last Saturday hut did not return home until the next year. Rotlla ROM Iihh been In this noluh horhood visiting with friends and relatives, iui return wl to ins lion last Monday. Hoyce Nichols, the teacher in this rlcinlty, gave one week vacation for Xmas and New Year.-', but school has again commenced. Kred Nicholas was a caller at Mr. Skinner's last Thursday. Carl and Will Hashman and their families spent Xmas at Cal Hush man'8. There has been a bad snowstorm here lately and news are scarce. SPECIALS THE CELEBRATED Holmes & Edwards Silverware Guaranteed 25 years We have everything in the silver line, including teaspoons, tablespoons, knives and forks, berry spoons, oyster ladles, cold meat forks, gravy spoons, etc., etc. Don't Fall to See Our Gold Embossed Silver Goods. They are Beauties C. A. SHINDLER Hemlngford, ISebr. Hardware, Ranges, Heating and Cook Stoves, Cutlery, Tinware, etc. In the new building. STRASBURGER Farewell HMO. Welcome 111 1 . There are wasted years in alllh's Things said and done that ought not to have SMS said and done, things not done that ought to have been done, hopes that Were not realised. Then too many things can happen in a year, (lermany conquered France In one year. It took less than a year for the United States to pun lsh Spain, and about a year for la pan to humble Russia. Welcome the time When all national disputes will be arbitrated. "BleMCd are the peace makers." There were 31 million deaths dur ing I'll" A grumbling man, a bin king bron cho, a complaining woman and a kicking COW arc abominations to the true Homesteader. We regret to hear of the illness of Mr. Tom Tally, the genial and great hearted president of the Star ranch. Trust by this time he Is better. It has been reported that some one stole Mrs. Sherman's chickens. The slanderer and chicken thief are similar In this respect they both like to "take away". "There are loyal hearts, there are spirits brave, There are souls that are pure and true; Then give to the world the best you hnve, And the best will come back to you." The writer extends to the editor and all the readers of The Herald his best w ishes for a happy and pros perous New Year. QOODB OLDB HOY. s i Upholstering and Mattress Work Central Lumber Co. Building: Haterial, Piles, Posts HEHINQFORD, and Coal NEBRASKA Have secured the services of an upholsterer. Those desiring work of this kind leave orders or phone 107. T. .1. Threlkeld. 3-SM49 THE CHIROPRACTOR the cause of your are restored to disease normal TO DATE i A. D. RODGERS J Adjusts and you health. Chiropractic will do for you what it has done for others. Try It. The most wonderful results follow chiropractic adjustments The cause Is removed end health restored No drugs or knife are used and quick results are obtained. Call on, write or phone to A. If. WARREN. Chiropractor. ! Office in Opera House lilock. room number two, phone number 1, Alli ance, Nebraska. f-ti-452. DEATH IN ROARING FIRE may not result from the work of firebugs, but often severe burns are caused that make a quick need for Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the quick est, surest cure for burns, wounds, bruises, boils, sores. It subdues in flammation. It kills pain. It soothes and heals. Drives off skin erup tions, ulcers or piles. Only '5c at K. .1 Hrennan's. 1-41 NOTICE TO WATER USERS Water taxes are due January 1, 1911, and should be paid at my of fice in the city hall. The water will be turned off of all services not settled by January 20, 1811. and one dollar extra is charged before the service will be turned on J H. CARLSON, Water Comm. 5 -LM-45t H 4XH A Word to the Borrower IF you are bor rower of this paper, don't you th nk it U an in justice to the man who U paying for it? He may be looking for it at this very moment. Make It a reg ular visitor to your home. The subscription price Is an Investment that will repay you well. BELMONT Here we are again after I few weeks' absence. We have been having fine weather the last few days but are afraid of a howling blizzard soon. Miss Illesslng was on the sick list Saturday and BuSdS, but wns able to tenet IgnlS Monday morning Miss Pearl Bvnna and brother (leorge were in town shopping Tues day. Miss Kthel Gregory returned to Crawford to school after a two weeks vacation. Miss Cecil Hack and mother went to Crawford Tuesday. The Misses Klsle and Hazel Buck ley and cousin Jessie visited at Kv ersnel's last week. Frank Fleshman and wife were In town Tuesday. The Misses lxah and Orpha Lem ons returned to Alliance to school after spending two weeks' vacation with their parents. Frank and Paul Hamnker came home from Hot Springs to spend Christmas and New Years. Wm. Abbott was seen on our streets Tuesday Lee Gregory made business trip to Crawford Monday. The farmers are shipping some po tatoes and grain now. Mr. DeWItt went to Alliance one day this week. We had a good snow, fine for tracking rabbits, and the boys ere ill out hunting. Fenl Wend! made a trip to Craw ford Wednesday. Fred Ilently, one of the carpen ten who is helping build the Ab bott house was in town Sunday. SUES FOR FIFTY THOUSAND Third Wife of C. R. Drummond, St. Louis Millionaire, Wants Damages. St. I .mils, .Jm. 10. Mrs. Charlotte Vincent Drummond i third wife ol Charles R. Drummond, member ol a millionaire family, filed suit in the St Louis circuit court for $50,000 dam gel for the blgamOU! marriage wind he contracted with her at midnight Dec. v last, at Clayton, Mo. She suet! in her maiden name, Charlotte Yin cent. In the St. Louil countv circuit court Prosecuting Attorney Mills (lied a m tloB for r revocation of Drummond' parole The allegation in the mottoi v.as tat Drummond bad violated hi parole. He Is believed to be in New York. Circuit Judge Wurdoman voked the parole without any forthei statement by the prosecutor. Progressive Arts Lecture. New York, Jan. H). The Progressive Artr, League of America, a literary organisation nmilnted with the poeth Society of Oreat Britain, announced that it was prepared to offer free lec tares to every branch Organised throughout the country with a mem berablp ol twenty-five or over. Th lecturers will be men well known ir the literary and academic world ir this country and England. China May Seek German Aid. London, Jan. 10. The Peking corre pondent of the Daily Mail says that j as no satisfactory progress is being' made In the informal negotiations be t ween China and the United States with a view to an understanding, It It believed la Peking that China is about to approach Germany, hoping to se cure an ally. Gale Strikes Chicago. Chicago, Jan. 10. One man waf killed, one other fatally hurt by a fall ing sign and much damage was don to electric signs and windows here by a windstorm which struck the city toon after noon. The wind, whicl came from the west, gained in veloc ity until a sixty two mile gale war blowing. Balloon Sighted in Alabama. St. Ixmis, Jan. 10 The balloor Which passed over Florence, Ala. probably was the St. Ixmis No. 4 which left here in a strong wind, sail Ing southeast. The basket contained J. Cowan Hulbert and Paul McCul lough. The aeronauts' objective point was New York. Hemingford House STEELE & RAY, Props. Rates, $2 per day Newly remodeled through out. The best of table serv ice. Clean rooms. Special attention to transients. Dr. Oliver McEuen Physician and Surgeon MemiNsroRD. nebr. SPECIALTIES Diseases of Women and Children and Genito Urinary Organ Alt call mured pnmptl, day si sight GOOD STENOGRAPHERS Are Always in Demand. Careful attention is given to the welfare of each pupil in the iri-i nii 'IP nun Mil in Kii ST. AGNES ACADEMY ALLIANCE. NEBR. Call tr Writs lor Intirmatitn Umnemal DcMrtneDl Spring Wagons for Sale We now have Five New Hand-Made Spring Wagons ready for delivery. Thev are better made, more durable and will give much better satisfaction than machine-made spring wagons. We will sell these wagons at reasonable price. If you want one of them, call immediately, before they are all' taken. Shop opposite Palace Livery Barn. Donovan & Son w.. '.'.-. .... ....i -r-. ; mlSb ;' ' X i ' J "til i! n d e"r one r oof hiJ. mUM IAND PR0DUCI5 EXHIBIT 0maha.JanJ8 28 Exhibits from every western state, show in- "' K'owu anu now to gruw it. Kilubits Irrigation and dry farmiiiK methods. Exnihils Showing bow to raise more corn wheat oau aifaua and potatoes. Good roads ex hibit and lectures how to prevent hog chol era. Moving pictures and illustrated lectures good music and clean entertainment. Ad mission 2 5 cents. Come to the Omaha Land 5how. . g Bssfti ssi - J Boards of ail descriptions for any part of a house or barn. it$ Coal Co. D. Waters, Mgr. Phone 22 I Need A 1 21 Man am "Yes, I'm sorry, too, that you cannot fill the position, but what I need is a TRAINED man a man who thoroughly understands the work." "No, there's no other position open we've hundreds of appli cants now on the list waiting for the little jobs. This position calls for a TRAINED man. Good day." That's it. There's a big call for the trained man the man who can handle the big things -the man who is an expert. You can easily receive the training that will put you in the class of well-paid men. You can't begin to under stand how quickly the little coupon below will bring you success. Already it has helped thousands of men to better paying positions and more congenial work. It will cost you only a two-cent stamp to learn how it is all done. Just mark the coupon as directed and mail it today. The Inter national Correspondence Schools have a way to help you. During last year over 4,000 students voluntarily re ported better positions and higher salaries secured through I. C. S. training. To only this small per centage of our student body there was brought in creased salaries amounting in one year to over Two Million Dollars! Don't fill a little job all your life when you can so easily move up in the world. The Business of This Place b to Raise Salaries 1 1 IBB jLl'JsbsbsssB Inif rnational Correspondence Schools Box 7S9. Scraaton. Pa. Plete eiplala. wilbout lurtbci nbllgfttina am my (art. how I in quality tur a laigci aalary In the i . mi. d ri if which 1 hair market X- Bookkerprr Swnogrphn AcKfrttannrol Wrihn Show -Crd Write Window Tnnusaef CutuiuefciaJ Law lUuatrhtaf Chi Scrvioe Telblt-VU Supt Elccniou Elfctncal Eaoaaer Mcrhanitral Draitamaa TeUprrODr EntOrW' Firtric-LiirHtiag Sup4 MrtKani.! t a. gu.cri Surveyor Stationary Ea(umr Gvil Elngtnect Bulking Contractor Architectural Draft, A related Structural Fjttciaeri Erv . Minus tUssusscr NOW Is the tlsse ts avsrk the Coap Na Slntl J No . Cm, Slat,