Sfa J PEOPLE WILL GO WHERE CORN GROWS YOURS Your lor uniformity. Your for Rreat c.t leaven i ik power. Your for BSVSf failing ranllS. Your for purit Your for tCUOOBly Your for over I h i n that (foes 10 ni.tWe up a strictly high grade, ever d " e n d a 11 o baking powder. That is Calumet . Try it once and n MS the im provement in your hair ing. See how much morn economical over the high- priced trust hrands, h'iw much better than the cheap and big-can kinds. Calumet is highest in quality moderate in cost. Received Higheit Award World' Pure Food Exposition. "My hII nieann hIiow that torn will mow In Oregon hihI Washing ton. people will not go tf Mate whero orn will not grow, epe (ally the ftjtfMH of the mlddb' vvct v ho nre moving." salt! fMMI I Hill to it young MM in charge of sonic exhibits In- was Mending to a greiit exposition "W- want to Offsjf prizes for torn from the north v. cstcrii states, so people w ill know addeil the railroad magnate added the ralllroad magnate (UwafftMai the truth of Mr. Hill's statement and iesninling to a ilemaiiil maoe ny emu grvwwj states, the business men anil enter prising eommereinl organizations be hind tin- Western Land I'rodtnts exhibit, have dOCtdOd to base ex hibits of prize winning corn In con nectlon with the show and may or fer prizes to competitors in rorn growing The Land show at omn ha Is earryiim out the National Corn show Idea for the benefit of Hie western slate-, eliminating till other sections It 4as not phnitM to linii' am orn contest in con nectlon, but the demand for an op portunity to show that the western states will grow corn, has led the management to phi n an exhibit of corn grown in western stales The Western Land Products ex hIMl is to be held in Omaha, .Ian is to M It is already a bit repre sentative show Ot the states be I ween the Missouri river anil the Sierra ,eadas. and with the addi tion ol the prize corn exhibits, it will exceed In its interest lo the west either of the rorn shows held in Omaha Arrangements have beef) made tO show the best Ban of corn in the world With the iroph ii . they won at the National Corn imposition, including the ramou 1 1,000 car Of corn which won the Kellogg trophy as being the best single ear of OOrn in the world POTATOES HAVE THEIR DAY raiio, Wyoming. Montana. Utah, Id dim and special sections of these stales It will oft set the effect of the eastern shows demonstrate that niter .ill Hip opportunities arc on th new lands ol the west miles looking for a location The "out loon brought indoors at Omaha will be an honest show and It will be unite as possible to select chases of tin a new home after seeing the pro-I thirteen head ducts as It would by (raveling tor weeks in the west PURCHASE BLOODED DAIRY STOCK on SCHOOL NOTES of people ami the peo win find these 5 There are two kinds earth, I mean The people who lift pie who lean. nd whet ever you go yon the world's masses Are always divided in Just two (lasses; And oddly enough, you'll find, loo. I ween. There's Just one llltet lo twenty W ha lean. In which (lass are von'.' Are you easing the load? Of overtaxed lifters who toil down the road? Or are you a leaner who lets others bear Your portion of labor and worry and care? Kiln Wheeler Wilcox. W K. Spencer. I. .1 Si hill and .1 W. QffffltlM w ent to Heln out Monday to purchase some Ihoioiiei bred llolstein cows and heifers to add to their dairy herds, the pur three amounting to These cows and hell ers are from C I,. I'helps' far fam ed Highland Hairy farm herd, and we congratulate the purchasers on wring them. They paid one hun dred dollars per he;-il for the cows. Kor twelve years past Mr I'helps has furnished cream to (he dining cars of the C. B. Q. railroad, and en terprising dairyman who know of bis success as a dairyman are glad to! improve their herds by getting somi Of his stock CLERK CARRIER McCLUER'S EXAMINATION i-th chapter lea 111, HARRY P.COURSEY Live Stock nod General Auctioneer Farm Sales a Specialty I KK MS REAM! NABLE Phone 72 ALLIANCE. NEBR Important Notice to Meat Consumers We have tfooil news tor the people of Alliance who have been coinpHletl to pay hitfli prices for an inferior quality ol meat. With the opening of the Cash Meat Market, in our oew building at r 1 7 Sweetwater avenue, we can positively announce that we arc oiling BETTER QUALITY of MEATS than tin- people of this city have been buying antl at LOWER PRICES. We don't send away several hundred miles to have the culls from the bin packing houses shipped to us at great expense. We buy the best fat cattle and noga to be found in Box Butte aid neighboring counties, we do expert butchering a n d serve meats to you in the lest possible style, and at prices 25 to Id per cent less than you have been paying. GIVE I'S A TRIAL and we will prove our claim. Telephone orders delivered promptly. Phone rt . Cash Meat Market DRUE I BARB, Props. 517 Sweet water Avenue. Repair Work Sewing Machines and a potato demonstration by dene Orubb, the "potato king'' of tine ly. Colorado, is one of the features of tin- Western Land Products Ex hibit to be hold in Omaha .Ian IS to It, Mr Orubb knows more about po tatoes that moat any other man in (he world and lor this reaaOH he was cotnntlsaloned by the Depart ment of Agriculture and has just finished a potato campaign on con tinental Kurope, where he has In troduced the American grown pota to In Mich a way that there will be u strong foreign market for the product within a short time. To gat potato grovviug down to a clence, as the best agrlcutturtata have corn and wheat growing. is no mall task, bui this is the (ask Mr. Orubb has mastered He will show i ttt Omaha the kind of potatoes to plant in various soils and the effect of these soils on the vegetables; : the cost of produclngi the profit possible per acre both on Irrigated and Bon-irrigated lands ami finally the marketable potato the potato Which will stand shipping to Kurope and will be profitable export crop Ab potatoes are one of i he big crops of Colorado Mr Orubb will make this demonstration in connec tion with the Colorado exhibit, but it is a feature which any farmer going Into the new- west or enter iiiK the potato business in bis pres ent home, should see He will know as much about potatoes when he hears (irubb as he does about corn since listening to Hoblen OUT OF DOORS INDOORS Rev, Godfrey of the United Pros j hyterian church of this city risked the high school u short time ago ami gave the students :i f1ell:-ht nil : interpretation ot the of Etecleslasttes. nk. .... i. . i .. i ne mn s nasKci nan lea in, ;k COmpaniOd by their coach. Mr. My ers, and chaperoned by Mrs C, C. Smith, left Friday nooo lor Morrill lor a game with the high BChOOl girls of that place Tin- following 'girls constitute (he team: Katie ()' -j : Donnel, ft. F.i Mabel Worlev. L. V : nought i rrord, C; May Qrahatn, Set . c.j Ruth Rice, K i; ; Naomi Nelson, L. ; W, k Bpencer, manager of the creamery, visited the agriculture class a short time ago and gave the students much valuable lufor ination regarding the use Of the silo. The Christmas vacation win ex tend from Saturday, the Mth , ioc . until Monday, January 9th. Father McNamara gave a helpful and Inspiring address lo the high school Students Wednesday morn ing of last week on (he subject, "Success." The following Itemi are taken from the superintendent's report to the Hoard of Bd Ileal ion foi the mouth ending Nov. 23rd: The United Stales Civil Service Commission announces that on Jan uary 7, lull, and at Alliance. Neb raska, an exaininiuion will be held for the posit'ons of clerk and car tier In the Tost Office service. Clerks in Offices of the firsi and second classes and carriers in the city delivery service are divided In to six grades, ns follows: Kirs! grade, salary 1 600; Becond grade. salary $800; third grade, salary 1900; fourth grade, salary $1,000; fifth grade, salary 11,100; Sixth grade, salary $1,200. Clerks anil carriers at first -Class Offices Will be promot ed successively to the fifth grade, and clerks and carrier.- at second class offices will he promoted sue cessively to the fourth grade Any clerk is eligible for transfer to the service ol a carriei .and .my carrier is eligible for transfer to the service of a clerk. vuxinary employee are pant lor actual service at lite rale Of 80 cents ah hour. Sin h auxiliary em ployees, however, are required to work not less than ivo hours dally, and may serve as substitutes The) are eligible for appointment as clerks ami carriers Of the first grade. (Substitutes are paid al the oi ::u cents an hour when si MAS SHOPPING has be- gun, and this store is showing the largest line of Linen Cloths, Linen Table Runners, Stand Covers. Sofa Pillows, Linen Doilies, Library Table Covers. And at prices that will please. It is our intention not to carry over any of these goods, so we have made prices that will move them. I, for absent clerks and c. Men rate v ing anil Rg of pupils enrolled Total numbei this mouth Number hoys enrolled this month. 380 Numbt r of girls enrolled this month g I Total number of pupils enrolled lo dale sjs ! Average daily attendance, boys,. 356 Average daily attendance, girls .364 Average daily attendance, total.. 709 rer cent o daily attendance tor the month 96.90 limber eases or tardiness for the month j, Per cent of punctuality for the month im.x.x Number neither absent nor tar dy for the month HI Number neither absent nor tar dy to date 7 Numer of minutes lost bbv tardi ness IJJ Number present every day Visits by Superintendent 67 Visits frtMB others 7g i Visits to patrons Miss Bnod grass has organized a ladies' high school quartette. The members of the quartette are Nell Acheson, Alia frMing, Bvs Duncan and May Cook. We are looking forward to some excellent music from this organisation. A game of basket ball I boys I has been scheduled with Sterling. Col orado. the game to be nlsvnri nt Alliance, Jan. 14. Mark the date on your calendar and plan to attend. Sterling has had, for several years, lone of the best teams in this part I Of the country and lovers of basket nan snoum not miss this opportun ity to witness a good game. Serine your season basket hall tickets, for sale by high school stu dents. Price $1.28. in Organs. Have secured the sei vices of a prac tical mechanic and cat) guarantee all wotk done by him. Don't trust vour work to travelling repair men. This man will be here ieniiaiieutlv. Re pairs and parts furnished for all ma chines. Phone 139. Geo. D. Darling. In I he last lew years enierpris Ing business men and commercial organiat ions have conceived the idea ol giving people In search of land a View of "all out of doors'' under one root' at a time when Un real out ot doors would not make a very good appearance This has been done by the hold- , lug of mill winter ' land shows" of exhibits of the average products and the soils of many parts of the t;n- . Ited States. Such au exhibit was rc entity made in Pittsburg and foi- lowing it a laud show was given in Chicago Which Was perhaps the greatest event in the windy city since live world's fair. Hoth these shows had their place 1 one comprehended the out ol doors ill the east and the southeast; the Chicago show was almost national in its character hut slill eiuphasi. ed the product I v cm s.- of lands a long railroa! lines rem lied directly from Chicago Now comes a show at Omaha January II to M and known as the Western Land Products Khibil which confines the exhibits to the western states Those who have tii-en the Chicago show and the Pitts burg show 111. iv have seen good pro liucls from the east, stmt beast, the I old south anil the middle vvesi. but those interested in the we will have to come to Omaha for a view 'of the products of Nebraska, Colo- It. B. McClennon. traveling sales man for western Nebraska, a pari of Wyoming and the Black Hills district of South Dakota for Chit ten dent & Bast man Furniture Co., of Burlington, Iowa, like most travel inn salesmen, appreciates good prim ing and recognizes the value of the same in business, consequent ly gave The Herald job department an order for cards ior file new year, printed in colors Mr. McClennon is very well pleased with his IMI11 business, his sales for die year just cloning amounting to about $80,000. His company is said 10 be the larg est furniture dealers in the world They are exclusive mauiifaei urers and jobbers ol the famous "Square Brand " furniture The editor of h neighboring sheet is a judge of things beautiful, al j ways hut when he printed comment ion the Woman Missionary Soci ety of Lincoln and said thai mem bers of the Missionary societies the best formed class of women In the j world, he hud something to explain says he meant u. print It "be in ; formed ' And now the women are mad tothlak he tt ill lit mean it as he first printed printed it Bids Wanted for Delivering Goods The Men bant-of Alliance, Nebr , are Hoiiir to inauguggta a eo-opeiative de liven sv.-tem and the following firms will CO US idol bids and propositions from responsible patties to operate the svsteui. PegC h Bukel, Alliance Grocery to. A. 0, Kodjjets, G. W. Duncan. Sasloa A Koacli, Watson Jc Watson. I. W, Herman, I. L. Achesou, Mailer) Grooen Co., PMIIipg Grutigo ll-'o l-tfjyy 1 hey are eligible for appointment auxiliary employees and as eh ami carriers of the first grade. The examination will consist of the subjects mentioned belon .weight ed ns indicated. BUOjectS. Weights. 1. spelling (twenty words of av erage difficulty in common use I 10 8. Arithmetic (simple tests in ad dition subs! 1 ad ,011, multipli cation, and division of whole numbers, common and decimal fractions, and Knifed States money 1 SO 3, Letter writing (a letter ot not less than 186 words on some subject of general Interest. Competitors may select eith er of two subjects given)... 80 i Penmanship (the handwriting 01 the competitor in the subject of copying from plain copy will be considered with spe cial reference to the elements of legibility, rapidity, neat ness, general appearance. etc.) 6. Copying from plain copy (a simple test in copying accur ately a few printed lines in the competitor's handwritina) H. Knited States geography (rel ative to the boundaries of States, and to capitals, larg est cities, rivers and other bodies of water, and the loca tion by Stales of prominent cities, etc.) 10 Beading addresses (lest in not ing with pen or pencil, on a printed sheet of addresses, dif erences between l he printed addresses and the written ad dresses of which they are a copy) in Total 100 No application win be accepted un less properly executed and filed with the undersigned prior to the hour of closing business on January ;s. I9H. SECRETARY BIOHTH I 8. CIVIL SERVICE DISTRICT, St. Haul, Minn. AN INTERESTING DEPARTMENT We consider The Herald's depart ment of classified advertsienients. on "Want Ads" as they are common ; ly called, of sufficient importance to call special attention to the same This department, properly conduct ed, may he made profitable, not onlv to persons using it as advertisers, but also to readers in general; and We believe it will pay our readers to glance through this department each week, whether there is anything in particular that you are looking for or not. While some of the ads run several limes, there are some new ones every week, and there may be something thai will be of special in terest to you but which you were 1101 thinking of seeing advertised. Kor instance, this week we insert an ad offering for sale a valuable set of histories at a great bargain and a set of Chamber's Encyclope dia There are probably among our reader? a number of persons who, while not Intending to purchase these hooka jUSt vet, would be please I to av.iii themselves f the opportun ity n! getting litem at a mere trac Uji; of the regular pric . 1' 1 a entioa l2ug at ' rig iP. a tion. There are many 01 her ihinns sack of which will interest some body. And STSp if you do not find in some issue anything advertised thai interests you, it lakes only a few moments to run through the want ad page and see for yourself. Ends Winter's Troubles lo many, winter is a season of IMNlble, The frost bitten toes and fin gers, chapped hands ami lips, chil blain, cold seres, red and rough skins, prove this. But such troubles dy lie fore Uaeklen's grain Solve a trial OMBViaeeO, Urea test healer of burn-, cuts, boils, piles, sores, ec.ema. and sprains. Only 8M at J. ,1 fan-uuac When you were young you probably did not enjoy the advantagts of the telephone, because telephones are young just children among the world's great business enterprises. Neither did you have a thousand other advantages that your children enjoy. Make your children happy they can only be child ren once Put in a Hell Telephone. NEBRASKA TELEPHONE CO. T. H. BEESOIS, Mgr. Bell Service is the World's Standard of Telephone Efficiency Kodak Finishing Company 316'- BOX BUTTE AVE., ALLIANCE, NEBR. 5 DEVELOPING: 6 exposure roll 15c two. . 25c 1 2 exposure roll 20c two 35c A Pictures unmounted, up to 4x5 inch sie, 4c each y Pictures mounted on cards 7c each Post Cards 75c per dozen MAIL ORDERS PROMPT SERYTCh A Gift You Owe Yourself CHRISTMAS Pleasure will be less appreciated unless you're properly dressed for the Holidays, j uon t torget your own needs while you're think ing of others. We are here with the correct merchandise;smartas can be; more modestly priced than you are accustom to. Prom hat to hose everything you wear. Dress up a bit and make yourself happy for it. 1 lli 1 219 Pox Butte Ave., Alliance, Nebr,