vWHHMWUBRKilMuJWai gtt iV...iM1Ml 1 n.0 WbIoiIoM Society Bt fe .1 Ir i The Alliance Herald. Largest Circulation of any Newspaper in Western Nebraska. PAO-BS i to a Kt h' VOLUME XVII, ALLIANCE, BOX BUTTE COUNTY, NEBRASKA! THURSDAY, JULY 28, 1U10 NUMUER 33 as.. tayiFnf, y-i , 4 c V 'J t STATEMENT of the CONDITION of the First National Bank ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA t"Ut:lt:e3 3t:t, iio . Resources LOANS AND DISCOUNTS Overdrafts United States Bonds (Par) -' ' Banking House - CASH and SIGHT EXCHANGE " Liabilities Capital Stock1 Surplus Undivided Profits Circulation DEPOSITS . This Bank is a designated United States Depository. We have a modern and up-to-date equipped Bank and " are prepared to care for our customers in any legitimate banking business. We pay interest on deposits left for six or twelve months. We have safety deposit vaults for rent. Miss Jennie M. Kennedy Post Graduate (in Piano) ef Toronto, Canada, University of Music, Geld Medalist and ,? Teachers in HaHte; Canada, Conservatory, Will Open Classes in Music on July 16th At Her Studio, 811 Big Horn Ave. Phone 391 OUR DRUGS are all of tbe highest quality we can get and are all examined crit ically after we receive them in Btock here before a Single one is placed on sale we do everything in our power to be on the safe side. A good thing for you to remember. r 4 , uadetMoUow . U(VkWqAA In Front of the Palace Livery Stable yon can nearly always see a rig getting ready to start out. We will send one any distance, for any purpose, at any time. We answer all calls promptly and will be glad to serve yon in any way in which a rig is required. H. P. COURSEY. Prop. PHONE 72 j..,.tMH-HM-H'-H'-H-j KENNEDY BROTHERS? DENTISTS. OGSce in Alliance National Bank Bile Over Postoffice. 'Phone 391, 1-H 13 111 I'M M"H"I"1 !! 'T GEO. T. HAND, M. D. EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT Eyes Tested and Glasses Fitted. $464,581.97 4335 51,000.00 10,000.00 134,018.70 $659,644.02 $ 50,000.00 50,000.00 11,932.90 50,000.00 497.7". 12 $659,644.02 Important Change in lank. Last Saturday night Glen Hampton, who has been with tbe First National bank of this city for eight years, left for his new bomein- Gothenburg, Ne-. braska, where he goes to accept "the cashielship of the Gothenburg Nation al bank. Chas. E. Ford, who is president of the First National bank of Alliance, o,wns a controlling interest in the Goth enburg bank and this comes as a pro motion to Glen. He becomes a mem ber of tbe board of directors of that bank and will have a good share of the stbek of the institution. Glen has been very popular with Al liance business men and was exalted ruler of the local order of B. P. O. E. He was also treasurer of the Masonic lodge. The Herald joins his many friends in wishing him good luck and prosperity in his new location. A good many Alliance ladies patron ize the swimming pool at Judge Berry's, , and some of them are quite expert , swimmerB. 33'5 -mim We always give you the Most of the Best for the Least J. A. Berry, Mgr. The Herald lias a stock of little adding machines that save time, worry and money. Aslr to see one. They cost $2.50 They're worth $25.00 ThB New Adding Machine Herald Publishing Company FOR BARKEEPERS Take pool. a plunge in tbo swimming 33"5t Attorney B. F. Gilman has been called to Bsidgeport ou legal business a number of times lately. The Bee Hive tbe red front1 'big gest racket store in the northwest. Bill Bone, one of the best humorous lecturers in the world. At Butte Chautauqua, Crawford, August 7th and 8th. 322 Take a swim see how much wards. at the "plunge" and better you feel after 33'5t Mrs. George Leidy and daughter Lulu are visiting friends in the south. They left Sunday. j I. U. Hager is confined to his bed by an attack of appendicitis. After a hot day's work a plunge in Berry's swimming pool will do you "a lot of good. 335t Miss Raphael Keane of Hartington, Neb, is visiting the family of M Keane. E. D. Marr, state agent of the New York Underwriters, was in Alliance and placed the agency of the company with Gray & Guthrie. Harvey B. Hornby is a new employe of tbe First National bank. "He is, a son of Geo. H. Hornby of Valentine, who is well known in western Nebraska. Commencing next Sunday and con tinuing until some time in September, there will be no evening service in Holy Rosary church. Benediction will be given after tbe last mass. Miss Ruth Ganson, who is soloist at the First Congregational church in Omaha, is spending part of ber vaca tion with her sister, Mrs. G. L Griggs, of Alliance She will sing at the Meth odist church next Sunday morning. Mrs. S. K. Warrick and children, accompanied by ber brother, Eugene Burton, and father, E C. Burton, of Wytbeville, Virginia, will leave Al liance Friday morning to spend tbek summer outing at Hot Springs; Tlrejf expect to be there about two weeks An interesting article on tbe "Rela tion of Railroad Rates to General Bus iness" was left out of this issue on ac count of the large amount of other in teresting matter. We hope to have room for it next week. Captain J. C. Thorbin of Sioux City and J. M, Sbickley of Geneva, Nebr., special agents of the Farmers & Mer chants Insurance Co. of Lincoln, spent Sunday with tbe general agents of the company, Gray & Guthrie. Eugene Burton, county attorney for Box Butte county, with offices in the First National Bank building, has a mighty fine office since he has added to the attaactiveness by new fixtures and office furniture. Both his private office and reception room are fitted with the latest office appliances which helps him keep up bis excellent reputation in bis line of work. Hear the Weber Male Quartette of Boston To hear them once means to bear them again. At Butte Chautau qua, Crawford. Entire week August 5tb to ioth inclusive. 322 James Feaginsnow has his live stock and real estate office in room three in the new McCorkle building. He keeps up-to-date by ordering a full supply of office stationery from tbe Herald job department Chase Feagins and wife, who have beeu staying at the home of his father, James Feagins, for some time, left Tuesday morning for Sutton, Nebraska, where Chase has established a real es tate office for the purpose of selling Idaho land. Chase is a bustler and has sold a lot of irrigated land to Ne braska people. We wish him con tinued Buccess. Edward Howard Griggs compares the work of Edmund Vance Cooke to Stevenson's and Field? You cannot. But you may still hear Mr. Cooke at Butte Chautauqua, Crawford, Nebr., August 8th and gth, 322 Visitors at the state fair this ear will have an opportunity to see tbe Wright brothers in several flights in tbejr aeroplane, as the fair manage ment has contracted with those gentle men who have made tbe old world sit up-and take notice, for several flights euch day of the fair, Sept. 5 to 9. They will bring with them three of their full sized aeroplanes which will be used in making their flights each day. When not in use they will be ou exhibition and their working fully ex plained to those interested in air navi gation. This will be an opportunity or tbe people of Nebraska to see these wonders of the apth cenfury. t A R. Finley went to Alliance this morning to meet Mrs. Finley, who comes today from Bay City, Mich. They will make their home here, hav ing becured a residenco in the north part of town. Scottfbluff Herald. The First National Bank of Calla way and the Alliance National Bank of Alliance, Nebraska, today made ap plications to be designated as deposi tories for postal savings bank funds. The Omaha Bee, July 23rd. McCook, Nebraska, recently had a big fire causing a loss of about f 30,000 in the burning of two large elevators. The fire was thought to have been ex tinguished at one time but broke out again and could not be controlled. Send your wives and daughters to hear Edith Charlton Salisbury in Domestic Science lectures. She tells you what to eat and how to prepare it. Shows you how you can live high on 15 cents per day. At Butte Chautim qua, Crawford, August Gth and 7th. 2t John W. Guthrie of Gray & Guthrie left yesterday for York, Nebr., where he will spend three days at the fire men's tournament. rrom there tie will visit Lincoln and Omaha on busi ness and Sunday at the old home at Carroll, Iowa, and sec "the twins," He will also investigate tbe report that "Kelly has been found." Miss Nell Acheson and friend, Ruth Aspenwall, expect to leave Friday morning for a week's trip to Hot Springs. While there they will visit with Mrs. Venson, who is an aunt of Miss Aspenwall. On their return they will stop over at Ardmore and visit with Mrs. Guy Eastman, who was for merly Miss Haddrn of Allianne- Hear Montaville Flowers at Butte Chautauqua, Crawford, AuguBt 5th and 6th, in bis interpretive recitals, Ben Hur and a Christmas Carol. He is one of the finest products of the lyceum. All who have heard him exclaim that the man and the occupation are an exact m. wvv, 322 Police Judge Zurn's court room is a pretty busy place these days. Last Friday a very interesting session was held and between the word .fights of Hie witnesses' and tbeargtMseots af4be lawyers one would have imagined him self to have been in Omaha or Denver. However, the judge handles things in a very orderly manner. Lee L. Hamlin, secretary of tbe Western Fire Insurance company of Lincoln, came to Alliance last Friday and accompanied by J. W Guthrie of Gray & Guthrie went to Mnrsland and adjusted and paid Miss Hazel Furman $1,500, the amount of insurance carried on her house and farniture which was struck by lightning and burned to the ground on June utb. W. S. Barrett, proprietor of the Hotel Drake, believes in patroniziug home industry. He says he is well satisfied with an eleven thousand order of Drake Hotel letterheads which the job priutiug department of The Herald has just finished for him. This num ber of letterheads seems to last but a very short time however as the hotel has a large patronage. Sidney is keeping up with the times by purchasing a new motor and pump for their city water plant. Their pres sent system has been unable to supply enough water for the town's use which made this improvement necessary. An election will be held shortly to determine whether the disputed strip of territory lying between McPherson and Garden counties in townships 17, 8, 19 and 20, range 41, and also all of township to, range 40, shall be jn McPherson or Garden county. A. T. Hemingway, who was a former resident of Alliance and owned some property here, spent a day in Alliance with Mr. Berry, manager of the Forest lumber branch in this city.. Mr. Hem ingway has an important position with this company at its Kansas City headquarters- A great many Alliance people are getting the habit and spending a day oMwo occasionally at that popular sum mer resort, Hot Springs, South Da kota. There were there from Alliance last Sunday C. H. Rockey and family, J. Dobry and family, Claude McDon ald and Alice Acheson, Frank Bronk horst and Elva Hillis, H. R. Toobey and Pearl Hillis. In 1902 seventeen of our Dawes county people took out insurance with the German-American Fire Insurance Co. of Hastings The company is now in the hands of a receiver and these parties are being sued for 10, 009 as their part of the liabilities of the company. The folks are learning that it doesn't pay to monkey with a one horse insurance company when there are plenty of companies well es tablished. Their experiences should be a warning to people in general to be on their guard against fraud. Chad ron Journal. - w ' t&A&uit&t&i&MjszjkajiAj&MSi ,--, w Expenses by Buying Your Groceries Where I You Can Get Them the 3 H Cheapest These are a few of the many bargains to be found in our store: Tomatoes in No. 2 cans $1.00 dozen Corn in No. 2 cans 1.00 dozen Peas 1. 00 dozen Green String Beans 1.00 dozen Kraut in 3 lb cans. , 1.25 dozen Hominy in 3 lb. cans 1.20 dozen Snider's Pork and Beans in No. 3 cans. . . 2.45 dozen Snider's Pork and Beans in No. 2- cans. .. 1.80 dozen Snider's Pork and Beans in No. 1 cans. . . 1.25 dozen Canned Peaches 1.75 dozen Canned Pears 1.25 dozen We buy our Groceries very week so they are always fresh. A cordial invitation extended to everyone visiting the Stockmen's Convention. Phillips Grocery Co. Phone j oTyryrererey s attreToryro J, P- Carpenter of Sprague, Nebr., a brother of H. U. Carpenter the black BmUbrarrived on 43 last Friday, for a stay of several days. He is agent for the NaUoaftl"Fidelity & Casualty com pany of Omaha, and will work up Borne business wtylc stopping here, Manager Harry-Hamilton of Hainil ton ftc.UHCkJey.rttie.two.popujar snort- sketch artists who wercat tbe Imperial last week, patronized the Herald's up-to-date job department by getting out a fine booklet printed on heavy calend ered paper together with special envelopes for tbe same. Drs- Coppernoll & Peterson, who have offices, in the Runier building, have just received, a fine lot oi letter heads and envelopes printed on special paper by The Herald's job department. They believe in having tbe "best what is." ,w The Herald's job department is equipped for practically every kind of business in the printing line Last week the County Fair Association pre mium list was turned out. Many ot the Alliance merchants are having their loose leaf ledcer sheets printed by this department. Our prices are as low as city prices and the money stays at home. .wwww. I BUSINESS LOCALS. ( The "plunge" at ludge Berry's is the place for a really delightful bath and swim this hot weather 3351 For Sale Sow and nine pigs. J. A. Keegan. wwvwwwww. Wanted Work by day or take wash ing home Phone 485 blue. tf A five room house and two lots for sale at a bargain. Inquire at The Herald office Two setB of heavy work harness Nearly new. Also one top buggy. P. W. Hoy, G12 Missouri Ave. Phone 142. For 31-21 Sale 1 Sulky, weight 50 lbs; made by Chas, Caffery; at Donovan & Son's wagon shop. Owned by Fred Countryman. 25-tf . The C W. Way Co., Architects, Hastings, Nebraska, will furnish jou with plans and specifications for any class of building you wish to erect. Ask them for information. igtf Buy your carbon paper and type writer ribbons at the Heiald office. We handle Carter's Ideal Hues of carbon and ribbons and the Revilo brand of ribbons. We quote city prices. All goods guaranteed. tf One thousand and one icles for the home, cheap handy at the art Bee Hive. Wanted, a laundress at Hotel Tor rington, Torrington, Wyo. Wages Si. 00 per day and board. E. A. Bel lingar, Prop 32tf An immense stock of household art icles, china and glass ware, fancy goods and notions, ou which you.can save money at the Bee Hive. DR. BOWMAN: Office In Rumer block. Hooiuu 12 and 13. Phones 65 and 16. 26;tt, epjoo t&jt&xjiASJt8L.$ Ltfijtajfja r ,. . E iom "" Man and wife wanted for work on ranch. Good pay. Apply at Herald office. 33-2w LOST One bay horse about flva years old. Has one white foot. Maae a8d4ajl,.botb..clippeq Branded wkb small anvil- on 'left shoulder, Went southwest of Alliance about fifteen to twenty-four miles. Reward of ten dol lars will be paid upon return to owner Miss Katie Gerald, phone Blue 485, at Mrs. Koke's, South Alliance, 32-tf School boys can earn watch, rifle, etc., by working for us after school. No canvassing. Send postal for par ticulars. Burton Matson, 5481 Kim. bark Ave,, Chicago, 111. 33xt Will pay highest prices for second" hand clothing. Shoes and boots bought and sold. Mrs. Shankman. Location formerly occupied by Dick Watkln's Real Estate office on Box Butte Ave nue, 33.4t We call attention again to the "plunge" at Judge Berry's as being tbe finest place within reach of Alliance people for a delightful swim there sum. mer days. Accommodations for ladies as well as for men. 335t To All Concerned You are hereby notified that as Ella Boone, my wife, has left my bed and board 1 will not be responsible for any obligations incurred by her. F, M, Boone, Bingham, Nebr. Fer Sals One-balf interest in hardware busi ness. Carries line of harness and has best equipped tin shdp in western Ne brubUu. Firm is doing- good business. Reason for belling- is poor health. For particulars address, iiard ware, care of Alliance Herald. 32-tf Stallion for Sale or Trade Stallion for sale or trade for horses or cattle. Good disposition, range broke. Weight 1800, seven years old, dapple gray. James Potmesil, ii'tf Loug Lake, Nebr. Spring Chickens fir Sale Spring chickens for snle at 50 cents each. J. J. Koke. Phone 485 blue. 32tf Sttltn Stolen from my pasture between June 12th and 30th. Three yearling heifers wirh uo brands on; two small ones with red and white on faces and feet and one large yearling with dark red and white face and some white under belly. Very wild. This stuff is Hereford stock. Reward will be paid for information leading to tbejr recovery. I am on Section 14. towrlship 27, range 48. Clayton Worley' 3o tf. Judge Berry has his swimming pool in better shape than ever before. A new engine and a new heater were put in this year, and everything is in "ship, shape" for the accommodation of bis customers, 33'$l WiWW ilgri