y v I' I 9 ii i; r u r U M M LEASE WEP iMHMr k i i9!B It's No Trouble to show you here we'll show you our entire stock and if you don't see just what you want (which is highly improbabln)you pre under no obligation im plied or otherwise to buy. An inspection of our stock of E. P. Reed and yueen Quality makes of feminine footwear will reveal to vou AllbinrP Ct ? h an assortment that is certain Alliance cdbii tocontain the footwearthe 'hOC StOrC most critical lady could wish. "H"MM"M"H"M' H-M-M- ! :! ! ! RAILWAY NOTES AND PERSONALS.! i School Notes Teachers having Reading Circle note books are requested to return them to the county superintendent on or before June i, in order to receive credits. District No. 2, Mra. Fannv Switzer, closed on Wednesday, May'n, with a good program rendered by the pupils, undSr the efficient supervision of their teacher. 13 After a successful term taught by Miss Marie Hansen, school in Dist. No. 29 closed last Friday. Certifi cates of Award for perfect attendance for five consecutive months were given toJamc8, Everett, Julia, and Nellie Abley. rrn. ' Card of Thanks ; Marsland, Nebr., May tG, igio. We wish to thank our friendB and neighbors who kindly extended their help and sympathy throughout the ill ness and after the death of our hus band aud father, Win. N. Gregory. Mrs. A, Gregory. Geo. H. Gregory. Lee Gregory. Change Social. Alpha Division No, 309, G. I. A., of Alliance, has issued invitations to mem bers of the 13, of L. E. and their fam ilies to attend a chicken supper and change social to be held at the K of C hall, Thursday evening, May 26. An interesting program will be ren dered, consisting of drills, vocal and instrumental music, recitations, etc., including also an address by Sam. Franklin. Those who are on the pro gram, besides those who are in the drills, arc: Lennie Franklin, Mrs. R. L. Harris, Cynthia Davenport, Hazel Bennet, Bessie Reid, Hugh and Or villo Davenport, Vern Hamilton, Lura and Arlene Morrison, Helen and Her bert Dictleiu, Hazel Rockey, Lclah Reid, Ruth Hager, Mildred Wade and Sam Franklin, Help Advertise the Celebration Ranchmen, farmers and persons from neighboring towns who wish to help advertise the 4th of July celebra tion and Stockmen's convention can secure a supply of large posters by calling on Judge Ridgell at the Com mercial Club rooms in the basement of the Phelan opera house block, or at The Herald office. I ORDER A CASE OF POP $ with your next grocery order. The following U& W grocery firms will deliver at your home W & 24 bottles, any flavor, for 75c: B S. H. Desch Co. & Geo. W.Duncan & Son m Mallery Grocery Co. Alliance Grocery Co. James Graham A. D. Rodsers' Manufactured by GOLDEN ROD BOTTLING WORKS Phillips Grocery Co. Watson cc Watson Con. Pickett took out W- J. Hamil ton's car and crew. Brakcman C. G. Smith is on the re lief with a spell of La Grippe. Brakcman G. W. Emery is making a few days visit with his family near Bayard. Mr. Harvey, one of the company carpenters, is off with a badly mashed hand, J. G, Beck, who has been on the road fpr some time, is again employed as a company carpenter. Con. Bob Evans has Rad Randall's car and crew while Randall is taking the pay car over the division. Tom Burchell, fireman on 39 and 40 came into Alliance Tuesday morning. He may decide to take a passenger out of here. A. E. Martz is a new employee in in the train Bervice Mr. Martz will move his family here as soon as he dan get a house Thos Coyne, who has been suffer ing from rheumatism for some time, has decided (0 quit the service and try the hot springs in Arkansas. Freight Agent Mctz and family are now nicely settled in the rooms over Irish's store. Mr. Metz is better of his rheumatism but he is far from well. Passenger Con. Cotant dead headed to Ravenna on No. 44 Monday to bring back the Bryan special. He will have charge of the train over the Alliance division. Great regret is expressed among the railroad men thai they are to lose W O. Barnes as their watch inspector. By his promptness and courtesy he has won the friendship of all. C. A. Bauzof and C G. Turner of the round house force have left the service. Mr. Turned will go to the home of his parents in Grand Island Mr. Banzof will travel west until he finds a location. Telegraph Operator Will Nickle passed through Alliance Monday on his way to the Pacific coast. Mrs. Nickle and family are with her people in Grand Island. She will join her bus-- band as soon as he is permanently lo cated. On Friday evening Mrs. U. N, Hos- kins gave a dinner tor eignt ladies in honor of Miss Maggie McCulty of New Castle. Miss McCauley has been visit ing with Engineer and Mrs. A. E. Nelson. She will return to her home Thursday of this week. We are very glad to note that Pas senger Conductor Betebcnner, who has been sick for some time, is slowly im- I proving. As soon as tie is well enougn lie will start on a trip west, and will I . - - . n -.jy-W W'Ww "P ) - I travel until he is again able to take his work on the road, Mrs. Will Crulkshack, wife of Con. Cruiksbank, who lost his life in the service here about a year ago, is pre paring to move her home to Kansas City. She will be accompanied by her mother, Mrs. Cruiksbank has made many friends while here among the church and railroad people and their best wishes follow her to her new home. It is with the deepest sorrow that'wc renort the death of Mrs. Edith Cow- man, wife of Fireman Cowman of the Denver line, Her death occurred nt their home Sunday morning after a ten days illness. Four little girls are left to mourn the loss ot a mother. The husband and daughters have the deep est sympathy of all who knew them, especially among the railroad people. ' Con. W. J. Hamilton had a very narrow escape when coming from the. west near Provo Monday evening. En gineer Hoslier was making some re pairs on the engine and using a twenty pound sledge hammer. In some way it glanced off, striking Hamilton in the head just above the eye3. He was un conscious for four hours and was taken to Ardmore to a doctor and later brought to Alliance on No. 36. He is now able to be out and getting along nicely. . New Plumbing Shop E. O. Cool returned last Saturday from Scottsbluff, where he worked at his trade as a plumber for about a month, his family remaining here while he was away. He has opened a shop in the basement of the Zbinden block now owned by F. E. Reddish, aud is ready to receive and give prompt at tention to orders for uurk in his line. We call attention t j his card which he orders inserted in The Herald. Picture Shows Consolidated. When Are You Going? We hope you will have a real good tlme-you surely will If you will buy your Traveling Equipment at THE FAMOUS Leather Suit Cases, $5 each STRAPS $7.50 Buys a Trunk that looks like $15. Will go around the world Younkin, having bought the Garrick of Dletlein &. Ruggles, moved the Crys tal on Monday of this week to the Gar rick quarters on Box Itutte aveuue, north of the Rurlington station, thus combining the two shows under (he name of the Crystal. This reduces the number of moving picture and vaude vi'le shows in Alliance to one, which is about the number that can secure a profitable patronage. Formerly there were tnree, atterwaru two, and now one. Younkin says he will now givu the people the best show ever in this town for little money, at the popular prices of 10 cents for children and 20 cents for adults. There will be two or three acts in each vaudeville show and two reels of pictures every night. Mat ineeSaturday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Rooms Wanted for Junior Normal Our Line of Suit Cases, Traveling Bags and Trunks embraces all the new ideas We guarantee to save you money The Famous A STORE FOR MEN -A.llieum.ee - IfcTeTor. Persons having rooms to rent during the Alliance Junior Normal should notify the county superintendent soon. Call up phone 28, on or after Tuesday, May 24. As the readers of The Herald are aware we are always pleased to note the increase in business of institutions that employ labor in Alliance. For this reason it is a pleasure to us to state that the business of the Alliance Steam Laundry has increased to such an extent that it was necessary to put in four new machines recently. Be sides doing a large amount of work for the people of Alliance they have a large patronage from neighboring towns. F. L. Potmesil writes us as follows from Powell, Idaho: "The country here looks more favorable thi3 year and values are on the rise. I am look ing after a lumber yard here and like the work very much. Regards." We have been in hopes that Frank would decide to return to Box Butte county, but as he is doing so welt in Idaho, we fear that he will want to stay there permanently. We wish him success wherever he may be. Ladies' Suits Our entire Hue of Ladies' Tailored Suits, Jackets and Rain Coats we offer in this sale at 25 per cent discount They are this season's very best styles in a wide range of weaves and colorings 63 Ladies' Skirts In browns, blues, grays and blacks, up- 1.A nff. todate styles, at If Ull' STOCK REDUCING SALE Honday, May 16, to Thursday, flay 26 BY being- absent from business a month, after a vacation of two months, I am very anxious to do business and to do more business, coupled with the fact that I have visited many stores and attended merchants meetings, and find they are doing- as large a business with half the stock I am carrrying, 1 have decided to reduce this stock very materially and to accomplish this result am making- very attractive prices Wash Suits Au elegant assortment of Wash Suits and Coats in a large variety of jiO Cfk styles and colors, from S4.50 to vjJi.fc.vJ'V 96 Ladies' Shirt Waists in lawns, linens and Bilks at aspecial discount of i4 off Dress Goods $1,25 Wool Suitings, 40 to 48-inch widths, QQn exceptional values, specially priced at ' wwu 60c to 75c Worsted Suitings, 36 inch to 40 47C inch, special at f fw $1.25 Natural Color Pongee Silk, 27 inch CI QQ width, specially priced. .... flUU 62c Youla Silks, good assortment of 48C shades, per yard fUu l 1 .JBET- 1; 4Cs5Efc' I C'vJr nil iMIll m 11 vH 11! ffLH If ATM Men's Suits In this department we are offering some extraordinary values in these lots. Lot 1. $20-00 buys a suit good enough for a king to wear; this embraces, a line of up-to-date, finely tailored garments worth up to $27.00, in blue and black serges and fine cas simeres and worsteds. Specially priced at . . . $20 Lot 2. Men's Suits, strictly up-to-date styles in a large assortment of weaves, first class tailoring, worth up to $17.00, specially CIO AR priced at pi.fd Lot 3. Large line Men's Suits, depend able garments, Sio-oo to $12 56 values in cassimeres and worsteds, specially priced at $7.50 Men's Pants One lot Men's Pauts, worth up to S4.00, specially priced CO at J"- One lot Men's Pants, worth up to 2. 75, specially priced CO flfl Qne lot Men's Corduroy Pants, worth $3.00 and CO CO 53.50, specially priced at . . - T " "MODEKN CLOTHES" N o r t o n 9 s Boys' Suits One lot Boys' Suits, age6 CO AQ 4 to 12 years p.fU One lot Boys' Suits, small 1 QC sizes ,u Si.oo DRESS SHIRTS, CI O5 Carpet Department We place on sale our entire line of CARPETS, RUGS, MATTINGS, PORTIERS, CARPET FIL LINGS, FLOOR OIL CLOTHS at the low price of 20 Discount This will make a 9x12 Smith Axminster Rug cost vou only $20-00. This is an exceptional offer when you take into consideration the fact that every item in our carpet department is priced very low in the first place, from which we now give you OneFifth Off Lace Curtains Our entire stock of lace curtains and draperies at a special discount of Ten Per Cent All leather suit cases that you have been paying $6.00 and $6.50 for, we offer at the low rr price of P5UU Largest and best line of Trunks' ever shown in the city at very attractive prices. All of our Wool Blankets go in this sale at a discount of ONE-FOURTH OFF $2.50 Wool Nap Cotton Blankets, exceptional values at . .. . $1.98 Corsets $1.50 Princess hip Royal Wor cester Corsets, hose support ers, medium length $1.00 Princess hip Royal Wor cester Corsets, hose support ers, medium length . . . : Ladles' Shoes One lot Batiste Corsets with hose supporters, , 98c 69c 42c Cotton Henrietta, 4n 36-inch width 'u 38 pairs Ladies' Oxfords, one, two and three pairs of a kind, worth up to $4.00, priced at One lot Ladies' Shoes, worth up to $2.25, spe cially priced at One large assortment of Misses' and Children's Shoes at One-Fourth Off $2.98 $1.68 Ladies' long, soft Gauntlet Gloves at $1.19 Men's Hats One lot of odds and ends from broken stock and sample lines of yr Men's Hats at, ,l,0.y Caps Sample lines Men's Summer -jfn Caps, special at ' Neckties Nice line Men's Four-in- rr Hand and Teck Ties DU' Underwear Men's Balbriggan and Porous OEp Knit Underwear tuu Men's Balbriggan Underwear, Rflf standard quality UUu Boys' Derby Ribbed Under- 25lJ 2i-inch red and blue Hankerchiefs at. 5c Just received, an elegant line of STRAW HATS Men's Shoes We are closing out our entire line of "Stetson" Men's fine Dress Shoes at a discount of $1.00 per pair You know what this line is like and will appreciate the values. Men's Work Shirts Special at 39c, 50c and 65c Boys' Shoes One lot boys' welt sole dress shoes, sizes 12 to 2, reg ular $2.75 values, priced at One lot boys' welt sole dress shoes, sizes 9 to n, reg- CI 0"7 ular $2.50 vals., priced at. pl0 Wash Goods Remnants - Our wash goods remnant table is worthy of your inspection. N OR TONS Remember to bring your pocketbook with you and see what a lot of good dependable merchandise can be bought for very little money NOR TON s : 4 H