Classified Advertisements -NO Mil if The following "Want Ads" UPC clamtlled under he&dtntfa tor the oonvefitooot of rMden Cash Ratks Five oenta per line ;! Insertion. oeived for ies thin ten centi per Insertion. Credit Ratks Plve cents ihm Une eneb insertion, but iu id vetttstog account opened for less thsc twenty Ave cents end n ail charged lor less than fifteen cents per vreeY FOR SALE New eight room NlMMM proper iv. Moitern. OfeM sartifii e If sold hi ome Inquire hi this office .1 B. Mill. Ill Kin Horn Ave. f t4 GOOD THINGS TO EAT l.oxcts Of ov tcrs should m to the Ketslotie. Oyrtsrt shipped direct to us front the ovster beds. W handle lha New Yatk Counts. Try thaw. Von tan fel them in an qnatltMy. 42tl Fl Hi DlSMI K. TO RENT OFFICE KOOM lor rent uith or without linniture, in McCorkle build-inn- See I. C. McCorkle 01 phone l8t jj 386. OFFICE KOOM for rent with or without lurniture. in McCorkle build ing. See J. C. McCorkle or phone 281. y if-jsn WANTED TO RENT Have vou a vacant house to rent? The Herald office has many calls for houses to rent. Advettise it in the want-ad columns of this paper- Rate, five cents per line per insertion. They bring answers. 51 tf -337 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Relinquishment for sale or trade for Alliance citv property. Improved and five miles from good town- Call or ad dress, "A", Herald office. 47-tf-24f 160 acre farm seven miles from Minatare. 30 acres under the Tri State canal and balance under the Government canal- 25 acres under cultivation. House, barn, cow stable, etc- Price only $40 per acre. Address Jos. Mori-' itt, Minatare, Nebr. 44tfio5 LAND! LAND!! 320 acres of good land; $H) an acre. Address Hox 1287, Alliance, Nebr. 4:;Mt-2 FOR SALE CITY PROPERTY City property bought and sold. O Keefe Brother. 2tf424 rOK SALE Rooming house. For paiticulars phone 152. 5o-tf-3i8 MODERN SIX ROOM HOI SE for sale cheap. Located in best residence section of Alliance. Built for a home but owner finds it necessarv to sell. Big, light rooms; plenty of closets; modem bathroom with fine fixtures; big lot; fine porch; aud house is entire ly new. Easy terms can be arranged. Address J, Herald office. 47-tf-252 HOUSE FOR SALE A six room house aud three lots in West I .awn, good Weil, small barn; cave; all fenced. Will trade for live stock or sell on easy terms. Address Box 1287, Alliance, Nebr. 4::-4t-2 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS I sell furniture and house furnish ings cheaper than auvbody. T. J. Threlkeld. 43-tf FOR SALE Nice oat straw and shock corn. One mile west of Alliance. A. R. Wilson &. Son. Box 1053. S2tf J75 Farmers, ranchmen, and everybody else find E. I. Gregg & Son's the best place to buy flour, feed, poultry food, and stock salt. 49 ' 294 HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES Let me frame your pictures. T. J Threlkeld. 43 tf Every piano we sell is guaranteed Only high grade instruments are sold. Let us show them to you. Crancer Company, Ida M. Ross, Mgr. I tf 428 SEMSALEji Low prices and easy terms on high grade pianos. See the ('rawer Company, Ida M. Ross, Mgr. 2-tf-428 FOR SALE MERCHANDISE Threlkeld sells china, glassware and lamps cheap. EMPLOYMENT WANTED Want ads of reasonable length for parties desiring employment will be iiiserted two times in this department free of charge- Situation wanted as clerk in store by young lady. Phone 5H2. 53-tf-4oo S. Glidden has returned to Alli ance and is ready to do all kinds of odd jobs of work. Phoue 266 red. 39tf Wanted Nursing to do. Call at 210 Toluca Ave. or Phone 248 Red. a-2t-436. We have a new Lightning Hay Baler, and want contract to bale your hay. Leave word at Herald of fice. Stevens ft Kittleman. 434-3 tf BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES For Sale Onebalf Interval In hardware imsi ma Cnrtlea Mite of bnrnew and has beat equipped tin idiop In western Ne irHs!u. Mr in la do) nit good bnalneaa, Reason for selling is poor health Kor particulars address, Hardware, enre of Alliance Herald M-tf POULTRY, ETC. Now it the time to buy VOUf Hum 11 Leghorns. Call or wiite RM at 124 Box Butte avenue. Alluuce, Nebr B. H. Peirv. 41 tf Uj3Tj5CK For Sale (Jood team of work hor ses. Age three and four years. Also good harness and wagon. Call phone 5. 3-tf-450 HOGS AND CATTLE Fat hogs and cattle wanted. We want to buy some good stuff to butcher. Drake & Bakh, Phone 50. 49tf-3o8 REPAIRING The best equipped shoe shop in northwestern Nehraska is run bv M. D Nichols in the rear of the Alliance Cash Shoe Store. First-class work quickly doue, at reasonable prices. 4otf AUCTIONEERS Frank H. Palmer, general auctioneer- Satisfaction guaranteed or no charges. Phone 677 Blue, Alliance. Nebr. Can leave orders at Herald office. 53 tf-3So ajPJjj The C- W. Way Co., Architects, Hastings, Nebraska, will furnish you with plans and specifications for any class of building you wish to erect. Ask them for information. iqtf MISCELLANEOUS Buy your china and glassware of Threlkeld. OFFICE ROOM for rent with or without furniture, in McCorkle build ing. See J. C. McCorkle oTphdne28t Buy your stoves of T. I. Threlkeld, 401 Box Butte Ave- 43-tf Notice, farmers and ranchmen: If you have good, fat hogs or cattle to sell we will pay vou the highest market price for it. We want nothing but good stuff, but will pav vou good prices if vou have what suits us. Dkaki Si Bakh, Phone 50. 49tf-3"v Have vour Threlkeld's- pictures framed at Money Reddish. to loan on real estate. F. E. 3 tf- Flour, hay, feed, stock salt, poultn food. Best goods. Prices right. City deliveries made promptly. E. I. Gregg & Son. Phone 155. 4o-tf.2g4 Furniture and housefuruishiugs at the right price at Threlkeld's. NOTICE To give the public better accomo dation for securing their laundry at the office, the Alliance Steam Laundry will remain open from 7 a. m. to 7 p. in. every working day, except Saturday when we will be op en until 8 p. m This takes effect January 1st, mil 2-tf -427 JOHN C, SCHO.M AKER, Ml nager. I SELL GOOD COAL Your orders will be delivered promptly Monarch and Colorado coal. Office Gregg's Feed St on- Phone 8M, If, Vaughn. 3-tf-442 THESE WANT Al) COLUMNS are read bv 1,500 subscribers every issu. Advertise your wants- Results count 4711 We want to huv good, fat hogs and cattle to butcher. Dkakf & Baku, Alliance, Pboua 0, 2Utf 308 OFFICE ROOM for rent with or without furniture, in McCorkle build ing. See J- C. McCorkle or phone 281. 53 tf 386 $5.00 Reward $5.00 reward for recovery of stove stolen from basement under bowling alley, about Oct. 25 to 28, 1010. Royal Acoro No. 3. Did not get base, nickel trimmings aud top m n. 2tf W. M- Wilson BUY COAL AT VAUGHN'S Monarch aud Colorado Coal. Of fice Gregg's Feed Store Phone titki. M. Vaughn 3-tf-442 WILL. SCHLUPP ENTERS BUSINESS Will Schiupp. who has been in the cinpioy of the llurlington for several years, has t-ntored business lor him self Mr Schiupp is popular Alii Mice voting man and was well liked at the rmttrofti offices, where he 01 11.. id a clerical position .Mr Schiupp has opened a fire In- Burtutce office la room '. McCorkle blink Hi' will represent the follow Ing con pan lee: Hanover, Qlenn Falls, SVestchester and Americas, - COMPANY ONE HAS SMOKER Pin Company No 1 gave mdor or to about fifty members of the dc part meal Tuesday night, as aim 011111 d ill The Herald last week. .1. W. Guthrie was toast master of tin evening and filled the place wall He serins especially lltteit tor a place at the head of the table and his remarks are always "just right". Speeches were made by L. Muech si n. -it ein, Herman LuUd, Louis Sur prise. Clarence Brunell, Hert l.aing and others The refreshments, Which were served in good style and enjoyed by all, consisted of wienies, roast pork sandwiches and coffee. . MEETING OF FIREMEN A meeting of the firemen was held at the city hall Wednesday evening of last week. Following Is the re port w. s Ridgeil. Chairman of the ex- BCUtlve committee, reported that ar rangements had been made with the Presbyterian church ladies for the banquet to be held January 19th, This is to be held in the new Woods building, as it is the largest room in the city. The following committees were ap pointed : Decorating Committee. L. Surprise, L, R. Cant well. L Smith, J. O'Connor. H. R Snyder, Fred Carlson and Bd. Schafer. Electric Display. K. B, Joder, V. Oundas, T. Beeson. G. ti. Gadsby was appointed chair man of the Registering committee he to appoint the other members of his committee. It was decided to volunteer ten of the firemen for service on the po lite force during the Convention. W, S. Bidgell, J. W. Guthrie, Bert Latng and others gave Interesting talks on the way they were enter tained ut other conventions. Meet ing adjourned to meet next Wednes day evening. CARL BPACHT, Sec. ANOTHER BIG MEETING Last evening the firemen held a crowded meeting in the rooms at the city hall. After the installation of seven new members and the rein statement of two, the regular rou tine of business whb gone through and reports of committees received. It is encouraging to see- the inter est which the Alliance business men are manifesting in the local fire de partment. They realize that this department has done a great deal of good for Alliance In getting the con vention for 1911 here and have shown their appreciation in a substantial way. Louis Surprise, chairman of the committee on decorations, requests that the business men decorate their stores with the national colors, red, white and blue, and that the stores be kept lighted up at night as much as possible. If all will decorate their stores and buildings with flags and bunting it will give the city the pro- holiday appearance. The next meeting will be held Mon day evening and a full attendance Is requested. MEETING OF CITY COUNCIL Alliance. Nebr. January 8, Ittl, Meeting called to order by Mayor Harris. COUACItMMR present. New berry, HolStea and Martin Minutes of lasl meeting read and approved A pen kM from the business men for or cii scales 1111 I to furn ish an nffli lal weigher was turned over to the committee on streets a, id alleys, to be Investigated by them and on al tic iet meeting. Application 01 Thomas Smith for pool hail license rejected. Report of Pol les Jadgs sras as foi- ; low a : Pities collei led, $Hii M Marshall fees, ( I'll Total. S--I to WaS as follows: Water rent, 7;:.r. Wmer meters, 90.00 Water taps. 14.90 Miscellaneous, '' Total, $217.40 Bond of Night Marshall P It Al len accepted and ordered placed on file The following claims were alloweil I and warrants ordered drawn r . v . insn, salary, ? 111 no C W. JefferS, special police 9.09 SaiiK C. Heck, hauling hook B ladder, 1.09 John Garrett, hauling hose carts 1.90 .1 B, Hnnsaker, salary and expense. 88.55 Tom Tuck, hoard prisoners 4.00 C. W Jeffers, hauling dead animals. 11.79 B. W Ray. plumbing. W. P. Rosenkrauz, blacksmith work. ,99 J I) Enteti ch, salary and ex 8B.00 W. i Bedlker, plumbing. n.57 ! A Bens Wold, blacksmith wk 12.05 I J, H. Carlson, salary and ex. 71.99 , Richard Kniesl. reading meters 4.50 B M. Nussbaum, labor. 19.19 W S Park, labor. 1.50 P. B. Hamblln, labor, 14.10 C. B. Wycoff. night marshall and Janitor, 7L'.75 C. c. Barker, salary, l'o.h:! G. H. Peterson, labor. 18.00 G. II Peterson, labor, 'J4.75 G II. Peterson, labor. S.75 Alliance Klectric Light Co., light and water. 445.7:'. C. W. Humphrey, services as arbitrator 371.09 G. H. Morse, services as ar- bltrator, l52.5o K. M. Marl in, labor, 2.50 B, 0, Young ft Company, final estimate Dtst, No. 29, 7:14.70 C. utta Percha Rubber Mfg Company, balance acct. tPi.OO Ordinance No. 172. An ordinance to amend subdivision seven of ord inance No. t4 entitled, "An ordin ance to divide the city of Alliance, Nebraska, into sewer districts", was Introduced, first, second and third readings. Approved and ordered published according to law. Council adjourned subject to cull. P. W. IRISH, City Clerk RESOLUTIONS OF CONDOLENCE Whereas. Our Heavenly Pather, In his infinite wisdom, has chosen to call to her eternal reward the be loved wife and mother from the home of our friend and esteemed Brother D. B. Lynch, and while bow ing In humble submission to His holy will, be it Resolved. That we, the members of Alliance Council No. !75, Knights of Columbus, extend to the bereaved husband and family our sincere and most heartfelt sympathy, and be it Resolved, That these resolutions be spread upon the records of this meeting and published In the city papers, and a copy presented to our sorrowing brother and family. Bated at Alliance, Nebr , Jan. 10, 1911. VV. J. HAMILTON, KU. BHIBLOB A. KENNEDY, Committee. HfNoLime Rtispfeaie ; tf jPTW "Alum In food mutt therefore act as n poIon." xJASV 7 rCvjjJj Jj Prof. Johiuon, Yal Vnivtrti'y. Vtiil Jfi Read the label, Buji; no 3L mJ) baking powder unless the i ' : A Cream of Tartar guarantee tX XJI I. O. O. F. GIVES BANQUET AND INSTALLS OFFICERS The banquet given by the I. O. O. P. Tuesday evening in the hall was crowded. The tables were filled by hundreds and the feast of roast chicken, turkey, beef, mashed pota toes, cake, pie and all the other "fixings" that make ones appetite take wings, was a success. It takes Cal Cox, Link Lowery, Geo. Hills, Tom lawler and Judge Zurn to make good waiters. They are all good, strong men and can keep the plates well filled. They did their duty and were roundly praised for their excellent work After the banquet the crowd went to the city hail, where the installa tion of officers for Alliance lodg--No His, Hemlncford lodae No. 306 and the Bebekah lodge took place Judge Burn had charge in tlx- instal lation. Kollowing are the of filers installed : Alliance Lodge No His V M Hearst, N. Q.; M B. Grebe, v. u. ; A I. Macey. Sect ; C K. Martin, Trees, HemlagtOtd Lodge No. :!0t!. Isaac i- V I, X. G.; Pred Acord, V G. ; C Olds, Sect.; K I.. Pierce. Tn-iis lUbekah Ixidge Mrs. Martha Cox. N. G.; Mrs Anna Griffith. V ;.; Mrs. Pearl Wright, Sect ; Mrs Mag gie Brands, Treas A dance was given altr the in Btallatioa ceremonies. WILL SPEAK AT CONVENTION J. VV. Guthrie, f Alliance, will be one of the principal speakers at the Convention. The topic assigned him is, "The Association", and BO are sure that It will he one of the most Interesting speeches INCREASE 8URPLUS As will be noticed by the report of the Alliance National Bank in this issue of The Herald, thia institu tion has Increased its surplus from $40,000 to $50,000 since the laat statement on November loth This makes a very good showing and speaks well for the management of one of the strongest banks lu western Nebraska. DrPRICE'S Baking Powder A straight, honest. Cream ot Tartar Baking Powder. Made from Grapes. Makes better more healthful food. Sold without decent loam JANUARY SALE THE GREATEST OF THEM ALL THE SALE AT PHIL PIZER'S THE PALACE FOR MEN Your Money's Worth or Your Money Back $10.00 Suits & Overcoats $ 12.50 15.00 it 18.00 20.00 44 22.50.25- tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt tt 12.45 14.85 16.85 i WILL SING AT CONVENTION The popular male quartet which has charmed the audiences at the Methodist church will sing at the Firemen's Convention next week. The quartet consists of Ralph Thom as, Rev. Jones. Prof. O. H. Wil liams, and Lloyd Smith. FAMOUS HAS BARGAINS The half-page advertisement of the Famous clothing store on page eight of this issue shows many bar gains in men's clothing. This well known Alliance store Is rightlv I called, "The Daylight Store. " 0, BIG BALL WEDNESDAY NIGHT The big hall will hi- In-Ill at tttS Opera House Wednesday night, .Ian uary IXth, hy the Firemen On ac count of th' limited floor space the . tioot' will DS lor visiting Hreuu-u on ly until eleven o dock. DARLING STARTS REMOVAL SALE QeorgS Hurling will soon move to tin- Wood building I nun his pn-siiit locattaa, and in order to cut down 1 his immense stock of up-to-date furn iture, he is Inaugurating a remnval sale (ilanic over his advt-i t isi-nieut ' in this paper Vou will find many ; 2 it) Hox Butte? Ave., Alliance, Nebr. ...... ...-...... . eeeeeeeesesa see,e bargains. !:i!loll for Mi fair I )aring dealing has rrpu BUILDING & LOAN ELECTS DIRECTORS At the annual meet ing ot 1I11- slock , holders or the Alliance Building lan Association on Tuesday evening ' the following directors for the ensu 1 ing year were sleeted R M Hainp ion, d, v unman, a. U Kodgers, F W, Irish, Jerry Rowan, (leo F. Ia Is, John McDonald, J A Hunter and F BT. Harris The election of officers will be held next Monday evening The preseut officers are R M. Hampton, president and treasurer: A. D Rod gers, vice president; B. F. Gllman, secretary. The business of this houir com pany has been steadily increasing, the loans amounting to over $125,000 at the present time There are 149 stockholders, who are owners of what is known uta running atock, and 57 holders of paid up stook New Queens ware Line I have just added a new. full and complete line of Queensware. Hy stock includes everything in this line. See the beautiful hand-painted Chinaware, Cut Glass and Silverware. The quality is guar anteed and the prices are right. I. L. AC H ESO N ALLIANCE Nels. W'orley haa returned from his trip to Mexico with the ex cursion party The excursion which they went on was sent by a land c ompany and was conipo.-ed of about sixty peoph- Dr. L. BT bowman and daughter left hurriedly for the home of his father at Stanton last week, word be ing received that his father was very 111 K It Boyd, of the law firm of Hoyd & Barker, is in Lincoln ou busi ness Mrs F M Broome has returned from her trip to Omahs The stringing of the main business street, Box Butte Avenue, with elec tric light wires for the Firemen's Convention h well under way. When the streets are lighted up with the thousands of incandescent bulbs it will be an imposing sight. Prof. G. H. Williams has returned from his Christmaa vacation at Peru. Prof. Meyer has also returned from his trip home Miss Baker, who Is now employed aa atenographer by the Newberry Hardware Company, will leave toon for the Pacific Coast where she es pecta to locate Her position here will be taken by Charles Brennan.