The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, June 16, 1910, Image 5

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Watermelons, Cantaloupes, g DUNCAN'S GROCERY
Fresh Fruit of all Kinds
Second door west of P. 0.
The river continues low, In fact It is
nearly dry.
D. C. Grim of liayard was in Hroad
water on business Monday.
A good rain wouldn't be a bad thing,
und would be very welcome.
John Adams spent Sunday at the
Bowersock home on Dugout Creek.
Henry Hubbard and wife visited
with Fred Powers nnd family Sunday.
Walter Buchanan has gone to Colo
rado, combining business and pleasure.
The Wehn Telephone Co. is improv
ing their line from Ogalalla to Bridge
port. The Broadwater Gun Club hnd a
practice shoot on the. grounds Sunday
Pat Rowlan is building a new barn
on his ranch. He believes in being
There is a prospect of organizing a
base ball nine in Broadwater. - Push it
along, boys.
John Bowersock and Bert Cooper
were hunting for cattle last week that
had strayed away.
Milan Bcaty of the Duer nnd Buch
anan ranch was sojourning in Broad
water Sunday afternoon.
Anthony Johnson is putting up a
windmill on his ranch this week, and
otherwise improving his home.
D. A. Sharp, formerly of Bridgeport
has moved onto his Kinkaid near here,
and we welcome him as an addition to
our population.
The Broadwater Lumber Co. moved
their coal sheds from the south side of
the railroad track to the yard the first
of the week; a great convenience to
their coal customers.
We understand work will commence
June 15 on the extension of the Brown's
Creek Canal. This is a piece of work
that has hung fire for a long time and
we are glad it is at last to be done.
Kennedy arc hauling lumber for their
new houses this week.
Martin Anderson nnd Miss Lcunte
Wood wero the gUests of Mr. and Mrs,
It. K. Thomas Sunday afternoon.
J. N. Hrlggs and little daughter
vislfd with his parents. Mr. and Mrs.
Asa Briggs, a few days last week.
Mrs. Jean Sights and family spent a
week in the Sand H'lls visiting Mrs.
Asa Briggs and Mrs. Frauk Boon.
J. II. Vaughn closed a deal for his
"Upper ranch" by which King and
Tlernan beeamo the possessors of five
quarters of Morrill county land.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Saxton left here
Sunday morning for their home in
Montana after a wepks visit with his
brother, Jus, Saxon of this place.
Mr. and Mrs. B. K. Thomas returned
froui their wedding trip Friday and
will bo "at home" to their friends at
the Williams ranch for the present.
Mrs, Mary Hull of Grand Island and
her daughter, Mrs. John Baumgardner
of Alliance, camo in on 303 Saturday
for a visit with Arch Hull and sister,
Mrs. John Powers.
Roy Denton weut to Alliance for
lumber and other articles.
Mrs, Anna Denton returned to her
home near Hope Saturday.
W. B. Hubble has returned to his
work In the Wright locality.
Most every one has stopped breaking
because the ground is so dry.
Mr. and Mrs. John and family visited
at C. Duers at Maliuda Sunday.
Arthur Lore and family are visiting
at H ashman with J. A. Lore's.
Arthur F. Becker, county superin
tendent, has some thought of resigning.
We hope ho may reconsider his plans.
Mr8. W. B. Hubble and Arthur Hub
ble went to Freeport to visit her daugh
ter on account of sickness of a grand
Preaching service was well attended
last Sunday with Mrs. Beck as minister.
Her daughter Stevcson gave a fine solo.
Everyone is very much pleased with
her assistance in Sunday school.
Otto Hagermuu was on the streets of
Bonuer yesterday.
Every one in this vicinity is wishing
for a good ram tiiesu days us it is bad
ly needed.
Mr. arrtfMrs. Frank Boon and family
visited with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Roach Saudity,
Mrs. W. C. Falrchild returned last
week from un extended visit to her
parents at Teeumseh.
Mr. Gentle, Mr. Plansky and Mr.
Joe Nabb is working on the Phelan
Joe Miller is doing odd jobs at Mr.
Jacobs lately.
Wm. Essex and sons made a trip to
the sand hills.
Mrs, Burkeholder and s,on Leslie re
turned from a trip to Iowa.
A. J. Gaghagen is having a new
house erected on his farm.
Mrs. A. I. Gaghagen made a flying
trip to Alliance Saturday.
Everybody well but mighty thirsty
on account of the dry weather.
Joseph Barkhurst returned from Lin
coln Saturday. He is feeling and look
ing fine.
Miss Elsie Nabb and Miss Rose
Knapp'made a pleasure trip to Alliance
Friday ana upon tneir return brought
with them Amauda Nabb, who has
concluded that there is no place like
A mighty war whoop and tho sound
as of a band of wild Indians rushing
upon our unprotected farms; but lo!
It has died away and upon investiga
tion it was found that the Nabb boys
had finished cutting spuds.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Ross are visiting at
A. Lore's this week.
Miss Huston of Mud Springs spent
Sunday at A. Lore's.
Auntie Mailey is better at this w'rtiing.
Miles Hagaman was visiting home folks
last week.
Ethel Hagaman is staying in Alliance at
mis writing.
Mrs. Shanklin intends moving to the
hills this week. '
Fred Rib ;ins and family spent Sunday
at trie uaiuioo Home.
Miles Hagaman is in the Hills at this
writing working on the Spade ranch.
O. E. Hagaman is helping James Under-
wocd build a House on his homestead this
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Coker and children
spent Sunday afternoon at the Shanklin
Mrs. O. E. Hagaman of the sand hill
country spent Sunday at the home of Geo
Shirley Hagaman is staying at the home
of Fred Robbins helping Mrs. Bobbins
with her work.
John Wright and family and J C. Haw
kins and wife were at the home of George
Clark Sunday.
There will be no services at the Car
penter Baptist church Sunday on account
of the association at Chadron.
George G. Clark is wearing a broad
smile these days over the arrival Monday
of a bouncing baby boy. Mother and
child doing nicely.
Miss Dollie Hagaman returned home
from Bayard Saturday, where she has
been visiting at the home of lohn Hunt.
She reports a good time.
Miss Sylvia Hagaman and Miss Lizzie
Coker were appointed delegates to the
northwest Baptist Association to be held
in Chadron June 17 and eighteen.
Frank Caha was trading in Hemingford
John Caha is building a new house on
his claim.
Louis Uarta and wife were in Heming
ford Saturday.
G. H. Clayton made a trip to Scotls
Bluff one day last ueek.
Scott Hood and wife were visiting their
mother one day last week.
Miss Safford and friend from Omaha
are the guests of Mrs. Boshar-
Mrs. W. A. Hood was taken worse last
Tuesday and Dr. Slagle was called.
Ethel Waddell of Hemingford is visit
ing the Johnson family at present.
K. L. Pierce and little son Lonald were
autoing the Canton streets Friday.
..Miss Bertha Parkyn is attending In
stitute and Junior Normal in Alliance.
Mrs. Frank Caha entertained a number
of friends and relatives at a birthday
dinner Sunday.
Mrs. Allen Jamison spent Monday at
the home of Mrs. Farley. v
The high winds have injured the crops
and gardens in this part of the county.
Mrs. Churchill and Mrs. Sailor were out
making calls on their neighbors Monday. .
Little Willie Vantress is verr low at
this writing, with no hope of his recovery.
The Jamison brothers and Cash Farley
have each purchased new cream sepa
rators. Edwin Owen, Marshall Howser, Allen
Jamison and Cash Farley made a business
trip to Alliance Monday
We believe this is the worst weather we
have had since coming here more than a
year ago. Rather hard for a tenderfoot.
Edwin Owen received the sad news of
the sudden death of his sister, Mrs. Joseph
Smith of Ackworth, Iowa, one day last
some very beauillol music lsverynoay
reports a good time considering trio cool
Charley Green is putting in cement side
walks this week for Johnson and (he
Erickson Drug Co.
Several went from here on the Payne
special last Wednesday to see the head
gates of the Trlstate ditch.
The Erickson Drug Co. has received iho
fixtures for tlmir new building and are
iiiitiinu Ihnm ut this week. This will
make a first class store in Bayard.
Harry Ellengar was seen in the canyon
G. W. White spent Sunday at G. W.
Horn's. ' '
Children's day in district 34 was well
Mr. Daily ot Reno, Mo., is visiting at
the Pease home.
Rollie Reed has joined the boys at the
government camp,
Miss Wilson called on Mrs. Gripple
Tuesday afternoon.
Rollie Reed and Frank Johnson were in
Minatarelast week.
Mr. Lewis ot Bayard has bought Mr.
Rockwell's east eighty.
A. Z. Nicola was at Joe Neurds last
Wednesday afternoon.
The Misses Dwyer of Alliance are visiting
a the Alyward home this week.
The neighbors are to meet at the Hope
school house to talk about having tele
phones run thru the Canyon from Mina
tare. Harry Long has been listing corn and
says it would puzzle a snake to crawl up
the rows, but he expects to raise a good
The Government camp at Luke Alice
looks like a young Chicago in the distance.
They now have a couple of automobiles
and electric lights.
pneumonia but is getting better at this
writing. n
Hemingford Happenings
Tho marriage nf fir Hemingford cor
respondent leaves us without news for our
Hemingford department this week. Wo
ask our many Hemingford readers to have
patience with us. By next week ws wilt
have another correspondent and hope to
line up the news from that part of the
county better than ever before.
Notice ia hereby given to H. J. Pat
terson that on Juno at, 1910, his trunk
and clothes will bo eold for room rent
and storage Mrs, Jcnnie Hoskins.
Miss M. Ruth Taylor
324 West Idaho. Phone 205
Edith M. Swan
and Musical History
Studio 424 Laramie Avenue
Pho no QQO
Still the wind blows without any rain.
Lloyd Green is papering this week for
Will Smith.
H. E. Rosenvelt and family spent Mon
day night in the Bluffs.
&; T. McKelvey went to Bridgeport
Monday on official business.
Co. Supt. Edjth Watford spent last
Thursday night with her father and
visited friends.
The Epworth League ice cream social
that was given on Mr. McKelvey's lawn
was welt attended and the band rendered
J. R. Lawrence and wife visited with
Grandpa and Grandma Iladley Sunday
The ladies of Fairview organized a W.
C. T. U. Sunday with Mrs. F. H. Nason
as president.
John Patker left Monday for Custer
county, where he intends to dispose of tCo
acres of land which he owns there
J. R. Lawrence and C. Benjaman pulled
their threshing rig to Wm, Munich's Wed
nesday. He is one of those who did not
get his threshing done last fall.
Several of the neighbors gathered to
gether Monday and planted corn for Chas.
Heath. He has been quite sick with
Surveyor and Engineer,
Parties out, of town should write, as I
am out much of the time
Charges will not exceed $3.00 and ex
penses per day.
E. C. Whisman
Practical Painter and
Paper Hanger
Full line wall paper samples .
Partial Program of
Big Fourth of July Celebration, Race Meeting
Alliance, Nebraska, . iPram . July 4, 5, 6, 7, 1 91 0
' I Snhlprt tn Charm Cfrtnn tn h FnlnrttPfl m Writ
Magnificent Automobile Flower
Parade July 4
Most beautitul and spectacular parade ever
seen in northwest Nebraska.
Parade of U. S. Troops Follows at Same Time
Will go against her time July 5, 6 and 7
Subject to Change
TTJX-.-Z" -4
Program too long and varied to be all give here Salute at sunrise. Grand dis
play of -fireworks at 3:30 p. m. Cowboy parade, hose races, relay races, ooW horse
races, calithutnplau parade. Prizes for largest families, etc. Foot races, band con
certs, grand automobile flower parade and parade of United States troops.
Big Delegation
from South Omaha
will furnish special
attractions of inter
est to Stockmen.
Governor Shallenberger
and other prominent men will be present
The best relay riders of Nebraska
will ride daily
1st 2:25 trot. Purse 8250, divided $125. S75. $50. Five to enter, three to go. 2nd One
mile dash. Purse $100. divided $50. S30, $20. Five to enter, three to go. 3rd 2:20
tace. Purse S200, divided $100. S60 anJ S40. . Rest two out of three. Five to enter
and three to go. 4th One half mile da&h. Purse $50. divided $25, 815, 810. Five
to enter, three to go. 5th Two mile relay. Purse $75. Three to enter, two to
go. Divided $50 and $25. 6th One mile pace by Lady Weaver. The Uuldeless
Wonder goes without driver or pacemaker; answers to the bell. Will go ugainst
her time of 2:1J. Has been shown on all the leading tracks of the United Mates
it ml Canada. 7th One mile chariot nice. Purse SM, divided 840 and $20 8th
llpMivho busting Purse $150. Riders must ride as often as the judges may require-
Divided 875. $50, $25. 8100 purse for best pitching horses, divided 850.830, $20.
'st 2:40 trot or pace. Purse 8150. Itest two out of three. Divided 875, 50 and $25.
Flve'to enter, three to go. Five second;.' handicap- to pacers. 2nd Five-eighths
mile dash. P.urse $75, divided 835, $25, 815. Five to enter, three to sro. 3rd 2:30
pace. Purse 8150, divided $75, 850. $25. Five to enter, three to go. 4th One-fourth
mile dash. Purse 850, divided 825. 815 and 810. Five to enter, three to go. 5th
One mile chariot race, 880 divided 840 and 820. 6th Two mile relay race. Purse $75
divided $50 and 825. Three to enter, two to go, 7th One mile pace by Lady Weaver.
8th Itroncho busting, second event. 9th One-half tntle dash. Free for all for 2
and 3-year-olds. Handicap. $50.
i JULY .7
1st 2:13 pace. Purse 8250, divided $125, 875 und $30. Five to enter, three to go.
2nd-ipne mile dash, purse $100, divided 850. 830, $20. Five to enter, three to go.
3rd Free for all, nurse $300, divided $150, $100 and $50. Five to enter, three to go;
five seconds handicap to pacers. 4th One-half mile dash. Purse $50, divided $25.
815, 810. Five to enter, three to go. 5th One mile chariot race, purse 860, divided
840 and $20. 6th Two mile relay race. Purse S75, divided 850 and 825. Three to
enter, two to go, 7th One mile pace by Lady Weaver. 8th 3rd event Rough Riding,
The Entire Regiment of U. S.
Cavalry from Fort Robinson
will be encamped at Alliance during two days
of the celebration. Sports of every sort by the
soldiers for special prizes.
Big Prizes for Bucking Horses
and Broncho Busting
Ui 1
Mmm wftm ltanf
Bowery Dance IDsuilr
. i .i .! i i . .-I..... ..m...i- ., .. - .! ...
Grand Stockmen's Ball Wed. Night
Big Purses Assure Great Races
Alliance Extends a Cordial Invitation to Her Neighbors. Gome!