The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, December 22, 1910, Image 8

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    r i
Fancy Waists
Baby Clothes
Linen Handker
chiefs Auto Bonnets
Silk Scarfs
TjVTI E EXTEND CHRISTMAS GREETINGS to all our patrons and friends, 8
also thank them sincerely for the liberal patronage given us during 8
tlie time we have been in business in Alliance. B
You are invited to call and inspect our most complete line of Ladies'
5 furnishings before making your Christmas selections.
Opera House Block
Alliance, Nebr.
Art Materials
Opera Bags
Hair Buckles
Hat Pins
Collars and
i mil xi a v k niit: ik:n ri nttrsti & t 1
Wc represent the leading Fire Insurance Com
panies of the United States ;uil the world. Have
you investigated the standing of your com pan j ?
You should. Are your goods properly insured
We give our entire attention to this business and
are prepared to handle your business.
Alliuni'f lost a very estimable fam
ily when Mr. S. A. Franklin and wife
and tWO children
old Mexico where
! chased land and
their home. They
i llance a lout: time.
In passenger engineer between Al-
liance and DoflVOT. Iff. Franklin
; STBs one of the leadini; offic ers in
lefl Monday lot
they have pur
expect to make
have lived in Al
Mr Franklin whs
parents in
Christ mas
South Dakota to spend
the (i. I. A. Lodge
home on l.aranne
mincer I'M -.pat ric k.
her of people here
in t he same place
' bB anxious to hear
Mrs. Franklin.
They sold their
avenue to Rn
Quite i nam
have bought land
god they will all
from Mr. and
Fire Insurance Agency
JOHN 5N0DDY, Manager
For three years we have succeeded in maintain
ing a high opinion among the people ot Alliance as
the foremost establishment of its kind.
We hope to increase this sentiment, by a sincere
desire to serve that only which is pure and whole
some. You will he cordially treated
Phone 649 117 Box Butte Ave.
Mr. and Mrs. W. .1 Comic:-; ra ex
I ctinti their three -.cms home tor
Christmas. .John and Frank who
are machinists will come from Li'
tie Rock, Arkansas. Will coin.-;
Front Colorado.
Engineer a. k. Nelson not the
show train Monday morning and
went throuuh to Ravenna.
was here
court won
tttng an Insur-
his brother's in
.tiic Sunday
Engineer Jacoby who
from Rarenni to attend
Ills case. Ilc was
snoe company for
turance. He went
Fireman Thurman left for thehome
0( his parents near Whitman Mon
day evening. He win he gone until
after the holidays. Mr Thurman
has three slaters. To MCB one he
took a handsome gold watch and
pin. Such UtOUghtfulnoM speaks
well tor tile firemen here.
Engineer Fit .pat ric k has bought
the Franklin property and will move
as soon as a few repairs are made.
The tight months old baby of Mr.
ami Mrs. Uny Miller has been dan
gerously sick for several days. It
is not yet out of danger.
Mrs J.Q, Heck lett Sunday morn
ing for Lincoln whore she win do
some Christmas shopping. Miss in-
BJ Hec k of Valley will accompany
her home,
Fred Leidtka who "ill be remem
bered as a passenger flagman has
proved up on his claim in South Da
kotit and Is now In Chicago. j
Conductor R. J. Burke has gone
to Lincoln to spend Christnius with
his parents and other relatives.
Hrakeman John Leidtka left Mon
day for Sioux City, lotfca, where he
i will he joined by a brother who has
1 just Kraduated from Carnegie Tech
nic al school in Pittsburg' Together
they will go to the home of their
Any number of railroad men can
now be found looking at the beauti
ful things in the stores, or carrying;
very mysterious packages to the.
postoffice or express office. For iren
erosity the railroad men can not be !
The new depot at Chicago is to
be the second largest in tin- world.
It will cost inc luding the ground it
Occupies twenty-five million dollars
and iii take five years to complete
It. The 0, It. A,- . will be one of
the roads Interested.
The Journal has an item that will
be of interest to railroad men here:
"A report from Denver says that
because of reports mail" by spotters
nine Union Pgotflc conductors have
been discharged. This number in
cludes men working on the main line
out of Omaha, out oi Kansas Clt)
and out of Denver."
An engine without an engineer
cruised a lot of excitement near the
Webster street depot one day this
eek. It finally ran into a siring of
passenger coaches. How it started
is a mystery.
Switchman DobSOU is still con
fined to his room with a very bad
throat caused by tonsilttis.
Sternberg will spend his
with his sisters at Hot
Hrakeman Mc Kenzie returned from
Lincoln Saturday. Yes, he came
alone but .
Fireman .1. 1.. O'Oonnefl w ill spend
his Christmas in Deadwood.
The east end work train. Conduc
tor Frank Calandar has been pulled
off. Conductor Calandar and brake
man Gable were glad to get back to
Alliance for Christmas.
Mrs. Hales of Provo Is In Alliance
doing Christmas shopping and visit
ing her friend, Mrs Vaughn.
The little son of Engineer Clark of
Sterling who has been out of school
since the twentieth of September is
back to school again.
Hrakeman l.ang who has been
spending a month at Litchfield has
returned to Alliance.
Word comes from Ravenna that
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vaughn have a
fine new piano.
For Sale
Full blooded Plymouth Rocks. Cock
rels, ftifo; pullets, 75c-
H- P. Larson, Antioch, Nebr.
46 tf 246
Our Christmas Dinner
'c't'ti Turtle Soup ictor Bread Straws
Libby'a Queen Olives Potato Puffs
Hearts of Celery
Pried Oysters Gaiety Caper Sauce
Koai Turkey Oyster Dressing
Goblet Gravy Cranberry Sauce
Gaiety Baby Peas Creamed Mashed Potatoes
Gaiety Strawberry Beets Pickled
Gaiety Corn Escalloped
Baked Rabbit Gaiety Asparagus Dressing
Gaiety Sweet Potatoes Mayonnoisc of Gaiety Tomatoe
Gavety Golden Wax Beans
Peerless Plum Pudding Hard Sauce
Gaiety Pumpkin Pie Box Mince Pie
Fard Dates Pecan Stuffed Richelieu Cluster Raisins
Richelieu Mintlets
Chase A Sanborn Coffee
Gaiety Cigars
We will have a full line of Fresh Fruits and Veg
atables errive Saturday, December 24th, so that we
can assure our trade of the highest grade of goods on
the market.
Phone us for high class goods and service.
Alliance Grocery Co.
'MBIl.. bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbW
i ! E " 1 ' t - 8$ BBS "9. IbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI
1 1 9 jl ' " JiSlP"!' d fe,' i ' !k bUsbm LbbbI '
Phelan Opera House, Tuesday, Dec 27th
Lyric Theatre Success
By Eugene Walters, Author of "Paid in Full" and "The Easiest Way."
Production Complete in Every Detail
PRICES 50, 75, 1.00. $1.50
u 8
Z ft t