- duy one of these "O" Coats and be prepared for that cold weather that is coining. Let us show them to you, then you will under stand why we are so en thusiastic about their merit. All New Styles and Fabrics Beautiful new shades of Gray, Brown, Tan, Fancy Mixtures. Stripes, Pin Checks, Diamond Weaves, Cassimere, Cheviots, Wor sted and Scotch Febrics. Money Saving Prices Before buying your winter supply of Groceries, call and inspect our stock cf Staple and Fancy Groceries. Here is a few of the seasonable Goodies we have to offer you. Pure Buckwheat Flour, six lbs 25c Falcon Pancake Flour, six lbs 35c Falcon Pancake Flour, four lbs . . 25c Peerless Flour Best, 48 lb sk , . , $i 56 Tip Top Flour, 48 lb ak 140 Delight Flour, 48 lb sk i.jfl CANNED FKUJTS Plums, 2 12 lb can, per can 15c White Grapes, 2 1-2 lb can 15c White Cherries, 2 1-2 lb can 20c Black Cherries, 2 1-2 lb can 0c Peaches, Y. C. 2 12 lb can 20c Apricots, 2 12 lb can . 20c HONEY AND MAPLE SYKUP n' lit Nebraska comb Honey 20 Two lb roll Candied Honey yOc Five 11) pail strained Honey 7:. One gallon Log Cabin Maple Syrup . $1 r,o One-half gallon L. C H()- One-fourth gallon L. C 4-,,. Also some very tine Pure Missouri Sorghum, per gallon 75c Raisins, four Crown, per lb 10c Hams skinned per lb IKe Coal Oil, per Five gallon can 00c A. D. RODGERS PHONE 54 Announcement! We have purchased the Teater Brothers Meat riarket and are now prepared to fill all orders promptly. In addition to our regular line we will carry choice Omaha Meats, including Bacon and Ham. Soliciting your patronage, we are, Very truly yours. Saxton & Roach PHONE 19 County Commissiontrs' Prtcnitt AHtawe, N , Not. 14, lf10. Tbla wa. th date for the com raid -skonwra to mt, no ow appearing but 'mnilJonef J. M, Wank. th nw-CUvg is herwby adjourned until to morrow manning at 9 o'clock a. m. V c MOUNTS, Clerk. Alliance, Neb., Nov. 15, 1910. Box Butte county oommiwlonea 1 met n ewslon urn per adjournment of yeaAerday, members present, J. M. Wanek of the 1st dlatnlct and J. 1'. .feneen of the 2nd district, the fol lowing proceedings were had ami don tow It: Tbe following cksitaa were examlmed and noted on and clerk ordered to drw warrants on gen anal fund for scene, as fallows: W. M. Witeon $5.30 Heintagford Journal 13.50 A. M. BorroughB 4.35 W. D. Zedlker 85.00 Rockey & Son 28.00 Klopp & Bartlett Co 72.50 O. W. Shore 2.50 Me) Johnston 4.50 Alliance Nafl bank, ag't 1.52 D. W. Hughes 4.6 Alliance Elec. Co 14. F. McCoy 40.00 L. A. Berry, et al . . 14.50 Rolla Johnn 4.00 W. H. Keisrter 27.00 L. J. Sdhdll 4.00 Lou fowell. . . . 1 4.00 H. B. Shepard 4.00 Rockey ft Son 25.00 Sihtere of Mercy 45.00 Geo. Severson 25.00 John Severson 14.00 Gains Chapman 5.00 Urn, Baton 4.00 V. E. Spencer 34.55 John, Boxford 13.60 The Famous . . 3.75 George Fa-onapfeU 4.00 Starts Journal Co 49.60 Klopp ft Bartlett Co 39.48 Hammond ft Stephens Co 5.65 T. K. (JuAshannon' 20.00 Thoma- Dean 8.00 R. It. Wot ley 10.00 Geo. Sfvereon 4.00 John turns 4.00 Gallia Chapman 4.00 F abk J. W. Fei. ler 10.80 Joan beiith 37.00 rt ! Uhrisgi . . I) E M I. amnion 4.00 Delia M. Reed UK P. H Zobefl 7.20 I.. M. Kennedy 4.00 Holla Johnson 4.00 A. 3. Enyeart 4.00 V. G. ZeaUker 13.00 Clark Olds 8.00 V. F. Pwtereon s.00 Johm O'Mana 8.00 John J. Msjnion 8.00 liiinaan Wilson 8.00 N. A. Kirk 4.00 W. J. Haimiflton 4.00 John O Keefe 4.00 W. H. Swam 4.00 Smith P. TufMe 4.00 KIoQup & Bartletit Co 'L'.r.O M. G. Wambauglh 14.00 'haj. Bauer 8.00 Jucob Jesse 4.00 Frauk Bauer S.00 Herman RehdiPT .. 4.00 W. J. Johnson ; . 7.00 C. V. liuiuiioa S.00 H. O. sxroiug -j.OO Chris Hamsen ."j.OO G. W. lxer 4.00 B. F. Abley 4 00 School Dist. No. 29 10.00 Fneu Abley 8.00 F. E. Nikon 4.00 M.rluie Butler. . 4.00 A. J Tsohacher 4.00 John Ocuha 8.00 Joseph Cans, 4.00 H. J. Win en 12.30 Joseph Bantos 9.30 James B. leJth 8.00 John Kovarndk 4.0t J. O. Bowser 8.00 Chas. Prochazka 4.00 School Dist. No. 60 10.00 Bairney Halbur 8.00 T. L. Hopkims, Jr 12.30 J. M. Wanek 4.00 Joseph Duhon 4.00 Joseph iMuiaer 4.00 L. F Leavitt 4.00 J. R. Vau&oslLirk 30.00 Li. E. McCJuakey 6.50 Fred Crawford 4.00 John Burns 4.00 Chas. Tier nan 4 . 00 Geo. Severson 4 00 C Jnes Chapman 8.00 Hemingford Opera House Co. . . . 15.01 H. P. Ooursey 2.00 B. E. Johnson 1.85 Goo. Jo McCoy 18.00 John J. Wright 20.OO J. R. Lawrence 2.C0 J. R. Ijawrence 22 50 Central Lumber Co 11.6O M. C. Beaumont 8.00 T. M. Lawler 4,00 Gregury Zurn 9.70 A. W. Jayi 4 00 Jos. Mueller 4 oy W. C, Mow tils 250 00 School Da. No 20 5.00 Rred MullrijQg, Oo, Trmm. . ..1482.60 P. E. Rami.. .. Robt. K itUeinan . . J. M. Wanek.. . J. P. Jensen.. .. . f.00 .171.78 . . 12.20 . 14.40 Nobert Kronapfel 1.00 J. P. Irution 12.00 Whereupon board adjourns until to morrow morning at 9 n. m. W. C. MOFNT8, Clerk. AHlanoe, Neb., Nov. 16, 1910. Board of county com mM oners met iiuiwuant to adjournment, saime offi cers present as yesterdary. The fol lowing proceedings were had and done towit: The board selects the following 60 named persons from which the clerk is to draw a jury far the December 12th term of the district court: First Ward T. J. Beal. W. A. Ijotaiieich. Chas. Wills, A. R. Town er, P. H. Dillon, E M. Gregg, W. F. Rosenkranz, A. C. Bracken, Verne Cole, Sherman Beck, Earl Mallery, R. N. Mark, F. N. Wallace, H. T. Carey, E. D. Henry, J. W. Gaddte, J. D. Emerick. Second Ward Carl Spacht, R. E. Hill, W. S. Wheaton, H. R. Bean, A. A. Ralls, W. L. Kintop, W. .1. Ches hire, H. Merk, Peter Rubendall, L. R. Showalter, C. C. Koke, A. J. Cole. Box Butte W. E. Ixwance, J. A. Redman, Ed Curry, Geo. Zable. Lake L. S. H tones, F. N. Yoitok, J. E. Wilson, Ellis Ray, O. L. Harris. Boyd H. H. Brandt, E. .1. Beach. Running Water W. A. Clark. Dorsey C. C. Hucke, A. S. Enyeart, H. H .Pierce, Isaac Ricke, Clark OWs, C. S. West, Karl Fostnlm. XompareW Carsing Hemnings, Rich ard Bevan, A. H. Mabin. Wright-John Sase, Jr., R. R. Red dish, J. C. Hawkins. lawn Geo, Taylor, C. Klemke. Liberty Henry Clayton, John Ni kout. Snake Creek Chas. Tieman, N. G. Nelson. November 16, 1910. On etition of County Clerk Mounts for office help, it is the crder of the loard that he be allowed $700 for deputy and $200 for clerk hire for the year 1910, same to be paid out of the fees of his office. It Is the order of the board that the county treasurer be allowed assist Mat untij January 15th, 1911, after which same to be discontinued. There being no further business the board now adjourns to the regular meeting in January, i e, January 10, 1911. W. C. MOUNTS, Cterk. Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Nichols left Wednecday night for an extended visit in eastern Nebraska and central Mich igan. They go first to Auburn. Nebr., where they have relatives, and from there to Michigan. The Alliance W. C. T. I', will meet with Mrs. Cornu on Thursday after noon, December 8. The topic for dis cussion is Parliamentary Usage Come. This is an interesting and in structive department. Mrs- J. J. Vance. Press Supt. THEY NEVER FAIL GLEE CLUB 0MIN6 1 That is What They Say About Them in Alliance, and It Is Therefore, Reliable Another proof, more evidence, Alli ance testimony to swell the long list of local people who endorse the old Quaker remedy, Doan's Kidnev Pills. Read this convincing endorsement of that remarkable preparation: Mrs. Robert Bicknell, 504 Big Horn Ave., Alliance, Nebr-. says: "I have known of the merits of Doan's Kidney Pills for over three years. 1 first used them in Plea-onton. Iowa, and after coming to Alliance about a year ago, I procured a supply at Fred Holsten's Drug Store, as they are the best rtm edv 1 have ever known for disordered kidneys. For a number of vears I was afflicted with kidney complaint and was unable to find any permanent relief un til I began using Doan's Kidney Pills. They disposed of the pains in my loins and also strengthened mv back. Since then I have felt like a different person. I cannot recommend Doan's Kidnev Pills too highly in return for the bene, fit they have brought." For sale by all dealers. Price 50c Foster-Milburn Co.. Buffalo. N. Y-, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name--Doan's aud take no other. Typewriters for Sale One good Sholes typewriter, standard keyboard, in good condition. Price only 15. One good Franklin type writer. Price for quick sale $10. These can be seen at The Herald of fice. The prices are less than one-half their real value and are made to sell them quick. 5i-tf-i30 8 t Don t Overlook thai iMfcsMiiHis, If you are in arrears remember tkat we can always And good use for the MONEY 111 Popular Glee Club of Twenty Young Men Will be Hire The Nebiaska Wesleyan Glee Club, of twenty young men. will be at the Phelan Opera Houae on Thursday, December 22nd- This popular club of twenty peerless entertainers draw im mense audiences wherever thev go and it is predicted that they will draw a crowded house here. It if not often that we can hear a trained chorus such as this from a Uni versity that has the reputation and standing of the Nebraska Wesleyan University, which a great many of our boys and girls are attending, and AIM ance people should procure their tickets jut at soon as they are put on sale. Further particulars will be given in a later issue of the Herald. Coming in an Aeroplane I have so many homes to visit ana my reindeers are getting so old that I am going to try an aeroplane. I hope to reach my headquarters for north western Nebraska the BEE HIVE store, Alliance Christmas Eve at 1 1 p. m- From there I will visit my little friends- Santa Claiss. 4Q-it-282 2,350,000 pure old-fashioned buck wheat cakes made from every day's grinding of Wright's Mills, Berlin, Wis. Ask grocers, "Wright wrongs no man." 5i-4t'2io GROCERY NEWS We are at all times in touch with the market and are thereby able to quote you the very lowest prices on goods of highest grade as well the standard grades. Let us show you the following line of goods at prices that will save you money: FLOUK Victor Flour f 1.55 a sack Red R Flour $1.45 a sack DRIED FRUIT Loose Muscatel Raisins Fancy in 10 lb Box for $1.10 Apricots Fancy in 10 lb Box 1.80 Evaporated ring Apples in 10 lb Box for 1.30 syrup and nCLLIRfl 10 lb Pail Kariomel Syrup 45c 10 lb Pail Ranger Sorghum 50c 10 lb Pail Dixie Jelly 50c Skinned Hams at 20c a lb Bulk Lard 15c a lb Sliced Peaches in 2 12 Cans 25c Apricots " ' " 20c Apples in No. 10 Cans 40c Whole Jap Rice 6c a lb Soda Crackers in wood boxes .7c a lb Colorado Honey in frames 20c each Bulk Laundry Starch 5c a lb Celluloid Starch i0c a package Defiance Starch 10c a package Polo Soap, 9 Bars for 25c Wyandotte Cleanser and Cleaner 20c a sack OdtJ Oil 5 Gal. for 60c Remember that these are not special prices, but are in keeping with the market. We have the highest grade of goods that the markets will supply. Prices always right. Alliance Grocery Co. PHONE 56 "Yea, I'm aoiry, too, that you cannot fill the position, but what I need ia a TRAINED man a man who thoroughly underitanda the work." "No, there's no other position open we've bundreda of appli cants now on the list waiting for the little jobs. Thia position calls for a TRAINED man. Good day." That's it. There's a big call for the trained man the man who can handle the big things -the man who is an expert. You can easily receive the training that will put you in the class of well-paid men. You can't begin to under stand how quickly the little coupon below will bring you success. Already it has helped thousands of men to better paying positions and more congenial work. It will cost you only a two-cent stamp to learn how it is all done. Just ;nark the coupon as directed and mail it today. The Inter national Correspondence Schools have a way to help you. During last year over 4,000 students voluntarily re ported better positions and higher salaries secured through I. C. S. training. To only this small per centage of our student body there was brought in creased salaries amounting in one year to over Two Million Dollars ' Don't fill a little job all your life when you can so easily move up in the world. Tbe Business el This Place Is to Raise Salaries Htm j; the thae la amark the Caay laternatioaal Carrespoadeaee Schools Bo in. Straaaoa. Pa. Please iplala without lurtbef obligation oa my part, hue I caa quality lor a laier salary la the (H-kitloa teloie whicb I bare maikeri X. Bookkeeper Slenoajraphef AfKemaeaaeat Writer Show-Cad Write, Wa-Jtm Trimmer "jil Service Te.ttle-MJSupl Hectnciao BacbncW Fa..rr MechaaacaJ Diahamaa Telephone Enctoeef FJectnc Ltariona Supt Mecharuraf E-ntpneer Surveyor Stationary Fngtnrei 53 F-nfineet Building Contractor AtcKitectuial Drafts Architect Sourtutal Eafjai ' 1 gskV Mauang riganst Aref anJ No.