ti in ot Nebraska Stock Growers Association Organized for the Protection of Nebraska Stockmen A Growing Organization of Immense Value to Its Members. The Nehraska Stock tirowtra bi clatjou M a Nebraeka in!.itntifn aiul front its plwii and Mod have MM r gawi.ed nuuiy other similar Institu tions throughimt the west. It II firm ongmmtjed In UN, VkN ctt I thieves where thlrkT titan cattle OfOO ere in winter n Nebraska anil t li t -was great need of co-oiriruM!i' tint n : ihe stockmen. tfcttle ami horse stealing at t'ha' time was a rine ait ami from th" Ml H Lloyd C. Thomas "No person shall be it itK ttil'f- of tlii of their county for tibe lpa0fOOPl association except a Stock ttO f, i - of an limpertor of stock shiinit n I ri.n-( In the following. lz: A pete n from sa.id county It Khali le (he duty owwtng or i-ont tol li ng I i x I I ock. ai I of the mild Ismrd to fix a time for eiwnged n the iNMlMH of kfOOaTOaj heating said t-t It irm and to jelw -or growing the same fcr profit T tice thereof by pirl4loHtloti in a news become a member Of this MOOCUttl n iWHr published in such county lot all pprwMi nnifnt ie .r.osed i.y a two wneks immediately preee.'ding tJ;e member. Bach prOpOBlttOfl MOOt be i'-,time 0( IkwhIiiik. and ir BfBO said rompHiiieil by the fee of OdOtfaakpBjJ iMOrtng, uKn due proof, the l mi d hereinafter specific.!, tog'-th-i- wi'n.iall find that such petition hi sigu- th( number of such animals owuimI or controlled by such pffaOtt, Of his fimi ed liy one hundred or more rOOtOOtttO of such couuty who are ach the or conisiny. with all the brands ami owner of cattle and horses, it shall marks of auck Mock, : "The iidinl-swiun fee shall bo two dollaiiN and fifty cents, which H'.t.tl accompany each applica' Ion, and no turn- shall bODOOM a member without such itaymimt. The annual docs shu'l bt two dollar and fifty cente. AM member Khali be BObJtOt, n t often r thatu once iter annum. I t as H.ttt-ineni, not mote limn two and one-half rents per head on all cattl. horses, mules, asses ami other llv stock of which each person may at thiat time ln the owner. "Whenever it shall come to the knowledge of any in-tuber of this a- them le Hie duty of the loaiil to ap Itoint some suitable, competent per son as such itvsKotor for said emit- y. Sec. I!. The iHOOOOtOf appolrted in any county under this act shall Ird his office for wo years from the date of his aiMtointtuenit , and BUtfl his MWOOJOOf Is duly Ho;iHed and qualified Me may apKunt deputy in siiectors to assiat in the work Irk 0 needed anl such ib'puties w It it n Kagtxl in their duties shall have th saline pOMMni and th" .van- pay M It 8 chelf nector. Sec. The chief lOOOOOtor of stock A Mi I 'a Ito il Si Si) Sii Bos Kt Sw Lv Si I id Ba Oli it i Au K. M HAMPTON, PHKHIDKNT, in whdcli stock was stolen it app Or ed that the tihi cs bad Hit n ;tn -zatlon of Uwir own Tha I, Pi sation was perfe t( d at Alliat ,-c him I war iiien-l a Itnwl ono. Hut a punwee becam.? know a a id the go I results acootiipli' li. (I u tc . KppK COJttOBO ponTOd n ami the nope of t'l work was trnaunally extended. Th ine.mh;THhlp at firnt was only l KJ forty members For the flrat few years It was hard to conv.tict thi thieves for ttli j were so. thick aunt b id s. BMO) WUt Ia.tihiizer thnt tihe courts wit afrafd of thein and prosecutions Mlod, be cause the countx would OOOtl.tMt1 th oaae from time to 'inte. or jurl w favorable to the tlti - v ittM be -cirrwl. Rut as the orjranii.ut inn lucre'as ed in strento'ih and ntmb n tod - n of t.he thieves were til to 'h r 't -ent!ry. things 10004 better lor (hb stiricknien AtMc1 of lOOOOpOrOriOfl were 'i'- jkjn i!Mm, the Knri officers Mooj I, P, DeliitMr, president; A. M M li vice president, ami I. H Vanl'- isW '. V. OOnretary. The Kvcu'iv coamtil cotisistiNl or W H OorMo, A s it d Fi Ooonbo, Jotm M Adorai w 0 pooMtoek, L .1. SchiM it Ma a r A. .lohnstott, Hd Rims. Thus l. 'i .lame II. Cook. I M Al'ea ar.l L W. BIckH Sinoe that Mine the aswociutioti lis inown unttil there are m:w mq mom heirs ami over $mhi,imhi i (s been - wed to Its BMMBbOn sine - the tiJit- of 01 ' Bantwitlon. Since the lust .tninntl ni.i-ting held July Vti-7, Is.uiiii has been reeelveil from s!ims a:nl mir ed Into the association Horn which It Is returned to mem I hi s. The following extracts front :'. .-, Uole of fonorpoivUon ebon woo amy I be meinberv and wfaat the I a; tltat any person is ODflftVM rittpOMOCO shall wi!v, fur Lis MT- in otooMot or ktlHoo oUwk m nj rlem tMpcouoa of otoek btpraoHt kind ( other filiations of law In tl)lie Min, of fom. rf,nls , ,. 1Pa,i for POloUaa thereto, he shall Imnm-di it dv1 ,8Potwl and t(,n Ce!lt8 ,.. OOttfjr the Executive OOCDOfttO, wh i h(Nid fo,. ho,.. , i1Sp,t,l. to jkj po!d are hereby empowered to net in so dt ; b. thfl ow,ner the stock InopOOtOl, a manner as will. If pooolblO, bring Sec lt t)P ttie duty of every such pemms to Justice and recover owneT m. 8hippnr or horsts and ct tl' the p-operty." Lfl (,1 county IttteadiOg to OMp c.tt- A record book is ke(it by tit,,. sc- tie or horses out of said c m y ' ) MkOT or all bran.is OOOd by nien.be notlfJ. Uit lnmKor of ,,,)(.u .i,;, of Wie assooiatiou. H.ie association InflHs ,ipf,re thp gDi)mB h, . lias lirar l in -ipt -t .it's at Siu.ix t". in ample time U OObk said ill p.c Soulii Omaha. St. Jose,Mli. Kuntas City to , y 1: Ihl, mm t'htcago, Deorer ami the Indian ag i-. cleO All caitle goiiiig to tbcOe pU ate lnpicted and record keipt o!' tbo brands. It is advised by the asoeiutl i tkw all OOMyi be turned In w'h ill ii shlpnu-'itM ar.d tin ned OTtt to th.' broJvV HBopector of the iotfacoton at the I'olni' of delivery. Th V"" rt- Siid BOOloa yiu be in wiititm and ltntt state the time uik! place Of pn - pueed Mpmoal and the proboMo mini lier to be ship-d. Amy person or ern;ns,' firm, i.til- roOjd or nth r 6otnpon or ooporutl-ii who shnll liii any cattle or irt out Of the couti'ty without f t bavc o- tihcm sends in the mon.y rcr,,vd. Iuul the together with record of brand, etc., to the secretary of the UMOOtOlOO who rorwards it to the owner of til" Htruy. The fc'lowiiTg ex'' tits from I! Act provided and wiihoiu having a propel cn:itlflcate of such Insp'cl-n. or wtto lvall make, forge or us a.i' fals? or fraudulent OOrtOVIflOtO Of In spection shall lie deemed jrulltiy of a misdemeanor and shall uim -tion thereof le pun'!sh(d by a til - I not mom than Hva hundred dol'ai (HOO.OO) or by ImprfopanMnt in the OOOnty jsiil nrt to excted one year, o Ity IkmIi NOk fine and imprison Wi Lhe (Hsorrtion of the court. Sec. 7. I; t-hall be the duty of :he US.' Koll No. 1ST, Passed by the N.i.i.is! i bojlatoturo of I9u;, at the i ipt m tf the tisww iation, shi-w tint thJl in i law gin a long w.n tuwatvls ly ftntlMtlDI thecvliiK. Proejldlo rtr the loojtootii n e! bcroea aj:d eottle btr.r.' ekSjpm out of courti , for th? app ' : 1 n Tit. of an loonnlni by county bomrdo, rlx- f b:' ?k obpnonti either n ing his term or offlee, du" .. ( :ru- XQ Or diputy wh-cmever 01 PfWOOilm and bond, r. tec r-r lit- H,wU hIV( bnowdne in Oof w-ay cf spcetion and the dMnuaoitlO0 Of tfc in,WK,w, oklDJOOOi of koroek or same, ror tine OMOMCOI or a l ra,le out of h,b ""lt'. ;' lOMBOrt- tund ror pay ltit? q : '. ur, . ,, a,,,lv re,air proposal luce f provided Tor a ponoit (Of vtbUtfOO of sir't,nie,l't l,,'k' cai.ul ins,,- ,- tbilg aet ,!t'n 11 t' s or caKI:,. 1 1 s.hill. art or lniit inspected Hie same, link' out a c ntiflloate of Imapectirn. wMctt isluill lie in wrttlOg and siwll bo ex - Ue h etktcted by the bttfolotor of the EMtkte of Wbrat-ka M. i. woaoovor in any count, Ut'cuted la triplicate and pblj wntaiu this state 004 hundred or more ie,- the uam-e ct the owner or OkCfm r ' dents of HWk cotMnty who are .a.'h'aald stock, the number ur I kind til... OOOJOro ot OOOftn and hOroOj lall pOk, Upm hefe shipptd and the I.etiUon the board of cuaty c .minis- time tJXTOof, the uroDOOoJ d -stina ii n HitMnrs. or board of euner.visci tnjof the stock, kofothn with the OOJNOlOJ unde, towiui.i, o: x ni' it . marks bOMOO tberoOO, and shu!l be i Martin Bros. & Co. Live Stock Commission Merchants i i i n 1 South Omaha, Nebr. Chicago, 111. Correspondence Solicited. Market Reports Furnished Free on Application. I I i 1 COWBOY HACK AT LAST CONVENTION signed by the iipector, the ojisJiinl of which lie shall retain in his of fice, h pop of which shall be d l v i d to the agent or the railroad c iin P00y from which tin- shipment origl- T' n ; j j I i 10 L lb' B&&HfirikSSkHUil ik3f8HKf' Cfk&'-vjlI ifiu Bli uu imfbSfOBteM - M r-BfbH an M.t.i anci: arrocKVAtto imted botor tile slupnitn is made, and a copy of which siiall be iBMBOdi ateiy delivetvd to the OOOHO or slhip POT of said sock ami when pKptl made out and signed as hurtluhefor' pro vt sad, shall entiUe tite owner ur shipper of said s.tock to remove the same ffCjaj the c un y att.l eboM .n title any ra'!:"ad company to t. i ; the saute ri hipment out of the county . Sec. , The owner or sh:pp;r of any horses or cattle shipp, il iimlet the provisions of this act shall pay the baapoobar an kaapooHoa om i f four centM per head ror all aajtf not billed to an open market, un.l Ibc iter head for liotvjee so laaoafltud at the time of insectiiu, and pri r to the issuance of the certificate or ii perton AM suoh fees shall ba rOtOkOOd bf the kaOpOOtOr or deputy iQjafjrcitnJl l Bf his or tlu It services. Sec. ! m-ovided, that fhieai::, Ku. ao Cdtjr, Soutli St Joseph. South OniB. ha and Si.mx City shall b.; class, ii as open markets as lung as they riuin taiiit ijiand laaaaajttal HaalOf the siip ervision of the Nebraska StiK-ktriw-rs A''i'atioii. Sec. 10. Provided, that where catii an? shipped to an open market it brand inspector siiall be required at point ol loading, and further provided that where cattle are bill, d an open market, it shall i- a mlsd a nor and violation' or Hits law for the roilrood odanpao) to alkiw the owner, shipper or party In charge to oha,i:ije bllHng without first having secured from the inspector of the county from which the cattle OlfgblOtod, or flnmi the Nebraska Stock Qrow r a.-eaxia- tioitH Inopaotm ol south Omoho a OOattfleofO of b an Is. The yearly in. .,1Kb dM. .(, ;lt Aj. Uance and are always att.ndicd by M0Jfen NtOOl all oror the Mate. The OOBNUUiM has always wated out very m)mt roi the interests of its m"i.il.e,s and it Is ui.hJ in th, roiia.,t urma that eeiy fttuafc roki er should kooooM a member, It ia omlj by oooperoiioa thot tfaa iMerooM or the Mookorovara cam be rtghti pro teie.1 and ( man win refuae to mk.. topMoaUoa ror ineiobawiifa) whe,1 tbe benltk urs tfeneted to ' - w.. low and tOim kobodto di rlvad gnat. AM appl;e,illlh f.. IIIHIIlJ,,:-llto .'" 'k... ...an,, on 0 Kntb. Sehmaka This "- dewiud batorwaitoai Mcardiaa ute xiHk ot aba aswiation.