l HE GREAT SPECIAL PIANO SALE i CONTINUES TIL fllH S aturd' y. Sept. 17 Persons who purchase on or before that date will receive the benefit of our Special Sale Discount, sav ing 10 on purchase price, on easy payments. prOur Pianos are All High Grade Instruments-! And are guaranteed as represented in every particular. We do not handle the inferior grades. r Bennett Piano Company C. G. KNAPTON, Special Sales Mgr. MRS. J. T. WIKER, Resident Mgr. Auto Department The Denver Motor Speedway Asso:ia tion is building a ili mile oval speedway at Fable, eight miles from Denver. L. L. Whitman of New York holds the world's record between New York,and San, Franscisco. His record time is ten days, fifteen hours and thirteen minutes,. The left hand drive is becoming more popular each year Many of the ign cars will have the steering wheel on the left and the controlling levers in the middle. Never run up to or near your stopping place at fall speed and then put the brakes on hard, just to see how quickly you can stop. This is very hard on the whole car. In the automobile parade during the Elks' celebration in Detroit 2,400 cars were in line. This is the longest auto par ade on record Many of the cars were beautifully decorated. The best thing found yet for removing dirt and grease from castings is lye. It will be much more effective if used warm and a fairly strong solution made. Paint can be removed by this same method. Af ter using clean the cablings with water. We understand that several local auto owners are contemplating trips to Denver in the near future. Why not all get to gether and make a short tour including Cheyenne one way. A great deal of pleas ure can be gotton out of a tour of this kind, and the journey can be taken with less fear of being stalled on the prairies by a serious breakdown. It is hard to understand why auto own ers do not keep a better and more even air pressure in their tires A good air pressure gavge can be purchased for a dol lar or a dollar and a half. The tires will last much longer if kept filled at a good pressure. A great many Ford auto owners have trouble with their fan which on this ma chine is placed on an arm and fastened to the crank case. The trouble is usually caused by the fan belt slipping off the low er or driving wheel. I his can be reme died by having the sustaining arm slightly bent. Following is a list of the names of own ers with makes of cars in liox Ifutte coun ty as shown by the Auto Department files. Anyone who knows of others will confer a favor by notifying this department; James Keeler..'. ... Reo Overland Rickett Dr. U. H. Bellwood Buick Enoch Boyer ... .Overland F J Betzold Jackson Dr H A Copsey ....Lambert N Frohnaplel Rambler Ben Fernald Pope-Hartford, Gray & Guthrie Reo E I Gregg Ford F E Holsten Ford E D Henry Keo James Hunter Ford ' I Hutton ? Peter Kicken ' William King Kissel Kar Link Lowry Ford N ( Leishman - .. Oakland Jim McKinney .. ..? Dr McCuen ? , J C McCorkle... .Ford C A Newberry International Oscar O'Bannon ....Ford Thomas O'Keefe .... Buick Keith Pierce Ford Ora Phillips Lambert John Pederson .Maxwell W D Rumer......Reo S C Reck Ford Thos. Overland Louis Surprise ? O J Scnbner ? Barney Sheperd,... ? Cal Vinsel Moline CC Smith Hartford Nels Worlev , Reo Wheaton-Ellis ... . Maxwell Thomas W W Wood Buick Dr Bowman Ford Jerry Wells ? John R Snyder Rapid Commercial William Mitchell Velie S H Desch Reo WM Wilson ? 1 R Lawrence ....Ford Thiele Cream Co ...International W W Norton Jackson The Improvement of Home Grounds I1V J. P BAFGER. The Rex Garage S. C. Reck, Prop. Automobile Storage Rentals and Repairing EXPERT MECHANICS REASONABLE PRICES AOENCY TOR THE The most popular auto today is the FORD. Low priced and inexpensive to run, It fills the need better than the higher priced cars rrazsn. . Following the construction and interior furnishing of the home we come to the question, "'What about the outside?" Peo ple give a great deal ol thought and get the best architectural skill in building the home; they select the furnishings . with great care; but when it comes to the grounds very little thought is given and very rarely is advice asked, and little is done beond the gruding of the lot, the sowing of the grass, and the promiscuous planting of a few unsuitable specimens of trees in the wrong positions. A $10,000 home with $25 grounds is not the exception but it 10 the rule. The I fault lies not in a desire to save money but in the ignorance of the requirements and j methods of proper and effective planting 'I he first thing for us to realize is that that can be embellished and made both ar tistic and beautiful. Entrances, both walks and driveways, should receive care ful attention, and where possible these en trances should approach by graceful curves avoiding all stiff and harsh lines. Another thing must not be lost sight of. That of planting for the future, A tree may be all right in a certain position for a few years but in twenty-five years maybe come unsightly and out of place. Nature must be the instructor, and the application of her teachings in the improvement of our grounds constitutes landscape design ing. Nature does her work with a lavish brush. The colors of materials are won derfully appropriate. They harmonize and blend without a flaw. If nature had her way she would in time drop seeds upon the lawns, blow them into the corners and boundaries of the lot, embellishing the landscape with beautiful colors, even if the material used were only fine weed and dandelion, for she insists that all vacant spots must be used. A beautiful lawn is attractive to the eye, but it bears the same relation to the grounds that a beautjful carpet does to an empty room both are waiting for the re quisites whicn will complete the picture and add to the beauty of both. The decoration of the home grounds is as much an art as is the architectural con struction of the buildings. One who thinks he can draw his own architectural plans and specifications without know ledge of the subject soon discovers his mis take both in the matter of structural beauty and cost. How many realize that they spend half the )ear uot of doors? Why not have the same comforts outside as inside when the same amount of tune is spent there? In the average home groundt can be ar ranged corners for quiet and restful seclu sion. In the old countries special atten tion is paid toeitabatuog such Conditions, and instead ol social functions being held iu the house duriog the summer, the lawn ib utilized, screened from view by appro priate mass plannug of shrubs and lawn trees 1 his nation does not et realize -vV VVv-v'V'Vv2 V irv Vvxvvs"Vvv- I The BRUSH vc nurp n Hnti' in nnr nlnhhnrs nnrf fellnuiri . . .l j 1 u 1 the comfort, of outdoor living, but the dt nnnlt in makinc lh nutirtt of nur homes " vtrn will rnm in nrnnirtinn ts it mi. 1 MOW wwu u twWtllWU W ttlw Huh ress we matte toward beautiful surround ings. The more pretentious the house or man sion the greater is the necefei y for lawn improvement, but, it the house be modest, the niortt beautitui on can make the out side the more attractive t tie modest struc ture will appear, calling to mind the old Lutfiish homes ot which we read so much Engraved and Embossed P. inting beautiful as well as the inside. If every one would appreciate that fact and act , upon it every home would soon become a veritable garden ol Eden and the United j States would at ouce rank with the nations of the old world, who now lead us by ( centuries in horticultural and artistic 1 decorative planting. I As a nation we ore just beginning to. realize our duty. Our scnools now teacti j nature studies, our communities organize improvement sccietie; and our civic authorities promulgate lawb relating to street plantiug. 1 tie goud wot k tias taken We have completed aiiangeinenU root and the man with the home mut with a linn 01 the bett engraveis ui the take note of his surroundings. j wubt by winch we can bupuiy on sliutt Before considering the .uuject of be-u-noUCe( trnguved ctmia, embossed lif mg the outside ot our home we must . fcUllonel ... .11MUVO,i d,!,,,.. ,...,. V vJVvA-VAy AUTO Every Man's Car The Most Value , for the Money $550 F. O. B. Alliance. W. C. MOUNTS, Agt. 216 Box Butte Ave.. Alliance, Nebr. first understand the basic principles under- ions, or any thing else that may be de- tu line engraved or embossed , 1 work. Headers of The Herald who are Iitinn Liiaei.liil t rl orilcii llitiitiininn rwl planting, iwo important couunious are IU UQ LUU3 USICU. HIG IlllUkS WO WIS i IU 1 see and thu things we want to hide. We ' tnWug of secunug auythiug of this should preserve everything that nature k'nd should call at this office and bee ha donated; perhaps a contour qf ban samples. B. . NORTH "A Good Sign will Improve Your Business" Painting of All Kinds Done on Short Notice. Satisfaction G-uaranteed. 603 Box Butte Avenue. First house north Court House ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA Ml : :(' ! t im Sex!