HEMIINCFORD HERALD HEMINCFORD NEBRASKA. DECEMBER 15. 1010 HEMINGFORD Ri iidft NYar is lipr ' Store at firrrif i 1 (to Df'.c 1 trrMr-t tSS daac at Link Daris' lat ff 1a 1 O'ght Fioliuai.hel and Mm SMpy rode to Alliaui e in the auto. Ralph Hopkins and sistet a. iu fioin tlie country . Card Of Thanks There are boura that chiw into the lives of otre. when ever-. me neart is buried under it -enht or attended lat Fr Jay. th fond f'fi Tht lav Hl .Mi VtLX IV ' kl u o . ..1 . ... ..ulllll. i.lrlHi. Ho W1 lafi. . (lit ..L - ,,fi XTiiMn sf Aiiiaocf . i neeir Th-r.lanttfrat. rnrr i I ,hn cnan, f Iu4k:.:... 7 L a I W .. , . . . 1 (II,,, It of Tf iiu i,.- nrri ! 1 limP. iinni-inf iin,n.nn! i r-V . .a a, -imi hi .Mi . , j rr-rnitu in a u.'Tr iriirn MIH. Omar Hrril.n.i ,,.. , tnrr.m m . - - itfnrv ni" mnr t uiiicklrip iul A tnnerail Mil v h. lit at v luu.iuui lor, i.uuuinpi ; f r iiiix-,..,! V.in.i,,- ...,, ....n n.l I .,. . f. i I the citv e helper. s u -town and .l.hn ihipmsn fecemveT Ms nx-riptv ui ao mi Knmn pur p ie The Kvial beld at tl.e OtgU ch r II has J ay son Sheldon as ld fain jive r;rrioii to the rrati- theaor Jar tude that well up frjin the deaths of The procr-it fn.m the wdit at Mrs. Fred Meliik returned I....... I ol,r h'ts a e renwrnb-r the kind ThaokvlTir niyht was tta 7 bousr atnrda.T km well amn-! tr.., i. .... , oes of those h...ttl . ; we onorrMaon ,ed In the kMh Wh-ch r the m.nt w me .i-.t ... pari 01 1 1 "w- ... me the state. i ii. .... . . . I uestrnct i ve tin- nr wr- il,- r..n.rl .,i i....i i i . it- . '.i ii rm dick m . " " I sickness and bnnal our beloved n.ece Bnrtp-rt ...I ion.,.v ,0 h,.r h., va made on the n ater df that (ion .... I a, a . . . f u dha - .. TlMtM Thorn Moo .., ..!. . ""umo. aiane w..rk Her to little nephews ac- " 1 1. ' , "-! lia ... I hoiiipsoii lelt SOMky toi Hu,.nBae I cmpaoied her a far as Alliance re r.vrr died in three da Who WjromWg, his brothd A. M. MCOi c" D, t 1 a the Wanoift .n that a prei ' pamed bin, as far as Alh.nc. Anton I brt, .nd Cbtom JSA?' ... . , ttnil IiiTSSel 1 .1 A plat. "Tim-thy Ik m r ".ir! We beat MOM talk ot a Mav,ueraJe . , John and Fred UutriU flBihed h.,- ,hip " will be printed soon hv home Dance New Ytara tve, CORRFSPONf FNrF trdaj latent h . Baal e I I I I Mis I.ula Xelon vi:tedoTer Sunday h" not Wn dee.de.1 rJUKJO wuntae Morgaaa. Habb'e Flat is harin a fine tme Herbert and Willie Bnyeatl came up (ran WvOMiai to spend Chiistinas hn Moravek and a,,e are mI?:Ta0Avl0,jk Chn41 . STaSSJT " " . rdaiiBhterMrs. Frank C.ba this I Fred Reeve, and f.tai.v aad Ota' J c Berrv aa:her ear of coai ' with home lolks. John their week. Mrs. Joe Shiudler and daughter went to Alliance Sunday to lue so dental work done Dr. McEueu was called to Marsland M.w J. na McFaa i home again after 'Jj" da with law tuib ehickea an iWort of about thre weeks She lh.eve etc STRASBURGER '-"". "itu j rterr-. c '. I " bi.'u v. 'PL I uurr i in m r ami . . ..- . . - - - - - f-J ur . 1 1 Mrs l.ea Merpeoo undav Tht to see Bei t Ferinan s little boy has heeu sick for some time- The farmers around Mrasbureer are The li..'e T.Vnho.. (v. k.'.h bout through husk. ne c-.rn and Keni e niajurity ol tin st.- h , im of ..:. .. i. -i -i- r we., piea-ed with the reu t ' Ik. .. " . t- . " "v 'r IU llDllir , , lUr ..Kr-s...e le.epnoue... nrrrar-eat cernberitb. l - -r. - I .-.r... . i... rSMT Ummt. "l Frart.,1.. the eomedi... . LJ5.?iff S M I wa to apnea. ;n Keno on December .' " ' " ... . iwoappeai. ;n i.eno on uecetaoer 7. " who u ' , m ! vT1ita Wl!h two dav sooner than expected. The Miv-s Oowd filed . tne tiroore 00 uoday j jonsr( leotlv there mm not tnaoy oat. brreer in the last two SPECIALS for Xmas Trade THE CELEBRA I ED Holmes & Edwards Silverware Guaranteed 23 t eat s Wt have everything in the silver line, including teaspoons, tablespoons, knives and forks berry spoons, ovster ladles, cold meat forks. gTIVf sjxjons. etc.. etc. Don't Fall to See Our Gold Embossed Silver Goods. They are Beauties C. A. SHINDLER Hemlngford. fSebr. Hardware. Ranges. Heating and Cook Stoves. Cutlery. Tinware, etc. In the new building. near Stras- bvreer in the last two nrek TK.v B. K. Rrt.lvnrwr hn. - . . - bu? '.tifv (: i lc a ivelv time, anv- hare a.wavs hnniiHi n.imon t.l Charles Bushuell was an Alliance warmer climate We umiersUnd be "n 'nat of tbe rotiaf coatet be im-Dg the bet. most active and visitor the first .if thu uk I wenl to T 'or a little pleaare trip. ' -No '1 '"" aehrjred at the door. deirab est ret. of this county visuoi me nrst 01 ine week. v K bot onr -ot a v..e was charged to rote .r Grandma Weise died Wednesday . .- "r"" J"sl WB?'ri ne.i (or tbt m t popular ladr aad the - . , uianuiiM weise aieu WeauesUav forhicalres kil., -a.. Vs ,k.. 1 Mia loeertaoo that hr i lea.line moininK. Have not heard where the re mains was to be buried Will Clayton and si in from the lauch, Miss Jessie having some deutal work done. Jennie Kennedy came ui from Alli ance for a visit with Auna Elsea Ira Scribner was an Alliance visitor the first of the week- Walter Hughes had the misfortune ot having ahorse step on his foot home is near Minatare. Tnev stopped iv to Ala- aaaa. tae tanjr aelKoe tau . , . . r ' " , to reeeire a raid riaj aa t f h?PPV,f:.,1B RPds and is ia a rears sabscriptioa to ti,e hr,l'.r fBb Her brnther Harr,. hooi!iet man. the iadjr get:. or th Henry Hier attrnde-t the U rphooe r m al a a I Kfc rev K r ...rri.utr xinaay ; r- T f:" . " . who llre-i arith her n he. on hr f.em ., . v nr ar jbu. umis ra-; . W ill Clayton and sister Jessie came The t-a..ner and seho ar A the eeiri the l4r pr and Chester "r S.rasbarirer. stiu eapreae -de- tergeon district arr plana o to bare R.joker tbr anaa'a price. I iigntiu. reconecttoos of bta atay here a program and b.x supper at thesehoo. .. I - - - u; house Friday the "rd Jake Hertaaa aad Georce Morgan .. 1 Moore atsiatiag h s son the ,rd -A- .0 ot lbe raocber- who -Vre J 'rBT Pf".g h.s hoaae. located Mrs Todd Kerry returned home froaa I ban ling cat. U.nu iU-oo iaM Tbar 9 aaath of Strasbarger Idaho .ast Turxiay. after a month s day Kro. oioz said visit w-th reiat.re there , her roath once ,one is gone ; Arthur Hubble and mother, old t mc to Aihance- iat 1 rdncada j and ;" r r nerer to done residents of the ricinitr of Lakeside, broagbt tmeii a load of lumber itmr srne r raak ia aid -Sothlike were vo ting w:th H. i Tbompn an.1 ., rat. eoswaaae faster thaa labor wear. . ... . . . . . . j wniie iwe aca aer i -. u.;:,v uw inrgii iu . nnr K t - w . mashing it so he is unable to walk w ith out crutches. dar to Tiit relative at the H .er rar.c.i on their ani" H-cry H;.r hauled a Ur and tin Fin IBH tiitL. ! Irom Beao Thoradar. U. m, Miner leturneu irom timaha pin ha ne-n .lu.te ieat tar pat week. but wo.. t:tcr nun Sundav. Mi- West went to Alliance on busi DOM. George Hedgecock and wi:e and little daughter came in from Sioux Co. for a visit. Miss Ella Moravek is visiting tier sif ters Mrs. Frank Caha and Ague- M.-r-avek. John was iu from the ranch. Miss. Reed came up from Alliance to WC1 ing out to visit Enveart s school. c E , 4,. , The new Drug Store is verv near BMtMl kaaaai laaa laaaataa completion. -- -x-- i- M Weorer Jk Taylor, lirerjaien at .oad of cvmi Laaseaide. do haadaMOi in a courteous. 6iae '.;e i Tacy tke excellent ra'v of the.r aorea aad ran take mm- Our of Len Boyer horse, eas wrk eer. from Lakeaide to Mra(nrger sl -.revx. but is eettie a . a.!- m tt- Sr E A VtcFa.! bo'ebrrrd a coop!- -f'rtghtaow Dr. Searel D Hilli. oavr of Amer- hogii .j-t Wedoeaday. Lea Ster-. o and wife wer- trading ka'a heatay taea. onoe a friend of the Henrr H.r k baiUtag v. me new 0 Afnce iaat Saturda,. wntcr w .no lllfllll to him with . . poa5 ..- -. n.aat year One oners. rettirg ready to wean bta i:.,r, M.iin ; tr .ir t H . " I - - - a - " t . . . . i V. 1. her jsrr-f i- r : 5 : r. '.- " win apain tin- eon f iads Hirr is home agale to spend onday . Lea :ergec- awl wcfe wot t an-ce u aJp satwray Alli- a hog '.at HUBBLE'S FLAT M.aa rr V 1 i" - Those oa the sick Bat this wee are Mr-, -luhn Duerr, Mrs. Hertba Lore, and Roy Sen. on The party at Roy ea.on wa -. eiea! of rrntleaew aad of a refined con ' sideeateaen. ia jadgiag others GoOagM lok Bo . Or. Oliver HcEuen Physician and Surgeon ' . ; : nv.nm aad Gesito I'tmn Oraa U tito tmmwmt tnm$tt aaj at agM s:- l L C'anfikli. Prexident E. S WfLOT, Caisbier Directors: .lohn Anderson, Juac "f'otmesil. C. I. Cantield The People's Bank Authorized Capital, $25,000.00 HEMINGFORD. NEBRASKA ' I HIS BANK '.vlii b ban Ijeen running a little morv tban a year, is already recoKPied as one or the stronK financial institutions of northw-t-rn Nebraska. The growth of o ir l.usiness i an indi-ation of tii- rontidence reiosed in this Bank and its fusinss tnetliods. Our deoit on May 10. 1910, were 18,002.00; and on November 10. 1910, were $30.1,..tir, an increase in six months of nearly 300 ier cent. ANo please notice the following Capital stock paid in. 1 1.20t.0l: liability of stockholders. $11,900.00; cash on band and with othnr banks titatt-ment at close of business, Nov 10, 1910), $ 1 o . tV ;,-2; mak ing a total guarantee fund of 987,0Qh.5S, irfalcti 87,478 47 larger than the total of our dcpot'its. and maks our deosit ors absolutely safe. Wm givf s.perial attention to the accounts of Farmers and Kanchm-n. and extend a cordial invitation to then to do busi ness with us. a a m a 3 Everything for Everybody DO YOUR. CHRLSTAWS SHOPPING EARLY aV W shhI Tr'Btr aw wflm W Sr Pfl m Qmm afl I V HBBHat k A A A A New Goods for Xmas Trade LARGEST DEPARTMENT IN BOX BUTTE COUNTY STORE Linens I his store stands ready to help you wilh anything vu lack in table linen. napkinSt rt Kvery piece c4 linen in our store is marked at less than regular price, same tl in every other kind of Dry Coods. Hosiery, Underwear, Dreta Goods. Silks, Notion , White (ioods, Kmbroideries. ( orsirts, ilovcs, etc.. all at a savin:. Clothing There is v much difference among good clothes wearers as to what they want in an Overcoat that we carry a good many models to satisfy all of them. The Sterling Company, whose 'oods we carrv, make- enough different t .:cs to satisfy any possible demand. New colors, new weaves, some very rich browns and soft greys, new models in radian, box button-through, or rly fronts, ulsterettes. raincoats, dress over coats they're all here we 11 thank you to investigate these remarkable clothes vou'll thank us if ou do. Shoes Have '. looked over our Shoe De partment They a''- .': : stand the hardest kind of uw'r and will wear f jllv one to three months longer than shoddy shoe. Oar Shoes are " too per cent pure Girls' Shoes - - 1.55 to ;o Boys' Shoes - 1.50 to 2.50 Women's Shoes 1.50 to 4.00 Men's Shoes - - - .oo to 5.00 Keep the baby's feet warm with com fortable fat ankle shoes Try a pair. Also have warm wear for the older feet, l-et us be your "Doctor"' for cold feet. We sell the Boston Rubber. " lijjht and heav y weight. These are the best brands of rubbers on the market. We can rubber the whole family at ; r.v-s .-- to as the lowest. Ladies' Goods Ladies Mittens nicely lined. 50c val ues. Also Ladies' and M Uses' Golf Gloves 50c. L'undrwear underpriced. Misses and Children's Camel Hair Vests and Pants in sues 16 to 24. Also Union Suits. 10 doen pair Misses and Boys' Fast Black Stockings, excellent quality, from 1 2 1 j c to 300. Also All Wool Stockings. Indies' Black Hose, doubled toed, high spliced heel, gi aranteed fast black. I je to 45c. If you have any spct il preference in the Corset you wear, you 11 find it in the "Paristana Corset." "Parisiana Corsets " are made in a great variety of modeU and there is not a figure that cannot be fitted and improved by wearing these famous corsets. Be s:re and ask to see them. Furniture A carload of Furniture just in. Too many difterei.t stvles to enumerate them. There isn't anything that makes a more splendid it: than a nice piece of furniture for the home. Stop in our store on your way and select one of those nice kitchen cabinets: that will cause vour wife to -ive thanks and be happy. China Department Have recently purchased something new in Japanese ware in many beautiful designs. Chocolate sets, nigs, sugar and creamers, bon bon dishes, salad and sugar tars, pin trays, match safes and various other articles. Sold in open stock. Also dinner sets. Things to Eat This vear avoid being disappointed bv giving us that order for that Christmas dinner. Is it going to be turkey, duck, chicken or goose And don't forget the trimmings, cranberries, grapes, apples, new nuts, dates, rigs, bananas and or anges always fresh and new. ROCKEY & SON HEMINGFORD. NEB