I'ublivhod BvetT Thursday by The Hirafd Publishing Company. LI.OY1) ('. THOMAS. iiaUlWi Mgr. JOHN BEACH. Asa't. Ru. Mgr. OHM W THOMAS Editor Entered at tha posloffire at Alliance, Nebraska, lor tranmia-ion through the mails, at saeond-claa matter. Subscription, ft. 30 per year ia advance. THIS PAPtR RfcfHCSl ,vrtO TOH FOREIGN ADVERTISING BY THE GENERAL OFFICES ,tW YORK AND CHICAC: BRANCHES IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIFS THURSDAY. DECEMBER 15. 1910 A merry Christmas to all our many readers. Get the habit early in the win ter the habit of clearing the snow off your walks. President Taft havitiK takt n snuff, it is now up to the editors holding federal appointments to sneeze. Read them the "ads" In Tin Herald. Trade with them the merchants who solicit your pat ron age through the advertising columns of your paper. Come to Alliance and see the beautiful window displuys and splendid stocks of holiday goods in the stores of this eity. For information as to the best places to do your Christmas shopping consult the advertising pages of The Herald. The Herald's new Linotype machine arrived this week. An expert operator will be here next Monday to install the machine, and then we will be better pre pared than ever before to (tive the people the new h ;ni(l do their printing for them. The more we think about it the worse .we feel abOQl it, the farce called a census of Hox Btttte county. Although we sounded a note of warning at the time the enumeration was being made and tried to get the Alii anee Commercial Club to take some action, it does not seem to do our feelings any good to say. "I told you so." (leo. It. Mills of Cent ral City, Nebr., superintendent of the Grand Island district, of the Ne braska Children's Home society, gave an interesting address at a union meeting at the Pint Pres byterian church last Sunda.v ev ening, and organized a local board consisting of the following named persons; I). W. Hughes, Pres., J. N. Johnston, Vice Pres., v . it. tiirney. fnc. i reas., .virs. 1 Emma Martin. C. L.. Powell, (i. W. Duncan, Mrs. A. T. I.unn, Mrs. H. u, Carpenter. It is now claimed by many Ne braska ioliticians, who, have a way of analyzing election re turns and figuring out how it happened, that Governoi -elect Aldrich owes his election to the campaign work done by Mayor Dahlman, and we must confess that it looks some like it. If we had thought of it in time, we would have suggested to the in coming governor that he apioint Mayor Jim chief oil inspector as a political reward for services rendered. There was a large attendance at the meeting of Lobster Club No. 2, at the Burlington hotel on Thursday night of last week. The object of the meeting was to arrange for the entertainment of the firemen's convention next month, and the way that object was attended to spells success. Indications point to one of the greatest firemen's conventions ever held in Nebraska, and our city will give the hojfl a recep tion that will make them glad they gave us the convention. See For Yourself Tlie public are cordially invited to come to the corner stele roots, former ly occupied (v ( j 1 ali.m a CroesTJf store and see the display of fain work and china painting made by the pupil of St. Agnes Academy. This exhibit will be open for iuspec tiou Saturday, December 17th, at 2 p. in., also the followiug Monday and Tuasday Those desiring to buy faucv work, novelties for Christmas preaents should uot fail to come aud see what is for sale at leasonable prices. ajk bsUE' sBlaw gw 4 Y& Baking PowdrTr rW- Chancer, Colnmbim Unit. SSf Tr taaaM m mm m obbmb mm mm aawa mmw ..umi feawaaaaama aaa aapa sawswa1 M For making quickly and per fectly, delicious hot biscuits, hot breads, cake and pastry there is no substitute for Dr.PRICFS CRKAM Baking powder MADE FROM GRAPES 1 1 a m K ?ki AN IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFT Waj nBm AT 17 CENTS A DAY EES' 1 wt f, I vu. li is the New Model Ho. i Oln-er flWBj$ I " everybody it i Hb1r ' iCSufl ' " ''" 'oul,R 's an education to the w J jlffl old it is a convenience to tin- business man B'vj ffflK i fiB " ls " ,-''.v to the professional man t mf clc mH is (? safeguard t tin- busi less woman it is iRi!ff n KB "" ''"f'"'",' ''U soc'c woman it is an SiV' jf fflWM '" everyone everywhere is offered wft !SMf m H jSfm '""v opportunity for the 17 TX 8 ean buy an Olivrr on tins new KTPjBT V w 1 I plan hi the regular catalog prlee BwfaSa 5 To Irani mart of this plan and to learn oil BtfHjUC I J fy8 about The Oliver Typewriter, address or call upon K-i Caw BklM Western Specialty Co. ALLIANCE. NEBRASKA Tf'j e. ESSAY'S II li j 1 ON PIANOS Until after Xmas we will offer $475 Pianos at the price of Great Opening Sale We are now starting with a complete line of new, clean merchandise. A Few Xmas Suggestions: Genuine Mexican Drawn Work. Jewelry, Fancy Sus penders in Boxes. Neckties and Handkerchiefs. Special prices till Holidays. Also, are have special price on Sugar of $6. 15 per sack till Holidays. u 5 Box Butte Ave. l'hone 697. S360 Prices on other instruments will be cor respondingly cheap. Pianos from $150 to $1400. We have a line of high grade instru ments that leads. Among them you will find the KURTZ MAN CHICKKRING BENNBTT IVERS & POM) AUTOPIANO Buy a VI TOR Phonograph for an Xmas present We have Complete line The Bennett Company TIRS. J. T. VVIKKR. Manager La.