m '. , K I f Classified Advertisements under appropriate No ad ro The following "Want Ads" are classified headings lor the convenience of readers. Cash Ratjjs Five cents per1 line each insertion. ceived for less than ten cents per insertion. Credit Rates Five cents per line each insertion, but no ad vertising account opened for les than twenty-five cents and no ad charged for less than fifteen cents per week. Important Notice to Meat Consumers Good Things to Eat Lovers of oysters should go to the Keystone. OyFteis shipped direct to us from the oyster beds. We handle the New York Counts. Try them. You can get them in any quantity. 42tf P. B. DtSMBK. Pardey's cottage bread is baked expert bakers and is good to eat , 5 ,. , by to Rent WANTED TO RENT Two furn ished or unfurnished rooms in modern private residence. By couple who can give good references. No light house keeping. Phone 340. 4q-tf-2Q2. FOR RENT House and barn on Toluca Ave. House No. 504. Inquire at 3zi West 3rd street. Phone No- 58 307-49. "tf Mrs. Ncluc Heath. FOR RENT -Furnished rooms, one set for light house keeping. Two and one-half blocks' west of Alliance Na tional Bank. Phone 582. 49-3o6-tf Mrs. Ncli.e Heath. First-class board and room for one young man. Call 713 Laramie Ave,,, or phone 394. " 47-4-225 FINE, large office room for rent in First National Bank building. Hot 47tf-2(i Household Articles Let me frame your pictures.- T. J Thtelkeld. 43tf THESE WANT AD COLUMNS are read by 1,500 subscribers every issue. Advertise your wants- Results count. 47-tf Fmployment Wanted DRESS M AKIN G Experienced dressmaker. 3 to: Yellowstone avenue. Phone 535. Mrs. Barnem, 44-tf-205 S.Glidden has returned to Alli ance and is ready to do all kinds of odd jobs of work. Phone 1G6 red. 39tf Wanted Work by day or take wash ing home. Phone 485 blue. tf Architect The C W. Way Co., Architects, Hastings, Nebraska, will furnish you Hith plans and specifications for any class of buildiug you wish to erect. Ask them for information. igtf Business Opportunities For Sale We 'have good news for the peonle of Alliance who have boon compelled to pay high prices for an inferior quality of meat. ltn the opening of the Cash Meat Market, in our now huilding at 517 Sweetwater avenue, we can positively announce that we are selling BETTER QUALITY of MEATS than the people of this city have been buying and at LOWER PRICES. We don't send away several hundred miles to have the culls from the big packing houses shipped to us at great expense. We buy the best fat cattle and hogs to be found in Box Butte and neighboring counties, we do expert butchering and serve meats to you in the best possible style, and at prices 25 to 40 per cent less than you have been paying. GIVE US A TRIAL and we will prove our claim. Telephone orders delivered promptly. Phone 50. Cash Meat Market DRAKE & BARB, Props. 517 Sweetwater Avenue. water heat furnished. -One-half Interest in hardware busi ness. Curries line of harness and has best equipped tin shop in western .Ne braska. Firm ih dolnjr good business. Heabon for .selling is poor health. For particulars address, Hardware, care of Alliance Herald. 32-tf Furnished rooms, steam heat, .bath, etc., with or without boaid. Mrs, J, H. .Curtis, 518 Toluca. avenue. Phono 416. , . 42 tf For Sale HARD COAL BURNER for sale cheap. Phone Blue 58 Rev. D. B. McLaughlin. 1,." 4-2-264' FOR SALE 1 team, 2 mlik cows. 1 two-seated carriage, 150 full blooded Buif OrpiuEtonwbiciJeUs.yJjSv$ax.-i ton, Teatcr Brothcis Meat Market. 48 tf-267 ' STRAYED ThreV calves, about five mouths old. Two have ear-marks on left ear. Other has rib mark on ear but has white spot on right side. Have been gone about tuo weeks. Informs fivp miIfR.fro!t pood town... Call oi"ad-. Uon leadinc to, their recovery, will be -t ?-- .r-ry.--Jfc rr r-vi-r - r. z -.. r-TTcre-" f jir.i-.' VHeraia-onrce iis -nnera Relinquishment for sale or trade for Alliance citv property. Improved and dreSTf? Farmers, ranchmen, and eveiybody else find E. I. Gregg & Son's the best place to buy flour, feed, poultry food, and stock salt. 49-294 MODERN SIX ROOM HOUSEa for sale cheap. Located in best residence section of Alliance. Built for a home but owner finds it necessary to sell. Big, light rooms; plenty of closets; modern bathroom with fine fixtures; big lot; fine poich; and house is- entire ly new. Easy terms can be arranged. Address J, Herald office. 47.tf-.j52 1G0 acie farm seven miles from Minatare. 30 acres under the Tri State canal aud balance under the Government canal. 25 acres uuder cultivation. House, barn, cow stable, etc. Price only S40 per acie. Address Jos. Moi'i'iTT, Minataie, Ncbr. Buy your stoves of T. J. Threlkeld, 401 Box Butte Ave. 43-tf Live Stock, Poultry, Etc. FOR SALE One span of mares, 7 and 8. years old, both with foal. Weight 2,700 pouuds. Call on or write C. H. Gillespie, GoS W. Dakota. 43. tf -Now is the time to huv your Brown Leghorns. Call or write me at 924 Box Butte" avenue, Alliance, Nebf. B. H. Perry. 4-'tf International Press Bible Question Club I have read the Suggestive Questions on the Sundav School Lesson pub lished in THE ALLIANCE HERALD also the lesson itself for Sunday, November 13th, njio, nnd intend to read the series of 52- Name Address .. Strain Too Great Hundreds of Alliance Readers Find Daily Toil a Burden iTmg'sawtes-'Bnradf Turek, Hemingtord, Nebr, ;ssnrgdas. 49 t-283 Fat hogs and cattle wanted. We want to buy some good stuff to butcher, Draki- & Bkb, Phone 50. 4gtf-30S The hustle and worry of business men, The hard work aud stooping of work men, ' I -. Tl.-. .............. I. A..... .!.!. nnrnr. ,jrf3fei.ucv wijd u ,auu myyntmwwp.y Are too great a strain on the MUueys. Backache, headache, sideache. Kidney troubles, urinary troubles follow. An Alliance citizen tells you how to cure them all Repairing, Etc. The best equipped shoe shop in northwestern Nebm is inn by M. D. Nichols in thf -! -i the Alliance Cash Shoe Stoif- lust-class work quickly donr. ' ti uuuable prices. 40tf COAL Miscellaneous -Phone your older to No. 15" 44-tf2o6 Tor Sale Houses, Etc. bar-Her- First class boarding house at a train in a eood location. Call at aid office. 46-4t-24t COAL Phone 15 if you Carey & Vaughn. want coal. 44-tf-2oG I sell furniture aud house furnish- 'iugs cheaper than anybody. T. J. Threlkeld. 43-tf Eight room house, partly modern, barn, two lots, for sale. 900 Yellow stone avenue. Phone, Green 166. 40-10 I have 400 tons of good hay for sale, good location to feed stock. J. D. Hagertv, 4i-tf Bridgeport, Neb. Money to loan ou real estate. F. E. Reddish. 3-tf. WANTED TO BUY double barrel shot gun, 12 gauge preferred. Price MUSICAL" WAfTtiF FAMILIES Phonographs of Philadelphia Neigh bors Grind Day and Night. I'ltlUitPl-ih'ti, Nov. 15. For. foui ypR'H t'jii aitelphla has had "a war of i'.iiiioita,lis, uml tho end la not in sight. Harry L Dana nnd hi m-xt door neighbor, Fletcher Dimmer, are owners of the rival phonographs. The Ijh Dana phonograph hits boon grinding out "Huh Anybody Here Seen Kelly" for 170 hours at a stretch. lo Dana and his wire took turns winding the machine and reaoulng the roc onU. Next door It was tho satno way, with tho exception that the tune was "America." Tho row started when Mrs. Dimmer, with her piano, endenvored to drown the noise making proclivities of tho Le Dana phonograph. Sho was not a good ondurnnce player, so her hus band had to- purchase n phonograph. Now tho two machines grind day nnd night. Tho neighbors declare "that unloss the families settle tholr difference thoy will apply to tho police. TYPHOID AT NAVAL ACADEMY Another Midshipman Is Removed to Hospital. Annapolis, Md., Nov. 15. Although another mlusnlptuan was removed to the nuwil hospital Buttering with ty phoid fever, tun medical OiticlaiM loit ciatcd tholr statement that then nue.i be 110 tear of an epidemic. 1 na casob now being treated ut the r.s-ntu. enmo u.otig slowly, lustfiiu ot u.. u. them developing at oik t.tuu. The authorities are ut s--a ts to li. catibo of tho disease, as all tne .oiy soived to tne mmsnipmeu, ta,tu.iii ly the milk and water, wore 'subjecie. to examination nnd jouud to bo u tlrely froe Horn germs. Several utfivi midshipmen aro on the side list vvU the grlppo aud there aro two nioru ty 'phold suspects. Starr King, captain of tho navy foot hall team, la reported In a more aerl knts condition than any of tho other patlonts, although he is not regarded as dangerously 111. ACTION ON WALSH PARDON , Attorney Sims and Judge Anderson Make Recommendations to President. Washington, Nov. 15. United States , District Attorney Sims nt Chicago nnd .Judge Anderson of Indianapolis have mado recommendations to the depart meat of justice on tho application for pardoning John U. Walsh, the banker now in the Leavenworth penltentlarj Judge Anderson was the trial Judge and Sims the prosecuting attornoy. The substance of their recommenda tlon Is secret, but it will be neces sary for them to amplify their recom wUiridjiUana.Jyoro Wfllsh pardon jpan r Dt " piaceu peiore Aiioruey uenerai Wlfkersham or President Taft must be right. 40.tt.29y- Geo, A. Hii.lis. Flour, hay, feed, stock salt, poultry food. Best goods. Prices right. City deliveries made promptly. E. I. Gregg & Son. Phoue 153. 40.tf.2q4 Help Wanted LADY ROOM MATE WANTED Bv voune ladv. Nicely furnished room in good location. References furnished. Phone 340. 49-tf-305 Anyone, anywhere, can earn big pay copying addresses at home evenings, Full particulars, 6c stamps. DeArcon, Box H, Mlddleport, N.Y. 49-it-2gi WANTED: A young man at a salary of J5too.oo A MONTH- Are you worth it? You would be if you had the right kind of training. If you will attend Custer College and do as much for yourself as we will do for you, you can bo worth ?ioo.oo a mourn in a snon time. There are great opportunities also, for lady bookkeepers and stenog raphers. Our Business and Shorthand courses are as complete as can be found anywhere in the United States. You can enter Custer College at any time. For full information, write to Loren Cornett, Pres., Broken Bow, Nebr. 49-it-293 Wanted; a girl to work atlunchhour in Cafe. Care Herald. If ,1 GIRL"W ANTED for general house, work. ' Phone 605. 45;U7 LEARN WIRELESS - R. R. TE LEGRAPHY! Shortage of fully to, 000 Operators ou account of 8-hour law aud extensive "wireless" develop ments. We operate under direct supervision of Telegraph Officials and positively place all students when qualified- Write for catalogm NAT'L. TELEGRAPH INST., Cm cinnati; Philadelphia; Memphis-. St Paul, Minn.; Enid, Okla.; Columbia S. C; Portland, Ore. Anyone having clothing of any kind which they do not care to keep, and which they desire to put to good use, will confer a favor by phoning Mrs- W. H. Zehrung, phone 287, Supt. of Mer cy anu neip department Alliance Epworth League, or Mrs, S. K. War rick, phone 102, Supt. Mercy and Help Department Alliance W. C T, V. This clothing will be used in helping the poor of Alliance this wjnter. tf. Mrs. Laura Ricketts. 710 Mhsouri Ae., Alliance, Nebr., savs: ''I can highly recommend Doau'K Kidney Pills as I consider them uuequaled for kid ney trouble. 1 had attacks of this complaint for some time. Doan's Kid ney Pills, procured at Frud E. Hot steu'b dniK store, lemoved the pain from my back aud limbs and made me. feel better in evety wav." For sale by all dealers. Price 50c Foster-Milburu Co., Buffalo, N. Y( sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. Sale on Silk Waists Sat urday at Stuckey Com pany's. H We want to buy good, fat hogs and cattleto butcher. , . Dkaki & Barb, Alliance, Phone 50. 49tf-30S NOTICE Toll K. Join's. You ur herehy notified tlnU I. the under-hlh-ueil. did on tu8th duyof Aunutl A I) Il puiTlibsL' ut irh ate tax sal of tho ttviiMirer ot Hox Hum-county. Nobruskn. tho following ili-NcrilKit lot !l muted lu llnx lttitte county, Nvtir.. to-wli: - Iit three tH) blwksU (ti) Htmi'tijiford. Nebr for tho tuxes of tln vt'tirs lliw-s.-UK)i-Ol-yJ-Xi-01-05-im, uud that I lmtMiiii, nod utter thu same Ikh-uuio del noueiii, paid as milwe,ueul tux thu luxes for tliw year 1!JT-0S-W tlntt saM hind-lol wii. tuxed In the imtue. of li. K. oneorpr tne yean. l-)!'U0O-Ullle-l M Oj-IM uml 07 mid In the uutui- of LIiicdUi I .aud tX. for tbeyeur. llWutul liv. And yon urt further notflled thtttufter the edrulluti of Ihtee months from date, of thu set-rh-e of this notlee. I will u)ply o siild treusnier for a tax dcfsjot Mild tun ot, Voti will K(rru your oclf utoordltiisly. Ihtled lids till) dny of Novi-mlHSi-. A. It HMO. .SON BEATS FATHER IN C0UR1 iRet Thanksgiving Dinner ,5 MENU ! Oysters on the Half Sliol! Libjjy'fi.Cbnsoriimc 1'ony Oyster Crackers t ' v Libby's Quben Olivus - v Celery Salted Peamits Hlanchedi Roast Turkey Oyster Dressing1 Cranberry Sauce Gaiety Sweet Potato Croquets r Gaiety Golden Wax Beans , Gaiety Asparagus Tips on Toast . Gaiety Extra Small Peas- Creamed Mayonnaise of Celery , , Sunshine Wafers Gaiety White Cheese 'Gaiety Pumpkin Pie Fnrd Dates Pecan Stuffed Pulled Figs Chase & Sanborn Coffee' After Dinner Mints Gaiety Cigars We will receive a large shipment of fresh fruits and vegetables on Wednesday especially fpr the Thanksgiving trade. Phoneois f6r anything you need for the dinner. Alliance Grocery Co. PHONE 56 m Royal BAKING POWDER scnts Reflections Made on Mother In Testimony. 1, San Francisco, Nov. 15. Because hls lather made tellectton upon his, moihcr on tho witness stand In the inoHce court hero,. George Cameron at stacked him uud gav him n terrible beating before the court attaches sue corded In Beparatlug the pair. Judcp Shortall said tho boating was Ifd vell merited that he would not " hold tho young man for contempt, hut he was ordered from the court room Then the older Cameron was convict Cd on a charge of battery, preferred S his wife. , . Armour Predicts Lower Prices. ' Kansas City;. Nov. 11!. Charles W 1 Ariiiour, head'of the Armour Interests, .said that he believed food prleus had rpached" their climax anil are now on thr down grade. "H"-fr''l"'il-!-4"i"I"l"H"fr1 -tt No. S John O Kkkkc. I'lirelmher. For Sale Full blooded Plymouth Rocks. Cock rels, $1.50; pullets, 75c Hi P. Lakos, Antioch, Nebr. 'nJjwu( 4Gtf246 FOR SALE Good oat straw at ?5.oo per ton, A, R. W i I s o u & Son, Box 1053. 49'tf5-54 '. 1 ' FIT 1UTY FRANK BEISTLE tfCKAVER ano ELCCTKOTYPCR rxOHC 1114 -40-24 IIHMHU tUVfT- CHO FAIR PRICE THE MARKETS Chlc.igo, Nov. H. Indications of a (strong arm under the market had a more powerful effect in thu wheat pit today than open belling by the Inter esta that have led the buying for more than a week The close was at a net gain of V to 'igV Corn and oats ended the setialou nt the same figure 10 Hattudny or with an adance not exceeding & For provisions tht .latest trading Hhowed lucreased cost running from 57,-;c to 15c. Close. Wheat Dec, 90c; May, 9Gthc. Corn Dec. 46",ic; May, 47'fMSc Oats Dec, 3lVi3lc; May, 34Vi 34Tic; July. UVtMc. Pork Jau . $17.52; May, J1C30. lird Jan., $10.27-; May, J9.S2Mi. Chicago Live Stock. Chicago, Nov. 14. Cattle Receipts 28,000. steady; beeves, 4.507.4O; western steers, 4 10C15; stocken aud feeders, $3.355.G0; tows and heifers. $2.25G30; calves. 7.50 10.00. Hogs Receipts. 28,000; 10c lower; light, $7 40(&U.85; mixed, $7.51 8.00. heavy, $7 407.95; rough 7 407 60; pigs, $7.tiO7.C5; bulk ol sales. J7.7O07.9O. Sheep Receipts 55.000; 1015c lower; natives. $2,400 4 20, westerns, $2.50 t.20; yearlings $4 25475.40; lambs. $4 750G.6O. South Omaha Live Stock. South Omaha, Nov. 14. Cattle Re celnts. 11.313; steady; beef steers $15007 25; rows and heifers, $2,756 5 00, stockers and feeders, $3,008 5 75. calves. $3.507.50. Hogs Re celpts. 3,420; 10026c lower, heavy and packing grades. $7.55 7 75 llghti sold as high as $8.10. Sheep Re ceipts. 36,040; slow; toppy lambs. $tU0$6 35; wothers. $3 5003.65: owes, $3.25; yearlings, $435 1.50. llJfTelh How to Make 178 Kinds of Cuke t If Cakes of all kinds for all people 1 llj are best made with Royal IS li SPECIALLY FINE ijtt k FOR tJkYER GMKE WffiSm li M1JKJ WHY USE THE BELL? The BeJl si?u Is the onlysym bol of cflicjent, - instantaneous or universal telephone service. Tlie value of your telephone depends up on the extent of its connections and upon its operation in giving: you good service in reach ing any one, anywhere at any time. This Company is a part of a great tele phone system financially strong, centralized and nation wide; and we feel that your ac quaintance with our methods must mean your friendship and support. Business men in 40,000 American cities now use the Bell Telephone, and there are more than 1000 new instruments installed by the Bell system every day. NEBRASKA TELEPHONE COMPANY. T. H. BEESON, Local Manager.