The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, September 23, 1910, SPECIAL EDITION, Image 6

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t i
Rev. Cox returned from Reno, Thur
dry. Jno. Ilorolinc whs in ffctn Sioux
coiiutv, Saturday.
Mrs. W. Kaiidall was in ft am Sioux
county, Monday.
Rev. Houston was up from Allinnco
Tuesday on business.
Mrs. Pete Swanaon visited with
Charlie Huckc's, Friday.
Mabel I'etrie is helping Mrs. Fred
Mclick with the house work (lib week.
Mrs. Anton Uhig's condition is
Blifllitly improved at this writing.
Clara Burri was u pasienger to Alli
ance Thursday, returning Friday, ,
13. L. Kcnnol was ovor helping thresh
on tho tnblu the first of the week.
B. C Penner und wifo were-in from
Dnnlap Friday, returning Saturday.
Mr. Stetzci, the potato buyer from
Chicago, arrived tho last of the wnek,
Mr. Wakefield returned front his
business (tip to Bridgeport, .Tuesday.
K. L. Fierce returned from Omaha,
Saturday. He also took in the stac
, Ray Woods moved into the hotel the
fust of the week and will open it Satur
day. , Byron FoBkct and son came in from
Sioux county Monday, returning Tues
day. Mr. and Mrs. Boyle, cousins of Mrs.
Charlie Huckc came in Thursday from
H, L. Bualincll went up to Craw,
ford Wednesday on 43 and back on
36 that night.
Theo. Calvin was a passenger to
Alliance Thursday ou 44, returning
Friday on 43.
Hazel Hickey was out to visit with
the folks in Sioux Saturday and Sun
day, returning Monday.
Harold Olds was taken out to his
home Sunday. He stood tho trip fine,
and he is improving fast
Mrs. Lena Swanson, Phil Micheal
and wife took dinner Sunday at the
homo of Phil Micheal, Sr-
George Hcdgecock took Clatterbuck
to Hay Springs Saturday in the auto
mobile, returning Monday.
E. L. Everett left the last of the
week for Boulder, Colorado, where he
expects to be gone for some time.
Mr. Davis, manager of tho Beatrice
Creamery Company, was in town look
ing after things the Inst of the week.
Chris Hansen and wife who has been
visiting with relatives and friends at
Blair, Nebr., returned Wednesday on
Mrs. Nellie Holloway was here from
Bridgeport visiting relatives and
friends. She returned home Wednes
day. Minnie Iverson came in from Den
ver, Colo-, Monday morning, going out
to the ranch in the afternoon to visit
with the folks
Lloyd Copeland went to Minnesota
and other eastern points. Mr. Melick
ib running the meat market while he is
away on his vacation,
Milton Muirhead, who has been
spending the summer with bis uncle
Alex, returned to his borne in Omaba,
Nebr-, Friday on 44.
Mrs. Edna Oldt and two cousins-, the
Misses Kennedy's, came up from Alli
ance Monday, going out to the Kateu
ranch Tuesday for a visit
Mrs. George Walker and children
returned Thursday from their visit to
Missouri, They will live in part of the
house occupied by editor Clark's.
Ira Bushnell returned from Fairbury,
Nebr,, Sunday. Ira says he likes that
TYLES letter titan
ever. Factory equip pcd
with new machinery
throughout. All meth
ods of manufacturing
improved 50 style
in direct proportion value
too. Smart Stylish and Flex
ihJe to the last degree. (The new
models on display today. You re
cordially invited to inspect them.
Alliance Cash Shoe Store
We carry the liard-to- find sort of shoes;
the kind you've set your heart on but
can't usually get outside of New York
City. G-et the benefit here of advanced
methods in shoemaking.
All our Queen Quality shoes are made
on the "Wonder Worker" shoe machine
and they are ever found flexible, thus
annihilating the discomfort of breaking
in new shoes.
The only store in town where you can
buy these shoes is the
part of the country fine, and that there
is a great deal of fruit there this year.
Dr. McEuen was called out to Peiry
Ball's to attend one of his little boys,
who's hand was seriously cut.
George Hcdgecock and Omar Scrib
ner autoed to Alliance Tuesdap, Luke
Phillips returning in the evening with
Mr. and Mrs. Lovell came in Wed
nesday from Los Angles, Calf., for an
extended visit with their son near Con
ley, Nebr.
Dollie Pierce, Mayme Miller, A. M.
Thompson and Ira Scnbner were pas
sengers to Alliance Wednesday on 44,
returning Thursday on 35.
Postmaster Walker was called by a
telegram to his home in Illinois. He
left Monday on 44. Mrs. Walker and
Lizzie are staying in the office during
Mr. Walker's absence.
Does it Pay to Advertise?
Horace Bogue, of Alliance, is a mer
chant who says that it does pay to ad
vertise. Mr, Bogue made use of a
full page of the Herald last week and
says that the results of this advertising
are very gratifying to him. Starting
in 1900 with a small (tore he gradually
increased his business through adver
tising and progressive methods until to
day the Horace Bogue Store occupies
its own large building, and is crowded
for room in it.
Mr. Bogue guarantees the quality of
all goods sold by bis store. We be
lieve that this has a great deal to do
with his success for it insures satisfied
While recently in New York, Mr.
Bogue purchased for cash, part of the
immense stock of the Tefft Weller Co.,
and this stock is now being placed on
sale at the Bogue Store.
T. J. Trelkeld was badly injured
last week by falling from a ladder and
striking on his head. He was confined
to his bed for a day and a half but is
now out again.
John Barnstead of Hemingford, and
one of the Herald's sucscribers, paid
this office a visit the last of the week.
N. P. Dodge, of Omaha, who has
been conducting the successful sale of
lots in Alliance's new addition "Bel
mont," returned to Omaha Monday
noon. Mr. Dodge was very well satis
fied with the way the lots sold and pre
dicts a bright future for Alliance. He
is to be congratulated on the business
like manner in which this sale is being
conducted by himself and salesmen.
Does quality in printing count? We
know it does. The constant aim of the
Herald force is to put quality first.
Quality in the newspaper, quality in
the job work. We know that it pays
for we hold the business of many cus
tomers right along in spite of cut priceb
and other) inducements held out to
them by other firms.
One of the most interesting booklets
we have seen for a long time is "Oma
ha of Today," received by the editor
from the Commerical Club of Omaha.
This booklet is completely full of photos
of interesting buildings and parts of
Omaha and is a work of art.
The new Adler building just north
o the Herald office has been completed
and is now being prepared for the
"The Right" Clothing Store, which will
occupy it. Roy Beckwith can well be
proud of the fine building and location
which "The Right" will now occupy.
Norton's store has added a large
window to the rear of the office. This
lights up the office much better than
formerly and makes it much more con
venient for those imploed there. Mr.
Norton follows his policy of keeping
his store right up-to-date and has had
the material for his new store front
ready for some time, but has been un
able to get the necessary workmen to
put it in.
Mr. Hubbard, the R. L. Polk adver
tising man, was in Alliance just five
years ago when the Drake hotel was
being erected. He states that the city
has changed considerably since that
time and is making rapid strides, much
more noticeable to a man from outside
than here-
C. H. Fuller, of Sidney, Nebraska,
and a former pupil of Supt- Pate of
Alliance, gave the Herald Office a
pleasant call on Monday. Mr. Fuller
is now representing the Royal Type
writer Company, working out of the
Kansas City branch and covering west
ern Nebraska. He says that business
is good with him.
Arthur Hubbard, advertising mana
ger of R. L. Polk & Co., of Sioux City,
Iowa, who are getting out the new city
directory of Alliance, has been in the
city several days arranging for advertis
ing and doing the preliminary work.
Mr. Hubbard is a pleasant gentlemen
to meet and impresses us as being a
good business man-
C. B. Johnson, who recently opened
a laundrv at 318 West Fourth street
and has been advertising the same in
the Herald, orders the advertisement
ou, as it is bringing him more work
than be can handle. He will put in a
larger engine and more machinery,
then he will be able to take care of all
orders that may be given him for
laundry work.
We are pleased to note the great im
provement in the health of A. P. Lee,
manager of the Forest Lumber com
pany's Alliance yard, who came here
from Oklahoma five weeks ago to take
the place of J. A. Berry Mr. Lee in
forms us that the health of Mrs. Lee
and the children is also better than
when they left Oklahoma, and
they are all very much pleased
Federal Court
Chudron, Neb., Sept. ig, igio.
Federal court convened in regular ses
sion here. Present aud presiding Hon.
Will. H. Muuger, Judge; R. C. Hoyt,
Clerk U. S. District Couit; Geo. H.
Thummel. Clerk U. S. Circuit Court;
L. J. F. Iaeger, Deputy Clerk of
Courts; D. W. Dickinson, Special Ex
aminer. A. W. Lane, Assistant U- S.
Attorney, and J. B. Nicketson, Dep
uty U. S. Marshall.
Special Examiner Dickieson took
testimony in the case for the United
States -v- William L. McLean, to can
cel patent, also in the case of United
States -v- William H- Blundell, to can
cell patent.
The following Circuit court trans
actions were had and done, to-wit:
Amos C. Jones -y- C. B. & O. Ry.
Co. damages. Continued by consent
of parties.
Christopher W. Horr -v- the county
of Dawes and John 'Marston, bill in
chancery for redemption.
Ordered that respondents take testi
mony on or before the 1st Monday in
November, 1910. Complaint to take
re-buttal 10 days thereafter; case set
for argument at Omaha at a time to
be fixed by the judge after such testi
mony and re-buttal shall have been
Albert Goedde, et al -v- William J
A. Raum, et al, damages. Demurrer
argued and submitted to court.
Sarah L. McLaughlin, by Thomas
McLaughlin, her next friend -v- Ray
H- McCormick damages. Defend
ants motion to make more specific.
Overruled and defendant given ten
days to answer
James English -v- C. B. & 0 Rv.
Co., damages. Not for trial at this
United States -v- William Harvey,
et at equity. Not at issue this term.
Fred Thornton, administrator, -v-Curtis
R. Inman damrges. Plaintiff
I granted leave by court to file trans
cript from State Court- Motion of
blaintiff to remand sustained.
The folloing U. S- district court
cases were gone over, to-wit:
United States -v- C M. Hall, violant
of postoffice laws. Defendant plead
guilty to 1st, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th
counts. Nolle Prosequi on motion of
U. S. Attorney to each of the counts
last named. Sentenced to pay fine
of S200.00 and stand committed to jail
of Dawes count , Nebraska, until fine
is paid
United -v- Perry A. Yeast,
fencing public lands case continued.
United States -v- Yorich Nichols,
fencing public lands. Motion of de
fendant to squash 2nd, 3rd and 4th
counts overruled. Jury empaneled
and sworn- Verdict rendered by jury,
not guilty.
Court adjourned.
L. J. F. Iaeger, Clerk.
An Interesting Letter
Gray & Guthrie, Gen. Agents,
Equitable Life Assurance Society,
Alliance, Nebraska, Sept. 15, 1910.
I am this day in receipt of
check for $1000.00 in settlement of
Policy No. 1,642,664, on the life of my
late husband, Halleck E. MacCray.
This policy was not received bj' Mr.
MacCray until the latter part of April
of this year, and he had made but one
payment on it. He was taken sick in
May and died on tlfe 15th of August.
I wish to thank you and the Society
you represent for the courtsey shown,
and the promptness with which the
claim was paid.
Very truly yours,
Mrs. Christina L. MacCray.
Miss Alice Acheson has entered the
employ of Teater Brothers as cashier
and bookkeeper.
Robert Monfort, who was formerly
emgloyed at the Burlington storehouse
in this city, is now employed as a
brakeman on the Bridgeport-Guernsey
Ffty Cents
175 Lots in Three Days
This is the opportunity of a life time
to own your own home or to invest in Al
liance real estate. Just to think of our
sellincr 175 lots in three days. That tells
you Yviinu iJcujiv imu" "" '""' ,
the beautiful location of this now addition
tp Alliance, There are nearly 100 choice
lots to select from remaining unsold. Come
today and bring your friends. Telephone
No. 380 and we will hold any lot for you
and send our free carriage to bring you to
the grounds.
You pay One dollar down and
Fifty Cents a Week tor
every lot
You pay no interest
You pay no taxes
You can sell or build anytime.
You can pay any sum
any time.
Stop Paying Rent
Hone builders will begin to
build in Belmont addition
this week
Learn to Save Money
Teach your boy or girl to save
50c a week
Price of unsold lots
$75.00 to $135.00
a very few slightly higher
Location of Belmont
This beautiful addition is on the high
est elevation plateau ou Mississippi Ave.,
just FOUR BLOCKS from the Central
School and extends from Sixth Street to
Tenth Street.
Our lots average $125 in price and you
know they are asking $3S0 for lots two
blocks farther away on the west side
where it is not so high and sightly.
Every lot is as level as a lloor, all in
good sod. Come out before the Fair crowd
or it will be too late.
We are on the grounds day and night. Contracts delivered on the grounds. All payments made at the office of
F. E. Reddish, Alliance, Nebr. Phone on the grounds No. 386 blue. Send for free carriage to grounds.
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