New Groceiy Customers Every business day vc have new customers added to our large patronage. There is a reason for this. The most satisfactory thing about it is that they continue to be our customers day after day. That certainly means that we are giving them satis faction. We study to please our customers. We give them the goods they want, and we send out nice, clean, fresh groceries; neatly wrapped and handled by experienced delivery men who deliver them when promised. Do we make mistakes ? Yes, occasionally, for with a business of the magnitude of ours some mistakes must necessarily occur but we always rectify them at once and guarantee satisfac tion. We're ready to take your order phone 32. GEO. DUNCAN & SON New Queensware Line I have just added a new, full and complete line of Queensware. Hy stock includes everything in this line. See the beautiful hand-painted Chinaware, Cut Glass and Silverware. The quality is guar anteed and the prices are right. I. L. AC H ESO N ALLIANCE NOVEMBER BULLETIN TO THF SOUTH: Homeseekers' excursions will continue during the winter to the South and Southwest; Winter tourist excursions are in effect every day to southern resorts; these excursion rates offer an excellent chance to escape the Northern winter in looking over the land and recreation possibilities of the new South. HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS: On the first and third Tuesdays to the new lands of the West, including the Big Horn Basin which country today offers the greatest combination of in dustrial and farming resources at the cheapest rates that can be found in the country. TO CALIFORNIA: Every day excursion rates with choice of routes going and returning, to include the whole Pacific slope. Thousands of Americans, especially inva lids and elderlv people, have selected Southern California for their permanent place for a winter sojourn. Send for Burlington publications, "California Excursions.'' "1'acific Coast Tours " Let me help you plan the tour ol the greatest attraction at the lowest rates. J. KRIDELBAUGH, Agent Alliance L W. WAKELEY, Ci. P. A., Omaha Suggestive Questions for December 4th Dr 4th. 1910. It -vvrth. lain hv Nev T S l.inroH. I) H I Peter's Denial. Matt. xxvPSI-ftR. QotdM Text Lot him that thlnketh ho Manrleth take heed lest he ML 1 Cor. x: 12. Verne :'.1 Is It. or not. usual for a rompany, or a cMM, to be scattered when the leader Is taken away? Olr some examples. Did the writer In J5ec. x1ll:7, from which foaetl qtiotna. have Jesus In mind at the time he wrote, and does Jesus mean to Imply that he did? Give vour rMMM Why Is not the flock to be blamed fop scatter ina; when the wolf Is upon them, nnil the shepherd has been smit ten 7 Verses S4i Why would It hare been better or worse, for Peter, or the cause of Ood. If In view of subse quent events he had not made this strong declaration Of loyalty to Jesus? Regardless of what the future may develop, nupht we. In the present, with unshaken confidence, to make an eter nal covenant of loyalty to God, wlh full expectation of keeping It? fllve your reasons. In the obtalnment of technical, or Intellectual knowledge, mistakes are absolutely unavoidable, why therefore does not the same rule obtain In o QUirtDg moral courage, knowledge, or COPdOft? Which man Is more likely to be true to Ood nnd why. one who Is confident from his warm love to God that he will be faithful to hlin In the future, or the one Who If timid nnd feorful that he will be unfaithful? Verse-. gg -70 -My wh:it law. moral spiritual OT psychological, did this truly entT"'t Peter dony tli" Christ that n few hours, at most, before he said be would dto for? Was Peter - denial moral cowardice or, policy, n Btld leotj formed plan of Campaign to defeat the enemy? If Peter'u denial was not a real de Dlol, from his heart, what moral blame would yotl attach to It? Ver se 71 When a lie has been told Whethei "White," er "black," what are the chancea thnt more lies will be no essary te back It up? Describe the nature of each of Peter's three lies, and show how they Illustrate hat those who start at v t ir.e-dolnsr. Invariably get "worse and worse'? When a man has to curse und swear to back up his statement. Is It, or not, prima tACStS evidence that he Is lying? Ve-rse 76 What is the value of warning. ir good advice, when we know it will be disregarded? What Is the moral difference be tween the ain of Judas and that of Peter? What evil, or good results, have followed from Peter's ain? (Thla ques tion muet be answered In writing by members of the club.) Is th- world and the church, better or worse because of Peter's denying Jesus? Lesson for Sunday, Dec. 11th. l'JIt). The Crucifixion Matt. xxvll: 15-50. Spring Wagons for Sale We now have Five New Hand-Made- Spring Wagons ready for delivery. They are better made, more durable and will give much better satisfaction than machine made spring wagons. We will sell these wagons at reasonable price. If you want one of them, call immediately, before they are all taken. Shop opposite Palace Livery Barn. FIRST RIDE HERE IS A REMEDY THJT WILL CURE ECZEMA "WE PROVE IT Why waste time and money experrment ng with grrasy salves and lotions, trying to drive the eczema Rerm trom underneath the skin when the llolsten Drug Store guarantees ZBIflO, a clean liquid prepara tion for external use to rid the skin ol the germ life that causes the trouble' t'ne application will relieve the itchrng and often times one bottle is sufficient to cure a minor case of eczema In over 2.000 towns and cities in Amer ica, the leading druggist has the agency for ZEMO and he will tell you of the mar velous cures made bv this clean, simple treatment. .EMU is recognized as the cleanest and most popular treatment for eczema, pimples, dandruff and all other forms of skin or scalp affections wbether on infant or growo person. Will ' you try a bottle on our recommendation? 1 Ho.sten's Drug Store. HARRY r. COllRSf Y I', n TtULT I) ii 1 1 1 I Donovan & Son General Auctioneer Farm Sales a Specialty TERMS REASONABLE Phone 72 ALLIANCE. NEBR. Repair Work Sewing Machines and Organs. Have secured the services ol a prac tical mechanic aud can jjuai autee all work doue by him. Don't trust your work to travelling repair meu. This Ml will le here permanently. Re pairs and parts furnished for all ma chines. i'ii 1 o. (ico. D. Uerlingi Again We Say SSl Prosperous Farmer, 23 Years of Age, Takes Initial Jauni on Railway Dan l.awteuce. pi pei on "itng farmer of Box Butte euuutv . ha. 'ived in Nebraska nearly twenty thtee ears and until vesterdav was nevrr on a railroad train His brother. "Bill ' Lawrence, who is somewhat older, and who was his traveling companion, has but one short trip to his credit hereto fore. The parents of these men came to Nebraska from Iowa- in the 'So, traveling bv railroad to Chadrou, and driving overland Iroin that point to Al liance. The younger Lawrences now now their own fa ins in the same neighborhood- While railroad travel is a novelty to them, thev have ridden ou horseback over a goodly portion of northwestern Nebraska, frequently rid ing a hundred miles or more in a day. They passed through Lincoln on the Burlington en route to Des Moines. Lincoln Daily Star. Night Force at Postoffice The Alliance postoffice will now have a night mail clerk to handle the mail for the night trains and to distribute the mail from the same trains- Fred G. Leavttt, ot the day force, has been assigned to this duty and will begin work at top. in. and quit at seven in the morning. All mail put in the postoffice before eleven o'clock at night will be sent out on the night trains and the mail from the same trains will be in the boxes about two hours earlier than usual. Alliance is a growing city and is the tirst one in western Nebraska to have a night postoffice shift. Return From Wedding Trip Mi. and Mrs. lsadore Kichstein re turned last Friday from their wedding trip to the DOrth weft We had the following notice of their wedding writ ten up for The Herald, to he published under the heading, "Wedded at Holy Ko.-ary Church." but it was crowded out ol the issue in which it should have appeared, hence we give it DOW : At ten o'clock a- m.. Wednesday, Novembet 2. 1 9 to, before the altar of Holy Rosaty church in Alliance, Mr. Itidor Kichstein and Miss Edna Fleato Slceth, both of Garden county, Ne braska, were united in the holv bonds ot matrimony, Rev. Fr- W. L. Mc Namara officiating. Among those present were Mr. aud Mrs- J A. Sleeth ol Or a'ulo. parents of the bride, and Mi. and Mrs. J. G. Henrv, of Craw ford, brother-in-law and sjister of the groom. The groom is liveret F.ldred's popular ranch foreman. The bride recently came from Taylor county. Iowa, ui h her parents, who reside on a good claim near Orlando, in Garden county. Attt-i a wedding trip to the north west, the will take up their residence 011 what is known as the John Brenuati ranch. Thev leave todav for Billings, for a visit with the groom's parents. On theii leturn they will stop at Sher idan, where his brother resides, and at Crawford, to visit his brother in-law and sister, Mr. aud Mrs J. G. Henrv. The Herald otters congratulations aud very best wishes for a long and happy married life. Public Provision for Consumptives Sixteen state sanatoria, t went v-eiiht county hospitals and twenty-one mu nicipal hospitals for tuberculosis huve been erected and provided for since January I. I00O. says a bulletin of the National Association for the Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis, issued in November Within the last two years the number of state institutions for tuberculosis has doubled, and the number of county and municipal institutions has in creased from about :t() to SO. The ex penditures of public money for the treatment of tuberculosis has also more than doubled. Not less than 13.000,000 of state money was appropriated for tuberculosis institutions in 1 '.' when t 1 legislatures met, and over grttm, (Km in 1010, when only eleveu legialatorcs were in session. The appropriations of counties and cities for tuberculosis hospitals and sanatoria in the last two years will aggregate fully s.'.'.k n bringing the total of official appropria tions for tuberculosis hospitals up to over g4i.G0O.(MM, in the past two years In spite, however, of this good show ing, the National Association for the Study and Prevention of I uberculosls states that not one-tenth of the publie provision for tuberculosis tnat is needed has been made. More than ISO.OOO tu berculosis patients are constantly with out proper institutional treatment making good the slogan of the cam paign, "A Million for Ttt viiImms are very bright. Crap Shooters Captured Last Thutftdav night the Chief of Police. Night Marshal aud Deputy Slier lit made a raid on a bunch of crap shooters who were enjoying themselves immensely. They were all captured and landed iu jail. When brought be fore the Police Judge all pleaded guilty and paid their fines. The Chief of Police states that he is "hot after them" now and that all gamblers caught will be given the limit. Success to him. E J. Wilson Seriously III Word was received bv telegraph Tuesday that E. I. Wilson, of Alliance, and son in law ot Special Agent Hoag, of the Burlington, is seriously ill at St. Joseph's hospital y 1 1 1 1 cancer of the stomach aud is not expected to live This ill be sorrowful tiewe to the many friends of Mr. Wilson and his popular family. We hope that he may yet be spared manv years on thi earth Miss M. Ruth Taylor TEACHER OF PIANO 324 w. Fifth St. Phone 205 EDITH TnTsWAST TgaAOH .it i PIANO, HARMONY and Musical History Studio 424 Lnromle Avenue I'hntifl U '-! O Millions of Christmas Seals Wasiiisi, ion. I). (".. December 1st Announcement comes from the head quarters of the American National Rod ClOM 1 1 1 ,t t 1 'liristmas Seals are being printed at the rate of a million a day nut that already over M.OOO.OOO have been ifiven out to agents in all parts of the United States. The demand for these holiday seals is greater this year t ban ever before At the same time tie Ked Croajl issues a yvaruing calling attention of all users of Christmas Seals to th ruling of the Poet Ogice Department that these stick ers must be placed ou the backs of let ters aud packages. To avoid the poss ibility of the misuse of holiday seals, warning cards are being posted in every booth where red cross seals are sold, telling that the stickers are not good for postage and must be used only as seals. M ready several million seals have been sold to large manufacturing con cerns anil other bosineas houses iu all parts of the I'nited States, and orders are coining in hourly The outlook for selling lOO.Oon.noo seals and thereby A. F. BALDRIDGE ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Land Office Practice a Siwialty Bonded Abstracter in Office office in MrOorklf Mix . nct to c. s. 1 .101 'i office. Alliance Candy Factory The Herald job department is now engaged in priutiug a large number of oiled wrappers for Johnson's Molasses Kisses. Many people do not know that Alliance has ati up to-date candv factory and that an immense amount of candv is insntifactured arid sold here. The business is constantly growing and the proprietot, Harrv Johnson, recent ly found it necessary to enlarge his quarters to handle his large trade- Chautauqua for Alliance Mr. J. i. Keed, General Atjent and Field Manager of the Chautauqua Man ager's Association, of Chicago, who I" ok the largest Chautauqua business of any bureau in America, was in Alli ance recently and an interview was se cured bv The Herald reporter. Mr. Heed stated that inanv towns in Net raska the size of Alliance, such as David City, Tecumseh, Superioi, Red Cloud, Cambridge, and others have run very successfully for years, besides Crawford and Scottsbluff in our own territory- When a Chautauqua Association is incorporated, about five or ten per cent of the stock is paid in the first year to establish it. The secretary does most of the n-cessarv work and is guided by the Hoard of Directors. He said that a Chautauqua could be held at the Fair grounds very easily in Alliance and that eventually it would probably help build Bp a fine city park, as Hastings has put over into their city park, which is used for Chau tauqua purposes. 1 be Chautauqua is ot value to a town in an entertaining and education al wav and is only a slight cost to each individual- Directlv and indirectly it helps the b .iness interests of a town. It materially broadens the intellectual and moral ideas of a communith. Mr. Heed will probably return to Al liance MOO and it public sentiment is favorable. organize an Association here. Shall Women Vote? If tney did, millions would vote Dr. King's New Life pills' the true reined for women ror banishing dull, fagged feelings, backache or headache, consti pation, dispelling colds, imparting ap petite and toning up the system, they are unequaled. Kasy. safe. sure. gM at F . J, Hreitnan's The High Cost of Living Reduced Much has been said ithuu-t the high OOat of living, its causes, and the possi bilities of its reduot ion. Hut iittle has been said about the most cosily leak: the false economy e istiug today in nearly every household. Much foodstuffs are bough' with hut one point in view: ' How cheap can I get it"? without a thought of quality or after cost. One of the uio t seriou is baking powder Hy the u.e of perfect baking po iler the housewife can derive as much MM omy as from any 01 her article used iu baking and cooking. In selecting the baking powder, therefore care should be exercised to purchasx- one that re tains its origiuat strength and a I Way a remains the same, thus making the food sweet ami wholesome and produc ing snmVient leavening gas to make the baking light Very little of this leavening gas is produced by tee cheap baking powders making it necessary to use double the quantity ordinarily required to secure good results You cannot e.xpe. iuient every time you make a cake or biscuits, or test the strength of your tiakiug powder to find out OOn much of it you should u-c ct With most baking powders you should do tins for they are put togeth er so carelessly ttiat tliey are never un iform, the quality and strength vary ing w tli each can purchased ( annuel Haking I'owder is made of chemically pure ingredients of tested strength. Kxperienced ckemists put it up. The proportions of the different materials remain always the same, tooled In air-light cans. Calumet Bak ing I'owder does not alter in strength and is not affected b atmospheric changes In using Calumet you are bound to have uniform bread, cake or biscuits, as Calumet does not contain any cheap, useless or adulterating ingredients so commonly used to increase the weight. Further, it produces pure wholesome food, and is a baking powder of rare merit: therefore is recommended by lending physicians and cheiuiats. It complies with all pure food laws, both S'l'ATK and NATIONAL. The goods are Moderate iu price, and any lady purchasing Calumet from her grtM'er. if not satisfied with it. can return it and hnve her money refunded. EUGENE BURTON Attorney at Law LAND ATTORNEY Office First National Bank Bldg. 'Ph3oei8o. ALLIANCE. NEB. WILLIAM MITCHELL, ATTOHNIT AT taw. ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA. H. M. BULLOCK. Attorney at Law, ALLIANCE, NKB, TCIvlTjroome LAND ATTOKNF.V Lor ir experience as Iteeeivei 118. Land 1 fflc In a Kiiurnnte for prompt and efficient service. Office in Opern ttause Block ALLIANCE, - NEBRASKA BkTuCE WILCOX L awyerand Land Attorney I'riictllb.ner In civil c imrts since sKI unit Ueidster rjr, i, Land OCSea (rata 1091 to tow. In format inn l mall 11 se-lalty. oovteo 1 k baim ornoi OMitewo AUlAXfCS - NEBKASkA OKI K COI'l'KKMiU, Km, I'lmne M 1 . PRTKB0JM lies I'. nun- 43 Drs. Coppernoll & Petersen OSTKOPATIIS Rooms 7, 8 and o, Kumer Block Phone 43 GEO. J. HAND, PUVniClAM AMI SI KHKUR Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat DR. C. H. CHURCHILL PHYSICIAN AND St KOHIN' (Huceessor to Dr. J. K. Moorol OFFICE IN FLETCHER BLOCK Office hours I l-l:.' am. i-t p.m. T;a!-9 p. tn Officell'I lone 62 Res. Phone, 85 H. A. COPSEY, M. D. Physician and Surgrun I'honv gmi Calls answered erumiitly dy and Rigid r i ulHli-e MOeea : Alliance .Natimis. Huil HolldlnynTertlie Post Otiti c DR. CHAS. E. Si LAO Lb DR. BELLWOOU Special Attention Paid to Eye Wojrk Dr. L. W. Bowman PHYSICIAN AM) SI Kl.LON Rumer Block. RoOMM II and tj ( IBce lioiirs. In ii 1. 1 111 ; l:3Ute f twgl n Office Phone b" Res. Phone 16 Dr. H. R. Belville DXliTa 1ST PHONE 167 Opera House KIock Alliance. Nebr. T. J. THRELKELD, Undertaker arid EmbaSmer PHONE 207 ALU V.NCH . NKHHASKA THE GADSBY STORE funeret Director end Embelmer fUNERAL SUPPLIES Ofhre Phone 408 Res. Phone jio J. P. HAZARD Surveyor and Engineer, Al MAX I . M HK ASKA Ci 1 lies out of town iImmM wrile. as I am out uincli of I lie lime. Charge will not, ex ceed U0 and expenses per day. E. C. WHISMAN Practical Painter & Paper Hanger Full line wall paper samples PHONE 700 ALUANCC. NEBH E. O. COOL Plumbing and Fitting All work guaranteed first-cla&s l'l 11 ) :'. UK I III! MINT IIINOINICOCK ALLIANCE. NEBRASKA W. F. ROSEN KRANZ Practical Blacksmithing and Wagon Work. Horseshoeing a Specialty Stag m Sattai St. Mom get gotta art Ltramlt ALLIANCE, NEMUSIU