Classified Advertisements The following "Want Ads" are classified under appropriate headings for the convenience of reader. Cash Ratks - Five cents per line each insertion. No ad re ceived for less than ton cents per Insertion. CREDIT Ratks Five cents per line each insertion, but no ad vertising account opened for less than twenty live cents and no ad charged for less than fifteen cents per week. Good Ihinqs to Fat Lovers of ovsters should go to I Kevstone. Ovs-ters shipped direct to us froni,tlie oyster beds. We dandle the New A'ork Counts. Try them, Vou can get them in anv unantitv 4 2tt F, H. DtBMtft. Pardev's coftage bread is baked bv expert bakers and is good to eat- ROOMS AM) BOARD I) per week. Board alone. J4.25, Beds tor tent. 321 West Montana. MltS E Boost-:. '5otf To Rent Furnished Room for rent. 809 Box Butte Ave. Phone M-tf-j-ii Modern. 355- FOR RENT Newlv furnished mod ern rocnts. .515 Big Horn Ave. Phone 35.5- 50 2t-327 For nicelv furnished light house keeping appartments on the ground floor, see Mrs. Baver, of zi) Yellow stone or phone 52c,. Jotf-ja8 RANCH TO LEASE- Between five and six thousand acres, nearlv all fresh range. Hav and straw on place. Plenty of shedding- Splendid for sheep, cattle or horses- G. M- Park BR, Alliance. JOat3IO WANTED TO RENT - Two fttfO ished or unfurnished rooms in modern private residence. By couple who can give good references. No light house keeping. Phone 340. 4Q-tf 292. FOR RENT House and barn on Toluca Ave. House No. 504 Inquire at 121 West rd street- Phone No- 582. Mks. Nellie Heath. 307 40 tf FOR RENT - Furnished rooms, one set for light house keeping. Two and one-half blocks west of Alliance Na tional Bank. Phone 582. 4o-3oi)-tf Mks. Nells Heath. Furnished rooms, steam heat, bath, etc., with or without board. Mrs. J. H. Curtis, 51S Toluca avenue. Phone 416. 42 tf For Sale FOR SALE OR TRADE A fine half-sectiou of laud west of Alliance. Will sell or trade my Equity in one quarter or the entire half-sectiou for Alliance property. The land is in a good location and is level as the floor. Cuts good hay. Part has been under cultivation- Would consider a trade of house, business property, city lots, or stock of goods. Address ''T". Herald office, or phone 340. M-tf-336 FOR SALE - -Rooming house. For particulars phone 152. 5o tf-3i8 Six horsepower, brand new gasoline engine fcr sale very cheap. Address C. M. Carey, Lakeside, Nebraska, or see it at the Crescent ranch. 5o-4t-3to. Threlkeld sells chiua, glassware and lamps cheap. Relinquishment for sale or trade for Alliance citv property. Improved and five miles from good town- Call or ad dress, "A", Herald office- 47 -246 Farmers, ranchmen, aud everybody else find E. I. Gregg & Son's the best place to buv flour, feed, poultry food, and stock salt. 4g-tf-2Q4 Employment Wanted S. Glidden ha returned to Alli ance and 1 ready todn all kinds of odd jobs of work. Phone 166 ted. 3Qtf Wanted Work by dav 01 take wash tun home- Phone 4SS blue. tf Architect The C- W. Wav Co.. Architects, Hastings, Nebraska, will furnish you with plans and specifications for au class of building you wish to erect. Ask them for information. igtf Business Opportunities For Sale One-half interest in hardware nese. Carries Hoe of harass ami has best equipped tin shop in western Ne braska. Firm is doing (food business. Reason for sellinjr is poor health. For particular address, Hardware, care of Alliance Herald. 33-tf Live Stock, Poultry, Etc. FOR SALE One span of mares, 7 and 8 years old, both with foal. Weight 2.700 pounds. Call on or write C. H. Gillespie, 608 W. Dakota. 43-tf Now is the time to buv your Brown Leghorns. Call or write me at 924 Box Butte avenue. Alliance, Nebr B. H. Perrv. 41 tf Fat hogs and cattle wanted. We want to buv some good stuff to butcher. DtAKK & BaEB, Phone 50, 4Qtf 30S Repairing, Etc. The best equipped shoe shop in northwestern Nebraska is run by M. D. Nichols 111 the rear of the Alliance Cash Shoe Store. First-class work quickly done, at reasonable prices. 4otf Miscellaneous Have our Threlkeld's- pictures framed at MODERN SIX ROOM HOUSE for sale cheap. Located in best residence section of Alliance. Built for a home but owner finds it necessary to sell. Big, light rooms; plenty of closets; modern bathroom with fine fixture; big lot; fine porch; aud house is entire ly new. Easy terms can be ai ranged. Address J, Herald office. 47-tf-2$2 160 acre farm seveu miles from Miuatare. 30 acres under the Tri State canal aud balance uuder the Government canal- if, acres under cultivation. House, baru, cow stable, etc- Price only $40 per acre. Address Jos. M01 1 11 1, Miuatare 1 Nebr. 44tf-195 Buy your stoves of T. J. Threlkeld, 401 Box Butte Ave. 43-tf I have 400 tons of good hav for sale, good location to feed stock. J. D. Haobktv, 4 1 -tf Bridgeport, Neb. Money to loan on real estate. F. E. Reddish. 3 tf. FOR SALE -Good oat straw at $5.00 per ton- A. R- Wilson & Son, Box 1053. 4y-tf-284 WANTED TO BUY doable barrel shotgun, 12 gaise preferred. Price must be right. Gi:o. A. Hn. lis, 4Qt! -3V9- Flour, hav, feed, stock salt, poultry food. Best goods. Prices right. City deliveries made promptly, E. I. Gregg & Son. Phone 155. 40-tf.2Q4 Notice, farmers and ranchmen: If vou have good, fat hogs or cattle to sell we will pay you the highest market price for it. We want nothing but good stuff, but will pay you good prices if you have what suits us. DEABB iScBakh, Phone 50. 4Qtf-3o8. Furniture and bouseturnishiugs at the right price at Threlkeld'. NOTICE TO SETTLE. Having disposed of both our grocery and meat business, alt accounts are now due and payable. The accounts of S. H. Desch & Company, and the personal accounts of S- H. Desch ate also pay able to us. All persons knowing them selves indebted should call aud settle Bt once. Tbateb BaOTHBEa. SO-tf-3i2 LEARN WIRELESS 8c R. R. TE LEGRAPH V! Shortage of fullv 10, 000 Operators ou account of 8 hour law and extensive "wireless" develop ments. We operate under direct supervision of Telegraph Officials and positively place all students when qualified- Write for catalogue. NATL. TELEGRAPH INST.. C in cinnati: Philadelphia; Memphis; St. Paul, M iuu. ; Euid, Okla.; Columbia. S. C; Portland, Ore. For Sale Houses, Etc. 1 sell furniture and house furnish- tugs cheaper man auynouv. 1. j Threlkeld. 43tf Help Wanted LADY ROOM MATE WANTED By youag lady Nicely furnished room in good location. References furnished. Phone 340. 4(etf-305 GIRL WANTED foi general house work. Phone 60s. 4S-tp227 Household Articles Let me frame your pictures. T. J Threlkeld. 4Jtf Buv your china Threlkeld- and glassware of Royal BAKING POWDER MAKES THE PERFECT 1 HOT BISCUIT Also Rolls and Muffins Crusts and Cakes Send for Royal Cook Book 3 E-iC!S, 1 35 William St. I New York ELOPING PA'R CAUGHT Carlos Durham and "Gwen" Atkinson Induce Father to Pardon. Bmlthfield, Neb., Nov. 86. -"Owen" Atkinson, the seventeen-year-old Bert rand girl who ran away from home with ( arios Durham for the purpoae of getting married, was found at a fytin bOttM near Elvvood, to which town the couple was supposed to have gone. The girl went home with her father and it was announced that he had become reconciled to his daugh ter's desired marriage with young Durham. The pair first attempted to elope Tuesday, hut were caught. The girl left home again Wednesday and was met at Smithfleld by her would-be bus band, who took her to the farm house to hide her. She telephoned friends of her whereabouts and they notified her fa'her. ASKS FREE COAL Governor Clark Says it is Much Needed lor Alaska. RAILROADS AWAIT NEW ORDER SPENCE IS KILLED BY CARS Conductor on Rock Island Freight Run Down at Fairbury Crossing. Fairbury, Neb., Nov. 25. Peter I Speuce of this place, conductor on a westbound extra freight train. was in stantly killed at the South Sixth street I ( Missing by a car pausing over him, his body being cut in two at the waist. His left arm was also severed S pence was engaged in opening the j railroad crossing when his foot caught I in some manner and held him until the car, which was attached to an eu-1 gine, passed over him. He was thirty one years old and leaves a widow and two children. Railroads Pay Taxes Beatrice, Neb, Nov. 29. The Bur llngtou and Rock Islaud tailioads paid their taxes in Cage county for the year 1910. The amount turned over by the Burlington to the county ex chequer was $28,583.87 and by the Rock iRland 11.879.37. Duffy Lead in Flrat Day. Omaha. Nov. 28. Tying the highest score mane at the tournament '.it year, the Duffy team of St. l..n ,s bowled 2,909 at the opening of tbe fourth annual Mid West Bowling asso ciation tournament. Delegate to Civic Meeticy. Lincoln. Nov. 28. Governo- Sballerv berger has appointed a number of delegates to attend a meeting for iht purpose of organizing a atate civic federation. Position Wanted Work by bov outside of school hours for board and room Cood worker, Pall at The Herald office or phooe 340. 5i-tf-j40 Notice to Settle All accounts due me while in business at the Frank Breonan drug store soda fountain are now due and payable. All persons knowing themselves indebted should call and settle. Jok Smith, at Hoi step's Drug Store. 51 -if j 9 THESE WANT AI) COLUMN are read by 1,500 subscribers every issue. Advertise your wants Results connt. 47tf Wakeley Succeeds R. S. Hall. Omaha. Nov. 26. Judge K Wake ley has been appointed chancellor of tbe diocese of Nebraska by Bishop Williams, to succeed the late It 3 Hall llavevou a vacant house to rent? The Herald office has many calls for botiami to rent. Advettise it in the w Mill ad columns of this paper- Kate, hve cents per Mae per insertion, five wot Us to the line. Thev bring answers. 5' tf 3J7 u a 1 : v. s 1XO M1UII1 No Lime Phosphate! ' "I am quite positive that the use of alum baking powder should be condemned.1 Prtl. Wiuahan. ( 'nhvrsity 0 MUhiian. One Line Stipends for Lack of Miri ng Facilities and Industrie of North Are Badly in Need of Cheaper Fuel. Favors Leasing System. Washington, Nov. 29. Expressing: it as his opinion thai the want of cheap fuel and the delay in opening the Alaska coil tiehls are the strongest adverse factors in the present prob lem of territorial progress. Coventor Walter K Clark of Alaska, lu his an Dual report to the secretary of the in terior, declares that "the ill advised policy of forbidding all development of tbe large coal resources of Alaska. or or placing such restrictions a poo geeeiOpment us to muKe the emlmrka tlOH Of private Capital impossible, is to be deprecated, while the policy ot conservation by proper Use is to be encouraged. 'This coal," he says, "is needed for the industries of the territory and for the physical comfort of our people, and 011 no SCCOcnl should it be with held front these uses." The present impossibility of mining coal, under title or lease. Is in a nieas Ore responsible for the suspension of one or the principal railroads. This has caused a general feeling of din couragenuut over the business Hitua Hon in those parts of Alaska where development and settlement ought 10 be going on most rapidly. Governor Clark says it appeared in public discussions of the subject that the opposition to opening the Alaska coal fields 'springs chiefly from two sources- -those persons who fear a mo-1 nopoly ami those who would have this1 coal held as a reserve supply for the future." He further says that while the present coal land law Ik not a good oue, "it certainly lends no hope to mo nopolists, but rather is calculated to discourage the embarkation of capital." 1 In declaring his hope for the adop ion of the leasing system to develop the lands, Governor Clark says: "It wl!l be found quite feasible, according to the best authorities, to devise suit able terms for leases, protecting both the public and the operators, and In suring Intelligent conservation " For Sale Full blooded Plymouth Rocks. Cock re's, ffi.50; pullets, 75c- H- P. LaSSOM, Autioch, Nebr. 46-tf 146 International Press Bible Question Club l have read the Suggestive tjuest ions on tbe Sunday School Lesson pub lished in THE ALLIANCE HERALD also tbe lesson itself for Suudav, December 4th. toto, and intend to read the series of ,i- Name Address TWO RIOTS IN CHICAGO Three Women and Policeman Hurt In Fight With Strikers. Chicago, Nov. 29. Italians, v bom the police said were striking garment workers, engaged in two riots at Went Worth and Alexander streets OSS wouiau was made unconscious bj a blow on ihe head from a bast ball bat, a uiuu was clubbed sansaWlSS by the polite, a sergeant was slightly in jured and five women and four men were arrested. Kmuia State, a lauudi) worker, was the sufferer from the baseball bal. Tbe weapon, it is alleged, was wielded by another woman, Bertha Pecou. wbo was arrested While the fighting was going on. Police Sergeant John M t aim was knocked to the ground by a stone Joseph Heuballa, wbo, it Is said, threw the missile, was so se verely clubbed afterward that he bad to be taken to a hospital. A shoit time afterward Walter Mil b'i. twelve yeara old. fired on a crowd of Strikers that bad stormed the Mil lr home, and a bullet cut off a Auger on the hand of Miss Prances Vesely. Miller's sister and several other gar ntent workers had sought refuge la the bouse from the crowd. In buying baking powder examine the label and take only a brand shown to be made with Cream ol Tartar. Dr.PRICE'S r7 Baking Powder A pure, wholesome, reliable Grape Cream ol Tartar Baking Powder. Improves the flavor zni adds to the healthfulness of the food. BELL TELEPHONE SERVICE Has reached its preeent liiult state of develop ment beCftUM its policy bu always been beted uon thf conviction that "Success consists in gaming a'J deserving tbe confidence and the support of intelligent people." How well this attitude has won public approval is shown by (be astonishing growth of the Hell Sys tetn in all parts of the country. STATISTICS SHOW One Hell Telephone installed every minute. One thousand miles of wire strung every day. More thun six billion connections made every year. Five million telephones in use 4(,(XX in American cities. In Nebr: ska the installation of HOO new telephone a month. In Nebraska the building of 8,200 miles of copper toll lines last year. In Nebraska one hundred twenty thousand tele phones in "ilN cities and towns. OUR POLICY Has always been to deal frankly and fairly witli the public and rely for our achievement UHn square dealing and satisfactory service NEBRASKA TELEPHONE CO. T. H. BEESOIS, Local Manager. BT Janeiro Again i ranqun. Rio Jeael ro, Hiazii. .v tl. Th city awoke with a ie;iuB of iu- preestbia relief. The warships 01 the fluet stare again la the hands of the govern ni-nt, Whb :i k iii officers 10 taki- l OtUMiand after 1 1 iniitlin ers surrendered. TrslM from the intenoi Drought hack families srfcteh had Res in tear o, the bonihardint'in of the latlasers, aua the sawwpapers re joiced thai the people had lieen ,!e!l ereu from whHi thev termed h n:shi mate Strike is Starving 5,000 Babies. Chicago. No '.'St -The DltisSSS strike lommittee which has investigat ed (ond it ion.-, in the !nmilie of the striking garment workers reported that 1,009 hahes are starving here h. a result of the lalxn war. The popod was made at a meeting at Hull house and a special hahies' mlk fund was started at once by members of the eommittee Merchants Would Probe. New York. Nov. 2. -The Merchants' Association of New York asks the legislative investigating committee to Include In Ui inquiries before ad JouintuHiit the high comniisstous paid by the rlre in;!'-ance eompanieg to agents, and the state taxes imposed on the companies. Both of these items, it is argued, fall as burdens on tbe policyholders Diva Denies Getting $25,900. Paris. Nov. 28. Mrue IJua Cavalierl says there is not a word of truth in the report that she has abandoned her American trip because the ('hauler famby. without her husbaad's knowl edge, had sent her $25,000 She added that she had not received a cent from the Chanter fatally. FARMERS' INSTITUTES BOOR C. Hildreth of Franklin Reports Great Success of Meetings. Omaha, Nov. 2t. ' 'Expei iem e haa la.i,;b! OS that we can reuch more peo ple ny having fatmers' institutes near their nomea than by trying to get tin-ill to go to the agricultural collego at LiBCOlB," said C Hildreth, preai 001 of the Franklin State bank. Mr. Hildteth is chalimati of a commute appointed by the last meeting of the state hookers' couvention to iaveeta gute the facilities of the state for edu cation along agricultural lines. Tai committee is to report at the next meeting or the association. "It now seems proliable that an et foi t vv iii he made to get au appropriav tiou from the legislature to advance ! county institute work, for experieuc : has shown that this is the most ptao j tical way to reach tbe most people in the most desirable way. i 'Krauklin county has been engaged ' in institute work for six years. At first it was a bard matter to get the : farmers out. There was a sort ol 1 prejudice against book farming, as it ' was called, but time has changed this sentiment and now all that is necttav sury is to announce an institute and we have all the audience we cao handle Franklin county is a leader in this work, and at tbe last institute we had au attendance of over 40u foi the week, with seven instructors from the state agricultural farm. We used five buildings and they were filled at all times "These institutes have brought up tbe standards of (be farms in a moet wonderful tashiou aud have increased the earning power of the farms. Far us ers are all handling a higher grade ol stock for which they get greatly in creased prices, and are also increasing the yield of their farms."