The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, September 01, 1910, Image 16

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    "?Sr-. C1WflJ(Wil?te
I Am A Dentist
On the inth of Tnlv T onnnetl mv office in Alliance. I
am "delighted" with results so far, but like most Americans,
I am not satisfied. I want to see and talk dentistry to more
of you.
" -" w "- - tortniftMr, nop, ct iNTtBHXTiowwi. rat5 buhu
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M. O. Jodcr is back in Alliance
Mrs. L. H. Mackcy left Tuesday
for a trip to Denver.
Miss Mabel Evans, of Seward, Neb.
is visiting with Mrs. Oscar O'Bannon.
Claude Rcnnau is visiting at Curtis,
Nebr., until time for school to begin
in September.
Webster Bernhardt returned Wed
nesday noon from a two weeks' visit
at Avon, S, D.
Word comes from Mrs. Robert Bir
ney that she is now in Chicago having
a delightful visit.
Miss Vivian 'Hollo way entertained
six of her girl friends at a dainty six
o'clock dinner Monday.
A special meeting of the W. C. T. U.
will be held next Tuesday afternoon at
the home of G, Reeves.
John O'Keefe an d wife returned
Tuesday morning from a short trip to.
Denver and other Colorado points.
Mr. Reynolds is a new employee in
the Norton store. He will have charge
of the ladies' furnishing department'
Miss Hattie Baker of the Newberry
Hardware Company, returned Tuesday
noon from her vacation trip to eastern
On account of next Monday being
Labor Day all Alliance business houses
have been requested to close after the
noon hour.
C. Arthur Jackson, nephew of S. K.
Warrick, is visiting with him this week.
Mr. Jackson and wife have been visit
ing western points and are now on
their way home.
The Savings Department of the
First National Bank, which was just
recently started, and which was ad
vertised in the Herald, is taking very
well with Alliance people.
Regular services of the Alliance cir
cuit of the Methodist church will be
held at Valley and Unity churches
next Sunday. These will be the laBt
regular services during this conference
Mrs. Peter Rubendall returned Tues
day from an extended trip to points in
Illinois, Wisconsin, and eastern Ne
braska. She was cone nearly two
months and says that she enjoyed her
trip immensely.
A good bunch of Alliance boys and
girls are preparing to attend the State
University. Among them is Herbert
Nelson,' who has been a prominent Al
liance High School boy. He will
study music exclusively,
The September number of Physical
Culture has a very good article on
"Wheat, the King of Foods", by Up
ton Sinclair, It is illustratrated with
colored pictures and the entire maga
zine is very interesting.
One of the most interesting speakers
at the Box Butte County Fair will be
Prof. Cambell, the originator of the fa-
mous Cambell system" ot ury i-arming.
He will deliver an iddress while
here with special reference to dry farm-
Low rates are being offered on all
... i
railroads to the Inter-State Fair and j ing in western Nebraska-
Exposition which opens in Denver on
September third.
Councilman E. M. Martin and wife
are back from their trip to the western
coast. Mr. Martin is bale and hearty
after his vacation.
Mrs. W. S. Acheson left Friday
morning for a visit in Denver with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bell, She will
be gone several weeks.
Miss Agnes Newberry, together with
ber father and Miss Cambell of Michi
gan, who has been visiting them, are
on a trip to the Black Hills.
Two brothers of former Sheriff Al
Wiker, Miller Wiker of Douglas, Wyo.
and Will Wiker of Sheridan, made
him a short visit Saturday.
J. C McCorkle of the Nebraska
Land Company returned Tuesday
morning from a short business trip to
Holdrege and Grand Island.
Carl Thomas of the postoffice force
has been transferred to a similiar po
sition at Lincoln. This comes as a
promotion to Carl and is well deserved.
From present reports there will be
about twenty-five to thirty people at
the State Fair right along in addition
to those who will Ftay for a day or so.
Tom Tuck, proprietor of the Grand
Resturaut, is on a vacation trip to Den
ver and surrounding points. Horn
Tuck is in charge during his absence,
Mrs. L- H. Highland has been very
Bick at ber home the last two weeks.
At this writing she is slowly improving
but is far from well.
C, Engstrom, who has been the
Burlington agent at Holdrege for a
number of years, visited Tuesday with
"Uncle Jake" Cridelbaugh, the genial
Burlington agent here.
Mrs. W. S. Reynolds, wife of the
sew manager of the dry goods depart
meat at Norton's, arrived in Alliance
with their son the first of the week to
make their home here.
MWiMry OfMfeg Saturfeyat Bifpft's
I want to tell you why you cannot afford to neglect
your teeth. I also want to show you my system of remov
able bridcrework which I introduced about five years ago.
Over 2,000 dentists are using it. I am introducing this
class of work in Alliance now and if you will come up 1
will give you the names of my patients. Talk to them.
Don't wait. Do it now.
Room 10, Rumer Block
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iSFi rn 1 1'IT 1 TH l VL JfLLdl A. 11 Jul . n-m fJLI
. We Announce First Arrival of
Wfim dii dim niiiici uiuuiciui
MSSt Men and Young Men
' w 1 II
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Before getting ready to leave for bis
new home in the Salt River Valley, A.
S. Reed made a present to the Alliance
Public Library of a fine collection of
petrified wood and other relics found
in this section of the country by him
during his long sojourn in this locality
Principal Williams of the Alliance
High School returned Monday noon
from his summer vacation spent in Pe
ru. Professor Williams now holds a
high place among the educators of Ne
braska and it was only after great effort
that be was secured again for Alliance.
His work last year was highly satis
factory to the peoople of Alliance.
Arthur Conner of the Phillips Gro
cery company entertained bis father
over Sunday. Mr. Conner is a wealthy
grocer from the Platte Valley. He is
on bis way to Seattle where he expects
to establish some new stores. If he
decides to locate in the west he will
take his sou with him a6 manager of
one of his stores.
W. S. Reynolds, who has been oc
cupying an important position with the
Denver Dry Goods company, has been
secured by the W. W. Norton store to
take chrrge of the dry goods depart
ment. Mr. Reynolds is a man of wide
experience in his line and will add to
the prestige of the Norton store.
C. A. Newberry and family returned
Tuesday nigbt from a week's rest and
recreation at Hot Springs, but all was
not pleasure to tbem- On their return
trip tbey had to transfer over a burned
bridge fromJhe passenger train to box
cars ride "a la tramp" to Minnekahta,
and hence to Edgemont on the plat
form ot a coach, the Deadwood train
being so crowded.
Geo. B. Hare, a retired merchant of
Ansley, Nebr., came to Alliance last
Thursday for a few days' visit, remain
ing over Sunday. Although previously
acquainted with only a few of our citi
zens, he seemed to be well pleased
with the town and the hospitality of
triA nitnnlii hrM
We have just received the first
shipment of Pall and "Winter Clothes
for Menand Young Men, and nevetf
before have we offered anything like
the variety of styles and weaves that
is now ready for your inspection.
These are the celebratedr Bandegee,
Kincaid & Co.'s production and they
are indeed a credit to their reputation
for highest class tailoring and perfec
tion of fit. Prices (f "J C CQR
range from- 4lw III 40u
A large showiing of other makes
at lower prices.
IfiSBw is. r
fcio I r 1
' 1 1 Ilfvn iBff
I lliilii Cc
1 u Juy
A good shaped hat for every shaped
head. It's a wise head that wears a
GORDON HAT. You'll save anywhere from 50 cents to $1
if you buy your hat here.
p 11 ponc A splendid line of Pall Caps for men and boys,
idll udpo fanCy or plain colorings, cheviots or worsteds,
golf and yacht styles. 50c to $1.25.
Men's Fall Hats
First Fall Showing of Newest
Styles in Ladies'Tailored
Suits and Coats
The opening of a new season is an event
of great importance in mercantile fields, and
knowing the unusual interest that will be
manifested in Pall garments, we have taken
great pains to prepare a display that is sure
to interest and captivate women who appre
ciate the very newest and most beautiful in
approved fashions. These garments are
made for us and we know they have the
quality. You will know it when you wear
them. "Whether you are ready to buy or not we want you
to see these Suits and Coats to
try them on -determine the $12.50 tfl $30.00
style and fit. Prices from wu fww.uu
Silks and Dress Goods
Our Fall stock of Silks is replete with all of the new
colorings in Persians, Messaline, Taffetas and Foulards.
"We have priced these very low for quick selling. This is a
silk season and we are prepared for it.
In dress goods we are showing this season's latest
shades in a large variety of weaves, in which quality stands
out as the most prominent feature.
The Florsheim Shoe
For the Man Who Cares
Is the quality shoe The style
shoe and the shoe of honest
value. It suits the man who
wears it. There is no foot, large
or small, broad or narrow, flat
or arched, that hasn't a shoe in
this store waiting for it a shoe
that will fit it as comfortably as
a pair of worsted slippers, and
look as stylish as the best shoe
fashion plates. One
trial will convince
$4 to $6
Ladies' Fine Footwear
Every woman who knows
"Good Shoes" will fall in love
with Krippendorf- D i 1 1 m a n
shoes. A style for every taste.
A fit for every foot. Examine
our complete assortment of
fall styles in all leathers
before you
$3 to $5
3 c 'MteatnafcELAvul
Blankets and Comforts
This department is full to the brim with better values
than we have ever shown in any former season.
Our comforts are the celebrated Moist Laminated Cot
ton Down, thoroughly sanitary and a real comfort.
rpl 4JiS
air and
Once a patron, always a patron. That's the rule in
our shop. We have had thirty years' experience and
know how. '
We use a DE VASHER Cleaning Machine. Cloth
ing of all kinds cleaned, pressed, and repaired.
403 Box Butte Ave.
Look for the machine pn the window.
. Jilh-"iMteNtl
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