The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, November 17, 1910, Image 5

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Publlihed Every Thursday b)
Tlw HeraW FybHshlng Company.
LLOYD C. THOMAS. Ilusines MKr.
JOHN BEACH, Ass't, Bus. Mgr.
Entered at the potollicc at Alliance,
Nebraska, for transmission through the
malls, as second-class matter.
Subscription, St, 50 per year in advance.
Considerable Unrest Discovered Ir
Irish Nationalist Circles.
. London, Nov. 15. On tho oo or th
reassembling of parliament Micro Is a
good deal of unrest in Irish National
Jet circles, the optimism bo wide)
prevalent ten days ago having given
woy to less roay views. t
Indentions multiply, though the;
xnny ho deceptive, that when Mr. Ah
qulth faces tho commons tomorrow he
will not Immediately fling down the
glove to tho Unionists on tho qucn
tlon of tho lords' veto, but will ndopl
a temporizing policy. Ho wilt be
supported by nil elements in tho cab
inot with a viow to carry over until
tho February session flnnl discussion
v of tho various measures to reform the
second chamber, including tho Rose
bery bill of self reformation.
Such tnctlcs would imply thnt Dal
four has given tho prime minister as
fiuranccs of such notion or Inaction
en tho part of tho Unionists as to ren
der it Impossible for Mr. Redmond to
turn out the government, ns he repeat
cdly has enld ho would do If definite
guarantees of home rule were npl
forthcoming Immediately on tho rens
sembtiug of tho commons.
Webraskan Argues In Favor of Bank
Guaranty Law.
Washington, Nov. 15. "What the
uuwniiui a Mwiib j niivn in Lit it I HIGH
Uoposlts aro secure; that thoy can gof
their money .tviieu tjiey call for it
This 'legislation 1h Intended to afford
thorn that aBSuruu'ce."
This is the burden ofvl ufriiitod nrgu
munt filed in the supreme court of the
United States by Charles 0. Whedon
on behalf of Nebraska in defense ol
the constitutionality of tho statute
guaranteeing deposits in banlts. Qra
arguments ontl? validity of this anc
( similar ejiu,5jthcnl3 in OUlahpmn and
Kansas win,Ae heard before or affel
the Christmas holidays. The stiituit
la defended ngainst the nttnek that tl
conlllctR' with tho Declaration of Ind&
pendeneo nnd the NebrnsKR. constltti
tlon. inthnt It Interferes with the
right to' pursue lmppluerfs, incliidlu;
tho pursuit of nny lawrujocatlon
Mr.'Whedon Holds Unit it had been
left tfi the BtatCB to determine what
tends to promote, nof only tho public
health nnd morals, but tho public wel
faro ahil snfoty.
1 Two Men Burned in Hay Loft.
' Chicago, Nov. 15. Thomas Hemic
berry nnd Charles Krueger; (hipped it
a hay loft, were burned to deuth and
a dozen families, scantily attired, flee
tnto the cold when fire destroyed 1
Ibarn in tho renr or 559 West Forty
seventh Btreet. Tho menhad bow,
Bleeping In the hay loft, and neigh
bora nnd flremeji wero unaware 01
their prenonco until their charred bod
leawero found In the rulnB.
Exports of Foreign Merchandise
Largest In History.
Washington, Nov. 15. Exports ol
foreign merchandise from the United
States In the tlscal year 1910 were tho
largest on record, their valuo having
been 135.000,000, against J'Jb.OOO.OOO
In 1009.
Even with the largo increase shown,
foreign merchandise contributes n
small proportion of the total exports
from tho United States. Thus, of the
$1,745,000,000 worth of exports during
1910, foreign merchandise contributed
$35,000,000, or but 2 per ceut of the
total. This condition is in marked
cortrast with that obtaining In the
commerce of the United Kingdom Of
the exports of that country In the
year which ended with June," 1910, ag
gre-gating $2,ii2,000,00(, $187,000,000,
oi?0 per cent of the total, represented
the value of foreign and colonial mer
chandise Exported.
preparTto fight packers
Lawyers Work on Evidence in Change
of Venue Case.
Chicago, Nov. 14. No papers were
filed by the government in answer ta
the packers' petition for a change of
veuue from Judge Laudis, but it U
oxpected that before tho bearing
Wednesday the issuo will be raised
squarely by a formal denial of the
truth of the statements on which the
packers "jascd their appeal.
much hinges on the meaning and
use of the words "cause or contro
versy." In the packers' petition they
are used, as if synonymous, while the
government contends that thero may
be- several causes in the samo gen
eral controversy, that each cause may
bo distinct, and that the participation
of the judge as counsel In ono will
not 'bar him from acting in a judicial
capacity in another, particularly when
thai other is different in parties, differ
erit In ' facts, and separated by a
labse of flftoen .years.
H-H"M- 4 'M-
The dtinth of James KroUilngham
Hnnhottcll, the author, was announced
nt Boston.
Labor leaders iu France plan n fight
upon the program outlined by the
govern ment.
Tho Nobel prize for chemistry Iibb
been n winded to Professor Otto Wat
Inch of tho University of Ooottlngen.
The Panama natlonnt assembly up
proved n resolution instructing tho
executive to recognise tho ropubllc
of Portugal,
The third now Blur to bo discovered
at the Harvard collego observatory in
the Inst six weeks was announced by
Professor Plckorlng.
A new road recoid wns made nt the
Ravatinah auto meet, 70.55 miles an
hour, by David Bruce-Brown, the win
ning American driver.
John E. Redmond, chairman of the
Irish parliamentary party, returning
from a tour of the United States, re
eclved ovations nt Cork and Dublin.
Governor Carroll of Iowa appointed
Lafayette Young, editor of tho' Dca
Moines Daily Capital, United States
senator to succeed the late J. P. Dol
Charles E Kuhl, aged firty-slx,
president of the Westetn Vaudeville
Managers' association, died suddenly
of neuralgia of tho hear, at Oconomo
woe, Wis.
Secretary of War Dickinson will
lenommend In bis annual repot t the
purchase of five or ton military aero
planus for use of the signal corps of
the army.
Rev. Dr.' Charles Hummer Durch,
archdeacon of Richmond, Staten 1st
and, has been elected bishop suffragan
of the Protestant Episcopal diocese of
Now York.
Wilson Potter, son of Colonel Thorn
as Potter, Jr., a millionaire, who is
dying nt Atlantic City, won a 5,000
mile race with death when he arrived
there from Alaska.
Tho three robbers, believed to be
Itnlluns, who stole $10,000 in cash and
checks from II. J. Ulncs, paymaster
of the Woronoco company, Great Bar
rlngtori, Mass., are still nt largo.
Gilford Piuchot 1ms appealed to the
president for permission to Mo a brief
in tho Cuuuinghum-AlnBka coal land
clalmh. He declnies tho president
alone should act upon these cases.
John Duulhoo, a railway conductor,
was sentenced to servo one year in
prison nnd pay a' fine of $1,000 for as
sisting opium smugglers, In the Unit
ft(l States disliicjL court In St. Louis.
Jamea Ptfrker, a wealthy negro
farmer, was murdered In IiIb home at
HHtchltiBon, Kan. Parker is believed
to have been robbed of tho proceeds
of n sale of flue live stock by the mur
de) er.
With a bullet hole through the head,
the body of Ray .Mason, labor official,
residing nt Kalamazoo, Mlcti., was
found in a marsh on the outsklita ol
Warsaw, Ind. He is believed to have
been iimi tiered.
Leigh RhodiiB. arrested at East St
Ioiils on a churgo of burglary and
who confessed to having shot nnd
killed Dr. W. P. Mlchnells nnd Anton
Helblg In this city, was brought to
Chicago by Chicago detectives.
Tho Kansas agricultural collego la
sending out a warning to every fnrtu
nr in Kansas, asking that steps be
taken at once to exterminate tho
chinch bug. The hugs aro now gath
crlng into tho winter quarters.
A vocal library is the latest idea In
Prance. It is being Installed in the
Dihltothlquo Rationale, Pails, and
consists of a collection of graphophone
records of words spokon or sung by
grnet authors, orators, singers and
Prolonged wins in eastern France
have swollen the affluents of the Seine
ami the steady rising of the big river
has caused uneasiness in the lower
sections. The suburbs of Paris In
tho vicinity of tho rlvor are already
Mlghtly Hooded.
A warrant charging Thomas McCoy,
right end of tho Bethany college foot
ball team, with mm der in conucctlou
with the death of Captain Rudolph
MunU of tho West Vlrglnln university
team. -was Issued by Magistrate Hobba
The action followed the Inquest.
Five ni'n, Including one doscrlbed
as the "Row Claudo Severance," were
arrested by pobtoftice Inspectors at
New York, charged with using the
malls to defiaud through El Progresso
Banana company and Its fiscal agent,
the International Finance company.
Tho New Mexico constitutional con
vontlou disregarded the advlco given
by Theodore Roosevelt to make a
constitution easily amended and adopt
ed an article requiring two thirds
each house to ptonose an amendment
and n lilg majority of the electorate to
In an effort to check tho wav ni
crime, in which eight persons have
been shot by robbers In the last five
days at Chicago, the police depart
inent sent fifty reserve men into the
outskirts of tho city with orders to
search nnd nrrest all persons sua
pected of carrying weapons.
Government May Sue for Oil Lands.
Washington, Nov. 12. Attorney
General Wlckersham, by direction ol
President Taft, has begun an Inqulr)
to determine whether 6,000 acres ol
valuable oil land in California were
known ? coutalu oil when patented
by the Southern Pacific Railway com
pany. If such iu the case suit to re
cover "will bo instituted.
i BX& GsrWL T1K.JSL .. KuXL sH&liHt
IvBBBBHL-' SBBBe BBBB& BB jSJBJp Ynt Miy VO Vfi j. .. .-SSi.BKvil?-. f& .Bfr
bbbH mr isHBBBflBBV'Sr m k. ' " '-rs " --" J 1 W
BBbW-...' Br PK i s ' ...isni. . v''O " JV'S ,o. i "rum tjttsce ' ? Mf
THbW Jr bwbbbbbK ' -w y jerSHfUmto?.. i nUR5c & M
WMARtAtet AMdLlNf 1 Wl k- BWJAsSJGNll
NfiWS Sn&DShof S ThG nnDuat uorse 8U0W ,n Ncw york clty aa the national live stock show In Chicago will keep the breeders of blooded animals
y busy until Dec. 3 talking of the respective merits of their horses, cattle, sheep and hogs. King Albert of Belgium was sm
Of the Week rounded by mob at opening of parliament, wbo demanded universal suffrage. Margaret Anglln, the famous actress, is seriously
ill in Chicago. Pietro Mnscngnl, the famous Italian composer, Is coming to tho United States to produce his opera "Ysober
for tho first time nest month. Mrs. William O. Story has started her fight for the presidency of the Daughters of the American Revolution. This is an an
nual fight In which mnny of the prominent society women of the country take part.
Searles ft Searles
U years In Lincoln
CuToqIc and
Nervous Diseases of
Men and Womea
Gall Stones & Piles
removed without an
oncratlon. All dis
poses of tho Nose. Throat. Lunns. Rinm.
tch. Bowels, Liver. Rheumatism. Strlo
ture. Varlocolo. Kidney and Bladder.
AH Diseases and Disorders ot Men
All Examinations and Consultation!
FREE, Charges Low, Quick Cures.
Call or writo for booklet. P. O Box 224.
Office hours 9 to 11:30; 1 to 4: nlghts7 to S
Dr. Searles & Searles, ijncoin0 !!
1 nrffrii TBSBT
Iff mJ-" "'" ,lr H i f-" TT Ti,7'"""l-TTgnt TTliTf
r T3
" " "" "" -1" - 11
HB IbiHbsB EaEiiBSMBBsBBsHBBBsS9wwKBww - -- 'jjtttKt
ibIbbKbIK' wwfmAaiMiSiiBKmf
That si ecial Car Load of "Kurtzninnn" Pianos has already been unloaded in Alliance.
There were SIXTEEN pianos in that car, and a goodly portion of them are NOW on exhibition on the lloors of our Allian6e-?
In several large announcements recently, we TOLD ypu that these were SPECIAL pianos; purchased SPECIALLY for our
Alliance store; to be sold at SPECIAL prices to early coiners.
Did you SEE these instruments yet? NO? Well tlien, you
a sense tor genuine values.
The ,rKurtemnnn" people of New York City BUILT these pianos, and they builded even better than they USUALLY build,
and THAT is saying a GREAT deal.
The "Kurtzmann" makers are a3 anxious as WE to get a foothold in Box Butte county; they KNOW there will be' hundreds
of instruments sold in your neighborhood in the next few seasons, and they are' AMBITIOUS enough to want THEIR piano to be,
tho MOST prevalent.
And the "Kurtzmann" people gave us substantial assistance on this car load of instruments; they shaded the price low enough
so that we can afford to "cut into the Alliance market" by "cutting into the price of pianos."
Wo don't know as wo will EVER bo able to quote the SAME prices again on pianos of this SPECIAL grade; we don't know
WHEN handsomer case designs will be put on the market by ANY maker; we don't promise to ever again furnish you as exquisite
a toned instrument at ANY price.
THIS forms a REMARKABLE Christmas Opportunity for you; you CAN afford the price we ASK for these "Kurtzmann" .
pianos; you uan meet cue Terms
There are young folks
these Ivurtzmanns, . Why not
you can even then LET GO of
Your son or daughter has
qualified musician
ed musician. How are they going to go about it if they are denied a lvittbT (JLiAbb pmno to learn upon.
Seek out our Alliance store as EARLY as you CAN. Ask Mrs. .7. T. Witter, our local manager, to show you these SPECIAL
zmanns." Have your export musician friends PLAY a few selections upon them. KNOW what a delightful CHRISTMAS
one of these instruments would MAKE, ana LEiAKX wnat a mouesc ngure is asiceu lor tnem.
But do it QUICKLY! Others have their eyes upon this choice lot of ' sixteen." They will not remain UNSOLD very lone
jur chance. YOUR bargain opportunity on the KIND of a piano you SHOULD have in your HOME.
How about it? Will you
The Bennett
Saturday, November 19
The One Decided Novelty
Creations of the Season.
A Supporting Company of Excelleut Merit. 12 Musical Numbers.
Special Scenery for every act. Admission, 25c, 35c, 50c, 75c.
wo wm arrange u you uiuue u
in your
iur home, no doubt. They will go into ECSTACIES of delight
a GOOD instrument for them? If you are possessed of only a
of it if it means PLEASURE for YOU and YOURS.
the NATURAL craving to be accomplished; to be ablo to SHINE
act now?
The Greatest Musical Comedy of
The "Dance Du Vampire"
A story without words based
on Kipling's poem. Never
shown hitherto outside of the
eastern cities.
"Kurtzmann" Pianos
fctiuuiju seeuiem ir you nave
jum imuu wuu .
the Season
Playing on the Greatest num
ber of instruments ever seen
The Funniest Comedy Ever Seen.
" Js
ty I'.
an ear for tone, an eye for beauty,
over a piano as good as ANY of
"comfortable" amount of monov
UnC OI U10ney
as an entertainer in sociotv n.
.--" n-5-