t lt-uPMjif-,mvT-i.Tf, ' wh j?jS, if :! I M Hi ff W i i ii i ! pHJjtRffl) Publiihed Every Thursday by Tin HeraM PHMishriif Company. P. A. Pisnuon, Tr s. Lmiyd TnoMAi, Sec. Joim W. Tiiomab. Mur JOHN V. THOMAS Editor J. B, KNIEST Associate Editor Entered at tho nostoQice at Alliance, Nebraska, for transmission throus-h tho mails, as second-class matter. Subscription, i.so per year in advance. THURSDAY, JUNE iG, igto Announcement I hereby announce myself as a candidate for State Representa tive of the 58rd representative district of Nebraska, subject to tho Primaries of the Democratic and People's Independent Parties to be held Aug. 10, 1910. J. A. Robertson. does ' a convention of '-4$tftf ra gottes". vX c y Tho Griind Islandjflnd6pend ent, which is a republican paper, want the next democratic state convention to udoifrra platform favoring tho iniatlatlve and ref erendum on the state capital re moval question. Good. We ex pect the democratic state con vention lO IUVOI -uiiijuuuBiaitiuuii) not merely on a state capital lo cation, but alsa-on all other im portant questions. Jiut say, wiiy not ask the republican state con vention to adopt a platform fav oring the same thing. If the rank and Me, instead of the political bosses, of the republican party in Nebraska control tho next re publican state convention there should be enough "progressives" in that convention to make tho platform.- This may look, Like poetry, But it is not; It is here just, To till up space. People's Independent State Convention Tho state couveutton of tho IVople'a Independent party of Nobraskn, Ib hereby called to meet at Grand Inland. Nebr., on Tuesday, July 20th, at 2:30 n. m.. for the mirooso Of adopting a platform of principles, the election of a new central committee and for the general preliminary organization work of the 1010 Nebraska state compaign. It has been decided to baso the repre sentation nt one delegate at large for each county and one delegate for each CO votes or major fraction thereof cast for D. C. Colo for regent of tho state university in 1009, which will entitle tho various counties to the following vote: Jcfforsou,, '0 Johnson 6 Kearney ,...10 Keith.... 3 Keyu I'itlin a Kimball 2 Knox 10 Lancaster 14 Lincoln ,. 5 Lugitn S Tag Day. Louu. Md'horson -' Mudtion 0 Merrick 7 Morrill Nuncu ... enmhu Mtifl,olls uiiw. Adams U Antelope 8 Banner., 2 Illuliie 2 Itoonn ,...11 Hoi (lutU 3 lloyd 5 ltrown 3 lluITulo 11 Hurt 5 llutler. ., ... 0 Outs 0 Cedar a Cluuo..., 3 Ghfrry 4 Choyenuo 3 Clay IT Colfax 5 Cuming 5 Ouster :3 I'awneu Dakota 2 Perkins Dawes :i l'lieltis Duwson 13 I'llTCo.. Deuel ...12 Dixon 5 DcxlKU H DoukIuh. 4 Dundy 3 Flllmoiu 8 Kriinkllii...... 8 Front lor Tumuli fl (Inan H riowanl aarilcn... ........... 3 Sheridan 5 Gar(lolu, 0 Shprmun 0 Gosper 0 Siuux .3 tlrunt.... 2 Stunton 3 (Ireeley... 8 Tiiujor Hull 12 'rnoam 8 8 II 0 4 il 10 4 I'lutto 7 Polk... 14 Ht'il Willow 4 UI-lmruon, 0 ltock 2 Saline 13 Mirpj'4 4 Sumulurs ID Hcouslilurf, 3 June iStli has been designated as "tag day" ly the sisters who havo charge of Mercy Hospital. On that day three ladies, Miss Mary O'Kecfc, Mrs. W. D. Rutner and Mrs. John Urcnnan, each assisted by six girls, all of whom will be supplied with suitable tags, will solicit donations to be used in furnishing the new hospital building when it opens July ist. Every person making a donation will be given a tag to wear during the balance of the day. As this will be somethiug new for this city, and as the donations will be to help a work of mercy and charity, it is expected that the public will respond liberally on tag day. Uncalled For Letters ' Circvs Arfvaftce Car in Town t Advertising Car No 3, of the, great Sells-Ffoto show, arrived here today with George S. Roddy in charge, who has immediately under his supervision la corps of twenty-five expert bill post ers, mnograpuers, uanner men anu programmers. It is not drawing the long bow to state that Mr. Roddy's assistants immediately became busy in tho matter of lighting up all adjacent landscapes. Tho apostles of the "get happy" idea work with a vim that to an ordin ary mortal is susprising. It is marvel ous to watch the dexterity with which they clothe blank spaces and bill boards with announcements of the great Arm our prize team, or the astounding acro batic and ring ft-ats, which go towards making the ScltsFloto show the best attraction of its kind on the road. The car in which Mr. Roddy and his little company travel is the' finest owned by any amusement organization on the face of tho globe. It is a modern, up-to-date Pullman, with stat rooms, berths and all the other adjuncts that go to make com fort on wheels- In this connection, the proprietors of the Sclls-Floto show are to be commended. No expense is spared by them to the end that their staff of workers shall live in the best manner possible. The berths, lava tories, and other appurtenances of the rolling palace are exactly those of the Standard Pullman, and it speaks more forcibly than any other argument con cerning what uo may expect whrn the big show arrives here on Thursday, June 23. Admission reduced to 25 cts. , For Sale 1 Sulky, weight 50 lbs; made by Cha's. Caffery; at Donovan & Son's wagon shop. Owned by Fred Countryman. 25-tf. Following is a list of letters remain ing uncalled for in the postoflice at Alliance, Nebraska, for the week end ing June 13, iqio; if not called for on or before Juue 27, 1910, will be seut to the Dead Letter Office at Washington, D. C. noumt.. Thornton vallc Hamilton : 11 llurlmi , 0 lluyctl.,, 2 Hitchcock 5 Unit in 2 wiiteier, Wiiahinutdli Wayno .. .. .10 Webster. Howard 10 York Hooker 1'otul. It Is recommended that the various county conventions be held on Satur day, July 23d, ut 2 p m , where other provision U not made by the county committee. The great Importance of tho ensuing campuigu aud the desire being urgent for a tnoiough stute organization, It is hoped that each county will tee that thoy are repre sented In this state convention. In a) counties where uo regular delegate convention is called authority Is hei eby grunted f.or tho holding of mass con ventions at. the dato and hour recom mended for tho regular county con ventions. Ity order of 6tate committee. C. II. MANUEfi.Chraa. E. A. WALRATH, Secy. Aver II L Urate Mr Addison (2) Gavin K il Hticlieoou, Wrtryunt KutllMrA L'luuhmnn Miss Ada Murray. TIiuuihn Miller. Cora (colored) I'utsohor. Mr l'uch HelllyUlmnW HodireM II It Pt'aro. Mr. Hhs Thompson .1 A Welch Miss litlua Hnrliumn Mr. John (5) Bllluy IV O. Harris K M. Hull John I) LiiwrcnCo Mm HulnhW McCriiy C W tacUanuUH, Jnuius Newniiin J 11 Powell Ira V KobarcN n Xi 21 Kunor S XV Thompson MrHedgwIck Wntson MIsh O 1) West Albert Mention advertised when calling for letters on this list. Ira E. Tasii. Postmaster. LIJGAL NOTICE. In tho District Court Itox Ilutte county, Nebraska. In the niattor ot the application of II. F. Oilman, gunrdlnn of the person mill estate of V. Mario Dull, Edith (J. Hull, Helen C. Hall, Minors. ORDEIt TO SHOW CAUSE Special May 17, 1910 Term Tho cuaso crime on for hearing upon tho petition of n. F. Gllnrnn, guardian of the es tate of XV. Mario Hull. Edith G. Hall und Melon ('. Hall, minors, praying for license to sell their Interest In northwest qnartnr sec tt. m i;i township 25 north Uitngo 4'J west In llox Ilutte County Nebraska, or a sufhcleut amount of the sumo for tho education main tenance und support of mi Id minors, und It up peurlnir from said petition Unit said estate of mild minors, It an undivided interest In said lands und unlmoroved wild prulrle land, and no Income Is obtained therefrom. It Is there for ordered that all persons interested in said CMiito appear before mo ut chambers ut my ortlco in Kushvlllo. Sheridan County, Ne braska, on the 18th day of June. UUO.itobhow chuso why a license should not be granted to bald U. F Oilman to sell snid real estate ut guardians su 0 for the purposes mentioned, and that it copy ot this order bo published for three success! vo wpvka In tho Alliance Herald, a weekly newspaper published at Alliance, Nebraska. Hated this lTth day of May, 1010. . II Westoveii, fp May 10-41 Judge of tho District Court BUSINESS 1 AA'y LOCALS. They're not laughing at Darius Green as much as they used to. This may be an opportune tiuje to say that editorials and" other matter appearing in The Herald, are written by the editor and hisl assistants, unless otherwise cred ited. With all our faults we try to avoid plagiarism, which is the genteeVname stealing the writ ings of others. l.A-ASw W For Sale, all my dwelling houses, 1. A. Holdredge, 219 Sweetwater, i7-tf Wanted Work by day or take wash ins' home. PhoneTJSs bltte.' tf The C. W. Way Co., Architects. Hastings, Nebraska, will furnish you with plans and specifications for anv class of building jou uish to erect. Ask them for information. iotf FOR SALE Household goods: two brass beds, one white'eiiamel bed, ma hogany dresser, bed. 100111 set of Bird's, eve maple, libratv table, mahogany chairs, oak dining room set with nearly new dark oak buffet, heating stove, small kitcheu range, three burner gaso line range, rugs, etc will all be .sold very cheap. L- G. Bowman, 807 Big Horn Ave. i, 27-it For Sale Order of Hearing on Original Probate of Will Stnlo of Nebraska, I . Hox Uutte County, j" " At it County Court, held ut tho County Court Itoom, In und for said county, June stn A. 1). 1910, Present. I. A. Herri. ("Viuntv .Iml -n. In the matter of the estuto of .Nellie E. Ta lor deceits-d. On rending and tiling the petition of 1). C. Taylor, uraylng that tnc Jnet'cimuiit, tiled on tho 8th nay of June, ipio, und purporting to be tho lust Will and Tdsument of tho said de-. ceased, may be proved, approved, probated allowed, und recorded us the itiht will nnd Testament of tho said Nelllo E. Taylor, de ceased, und thui tho execution of said tnstru went may be committed add ho ndmtulstr.i ttou of said Astute may bo granted to D. C 1'uylor. as Executor Ordervd, That June Tth A. D. into, at 10 o'clock A. M., Is unsigned tor hearing fulil petition, when all persons Interested In satd mutter may uppear ut u County Court to lie held In und for said County, aud show cause why tho pr.iyer of petitioner should not be grunted: und that notion of he pendancy of fciild petition ami the hearlmj thereof bu given to all liersoils interested 111 said matter and uhltshlng a copy ot this order In the Alliance eruiau weekly newspaper V1 Hi County, for three successive. Miia uayui ne.innx. (A true copy ) L. A. Itcimr, County Judge. printed in &utd weeks, prior to At the Iowa primaries last week three standpat rehublican candidates for congress were nominated and nine that are classed as progressives. It is claimed that the three standpat nominees will probably be de feated f)t the November election by their democratic opponents, in which event Iowa will be without a standpat congressman. That wl be as it should be, not only infthi Hawlceye state, but in all of tlie central and western states. J j The fourteenth annual confer ance of the National Mothers' Congress' convened in Denver last Friday. "Tho Welfare of the Child in Home, School, and Nation", "-The Conservation of the Children", and "The Home's Responsibility for Health, Mol ality, and Good Citizenship" were some of the subjects dis cussed. Whatever we may think about women's rights", there is something about the National Mothers' Congress und the sub jects discussed that appeals to us much more fnvorably than A good 4 room cottage- Good cel lar. Good barn and out buildings, 26 3t Christian Matz. 520 Mo. Ave. Stallion for Sals or Trade Stallion for sale or trade for horses or cattle. Good disposition, range broke. Weight 1800. seven ears old, dapple grav. James Potmesil. il-tf Long Lake, Nebr. Training School for Nurses In connection with Mercy Hos pital, conducted. by the Sisters of Mercy, is a Training School for Nurses. Wanted, young ladies to enter the Training School of Mercy Hospital at Alliance. Apply to SlSTIJIt SUPEUIpU. NOTICE ' I ' To Joseph I'rank and Jan. Kennedy. You uru hereby notified thut I, the under signed, did on the 'Jrd day ot November A. l). lwrt, purohusu ut lux sale of tho treasurer of Hox tlutttf County, Nebraska, tho following 'described land-lot situated in Hox Hutte County, Nebraska. To-wll: Tlift nrttiuri,r fitliiit.r ful nt slf.itlnM thin- 4een (13)Towushlt twenty six (28) und llunge niiy iwowkj lorine taxes of tlie years 1 wo and 1P07, and 1 have since, und after the same be came Delinquent, paid os suiisequent tax, the taien for the yosrs iwa und um: That said luud-lot wast taxed for the years Ot 11VW und 1007 In the name of Joseph trunk und fortheyeumoMlHWundlHOaln tho name of Jus. Kennedy aud you are further notified thut utter tho expiration of three mouths from tho dato of the, service of this notice, I will upply to said treasurer for a tax deed of h.ild land-lot. You will govern yourself accordingly. uuieu mis 4111 uay 01 June A. 11. iuiu. fpJuue I'-at A, U. HltlCE. mwm NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Slate of Nebraska ( Hox Itutto County j,,s In the mutter of the estate of Florence Mc Carth, deceased 1. ii. A. Uerry. County Judge of Hox Uutte county, Nebraska, hereby notify all persons having claims and demands against the estate of t'lorenco Mct'artliy thut I haeset and up. i-olnted the lTday of cctobcr. IBlUat 10 o'clock In the forenoon, at tho County Court riKim in Altlunco, for the examination of ull claims uguiusi iue csiaio or sain ueceuent with it view to their allowance und payment. All persons Interested as creditors of tho Mid estute will present their claims to mo ut said time, or sh. c . . for out mi doing, aud in ruso any clulius are ma so presented by suld time they sh-tl l.f n-ver barred. Tills llotlcu shu.. ot. crud lv nulilli-ation I thereof for four to unve week in the Alltuuco tioruld, 11 ... n ,,.i,,er published In Alliance, prior to tin- duy ut hearing. Given under my bu laud the seul ot sulci court this 17 duy of fti . , uiO. l 4w U A. HtuiiY, County Judge. NOTICE TO CRE01T0RS. Brennan's Corner We are now prepared to do all kinds of Jewelry and Watch Work This department is in charge of an expert and all worls guaranteed Our Prescription Department is kept up in the best manner possible, our drugs are always pure, and all prescriptions are carefully compounded -v Don't Forget the Place 1 ' BRENNAN'S CORNER DRUG AND JEWELRY STORE Finding a Leak is" sometimes a dangerous and dirty job unless you are a Practical Plumber. If tliere is any trouble In the'bath room or heating apparatus f Send for Us and we will fix it promptly and at reason able. charge. We do good work and guar antee it. '-, 1 - w ' ' ' 1 E. I. Gregg & Son's Big Premium Offer , We will. give a special premium of Ten Dollars ($.10.00) to the winner of first premium on best loaf of bread "at the Box Butte cdunty fair this year, if the bread was made from flour bought of us. To we the winner of second premium on loaf of will give a special premium of Five Dollars Pre-d Bre ft nan .House phone, 356, Shop phone,744 Wm. James, Exclusive Dealer in COAL & ...WOOD 'Phone No. 5. Alliance, Nebraska. FRANK REISTLE ENCRAVER ano ELECTROTYPCR 10M MM 1410-24 UKKKl MJITOI COLO FAIR PRICE Stato of Nebraska box Uutto Couuty I M In tlio untttur ut tbo utt.ito of Annie Mi-. I Curthy, Ueccused. . 1, U A. Uerry, County Juclgo ot Hot Uutte ' couiitr. Noliruuku heroby notify nil pursuit? nuy intr ciuiuia. unu utniiinaa unuinsl me estutu ut Amite Meuurtli) tlmt 1 have ot una up. pointed tlio IT duy of October, 1910. ut 10 u'cluolc In ilia forenoon, ut tlm ( oiim I'min I room lu Alliance, tor tlio examination of al 1 claims liRiilnat tlio ctuto ut balit Ueceileat with h view to their ullowauco una payment. 1 All persons Interested u creititors of the , bald etut will present their eUlint to mo at kuiu iiuic, ur biiuw eau: tur um no uoiiik, unu In ctuu auy claims uro not 1.0 presented by Biild ilme ihey sh.ili m foreer burred. llils iiotleoblull bo served by publication hereof for four consecutive weukk in the Alliance Herald u newspaper uublbtd in Alliance, prior to tho day ot nearlmr. uiven uuuer my uanu anu mo seal of bald euotitlj IT day Of May. Ilia 3E3s:trai Pine Shoe Repairing PROHPTLY DONE All Work Strictly First-Class n. D. Nichols BOX BUTTE AVENUE AT ALLIANCE SHOE STORE bread ($5,0U) on the same conditions. Now Is the time with this flour. to commence practicing We handle the CURTIS HIGH PATENT E.I.Greggcfc Son ounty judtre. I E. O. COOL Plumbing and Fitting All work guaranteed first-class PHOKE tiV KliD A8EMBNT ZBINOEN 8 U O 9, ALLIANCE. NEBRASKA I, L. AC H ESPN Hardware Farm Wagons Buggies Everything in Jlarvesting Machinery Harness and Saddlery 319 Box Butte Ave. Phelan Opera House Block THE GADSBY STORE Funeral Director and Embalmer FUNERAL SUPPLIES OFFICE-PHONE 40S TEBIDENCE PHONE. 510 W. F. ROSENKRANZ Practical Blacksmithing and Wagon Work. Horseshoeing a Specialty Shop ob OakeU.St. fetwm Box Butte iik Laramie Avenues, Alliance, Heb. 4 & I w i 1 i lf tA; h 1 1; I' i f i :t -lw f " .