il I PROGRAM Wednesday, September 21, 1910 FOKENUON 9:30 Band Concert Ft. Robinson Military Band 10:00 Indian Parade 10:30 Free Trapeze Performance on Street Behee 1 1 :oo Indian Boys Race Indian Squaw Race AFTERNOON COMMENCING 2 O'CLOCK Race Program, No. i Trot or Pace Horse and Jockey: (1) Prank Walker, Gregg; (2) Kate Sibley, Dufree; (3) Bird, Dufree; (4) Queen L., Lester; (5) Lady Cook, Cook. No. 2 One Mile Dash Horse and Jockey: (1) Aunt Hala, yellow and blue; (2) Abydes, red and green; (3) Hallie McCama, red and yellow; (4) Big Black, red; (5) Montauk Queen, purple and grey. No. 3 Indian Pony Race No. 4 One-fourth Mile Dash for Three Year-Olds (1) Leo, white and green; (2) Buster, red and green; (3) Little Sid, yellow and blue. No. 5 Relay Race, Two and One-half Miles No. 6 Potato Race No. 7 Broncho Busting No. 8 Squaw Pony Race Rosa Holy Cloud, Maggie Romero, Julia Holy Cloud, Mrs. War Bonnet, Julia Richards. ' ;' Extra Freeda Hartzell, lady crack shot Sioux Dance EVENING 7:00 Behee in free ring act on street 7:30 Band Concert Ft. Robinson Military Band 8:30 Indian Dances Gates open at 9 o'clock a. m. Exhibits open entire day. ONE ADMISSION GOOD ALL DAY FOR ANYONE WANTING A Farm Adjoining Alliance AN OPPORTUNITY IS NOW PRESENTED THE EIGHTY ACRE TRACT SOUTH OF RAIL ROAD LAND southeast of the round house is now offered for sale, the first time since 1899. It is a beautiful tract of land, of .very rich soil and joins to the townsite of Alliance. A very suitable place for anyone desirous of en gaging in the raising and training of horses j and also suitable for truck farming. Correspondence solicited. The tract must be sold within the next 60 days F. M. BROOME Opera House Block Sole Agent Alliance Nebraska $ CONDENSED NEWS $ ll. L. ACHESON Hardware Farm Wagons Buggies Everything in Harvesting Machinery Harness and Saddlery 319 Box Butte Ave. Phelan Opera House Block Cut out the following coupon and send to The Allianeo Horald, Alliance, Nebraska: Send The Alliance Herald until November 5, 1911, to Narao Address I enclose $1.50 to pay for the same under your special offer to new subscribers. Name Address ..:.:..... -. . . ..-v. . . . Date , 1910. Hamilton W. King of Michigan, United States minister to Slum, is so rtously ill at n hospital at Baltimore. The population of Chicago is 2.1S5, 283, an Increase of 48(5,708, or 28.7 nor cent as compared with 1,G98,B75 In 1906. Lightning struck the Btatuo ot Hen ry Clay in the Lexington (Ky.) ceme tery, shattering nn arm and a leg of the figure. Bascom Skaggs, a sheopherdor for Klnch McKtnney, shot and killed John Harris at the ranch of the latter, near South Pass, Wyo. Mrs. Charles A. Hawloy, a resident of Washington, was robbed of $3,000 worth of jewels and other valuables In the Union station at Columbus, O. Mrs. Anna Belica of Chicago Lawn and two children wore burned to death by an explosion of gasoline. Two oth' cr children woro probably fatally burned. Richard W. Sherman, brother of Vice Presidont Sherman, will bo a candidate for nomination for state engineer at the New York Democratic state convention this month. After an active career as a member ot the St. Louis Merchant' exchange, retirement palled on Martin Inmost, eighty-five years old, a wealthy mer chant, and he killed hlmsolf. C. L. Pratt, who shot and killed former Deputy United States Marshal Dick Terry at Tahlequah last June, was acquitted. Pratt was cashier of a bank nt Kansas, Okla., and pleaded self defense. Thomas N. Kennon, who was on trial at Doniphnn, Mo., on the charge of murder, left the court room nnd killed himself in his room In a hotel. He left a note which read: "Swearing lies has ruined me." A new Island was added to the Begesloff group in the Aleutian chan nel when the towns of Unalaska and Dutch Harbor were shaken by an earthquake on Sept. 1 The island arose from deep water. While chasing two negro chicken thieves, at whom he fired eight times, Patrolman Charles Cook, a negro, Is believed to have Bhot and killed Mrs. Kail B. Schaefer in the wash room ol her home at Kansas City. As a result of the overflow of the Itto Grnnde river, caused by the recent heavy rains, four Mexicans are re poitod drowned near Hidalgo, Tex. Several small towns In the Rio Grande valley are partially flooded and the water Is still rising. Frank C. Nunemacher, president olJ the board of trade, head of a large printing and engraving concern and an active member of the National As sociation of Manufacturers, has been missing from his homo In Louisville, Ky., for several days. The Imposing granite monument erected by the state of Indiana on Antletam battlefield was dedicated with Impressive ceremonies. Govern or Thomas F. Marshall of Indiana, ac companied by his staff and about 100 civil war veterans, was present. Colonol Moses Thompson, upon whose report of the property, James B. Haggln and the late Senator George Heaist were Induced to buy the fa mous Homestnke mine at Lead, is dead at his home In Deadwood, nfter a long illness with Bright's disease. Counsel for Mine. Lina Cavalleri, the singer, said his client proposed to fight for her rights and was coming to this country to see that the pre nup tlal agreement, whereby Chanler turned over to the diva what Is said to be his entire fortune, was carried out. County Judge H. M. Wurzhach of Gnudaloupe county, Texas., was shot, but not fatally wounded, by Adolph Seldeniann, n rival candldnte for tho county Judgeship on the Independent ticket. Wurzhach criticised Sidomann in a speech and on his refusal to re tract the shooting followed. After leaving her father, J N. Shep haid, and her brother, Taylor Shep hard, unconscious in another room, nn unidentified man who entered the Shephard homo at Newklrk, Okla., went to the bed room of Tnylor Shep hard's thirteen-year-old daughter and attacked the girl. The assailunt es caped. Declining to make use of the gov ernment frank under which the de partment of agriculture sends out mail matter, Secretary Wilson sent to the postofflco department his personal check to pay for mailing to newspa pers throughout the country advance ropies of the speech which he deliv ered at Kemon, O. This had been sent out under government frank. m Closing Out Sale of Ladies' Furnishings E ARE CLOSING OUT OUR ENTIRE STOCK of up-to-date ladies' and children's furnishings. Many prices have been cut in two for this sale. The goods are going fast and now is the time to purchase. Sample Line Ladies' Trimmed Hats Purchased Monday, being sold at ONE-HALF PRICE FIRST Comers Get FIRST Choice REGAN'S OPERA HOUSE BLOCK Alliance, Neb. - The Herald's Classified Ads. bring quick returns Phone 340 Q SLAIN BY A NEGRO BURGLAR Railroad Official Shot by Man He Caught Ransacking His House. Chicago, Sept. 20. Clarenco D, MI ler, chief clerk of the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific railroad, was shot and killed by a negro burglar whom he found ransacking tho Hlller home The murder was witnessed by tho vic tim's wife and two daughters, who woro aroused when Hlller attacked the intrudor at the foot of the stairs. The men fought for several minutes, Anally rolling to the footof tho stain The negro fled. Drugs Paints, Oils Wall Paper Stationery Toilet Articles - i Watches and Diamonds Visit our up-to-date Soda Fountain Expert dispensers FRANK J. BRENNAN ON THE CORNER Four Men Killed In Fight. Silver City. N. M Sept. 19. Josa Montoya shot and killed three cow boys after the cowboys had killed hi LARGEST HOTEL IN WESTERN NEBRASKA European plan, entirely modern in every way Good service, large sample rooms Rates 75c and $1.00, with bath $1.50. Popular prices at cafe. W. S. BARRETT Proprietor a i Ron