v I t 1 BRKMHO Phelan Opera House,Tutsd,Dec. 20 VM. I . GASKELL A EDWIN W. ROWLAND Of 1 1 K George Middleton's Dramatization of Meredith NiihoUon' Novel "The House of a Thousand Candles" With RICHARDSON1 COTTON as "BATES" As Produced for One Year at Daly and Hackett Theatres. New York, and Garrick Theatre, Chicago "The audience at the Garrick liked the play and many, inauv audiences will go wild over it. ' Ann Leslie in Chicago Daily News. Prices for this Engagement, 50c, $1.00, $1.50 mi 3V TeaV nsmats Is not complete without C andy and Nuts. You should see the line of Nuts and Candy we have. Hickory Nuts, Black Walnuts, Brazil Nuts, Brazil Nuts, English Walnuts, Pecans, Al monds and Mixed Nuts. Everything in Candy that the heart desires. See us before you buy. Alliance Grocery Co. Phone 56 Kitf lOflAftf IBM tOd HOIM 6 IfiM MM m Until Xmas we will sell the same Candies that Montgomery Ward & Company sell for sixteen cents per pound at fifteen cents per pound. This inc ludes Chocolates, Bon Bons, Peppermint and Win tergreen Lozenges, etc., etc. i 1 I Boards of all descriptions for any part of a house or barn. Dieks Lumber 4 Coal Co. Phone 22 D. Waters, Mgr. ffxCALUHET Received Highe.t Award World'. Pure Food Exposition BAKING POWDER The wonder of bak ing powders Calumet. Wonderful in its raising powers us uniformity, ts never failing result, its purity. Wonderful in its hmhm. It costs less than the hiyh -price trust brands, but it is worth as much. It costs a trifle more than the chop and big can kinds it is worth more. But proves its real economy in the baking. Ue CALUMET the Modem Baking Powder. At all Grocers. WESTERN NEBRASKA Mews of Interest to All in This Part of the State. At the annual meeting of the Sioux County Agricultural Society, held at Harrison November zblh, W. L. Hoyt was elected president, K. B- Schnurr was re-elected secretarv, and John Marking treasurer. The secretary's report for ioio showed receipts of f, 1 So. 59, and disbursements of $3,176. 48. Walter L. Wier, of Harrison, and Miss lennie Kutlev were married in that city on Thanksgiving day. A successful Thanksgiving ball was given bv the firemen ot Broken Bow at the Opera House. Prof. H. H- Reiiiiund, superinten dent of city schools at Crawford, is making an effort to establ'ch a public library in that town, and is being sup ported in his efforts by the leading cit izens, including the local press. A movement is on foot to bond Mor rill county to secure funds to construct bridges across the North Platte river at Bridgeport and Bayard, leading cit izens of those two towns working to gether to push the project. The Farmers' Co-Operative Associa tion has been incorporated at Heming ford. with a capital of $50,000, of which $3,500 is paid up. The purpose of the incorporation is to buy and sell lumber, coal, building material, and other merchandise necessary at whole sale and retail- The incorporators are T. A. Green. M. Hutton, L. E. Mc Cluskey, Win. Delsing, J. Y. McClus key, Chas. L. Lockwood, Robert An derson, Phillip Pitts, Orville Kidwell, J. T. Christensen, Wm. Hollinrake. Henry Gasseling. John Gasseling, Hugo Lichte, August Drews, James Monta gue, John Barnstad, T Colviu, A. Col vin, A. Hutton and W. L- Clark. K. L- Pierce, of Hemingford, has filed application for druggist's permit to sell "malt, spirituous and vinous livuors for bechanical, medicinal and sacramental purposes." It is expected that Ithe run of the Scottsbluff Suear factory will be com pleted about December 25th. The Scottsbluff Sugar Company has offered the growers of sugar beets an additional price of twenty-five cents per ton for 1911, providing 100,000 tons are raised for the factory- Seventy five thousand tons were raised during 1910. The Herald keeps files of all western Nebraska newspapers. They can be seen at any time by interested parties. The steam laundry of McDowell Brothers, at Scottsbluff, was complete ly destroyed by fire last week. The feed store of C. D. Snyder was mostly destroyed- Losses were fully covered by insurance Negotiations are under way for the purchase of the Scottsbluff electric light plant bv Denver capitalists. It is believed that Dunning is to have a new bank. S. S. Lichty aud Luther Howard are said to be the promoters of the proposed bank. Buy your Red Cross Christmas Seals at The Herald office and help the good cause along. One cent each. Much attention has beeh given by the newspapers of the United States to the imprisonment of Richards, Comstock, Jameson and Triplett in the Adams county jail- The facts in the case, as reported by the special government agent sent to investigate, are that the men are living in tegular prison stv'e. sleeping on prison beds, eating prison meals, and taking their sentences as ordered- A serious fire was narrowly avoided at Kushville last Friday morning, when a drunk man in Chamberlain R Waite's livery barn kicked a lantern over, set" ting the barn on fire. Rushville wants a garage. It has fourteen autos and no place to repair them. Here is an opportunity for some one with a little mouey aud ex perience to get a good location A vote will be held in Custer county ou January oth to decide whether or : not $50,000 shall be levied for 1 Ht 1 court boube. The Central Telephone Company at Broken Bow has moved into its new building which costs, with improvement and apparatus, about $50,000. The Bridgeport Electric Light and Power Company has started work OS the construct!on of a plant. Bridge port will have an entire new plant and system in a few months. The railroad and express companies paid Morrill county $19,341. 38 in taxes last week. The Crawford Tribune states that government surveyors are operating on Runningwater creek wijh a view of con structing a large dam for irrigation purposes. 1 he citv council at Crawtord seems to change members unite rapidly. I Iip Crawford Courier states that it might be well to impure every morning who the city officials were. The Thomas County Clipper comes out with an improved look this week, caused by a new printing press. A new meat market has been opened at Seneca by Earl Smith. Mitchell is to have a new C)era House soon- BOWLING ALLEY In this department of The Herald on December ist it was stated that John Krause, of Rushville, had gone to Ger many. This was taken from another paper and was a mistake, as is evi denced by the fact that he was in Alli ance on Mondav of this week. Mr. Krause stated that it was his opinion that the storv that he had jumped his bond and gone to Germany had been started by a newspaper man in the north end of the state, for whose paper he refused to subscribe. However tfiat may be. he is still on the ground and will fight the case against him in the courts, and if he fails, take his med icine. HELPFUL WORDS CHANGES HANDS From An Alliance Citizen Is your back lame and painful': Does it ache especially after exer tion? Is there a soreness in the kidney re gion? These symptoms indicate weak kid neys; There is danger in delay. Weak kidnevs fast get weaker. Give your tro-ible prompt attention. Doan's Kidney Pills act uicklv. Thev strengthen weak kidnevs. Read this Alliance testimony . Mrs. G. E. Leidy, 32-2 E. Dakota street, Alliance, Nebr-, says: "I can highly recomineud Doan's Kidney Pills to all sufferers from kidney complaint, as I have used them on a number of oc casions with good results." For sale by all dealers. Price 50c Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y-, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. I have purchased the ALLIANCE HOWLING ALLEY and am placing it in first-class condition. You will be given good treatment and your patronage is solicited. Prizes Given Every Week for Best Scores LADIES' DAY Tuesday will be Ladies' Day J.O. BABCOCK.Prop. I m. VAUGHN DEALER IN Monarch and Colorado Goal HARRY P. C0URSEY Live M and General Auctioneer Farm Sales a Specialty TERM! REAS iN ABLE Phone 72 ALLIANCE. NEBR. i : r OFFICE, 212 LARAMIE AVE. PHONE, 666 I ! Monarch Coal, $6.50 per ton, cash i i Telephone Orders Receive Prompt Attention Hemingford House SIl tlE & RAY, Props. Kates, $2 per day Newly remodeled through out. The best of table serv ice. Clean rooms. Special attention to transients. HOTEL ALLIANCE EUROPEAN FULLY MODERN Equipment and service first-class in every department Cafe in Connection -Open Day and Night On the left and across the street from the Burlington station